I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 165 Everyone has their own agenda

The appearance of Lin Biyun did not disturb Chen Qi's mood.

The news she brought about the devil just gave Chen Qi some more fun.

When the sky falls, there will naturally be tall men to carry it, and when the "demons" mutate in the capital, the apostles will naturally worry about it.

What Chen Qi has to do now is very simple, adjust his condition, and kill the Yin Eclipse Sanren in one fell swoop tomorrow.

It seems that this old guy really had some luck. He suddenly sat up in the middle of his dying illness and regained his youth again.

Chen Qi had obtained Qi Tianming's memory and naturally knew the old man's next plan very well.


Probably because he has learned from many failed experiences in the past, Yin Eclipse Sanren has changed his mind this time. He is no longer obsessed with piecing together cards, but intends to complete it in one step and completely integrate himself with the core cards.

According to this old guy's plan, on July 15th, he will use the sacred urn to extract the power of the mountain god that pervades the world, and then use a certain ritual he obtained from the Yin Contract to completely transform himself into something Spirit life.

After that, he can completely get rid of the human body, directly occupy the magpie's nest, and settle in the card.

I have to say that this old guy is very thoughtful. Others are worried about the erosion of cards, but he directly turns against the customers.

Although Chen Qi didn't know how Yin Eclipse Sanren would resolve the battle with the card's original consciousness, since he dared to do so, he must have already thought of a way.

The key to this must be related to the Yin Contract, that is, Yu Hongwu's stone page.

Otherwise, Yin Eclipse Sanren would not have just found a way to survive after having obtained the Divine Artifact for so many years.


Qi Tianming originally planned to rush forward and stab him at the critical moment of Yin Eclipse's transformation.

But due to the existence of the divine urn, he was worried that his consciousness might not be able to break through that barrier.

That's why I came up with the idea of ​​killing Chen Qi first and improving my strength before fighting the boss.

It's a pity that Chen Qi is superior after all.

Now that Qi Tianming is dying, how to deal with the Yin Eclipse Sanren has naturally become Chen Qi's "trouble".

Chen Qi would not be stupid enough to let the Yin Eclipse Sanren successfully transform. Once that guy is completely integrated with the card, conventional means will definitely not be able to kill it. Chen Qi can only rely on making wishes.

This is such a loss!


Just like Qi Tianming's plan, Chen Qi also planned to "take advantage of others' danger and add insult to injury", but he did not intend to use Qi Tianming's "pig attack tactics"!

If his conscious body crashes into the divine urn, Qi Tianming will be able to laugh even if he dies.

"What Yin Eclipse Sanren transforms is his subjective consciousness. During this process, his subconscious mind is responsible for controlling his ability clone and protecting his safety."

"My plan is very simple. Just hit him with punches and kicks and beat him to death."

"I can't learn from Qi Tianming. What's the use of all those fancy tricks? The weirder the tricks, the faster you'll die."

Chen Qi, who consciously made a battle plan, just waited for the arrival of Baigui Yixing.

Fortunately, there is a beautiful woman in the Fadil mining area. Although she is chattering, at least she is eye-catching!

The only problem is that this woman actually started bribing Xiao Hong. Is she really planning to inherit Chen Qi's legacy?

After all, they are allies, but this stance is too biased.

Yin Eclipse Sanren is just a bad old man. Chen Qi feels that he is a sure winner.

It's time to start the road to slap in the face!

Chen Qi is going to show off his skills tomorrow, shocking those who don't think highly of him.


Chen Qi is full of confidence and calm.

But some people are not calm anymore!

"Captain, there are too many people staring at us now."

"Even if we summon the core of the divine core tomorrow, we will still have to go through a bloody battle."

"A little carelessness, but I made wedding clothes for others."

"The situation in the game has reached such a point, do we still need to implement the plan?"

In Black Iron City, Ace of Spades Finks was having a candlelit night conversation with Fon Norman.

Since the core of the tiger is to be summoned, the location can only be Luan Xing Rock.

And the new mining area, which is the site of the Black Death Prison, is the first choice.

So it's really not surprising that the first team appears in Black Iron City.

Finks, who claims to be an intelligent player, has never been "hard-headed". As more and more people are eyeing their plan, he feels that there is no need to continue.

At most, the Mountain God Cells should be handed over to Botley and others and let them fiddle around on their own.


"This matter is not as simple as you think."

"It's impossible for us to stop now."

"Not to mention that the old Yin Eclipse Sanjin is still waiting for our Hyakki Yakou to be promoted. The person behind the Karu family alone cannot stop us."

"I didn't expect things to turn out like this. Originally, things were quite simple, but once the empire offered a bounty, everything went into chaos!"

Fon Norman is also extremely depressed now, despite the fact that the Immortality Cells and Divine Artifacts are famous and sought after by countless outsiders.

But players really don't take them seriously.

We really can’t blame the players for their short-sightedness, lack of knowledge, and arrogance.

It's really because these two things are of little use to them. Compared to cards that can continuously evolve, they are really not worth mentioning.

Von Norman's original plan was to "make a big sale" after finding it!

