I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 178 Demonic Eyes

On September 7, 17649, Typhoon "Mino", known as the windiest this year, arrived as scheduled.


The wind roared, the sky and the earth changed color, and the entire Blue Taro Kingdom shivered in the baptism of the typhoon.

Under such bad weather, even the miserable office workers have a chance to breathe.

It can be said that there are no pedestrians on the streets of the entire Blue Taro Country, and only buildings that are blown away from time to time are showing off in the air.

However, even under such bad weather, there were still an old man and a young man walking in the typhoon.

They simply regarded the typhoon as if it were nothing. Every step they took at will would cause them to step on the wind.

Rumble, two thunder sounds came and went.

This is not the lightning appearing in the typhoon, but the speed of the old man and the young man reaching several times the speed of sound.


"Damn, I really learned a lesson from an old man today."

"I thought I was running fast enough, but I didn't expect this old guy to throw away his crutch and run faster than me."

"Averick, you are really getting stronger with age."

During the typhoon, Chen Qi, whose speed reached 1.5 times the speed of sound, was extremely depressed.

Because it was visible to the naked eye that the distance between him and Everrick was getting wider and wider.

At this time, only a little shadow of him can be seen vaguely.

After completing the analysis of the eyeballs, Chen Qi began his second hunt.

With the intelligence support of the Nuris Federation, he finally blocked Everrick today.

However, this old guy was worthy of being chased. The moment he sensed Chen Qi's appearance, he ran away immediately.

The speed at that moment directly exceeded three times the speed of sound.

What can Chen Qi do?

Of course we can only chase!

This old thing is as slippery as a loach, and ordinary attacks can't lock it in at all.


"Didi, didi!"

At this moment, Chen Qi's communicator suddenly sounded. He opened it curiously, but Everick's voice came from inside.

Chen Qi was not too surprised. After all, we all worked together, so it was not surprising that this old guy knew his communication number.

As for why Everrick called him?

Of course it's because the speed of the two of them is too fast now, and their voices can't catch up.


"Young man, why bother?"

"Your speed is so different from mine, so you should go home and practice for a few more years!"

"You have been chasing me for a long time, and the entire Blue Taro Kingdom has been turned around by us."

"It's windy and rainy today, so why not take a break first."

Everick in the communicator was very proud of himself. Although he was chased in an awkward manner, it turned out that he was the fastest runner.

Young people can’t do that.

Everrick was also full of resentment at this time. The weather was so bad today, but he was enjoying his drink.

As a result, someone suddenly knocked on the door and chased the northwest wind who had been drinking for three or four hours.

There is really no respect for the elderly at all!


"Old guy, are you going to die?"

"That's right. Your old arms and legs should be getting worn out after running for so long?"

"Do you know why I'm chasing you today?"

"Think about what you have done in the archives. Please hand over the file you took away."

Chen Qi was also very rude at this time. He really didn't expect Everick to be so able to run away.

No wonder this old guy’s super power is called [Speed ​​Force], but Chen Qi doesn’t accept it!

After all, he is also a great master of martial arts, and his physical body can easily break the speed of sound. How could he lose to the old Bangzi in front of him?

How could he still hang out in the King's Game once word spread?

"Haha, it turns out you were targeting me because of that file."

"Young man, please listen to this advice, you can't control that file!"

"Originally, I burned it long ago. I, Everick, am loyal to His Majesty the King and will never be a traitor."

"Sooner or later, you rebels will be punished."

"Especially because you have become Milton's lackey, you will definitely die."

"When you die, I will go to your grave and have a few drinks."

After learning that Chen Qi was here for the file left by Crozier Jike, Everrick instantly became energetic.

His opportunity to show his loyalty to His Majesty the King came once more.

Involuntarily, his voice rose a bit.

Then he said "evil words" to Chen Qi, just drawing a circle and cursing him.


"Averick, you choose your own path."

"Since you are determined to be the devil's minion, I will lose if I don't chase you until you vomit blood today!"

Chen Qi also felt a little angry in his heart. Do you really think that he can't do anything to you if he runs fast?

His original intention to kill Everrick was not that serious. If the old guy had known better and handed over the file, Chen Qi would not have to kill him.

The most they can do is hand him over to the Nuris Federation. I believe Milton will definitely pay a good price.

But now Everrick is obviously "into the devil's way" and is determined to hang out with the devil for the rest of his life.

Then Chen Qi can only defend justice!

"Haha, young people are just bragging."

"I'm just warming up now. When I accelerate, you won't even be able to see my back."

"I won't play with you anymore. I will tell His Majesty the King the truth about your evil deeds today."

"See you on Judgment Day, hahaha!"

With wild laughter, Everrick hung up the communicator.

The next moment, his body shone brightly, and his speed doubled, reaching 4 times the speed of sound.

Chen Qi lost track of Everrick without even blinking.

With no choice, Chen Qi could only stop chasing.


"Choo Choo Choo!"

A minute later, the Kestrel King descended from the sky and expressed his grievances to Chen Qi.

