I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 156 Rebirth from the Fire

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Even the Kestrel King is just a mortal bird. How can he be so powerful?"

Chen Qi's spiritual transformation made Yu Hongwu stupid.

Because this completely shatters the "common sense" of the Kestrel Gate for thousands of years.

That is to say, it is impossible to become a Grandmaster simply by simulating the Kestrel.

The great masters who achieved success before the Kestrel Sect relied on collecting spiritual objects.

If Red Falcon Fist can really become a Grandmaster, why would Yu Hongwu bother to pursue the "Primary Martial Arts Code"?

But the facts are before our eyes. The guy with the 7 of Hearts actually succeeded.

It must be the kestrel from before, that kestrel king actually evolved into a supernatural being.

But how is this possible?

Although the kestrel had some special tricks, Yu Hongwu only thought it was some modification that Chen Qi had put on the bird.

Possessing extraordinary means and achieving an extraordinary life are completely different things. There is a huge difference between the two.

Evolving from ordinary life to extraordinary life is much more difficult than human spiritual awakening.

What the Kestrel Clan has not been able to do for thousands of years, why can this 7 of Hearts do it?

If Chen Qi knew what Yu Hongwu was thinking at this time, he would definitely despise him.

Are you, a bunch of warriors from the Kestrel Clan, worthy of comparing with me?

Can you harness the power of King's Game?

Do you have the Yakuza chip from the Black Blood Federation?

Do you have a constant supply of longevity hormones?

More importantly, do you have B3 level biological gene modules?

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Chen Qi's resources were thrown at a pig, it would be able to awaken its extraordinary bloodline.

Of course, the premise is that the pig has great luck.


"Yu Hongwu, how do you feel now?"

"It seems that I am more suitable to be the leader of the Red Falcon Sect than you!"

"Is this what it feels like to be a Grandmaster? It's really completely different."

Chen Qi, who has transformed into the "Kestrel King", feels more powerful than ever.

This power comes from his becoming more perfect physical body, and also from his spiritual transformation that has completed.

The so-called martial arts visions, or other so-called spiritual attack methods, in the final analysis, are nothing more than "releasing" the magical interference power in spirituality.

Generally speaking, the interfering force in spirituality is not obvious, it is perfectly integrated with cognition.

Therefore, spiritual confrontation is more of a rendering between cognitions.

But as the spiritual frequency gradually increases, the interference force becomes more and more powerful and begins to be gradually revealed.

Even at the holy realm stage, spirituality alone can tear apart atomic nuclei and achieve material reorganization.

[The extraordinary essence is to directly understand and transform the world through spirituality. 】

"Directly transforming the world" points to the "intervention power gradually revealed to the outside world."

The reason why Yu Hongwu's spirituality is comparable to "thousand-forged steel" is because he uses spiritual transformation to reveal the "interference force" in his spirituality.

The [King's Dominance] that Chen Qi is currently simulating uses the same method.

This was the confidence that gave Chen Qi the courage to challenge Yu Hongwu spiritually.


"Hmph, you're a lucky person. You are just simulating an ordinary extraordinary life. How can you compare with the great Tianjiu?"

"Okay, very good. The grudge between us originated from the Kestrel Fist. Today we will end it with the Kestrel Fist."

"Junior, I will let you understand one thing, your fists are still harder than ever!"

Boom, in the realm of reality, Yu Hongwu's body instantly broke through the speed of sound and punched Chen Qi hard on the head.

"Haha, just what I wanted."

Bang, the air shattered, sonic boom clouds rose, Chen Qi was enveloped in layers of air waves, and Yu Hongwu's fist hit him instantly.

This seemed to be just a physical confrontation between two people, but on a spiritual level, the giant kestrel and the green three-headed bird also collided together.

The unspeakable "explosion" centered on the two people and continued to spread in all directions.

In reality, layers of air waves carried terrifying shock waves, tearing apart the ground beneath their feet.

At the spiritual level, the aftermath of the collision of two different interference forces directly shattered the life magnetic field of all life within a radius of hundreds of square meters.

Of course, the only ones that suffered from the fish in the pond were some flowers and plants and insects that had no time to escape.

An animal with a little bit of vigilance would have already sensed something was wrong.

Not to mention Talonno who ran away early.

Even before the battle started, Chen Qi directly signaled Talonno to stay away.

But Yu Hongwu did not stop him at all.


"Hahaha, so happy!"

"[Instant Body Style]"


The long-lost boxing battle awakened the blood in Yu Hongwu's body.