Otherwise, how could it be possible to get everyone in the team to plan this matter together? Of course, it is because everyone has advantages.

Obtaining resources and knowledge from the outside world and improving your own cards is the way to go.


But after the empire offered a bounty, everything was completely different.

The Karu family, which had always been unknown and only had two dead members left, actually took refuge with a certain apostle player.

In other words, they should have been under the protection of a certain apostle player, but now they have been exposed publicly.

The greatest value of the Karu family is that they once served as wardens and guarded Gutav, who was still an ordinary person.

Players have always suspected that Gutav was able to escape from the Black Death Prison alive because he obtained some kind of powerful treasure.

This treasure is the key to the rise of His Majesty the King.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain that His Majesty the King, an ordinary person, actually created "King's Game".

The game was in a state of balance before, and the apostles had no intention of digging into the inside story of the king's rise.

But now it is completely different. If the apostles want to kill Gutav, they must find out his trump card.

Fon Norman didn't know what the two guys from the Carew family said to the adult, and they actually received his full support.

Botley's idea of ​​taking away the core of the sacred urn is destined to fail.

The original plan was for the first team to join forces with Botelli and kill the two members of the Carew family in a black and white scheme.

But now, von Norman can't help himself.

Moreover, "Hundred Ghosts Night Parade" is related to the promotion of Yin Eclipse Sanren. This is also a test by the apostles to His Majesty the King. How could they be allowed to stop work halfway?

Von Norman and the others are now the ducks that have been pushed into the fight. If they make the slightest mistake, they will be killed.


In the same Black Iron City, Botley and the other three were also having secret talks.

"Botrey, do we really want to take the risk?"

"Fon Norman's group must be unreliable. Can the players we lured here be reliable?"

A black-haired man looked at Botelli worriedly. They were really unlucky this time.

If there hadn't been a hidden secret within the first team, they would have been fooled and fooled into death by the Von Norman and the Carew family.

"Hmph, Von Norman used to be a lawful person, and the biggest backstage was that demon!"

"Now that his background is gone, he naturally doesn't dare to offend the apostle players."

"But don't forget that there are four apostles in the game. The [Sun King] standing behind the Karu family is just a remnant of the Seven Kings, just a mere commander."

"The other three are all closely related to the outside world and have their own power under their command."

"Fon Norman doesn't dare to trade with us, so of course someone will!"

"Von Norman wants to lead the team to defect to the [Sun King], but he is tired of living!"

"It's time for these demon followers to withdraw from the stage!"

Botre had no worries about the situation at hand. In terms of resources, intelligence, and connections, Von Norman and the others didn't even bother to carry their shoes!

It's just that their own power is too far away from the Blue Taro Kingdom and they have not been projected over. Otherwise, there must be one of them among the apostle players in the game now.

"Botley is right. Although I am responsible for contacting those players, they are not just here to trade with us."

"This is just a cover!"

"I suspect that their purpose is to kill Fon Norman and others and completely eliminate the demon's subordinates."

"Of course, it is also to restrict the Sun King from cultivating his own power in the game."

"We still have to be cautious tomorrow and withdraw immediately if the situation becomes unfavorable."

"The three guys who searched for immortality cells are dead. We can't follow in their footsteps."

At the mention of the other three unlucky guys who were dead, the three of them looked sad.

The direction of the wind this time was very wrong. A total of 8 extraordinary people entered, and now only 3 of them are left.

If I had known this, I wouldn't have risked coming in.


At the same moment!

Dozens of miles away from the Black Iron City, two men, one old and one young, looked at the ruins of the Black Death Prison with very sad expressions.

"Burt Carew, no matter what the cost, we must find the secret of that demon this time."

"After the core of the god appears, I will use my family's secret method to completely integrate with the god and transform into a mountain god."

"This Blue Taro Kingdom was originally the divine domain of the Mountain God, and the Black Death Prison was the core of the divine domain. No matter what happened here before, there will definitely be information left behind."

"Even if I burn myself and go back in time, I will still find Gutav's secret."

"Only in this way can we kill that demon."

"What's more important is to obtain the treasure that will make Gutav stand up and revive the great Karu family."

Nelson Carew's eyes were full of fanaticism and despair.

The main culprit for the reason why the Karu family fell from a great extraordinary family to the mortal world is the damn Gutav.

On the day Gutav ascended the throne, the Black Death Prison completely collapsed, and naturally the Carew family suffered the most heavy losses.

But this was only the beginning of the disaster for the Karoo family, as the game of kings enveloped the Blue Taro Kingdom, especially after the birth of super powers.

Under His Majesty the King's overt and covert targeting, the Karu family is getting worse day by day, and is completely declining.

Of course, it was not that the Karu family had resisted. From the day Gutav ascended the throne, they began planning an assassination.

Unfortunately, I could never kill the demon.

Naturally, the Karu family also participated in the bloody coup. After that failure, the huge Karu family completely collapsed. From a large family with a population of thousands to only a few people left.

If they hadn't transferred part of their strength abroad in time, the Karu family might have become extinct.