"Hahaha, it turns out you also lost track of Xiao Hong."

"This makes me feel much better."

A certain unscrupulous owner touched the king kestrel's head, which made the whole bird cry in anger.

After so many years of debut in Zongheng, King Kestrel never thought that he could not catch up with a two-legged beast.

He really went too far to deceive the bird. He must kill the old guy.

Otherwise, after word spreads, how can it return to its hometown?

"Don't worry, don't worry, that old guy can't escape."

"I was just playing with him before, but I didn't expect that this guy could really only run away and didn't even dare to fight back."

"If that's the case, then he has no value!"

Knowing that Everrick ran fast, Chen Qi took the Kestrel King with him no matter how confident he was.

As a result, their master and servant were slapped in the face, especially Xiaohong, which hurt their self-esteem!

It seems that the weather is not right today. Compared with before, Xiaohong's body is too big now, so she will be more affected by the typhoon.

If it is still a small kestrel, what is a mere typhoon?

It has seen a lot of strong winds and waves.


"Choo Choo Choo!"


Xiao Hong was still filled with resentment after this failure.

It decided to realize its shame and then be brave enough to lose weight.

The Kestrel King used to think that being big meant being prestigious, but this time he really lost face.

Its current size severely limits its flight speed and must be changed back.

"Okay, okay!"

"After killing this old guy, I will help you temper your body."

"I also think you won't be cute when you grow up. You are cuter when you are little!"

Extraordinary life depends on blood, and what is concentrated is the essence.

King Kestrel's current size has clearly deviated from its trajectory.

Kestrel's biggest advantage is speed, but after several consecutive improvements, perhaps due to Chen Qi's poor level, Xiaohong's size has also continued to skyrocket.

This directly caused its speed to always be maintained at three times the speed of sound, and it was lucky that it did not fall.

At this time, Xiaohong actually offered to "lose weight", and Chen Qi was so happy.

As the Kestrel King became smarter and smarter, Chen Qi was really embarrassed to mess around with it anymore.

But now, this is what it actively requested.

Of course, there is no rush in this matter. We still need to deal with Everick first.


"Damn 7 of Hearts, I'm so exhausted, I'm just haunted!"

"No, this guy is too much of a threat to me. The next time I contact His Majesty the King, I will definitely file a vicious complaint."

In a certain dense forest, a panting Everrick was yelling at Chen Qi.

It was actually because Chen Qi chased him too hard. No player had ever chased him so embarrassingly before.

Now Everrick hates Chen Qi with all his heart.

As many players have guessed, Everrick's relationship with His Majesty the King is extremely close.

Perhaps because he was so outstanding in betraying his companions, Gutav specially rewarded him with a demon mark.

With this mark, he can take the initiative to "make a report" to His Majesty the King every month.

This is the treatment of an absolute confidant, which is why Everrick has no fear that he will be killed by His Majesty the King.

Because he is different from ordinary players, as long as there are still players in the game, he will not be "killed".

Even for the so-called "hidden rule", as long as he performs outstandingly, His Majesty the King can help him settle it.

It can be said that Everrick's way of playing the game is to constantly tell lies and betray other players.

The old players have seen through him a long time ago, so they want to kill him.

After he was put on Chen Qi's death list this time, all the players were applauding and waiting to see his head fall to the ground.

But he, Everick, would not die. On the contrary, he would guillotine all those who hated him.

The first unlucky guy can only be the 7 of Hearts.


"Choo Choo Choo!"

Above the sky, a sharp bird call suddenly came.

A big red bird was chirping happily because it had found prey.

Everrick glared at the big bird in the sky with a black face. This guy had chased him all the way before, and he finally got rid of it. Unexpectedly, he caught up with him again.

No need to think too much, this must be the pet kept by the 7 of Hearts.

It’s just that Everrick looked and looked again and again, but still couldn’t identify what kind of big bird it was!

But the speed is really fast.

"Hahaha, Everrick, we meet again!"

Chen Qi's voice came from afar, and Everrick, seeing that the situation was not good, had already activated the [Speed ​​Force].

The next moment, a strange force field enveloped him. Everrick exerted a little force, and the person disappeared like lightning.

"What exactly is the principle of this [Speed ​​Force]?"


As soon as Everick disappeared, Chen Qi's figure appeared in place.

The next moment, the two started chasing each other again.

Although the chase has lasted for several hours, until now, Chen Qi has not been able to see through the details of Everick's superpowers.

This is the first time I have encountered this situation.

Everything seemed to be repeating itself. As Everick increased his speed, Chen Qi lost track of him again.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Xiao Hong also flew back dejectedly, obviously losing track of him.

"It's okay, that guy can't run away!"

"This time it's really all up to you."

Chen Qi touched Xiaohong's head to show encouragement.

The latter immediately cheered up, a black flame burned in Xiaohong's eyes, and Everick's figure actually appeared in it.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Xiao Hong called out weakly a few times, indicating that she had found it.