To be precise, it awakened the sleeping memory of Kestrel Fist in his body.

On the spiritual level, the green three-headed bird suddenly flapped its wings, and Yu Hongwu in reality disappeared instantly, and his speed doubled again.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The huge kestrel shows no signs of weakness. In terms of speed, no one dares to compare with it.

The kestrel flapped its wings, and Chen Qi also disappeared, leaving only an afterimage.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

It was like two supersonic fighter jets flying at low altitude, and like two small mechas colliding with each other.

In just one second, the ground within a radius of 1 kilometer had been completely crushed into sand.

A series of vacuum air blades swept across the four directions, cutting the earth.

Every tree or boulder it passed was instantly broken.

These are two people who are equally proficient in Kestrel Fist, and they used the [Ten Blade Style] at the same time.

At a certain moment, the two people moving at supersonic speed suddenly collided with each other.

The figures of the two people stagnated for a moment, and then a terrifying air blade storm suddenly rose from the center of it.

Smoke and dust rose into the sky, and when the dust settled, a terrifying deep pit had been cut out by the air blade storm.


"Is this still human?"

"Why did I see countless afterimages, and even saw two terrifying strange birds fighting."

Three kilometers away from the battlefield, Talenno secretly glanced back for a few times, and then he fainted.

This was not just because the supersonic battle between the two warring parties left too many visual afterimages in his eyes.

More importantly, his spirituality received the information radiation escaping from the battlefield.

The source of this information radiation is the two terrifying strange birds that are fighting bloody battles.

Talonno, who witnessed everything, felt as if his spirit had been hit hard. The reason why he didn't faint completely was because he had run far enough.


"How is it possible? How can a mere kestrel compete with the great celestial dove!"

"I don't believe it, I don't accept it!"

Although the battle in reality only lasted three seconds, at the spiritual level, the battle between the kestrel and the green strange bird had gone on for thousands of rounds.

As a result, the two sides were evenly matched and hurt each other. How could Yu Hongwu accept this?

You must know that what he simulates is the "Celestial Dove", a great life that only exists in myths and legends.

How could an extraordinary life that evolved from a mere mortal bird be compared to a celestial dove?

"Yu Hongwu, I found that after your spirituality was contaminated, your mind became stupid, like a stupid fanatic believer."

"The powerful one is Tianjiu itself, what does that have to do with you?"

"Your spiritual frequency is only 41 points, how dare you compare with me?"

"If it weren't for Tianjiu's influence, your spirit would have been chopped into pieces by me."

With a chirp, the huge kestrel's wings were like knives, and it slashed dozens of times at the strange green bird.

The poor green strange bird instantly turned into a blood gourd.

But this is just a superficial injury to it, and it recovers as before in an instant.

This is the reason why Chen Qi has been unable to win. His spirituality is more powerful, but the nature of the Tianjiu simulated by Yu Hongwu is higher.

Between an increase and a decrease, the two barely tied.

There is no way to tell the winner at the spiritual level. In reality, it is even more difficult to tell the winner between two people using the same boxing technique.

For a moment, the two were at a stalemate.


And just when the battlefield here was in a stalemate, the battle on another battlefield started to heat up.

The terrifying Kestrel King was engulfed in black flames, and wherever he passed, black fire overflowed.

The human-headed centipede kept spewing out gray resentment, trying to corrode the flesh and blood of the Kestrel King.

But its attack was obviously in vain and simply added fuel to the fire.

Not only did King Kestrel not become weak, but he became more energetic as if he had taken Shiquan Dabu Pill.

On the outside, the black flames burned even more fiercely.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Seeing the human-headed centipede being torn apart by him again, the Kestrel King let out a proud cry.

Even though the latter reassembled his body again, the black flames attached to the stumps showed no signs of extinguishing and instead continued to spread.

After several rounds of testing, King Kestrel finally determined a fact.

That is, this big centipede has been completely defeated by himself, and its only means are those three axes.

After up to 30 heartbeats, it can end the battle.

Then it can help its owner.


"The situation is not good. The battle on Xiaohong's side is almost over."

"If I am still unable to deal with Yu Hongwu, wouldn't I be laughed at by that little guy?"

Chen Qi naturally heard the triumphant cry of the Kestrel King.

In fact, it wasn't just him, Yu Hongwu also noticed it.

From the beginning to the end, even though the two were fighting life and death, they still retained a trace of attention to the other battlefield.

Now the two are in a stalemate, and once another battle is decided, it will inevitably affect this place.

