I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 181 Dharma Realm

"You can actually see that I have a little bit of the power of the game?"

"Hahaha, 7 of Hearts, I really saw you right. You are indeed the one I chose."

Chen Qi's answer obviously satisfied Yu-Gi-Oh!

If the vision and knowledge of the 7 of Hearts are not up to standard, then there is no need to talk about the next thing.

"Since you already know that there is something wrong with my apostle's armed forces, there is no need for me to cover it up."

"Unlike you who have to go through a reshuffle after reaching LV5, I could have been directly promoted to LV6 after mastering a little bit of game power."

"But now there is a small problem."

"You have already experienced the "Dream Arena" I founded in the City of Chaos. I wonder if you are interested in gambling with me again?"

"If you lose, you will die. As a winner, you can get everything that the loser has."

"If you can kill me, you can naturally be directly promoted to LV6."

This time Yu-Gi-Oh directly revealed his intention. Although Chen Qi had already vaguely guessed it, when Yu-Gi-Oh said it, he was still quite shocked.

Yu-Gi-Oh! This guy is so bold.

The chips given are also attractive enough.

If Chen Qi can really gain that bit of gaming power, it will not only be a matter of promotion to LV6, but more importantly, he will have an extra layer of confidence when facing apostle players.

You don’t see Yu-Gi-Oh being so arrogant, but the apostle players didn’t trample him to death.

If it was said that this was not due to the fear that Yu-Gi-Oh had control over the slightest bit of power, Chen Qi wouldn't believe it at all.

Facing the bet proposed by Yu-Gi-Oh, Chen Qi directly agreed without even thinking about it.

For him, killing Yu-Gi-Oh is important, but it would be even more perfect if he could harvest the power of Yu-Gi-Oh when killing him.

"Yu-Gi-Oh, since you dare to bet, I am naturally happy to accompany you."

"However, at the original level of "Dream Arena", it cannot withstand the power of the two of us now."

"I wonder if you have any good ideas?"


Chen Qi agreed so neatly, but it made Yu-Gi-Oh a bit confused.

Isn't this Seven of Hearts afraid that I might do something wrong in the duel game?

I was originally worried about how to make him believe that this gambling battle was fair and just, but what happened now?

Is this guy already so arrogant?

Impossible, the only answer is that this guy thinks it is absolutely impossible for him to lose.

For some reason, Yu-Gi-Oh actually felt a little regretful in his heart.

Shouldn't I be here? Or maybe you chose the wrong target.

But Yu-Gi-Oh quickly eliminated this doubt. All plans were designed by himself. If he couldn't defeat his opponent, there would be no need to live.

"Okay, okay, 7 of hearts, you are indeed a character."

"Although I have always looked down on humans, you have gained my approval."

"Betting on the dignity of our Digital Elves, I can guarantee that this duel will be absolutely fair."

"As for the "Dream Arena" that you are worried about, I can naturally solve it. Have you heard of the Dharma Realm?"

The 7 of Hearts is so neat and tidy, so Yu-Gi-Oh! naturally has to show more openness.

Naturally, Chen Qi didn't believe in its promise of absolute fairness.

It doesn't matter, even if Yu-Gi-Oh cheats, he will only win.

But Chen Qi really didn’t know about the [Dharma Realm] mentioned by Yu-Gi-Oh.


"The Dharma Realm is the interface where the apostles fought before."

"This was originally an ability that could only be mastered by the Weaver of All Laws, but King's Game evolved on its own."

"For us players, the legal world is the source of all superpowers."

"According to my observation, there are at least thousands of superpowers in the legal world, and the superpowers occupied by our players are only an insignificant part of them."

"Originally, if King's Game could continue to expand, the strength and number of players would also increase."

"It's a shame that this game fell into the hands of the devil, so naturally it can only be trapped on a small island."

When it comes to King's Game, Yu-Gi-Oh's inner unwillingness is revealed.

"Game of Kings" is simply a waste of money in the hands of the devil Gutav.

It's Yu-Gi-Oh, the "Ming Lord"!

"I have mastered a bit of the power of the game. With the help of the rituals of the City of Chaos, although I can't let the two of us enter the Dharma Realm together, there is still no problem in projecting its power."

"So our duel venue this time is the "Dharma Realm Arena"."

"Even if it is just a projection of the Dharma Realm, the power and knowledge of its existence are real."

"If you are lucky enough, it is not impossible to advance to LV5 directly in the arena."

This is a naked inducement from Yu-Gi-Oh. This was also the bargaining chip he originally used to persuade Chen Qi to participate in the game.

