I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 174 Outer Rim World

[Immortality Curse], this is a very evil inheritance, which once caused a lot of trouble in the outer world.

The Chris family was sent back to the Inner Ring World because of their involvement.

Chen Qi did not obtain the specific cultivation method of the [Immortality Curse] amid the resentment of Jomoa Chris.

Because this mysterious inheritance has always been recorded in the blood of the Chris family.

Qiao Moya also gained the qualification to practice the [Immortality Curse] because he awakened his family bloodline.

Of course, it was also for this reason that he was unable to undergo spiritual awakening.


In fact, Qiao Moya's method of practicing the Immortal Curse is very simple, that is, burning his family's bloodline, releasing the power of the Immortal Curse, and transforming his own consciousness.

After that, once he dies, the resentment born will have a magical ability.

It can parasitize in the human body like a leech, and by stealing human vitality, life magnetic field, and spirituality, it can breed new consciousness in resentment.

Since the newly born consciousness possesses all the memories of the original body, it can be regarded as a reincarnation of consciousness.

The most frightening thing is that the newly born consciousness can engulf the host's consciousness and achieve the perfect dove occupying the magpie's nest.

So there is no need to say more about what exactly Jomoa Chris had planned.


Jomoa Chris only dared to try his hand at the devil's game because he had the means to be immortal.

It's just that his luck was really bad, and he directly drew the fatal card.

What's even more unfortunate is that Jomoa Chris underestimated the devil's game.

After he actually possessed the card, he discovered that his consciousness was locked tightly by a purple chain, and even the immortal curse could not get rid of it.

At this point, he still did not despair. Instead, he felt that this was an opportunity to completely control the cards.

According to his deduction, the resentment after his death will be transformed into a game character after entering the card.

And as long as the successor inherits the "game character", he can draw power from the successor and come alive again.

At that time, it will be easy to swallow the successor and resurrect, or to swallow the card's consciousness.

That's why Jomoa Chris carries the diary with him and uses his property and magical knowledge to tempt his successors to keep their game characters.

He believed that no matter whether his successors were ordinary people or apprentices, they would not be able to resist this temptation.

As for whether the successor may be illiterate?

The probability of this is still very small, after all, his last words were in common human script.

With the literacy rate of 99.8% in Blue Taro Country, there is no need to worry at all.

The reason why the literacy rate is so high is the result of Gutav's efforts.

Qiao Moya Chris didn't know the reason, but Chen Qi had some guesses.

This is to nourish the spirituality of ordinary people so that it can be harvested more permanently.

Although the card selection seems to be random, most of the people selected are quite talented in spiritual aspects.

It is almost impossible for such a person to be illiterate, so Jomoa Chris uses diary writing to induce others, and the success rate is still very high.


The card's successor, Erland Zoff, really couldn't resist the temptation and chose to inherit the game character.

The same goes for Chen Qi next.

However, what Jomoa Chris did not expect was that when he extracted enough power from Elland, consciousness sprouted again.

He was actually swallowed directly by the card's consciousness, as if the latter had been watching him for a long time.

In this way, Jomoya was resurrected and eaten again and again, until the power of the immortal curse completely dissipated.

By the time Chen Qi inherited the card, Qiao Moya would have been completely dead.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Chen Qi not to discover abnormalities after his spiritual awakening.

In the final analysis, Qiao Moya still underestimated the power of King's Game.

Whether it is a blue-headed demon dragon or a sky-reaching giant, their power levels are all at the holy level. How could someone steal a house right under their noses?

Chen Qi suspected that the reason why Jomoa Chris failed was because the power of the [Immortality Curse] was too eye-catching and stimulated the game's defense mechanism.

Can cause huge disturbances in the outer world. The level of the [Immortality Curse] must also be very high.

Its appearance is like a wooden thorn piercing into the flesh. It would be strange if it is not targeted.

This is an instinctive confrontation between higher-level forces.

The death of Jomoa Chris was not unjust at all!


The reason why Chen Qi knows all this is because in his resentment, he actually recorded all the memories from Qiao Moya's birth to death, from the rebirth of consciousness to infinite death, until the immortal curse dissipated.

This is the basic ability of the immortal curse. Only by transcribing all memories into resentment can we ensure that the newly born consciousness has the same origin.

Chen Qi has obtained the entire life of Qiao Moya Chris, so he can naturally know everything.

"It's made, it's made, hahaha!"

"The inheritance treasure house of the Chris family belongs to me!"

"Hey, it's a pity that the distant water can't quench the near thirst. I can't leave the Blue Taro Country now."

As the saying goes, the cunning rabbit has three caves. After all, it is also an earl family. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and the rotten ship still has three pounds of nails.

Most of the valuable treasures of the Chris family have been sold out by the prodigal son, but there are still a lot of incomplete secret inheritances left.

Especially as the family becomes weaker and weaker from generation to generation, they pay less and less attention to these things. In the past hundred years, they have even been gathering ashes in the secret library and no one has read it.

Although Qiao Moya is very motivated, the basic condition for opening the family secret vault is spiritual awakening and becoming a transcendent.