But now it seems that Yu Hongwu should be the next unlucky one.

I can only blame his ally for not being strong enough!

"Damn, that stupid evil spirit is going to lose."

"Sure enough, stupid things are stupid things, you can't expect too much!"

"In this case, we can only use that move."


Determined, Yu Hongwu finally used his own desperate measures.

The essence of that page of stone book is a "yin contract". Yu Hongwu not only imitated Tianjiu spiritually, but also signed a contract with the great Tianjiu.

As long as he sacrifices his own spirituality, he can borrow the power of the great celestial dove.

Damn 7 of Hearts, end it.



Among the remaining two heads of the three-headed strange bird, the bird's head suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Yu Hongwu's head instantly changed and turned into a lifelike head of a strange bird.


The strange bird suddenly screamed strangely, and a green light wave spit out from the bird's beak, instantly hitting the huge kestrel.

This green light wave was so weird and terrifying that even if the kestrel blocked it with its wings, it was still penetrated into its body.

"Hahaha, it's over, everything is over."

"Seven of Hearts, taste death in despair."

"No need to struggle, it's useless, that's the power of the great Tianjiu, you're dead."

The only remaining bird head turned into Yu Hongwu's head again. It seemed that the sacrifice did not have any impact on him.

But the truth is cruel.

In the realm of reality, Yu Hongwu's body twisted and squirmed strangely, and thousands of green feathers sprouted from his pores.

What's even more terrifying is that the green lines that originally only appeared on the skin fell off layer by layer, revealing a layer of emerald green flesh.

Even the blood flowing in Yu Hongwu's body was rendered with a layer of green light.


The changes in his body seemed to bring endless pain to Yu Hongwu. He fell to his knees and kept twitching.

However, even though he was so miserable, he still had a wild sense of pride on his face, because the 7 of Hearts would only make things worse.


In reality, the moment Chen Qi was hit, he lost control of his body and fell to the ground instantly.

This is because his spirituality is being destroyed.

"Sizzle, sizzle!"

On the spiritual level, after the green light enters the body, it seems to turn into concentrated sulfuric acid, flowing freely along the blood vessels of the giant kestrel.

You can imagine what a horrific torture this was. Chen Qi felt as if he had really fallen into a pool of sulfuric acid, and every part of his body was being melted.

Everything is just as Yu Hongwu said, this comes from the power of the great Tianjiu, which is simply not something Chen Qi can resist.

No matter how hard Chen Qi tried, he could not stop the spiritual dissolution.

"Hahaha, it's useless, you're dead!"

Yu Hongwu looked at the gradually melting kestrel with great pleasure, as if this could alleviate his own pain.

He has unparalleled confidence in his attack.

Although the essence of that green light is still a power that he simulates with his own spirituality. .

But with the help of the sacrifice, he once again came into contact with the breath of the great celestial dove, although it was still just an illusory and insignificant breath.

But he is indeed closer to the great Tianjiu. Yu Hongwu's simulation is a kind of imitation. The closer the distance is, the more clearly he can see, and the simulated power will naturally become more powerful.

Of course, after getting too close to the great existence, he must pay the price.

But as long as you can kill the Seven of Hearts, it's all worth it.



Under Yu Hongwu's eyes, the huge kestrel disappeared little by little.

In the blink of an eye, only a small bird head remained of the original hundred-meter giant bird.

Seeing that the final death was about to come, Yu Hongwu immediately opened his eyes and stared hard, for fear of missing this scene.

However, the next moment, the kestrel's head was about to be melted by the green light.

"Huang, Huang!"

In a daze, Yu Hongwu seemed to hear an extremely mysterious sound.

It seemed to be a bird song, extremely grand and distant.

It seems to have disappeared from the world a long time ago, but now it has come again across the long river of time.

Then Yu Hongwu saw light, endless light.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Yu Hongwu actually saw a kestrel reborn from the ashes in the vast white light.

Well, it's not an illusion.

As the white light disappeared, or collapsed, a kestrel with its wings burning with flames appeared in the world.

Although this kestrel looks only 10 meters in size, it is more powerful than the previous 100-meter body.

"Tianhuang Disintegrating Knife!"

The next moment, the kestrel's wings closed together and turned into a cursed sword burning with red flames.


The sword fell silently, and without any resistance, the strange green bird with a human head and a bird's body was directly wiped out from the world.

Also disappearing together was Yu Hongwu’s physical body.

In the real world, a dark humanoid mark remains on the ground, proving that what just happened was not an illusion.

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