It's a pity that Chen Qi agreed too quickly and didn't even throw out the "bait" prepared by Yu-Gi-Oh!

All I can say is that what happened this time was a little too weird to go smoothly.


"Dharma Realm Arena, the source of superpowers, directly promoted to LV5?"

"Yu-Gi-Oh, you really understand me!"

"If I guess correctly, the date of the duel will be the full moon night tomorrow night."

"The magic dragon is coming and the Dharma Realm is projected. I'm really looking forward to it."

"Although it may not be polite to say this, the final winner of this gambling battle can only be me."

"Yu-Gi-Oh, you can go back and prepare for the funeral now."

Chen Qi was very satisfied with Yu-Gi-Oh's explanation. The traces of the apostle players were finally not so mysterious.

They must usually live in the Dharma Realm, or in other words, be restrained in the Dharma Realm.

This is completely consistent with the balancing mechanism of the king game.

No wonder they are rarely seen in the real world, only so-called visions.

If you want to take something, you must give it first. Chen Qi believes that various benefits in the "Dharma Realm Arena" must exist.

That bastard Yu-Gi-Oh wants to fatten him up before killing him.

But it is still unclear who will win.

People who calculate too much often end up losing their lives first.


"Hmph, 7 of Hearts, although I recognize your talent, you are too arrogant."

"Since you have agreed to this gambling fight, I will wait for your visit."

"In return for your willingness to agree, I will give you a piece of information for free."

"The number of apostle players in the game is now only three."

"And I will soon be the fourth."

After the goal was achieved, Yu-Gi-Oh and Chen Qi lost their common language and naturally did not speculate.

After dropping a bombshell, Yu-Gi-Oh! left with satisfaction.

Chen Qi seemed still shocked by the "apostle's attrition" and did not interfere at all with its departure.

No matter whether Yu-Gi-Oh came to Fadil Mining Area or left here, he did not make any concealment.

So its whereabouts quickly spread among the player community.

The reason for this is actually because everyone is looking forward to whether the "death list" will completely come true.

At first, after learning that Yu-Gi-Oh had entered the home of the Seven of Hearts, the veteran players were all excited.

This is definitely going to start.

Unable to wait, many people even sneaked to the vicinity of Fadil Mining Area to watch the battle.

However, to their disappointment, the Yu-Gi-Oh who entered the Fadil Mining Area disappeared without making any noise at all.

This is impossible. Did the two of them decide the winner instantly?

Considering that Yu-Gi-Oh has been promoted to LV5, this is not impossible.

But once the apostle armies are deployed, players like them will definitely not be able to sense it. The current situation is really a bit strange.

With everyone waiting anxiously, the figure of Yu-Gi-Oh finally appeared again.

He looked happy, but it didn't look like he had been through a big fight.

Although there are still many doubts, now that Yu-Gi-Oh is out alive.

That can only mean that the 7 of Hearts is completely dead.

Sure enough, newcomers can brag, but old ones are still hotter!


"Hey, don't worry, I'm not dead. You're not talking to a ghost now."

"Yu-Gi-Oh! is here as a kind guest, how can I have the nerve to beat him to death?"

"Yes, we had a pleasant conversation and there was no conflict."

"You don't believe it? Well, to tell you the truth, this guy is here to challenge me."

"Tomorrow night, on a full moon night, we will fight in the city of chaos."

"Hang up first. The Nulis Federation has also called. I have to prove to them that I am still alive."

After Yu-Gi-Oh left the Fadil Mining Area alive, Chen Qi's troubles began.

As a good ally, Lin Biyun was naturally the first to call to confirm whether he died in the battle.

Then came the Nulis Federation, and then some random, inexplicable people.

By the end, Chen Qi was really fed up.

He directly asked the Nuris Federation to spread the news about his fight with Yu-Gi-Oh on the night of the full moon.

If you want to watch the fun, remember to bring a small bench tomorrow.

Then just as Chen Qi expected, this news directly triggered the emotions of all players.

Yu-Gi-Oh! actually didn't come to the door, but just asked for a fight?

How could a newcomer from the 7 Hearts District be so worthy of being so valued by Yu-Gi-Oh?

Of course, you can’t miss the fight tomorrow, you must watch it.

However, due to cautious considerations, all players who are watching the excitement do not intend to enter the city of chaos.

What if this is a conspiracy?

What if the 7 of Hearts and Yu-Gi-Oh join forces to set a trap and kill them in the City of Chaos?

It's not impossible.

At this stage of the game, everyone basically has no trust.