And he was clearly unqualified.

What Jomoa Chris should do most is to learn from his grandfather and father, marry a wife, have children, produce offspring, and place his hopes on the next generation.

But he was obviously unwilling to live such a mediocre life, so he chose a more dangerous path and entered the devil's game.

As a result, Chen Qi is now extremely sure that the Chris family has been completely extinct.

It's not that the Chris family didn't want to overproduce the population, but since they entered the inner ring world, their fertility rate has begun to decline sharply.

In the past hundred years, it has been passed down from generation to generation.

In fact, it is not just the Chris family that is like this, all the extraordinary families who are sent to the inner ring world are so "sparsely populated".

This is the cruelty of fate.


Although Chen Qi can only glare at the secret library of the Chris family, there are still some good things in Qiao Moya's memory.

For example, the secret technique of identifying source minerals, and some other messy things.

But because the memory is too huge, Chen Qi has to sort it out slowly.

Fortunately, in the past few days, the card fusion must not be going on anymore, so he has plenty of time.

Who can stand having game mechanics triggered twice a day?

So at the initiative of a certain enthusiastic person, with the push of the Nuris Federation, and with the unanimous approval of the old players, the newly born new players were given the important task of maintaining the stability of the game.

Maintaining the smooth operation of King's Game is related to everyone's interests, and naturally no one will object.

Players just want to beat the game and get rewards.

Didn't plan on getting eaten by a game that "got into chaos".

The game mechanism is frequently triggered, making players' cards ready to move.

This is not a good sign.

If the game falls into major turmoil again, everyone will experience another backlash, and veteran players will definitely bear the brunt of the disaster.

It is precisely because they understand this that they agree to let new players be responsible for maintaining the order of the game.


"Our mission is to maintain the stability and peace of Blue Taro Country!"

"Our mission is to suppress all outsiders who cause chaos."

"Our future responsibility is to maintain the smooth operation of King's games."

In a high-rise building in Pucheng, the newly born [Maintenance Committee] is holding its first mobilization meeting.

13 new players gathered together, and Wang Jiade was on the podium raising his arms and shouting.

The moment Wang Jiade finished his speech, thunderous applause broke out.

Emotions were clearly high.

Fortunately, Wang Jiade was selected by the Nuris Federation and became the first president of the maintenance committee.

As a smart man, Wang Jiade certainly knows why this kind of pie hits his head!

Not only did he immediately go to the Metal Castle to swear allegiance, he also tried his best to invite Chen Qi to attend the founding ceremony of the maintenance committee.

It's a pity that he was rejected by that adult. This has to be said to be a pity.

Wang Jiade knew very well that the 12 people in the audience were very proud of themselves, but this was all appearances.

We are all new players, why should you be the guild leader?

Isn’t it just because he knows how to be a bitch and flatter?

Now that you have just gained superpowers, everyone is a noob, so naturally you will be given some face.

After everyone is promoted to LV2, it will be hard to say.

Wang Jiade wanted to invite Chen Qi to be his platform because he knew this very well.

But how could Chen Qi have the time to play house with them?

He is very busy now!


After the maintenance meeting was established, it immediately launched a crackdown on those unscrupulous foreign apprentices.

The 13 of them are not foolhardy, they also have a group of apprentices.

So by bullying the few with more, attacking the culprits, dividing and outflanking, the arrogance of the foreign apprentices was quickly suppressed.

But this group of apprentices is indeed from a prosperous place, and their strength is much stronger than ordinary apprentices.

Even though the 13 novice players had superpowers, it took them a full week to master everything.

Fortunately, the time spent barely exceeded expectations, otherwise the newly established maintenance committee would be destroyed!

During this process, the 13 newly born players were replaced by 3 more. It has to be said that the new players are weak chickens and can be killed by the apprentices.

But fortunately, the Blue Taro Kingdom has regained its stability, and the game of kings is no longer chaotic three times a day.


It took Chen Qi five days to completely sort out the memory of Jomoa Chris.

The reason why it is so slow is that although many of the memories in it are not specific knowledge, they are still quite useful for broadening one's horizons.

Chen Qi, who had never left the Blue Taro Country, was really taught a lesson by the dead Qiao Moya.

Chen Qi had a vague understanding of everything about the inner world through the memories of his apprentices.

But those guys are just ordinary apprentices after all, and their knowledge of the world in the inner ring world is far less than that of Jomoa Chris.

Of course, this part of the memory only interested Chen Qi slightly and took a little more time.

What really shocked Chen Qi was Qiao Moya's knowledge of the outer world in his memory.

After all, the Chris family is an earl. Even though it has declined in the past few hundred years, they have at least been around in the outer world, and their knowledge is naturally not comparable to that of a frog in a well in the inner world.

Of course, the Chris family has become increasingly declining in the past hundred years, and many things are passed down by word of mouth, or even used as bragging rights.

Everything Qiao Moya knew was just a few words, very fragmented.

But even so, Chen Qi still saw a magnificent and mysterious world, and was deeply shocked by some of it.