Compared with the players who were harvested one after another, the Karu family, with its orderly inheritance, knew the rise of Gutav better than anyone else.

They were extremely convinced that Gutav obtained a treasure from the Black Death Prison and achieved a counterattack in life.

As the warden of the Black Death Prison for hundreds of years, the Carew family naturally believed that Gutav had stolen their treasures.

It also stole the opportunity for their Karu family to achieve greatness.

Therefore, even though there were heavy casualties, the Karu family still refused to completely withdraw from the Blue Taro Country.

This is not only to avenge the devil, but also to obtain the treasure and realize the great revival of the Karu family.

The outside world is not so easy to mess with, not to mention that everyone in the Karu family is shouting for beatings in the inner world.


"Don't worry, Patriarch, even if I die, I will pass on this secret."

"Everyone knows that cooperating with the Sun King is seeking skin from a tiger."

"But what our Karu family is not afraid of the most is sacrifice!"

"These greedy players will eventually be killed by the demon one by one. Only our Karu family, which once imprisoned the demon, can imprison him again."

"And this time, we will never give Gutav a chance to live."

Bult's eyes were full of tears, and using the family's secret method to merge with the gods was not without cost.

In particular, what the clan leader is going to fuse is the core of the divine system and try to trace the lost information.

It's almost certain death.

But this is the "spirit of sacrifice" of the Carew family, and it was through this sacrifice that the Carew family completely took control of the Black Death Prison.

Bult is also ready to sacrifice. Once the Sun King knows the secret, he will definitely kill people and silence them.

But it doesn't matter, the great Karu family will not perish.

By the end of this round of the game, all old players will inevitably be killed by the demons.

And the Karu family, which has mastered all the secrets of the devil, is destined to achieve glory in the next round of the game.


Time is passing by little by little amid everyone's own motives.

Soon, a new day arrives.

July 15, 17649 AD, Yin!

In the Fadil Mining Area, the remaining 30 or so apprentices were reluctant to leave and left the game square with one step at a time.

Just today, as a bolt from the blue, the service of "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" was completely stopped.

No matter how much they beg, this is something that cannot be changed.

According to the woman, this place will have a new owner in the future.

The game company is completely bankrupt, and they can only admit that they are out of luck.

The apprentices originally wanted to protest, but Lin Biyun made a little move and they were convinced.


"Seven of Hearts, it seems you finally figured it out!"

"I didn't expect that in addition to the entire mining area, you would also leave me this Earth Master's Compass. You are so loyal."

"When are you going to go on the road? I've already prepared the wine, just in time to see you off."

Early this morning, Lin Biyun received instructions from Chen Qi, asking her to disperse those apprentices who were addicted to games.

From Lin Biyun's point of view, it was obvious that the team was about to break up and divide the property.

Of course she went to work happily!

However, Chen Qi's original intention was just to find this woman something to do when she was bored.

So that she wouldn't bother King Kestrel all the time.

Xiaohong had protested to him several times. If Chen Qi hadn't tried his best to comfort him, and Lin Biyun wouldn't have said that he was disfigured, all his hair would have definitely disappeared.

As for why Chen Qi dispersed these apprentices, it was of course because he was going to carry out a major project and this place was no longer suitable for beings who were too weak to stay.

If Lin Biyun hadn't been promoted to LV3, she would have been kicked out.


Xiaobai turned into a silver-white cane and appeared in Chen Qi's hand. As Chen Qi pointed, the terrain of the entire mining area began to undulate.

"Wow, is this the source mine? It's so beautiful!"

"Seven of Hearts, are you reinforcing the magic circle in the mining area for me now? I'm so touched!"

"I will always remember you as a friend."

Lin Biyun stared at the silver-white scepter in Chen Qi's hand, her eyes almost unable to pop out.

Chen Qi didn't bother to explain to this woman. After all, we were all friends.

It is completely understandable that Lin Biyun had some brain problems after encountering the devil.


Chen Qi's busy schedule lasted all day.

Lin Biyun didn't realize the problem at first, but when the moon climbed into the sky.

Lin Biyun finally woke up!

This 7 of Hearts was actually "cowarded" and had no intention of sniping at the Yin Eclipse Sanren.

In other words, her idea of ​​inheriting the 7 of Hearts property may have completely failed.

No wonder 7 of Hearts continues to strengthen and renovate the mining area. It turns out that this coward actually wants to "carry it to death."

Lin Biyun, who consciously figured everything out, looked at Chen Qi with contempt.

She felt it was time to think about her next home, and she definitely couldn't stay here for a long time.

"Haha, you're done!"

At the same time, Chen Qi happened to place the compass in the center of the vast ritual and completely completed the entire project.

The moment Chen Qi turned his head, he happened to witness Lin Biyun's polar reversal.

He glanced at Lin Biyun rather strangely. There was something wrong with this woman's eyes.

Oh, maybe it’s because she has little talent and knowledge and can’t understand.

Considering that Lin Biyun was also illiterate, Chen Qi felt that she must be jealous of him.

I can't even control my own emotions. This should be the "sequelae" of encountering the devil!


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