Maybe it’s just who has the lowest bottom line and who can survive.


"The Sun King, the King of Clubs, and the Ten of Hearts Zhou Zongquan, who among these three died?"

The news that Yu-Gi-Oh is finally giving away for free is definitely a bombshell.

If it spreads accidentally, all players will explode in an instant.

No wonder the Nuris Federation kept silent about the outcome of that battle. It turned out that an apostle player died in the battle?

But it’s still 4 versus 1 anyway, even if Yuwen Yong’s strength explodes after he turns into a demon.

It can't be so fierce.

According to Lin Biyun, Amanda was slightly injured.

Chen Qi didn't believe the word "Yidian" at all.

Now Yu-Gi-Oh has made it clear that one of the apostles has died.

Chen Qi believed that there was no need for this guy to lie about this kind of thing.

In this case, wouldn't it mean that the devil beat the four apostles to death in that battle?

This is obviously not consistent with the battle situation Chen Qi watched at that time.

Could it be that what happened after the vision disappeared?

Compared to 1 vs 4 demons, it also causes one death and one injury.

Chen Qi even believed that there was an internal problem among the apostle players, and it was most likely that they stabbed each other at the last moment of victory.

If a newly born demon can defeat four apostles, in previous games, there would be no checks and balances between the king and the apostles.

It must be "because the empire's reward is too big", someone wants to monopolize it, and there is a situation where there is a profit-driven situation.

Of course, this is just Chen Qi's guess.

If you really want to know the answer, you can only wait until he wins the duel and becomes an apostle.

In fact, the current "tragic situation" of the apostles is actually a good thing for Chen Qi.

At least if he is promoted to an apostle, there will be less interference.

Presumably Yu-Gi-Oh! thought so too, so he took the opportunity to create "Dharma Realm Arena".

The fate of the Yin Eclipse Sanren is a lesson learned from the past.

To be promoted to an apostle, you must be fast, so fast that everyone is caught off guard.

And tomorrow night is the best time.

As for whether the apostle will take advantage of the opportunity to take action? Will His Majesty the King intervene?

Chen Qi does not need to consider these issues at all, because Yu-Gi-Oh will definitely take care of them.

From the moment it appeared in the Fadil Mining Area without any concealment, it was destined that their battle would never be kept secret.

Maybe Yu-Gi-Oh has another plan to catch them all.


Time passed little by little. As the most important battle in his life, Chen Qi did not dare to be careless at all.

Although this short one day is no longer enough to significantly improve his strength again, it is still possible to make more preparations before the battle.

Especially after personally contacting Yu-Gi-Oh!, Chen Qi had a deeper understanding of it.

The life of Digital Elf is really magical!

Chen Qi was very sure that Yu-Gi-Oh was not a human being, but when he appeared in the Fadil Mining Area, he was no different from a human being, at least Chen Qi couldn't tell the difference.

Of course, that human body cannot be the true face of Yu-Gi-Oh.

According to the information Chen Qi learned from Qi Tianming's memory, the essence of Digital Elf is a very special kind of spiritual life.

Chen Qi even once doubted whether it was born from the sea of ​​information.

Will those stubborn islands in the information sea, especially after they are aggregated into "conceptual bodies", become a unique life again?

But after personally contacting Yu-Gi-Oh!, Chen Qi rejected this speculation.

Because his [Tianji Sensing] talent did not show any changes, Yu-Gi-Oh definitely did not come from the information sea.

In fact, Qi Tianming didn't know much about Digital Elves. Obviously, his sponsors didn't want him to know too many details.

They just need a hunter.

In addition to the [Soul Leaving Sequence], they taught Qi Tianming another unique method.

That is to transform his consciousness into a special algorithm. Once Qi Tianming's consciousness comes into contact with Yu-Gi-Oh, it can invade Yu-Gi-Oh like a virus and complete the capture.

Qi Tianming "very distrusts" this method. He always feels that there is a big pitfall in it.

This was also one of the reasons why it was important for him to sell off those sponsors.

The Digital Elf was very secretive and precious at first glance. The more he knew about it, the more Qi Tianming became worried that those guys would kill people and silence them.

And they seem to be just a group of ordinary people, so the most likely place to do something is with that kind of capture method.

Maybe the moment the capture is completed, he will be tricked to death as well.

Qi Tianming is so "cautious", so naturally Chen Qi will not be stupid enough to step into a trap.

He has his own way of dealing with digital elves!

Time disappeared quietly in Chen Qi's contemplation, a new day passed, and September 15th finally arrived.

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