For example, some continents in the outer world have life.

Billions of intelligent beings exist in it, creating some very incredible beings.

The outer world is also divided into different circles. The further away from human civilization, the more dangerous it becomes.

Orcs, aliens, super life forms, all kinds of evil beings, many civilization relics, the entire outer world is simply an endless treasure house.

But it is also a cruel hunting ground, with endless lives fighting every moment.

Generally speaking, human civilization still dominates the outer world.

Because the World Tree, the core of the outer world, is always in the hands of the world government.


There is a very magical theory about the World Tree, or the origin of this civilized community.

Legend has it that millions of years ago, this world community was just a magma purgatory.

Endless spiritual energy bursts out from the depths of the earth, boiling all matter into a pot of soup.

One day, a giant flame bird flew over here and dropped a seed.

Miraculously, the seeds survived and began to sprout and grow in the pot of boiling soup.

As the seeds grew, they continuously extracted the spiritual power rising from the depths of the earth. Finally, with the birth of a seedling, the boiling magma world began to stop expanding.

As the saplings grew bigger and bigger, one hundred thousand years later, the original magma world had shrunk hundreds of millions of times, leaving only a small magma lake.

And this magma lake was the former outer world.

At this time, the small sapling had grown into a giant tree that covered the sky and the sun, and its height was simply uncountable.

And just after the towering tree grew, the giant flame bird came again and made its home in the tree.

Ten thousand years later, one day, the towering tree suddenly began to burn and turned into a pillar of fire reaching the sky.

This fire burned for 30,000 years. Finally, with the rise of two suns, one large and one small, the giant tree that had burned out its strength completely collapsed.

The collapse of the giant tree tore the earth apart again, and with the surge of spiritual energy, everything seemed to be happening again.

But after the death of the giant tree, a new seed was born.

As the small tree was reborn, the spiritual energy emerging from the depths of the earth was completely swallowed up, and even the original magma lake completely disappeared.

This is clearly because the energy here is no longer enough to support the growth of the small tree.

Eventually, the small trees stopped growing, and the world became completely stable.

The years that followed were the emergence of endless life.

It wasn't until 500,000 years ago that intelligent life finally conquered all races and successfully occupied the World Tree.

They also carried a bird eggshell to a tree and used it as the foundation to build the royal court.

Rumor has it that the eggshell originated from the giant flame bird, and that it formed its own time and space, creating its own world.

But everything will eventually rise and fall. At this time, the world transformed from the eggshell is already the seat of the world government.


Chen Qi was naturally not convinced by this exaggerated mythical story.

Such a huge territory in the outer world was actually just a small magma lake hundreds of thousands of years ago, which was a bit beyond his imagination.

As for an eggshell being able to form a world of its own, that's even more incredible.

Perhaps only after he enters the outer world and sees the so-called World Tree can he truly appreciate the grandeur of this myth.

It's a pity that even at the peak of the Chris family, they were unable to witness the existence of the World Tree with their own eyes.

It's actually because the outer world is too huge and too dangerous.

It’s not a place where you can just wander around and travel!

In Qiao Moya's memory, there is another description of the outer world that makes Chen Qi very concerned.

The flow rate of time in the outer world is actually different from that in the inner world.

Especially on land with life, the higher the spiritual frequency, the faster time flows.

On the most exaggerated continent, the passage of time is a thousand times that of the inner ring world.

And it is also the place with the most spiritual energy in the outer world, and a flesh-and-blood battlefield where countless intelligent races compete.

It can be said that although Chen Qi did not obtain much extraordinary knowledge from the memory of Jomoa Chris, the mere words about the outer world were quite satisfactory to him.


After getting the memory of Qiao Moya Chris, Chen Qi started the deep integration of cards.

But this time, things didn't go so smoothly for him.

LV5, which can stop countless players, finally made Chen Qi hit a wall.

After spending more than half a month, Chen Qi had just figured out a clue.

But Chen Qi himself didn’t know whether it would be possible.

According to his feeling, the probability of success now is only 30% at most.

"No, we can't do it behind closed doors."

"I have no inspiration at all now, and continuing to retreat is just a waste of time."

"Now that the King's Game has been transformed into a battle game, let's use actual combat to verify everything I have conceived."

"I remember that a few of my enemies seemed to be alive and well. This is not okay."

In the metal castle, Chen Qi, who had figured everything out, began to look through his little notebook to see who was recorded in it.

The number one ranking is naturally the Yin Eclipse Sanren, but unfortunately this old guy is already dead.

After passing through several more dead people, Chen Qi finally found a target.

Ace of Spades Finks, the former owner of Earth Master Compass, this guy left a deep impression on Chen Qi at the time, so he had to give him a ride.

After flipping through a few more pages, the next target came into view.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, this Digital Elf almost seems to have a grudge against him.

The only option is to strike first.

But there are only two enemies. Isn’t that too few?

Chen Qi searched again unwillingly, and finally found another fish that had slipped through the net.

Everick, this old guy took away what the Prime Minister left for him and threatened to report him. It is really hateful.

He must be added!

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