Chen Qi took out a Baicao pill and fed it to the Kestrel King without hesitation, and the latter immediately became lively.

Ten minutes later, Everrick, who had just rested in a small town without even a mouthful of hot water, started his escape journey again.

This happened again and again, no matter how much Everick hid, he could not escape the search of the Kestrel King.


"Damn, why? Why do they find it every time?"

"Yes, it's that big damn red bird."

"It's the one who finds me first every time!"

After being found more than a dozen times in succession, Everrick had to admit that he was locked in some way, no matter how unbelievable it was.

"No, we absolutely cannot continue like this."

"Otherwise I will be exhausted sooner or later."

"I must find out the reason!"

"As long as I can get rid of this big red bird, I can completely get rid of the entanglement of the 7 of Hearts."

"It's really no good, we can only risk killing this big bird!"

"But this thing flew too fast. Fortunately, the weather is with me today!"

"Seven of Hearts, you will definitely regret it!"

The angry Everrick took a deep breath of air and activated the [Speed ​​Force] again.

A special force field covered him, granting him divine speed.

With a little effort from his body, he exceeded the speed of sound, and everything went as he wished.

Everrick has always felt that his superpowers were different from others.

His superpower only has one [quick] from beginning to end, and has no other effects.

But this does not mean that his superpowers are low. On the contrary, Everrick feels that other players' superpowers are low.

What's the point of working so hard and exhausting your brains on all those bells and whistles? It's not like you can only eat dirt behind your own butt.

Everrick just needs to keep improving his speed, and this is true with every skill upgrade he gets.

As of now, no one in the game can catch up with him in the real world, not even the apostles.

As Chen Qi's figure reappeared, a new round of chasing began again.

This time, Everrick was not in a hurry to get rid of Chen Qi. Instead, he kept spying on the big red bird in the sky.

He wanted to find out how the big bird latched on to him.

Everrick has checked himself countless times, but can't find anything strange at all.

"Didi, didi!"

Suddenly, Everrick's communicator rang.

After seeing that it was the 7 of Hearts, Everrick hesitated a little, but still answered the phone.

"Averic, are you curious how I found you?"

"To tell you the truth, my pet has the ability to lock in sins!"

"From your bad hair to the soles of your feet, you are a heinous sinner. You are the only one in the entire Blue Taro Country. It's hard to find you."

"I will give you one last chance now. Surrender immediately and hand over the secrets hidden in the file. I promise not to kill you."

"My patience is running out."

Chen Qi's voice came out faintly from the communicator. Everrick showed no sign of remorse. He hung up the call with disdain and showed his attitude with actions.

"Hmph, he actually locked me through sin."

"In this case, we can only kill the big red bird."

"Young people are so naive to tell me such a secret!"

"Let me teach you a lesson today."

Everrick was just thinking about how to act when he suddenly felt like he was being targeted by something.

This is absolutely impossible!

The two are 3 kilometers apart and they are moving at high speed. How could the 7 of Hearts lock itself?

By some strange coincidence, Everrick turned his head and glanced while he was running.

Then he was recruited!



"It seems that Everick didn't take advantage of his only chance to survive."

"In this case, his current value is only as a target to test the latest method for me."

"It's a pity that Crozier Jike left a secret, but it doesn't matter. Milton will only know more."

"Then let's get started, [Demon Eye·Open]."

As the communicator in his hand hung up, Chen Qi also made a decision.

The next moment, Chen Qi's right palm slowly opened, and a blood-colored eyeball emerged from the palm of his hand in an extremely strange way.

The blood-colored eyeballs turned, and Everick's figure appeared in the pupils.

"The locking of the life magnetic field is completed."

"The anchoring of the material field is completed!"

"Spiritual Lock Complete!"

"Super power loading, super power loading completed!"


With the injection of Chen Qi's four superpowers, the blood-colored eyeballs emitted a dazzling silver light.

Within the pupils, the three incantations representing the spiritual eye technique were split into two layers, spinning left and right like a millstone.

This is the simultaneous completion of the locking of the material field and the magnetic field of life.

In the next moment, four kinds of superpowers were injected into the spell, and they were projected out with the help of the power of the spell.

The first was [Mind Control], which disturbed Everick's consciousness and instinctively glanced back.

Then when his eyes met the blood-colored eyeballs, life control was activated, causing Everick's body to lose control instantly.

Due to the low compatibility between these two abilities and the spiritual eye technique, the power projected by the incantation is not powerful and only serves as interference.

The next [Material Field Control] and [Psychic Power] are the real killer moves.

With the collapse of the spiritual eye spell, these two superpowers merged into one, and their full force was exerted on Everick.

Visible to the naked eye, Everick's life magnetic field began to dim.

At the microscopic level, the life magnetic field of countless cells in Everick's body was suddenly annihilated. They were completely assimilated by the surrounding material field and turned into gray inorganic matter, like piles of dead coral polyps.

The "petrification" started from the soles of Everick's feet and continued to spread to his upper body.

In the blink of an eye, Everrick lost his legs.

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