I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 184 Card Replacement

"Yu-Gi-Oh, thank you very much."

"I was able to successfully advance to LV5 this time, and you definitely deserve your credit."

"If it wasn't impossible for us to be friends, I really don't want to beat you to death."

Chen Qi, who was perched high on the Babel Tower, looked down at the Yu-Gi-Oh! who was walking slowly below.

Although I know this guy has "bad intentions", he seems to be really trying to be a good person.

This wave of operations by Yu-Gi-Oh directly saved Chen Qi several months of time.

According to his original calculations, he might not be able to be promoted to LV5 within three or four months.

You must know that this speed is already exaggerated. After all, there are many old players who have made no progress for more than ten years.

But three or four months later, this round of [Judgment Day] will be approaching.

Before Chen Qi inherited the 7 of Hearts, Jomoa Chris had already wasted three years.

Then Elander Zoff wasted a few more months.

Originally, this didn't seem to be a problem, after all, Chen Qi had already infiltrated the Lawful Ones.

But now the game pattern has changed!

It can be said that Yu-Gi-Oh is really Chen Qi's lucky star. Without the "Dream Arena" in the City of Chaos, Chen Qi would not have been able to complete his spiritual awakening so smoothly.

Now Chen Qi is directly "recommended" to LV5. I really hope that there are more "bad guys" like him who are willing to help others.


"Hahaha, 7 of hearts, good, very good."

"I did not misjudge you, and you did not disappoint me."

"The decisive factor in your ability to achieve LV5 is yourself. I just provided a little convenience."

"As a price, you can pay it back with your own life."

"If you weren't a human, I would really want to be friends with you."

"Of course", seeing Chen Qi successfully promoted to LV5, Yu-Gi-Oh! was even happier than when he was promoted.

His plan was finally almost complete, and all that was left was the final harvest.

In fact, both of them knew very well that the so-called gambling never meant the tower pushing game.

Now is the real beginning of the gambling battle.


"Yu-Gi-Oh, I really don't know where you got the confidence to show up in front of me."

"I consider no one to be my opponent among players of the same level, not even you."

"At least you helped me, so let me show you my apostle's weapons!"

"This way you can die in peace!"

Rumble, as Chen Qi's words fell.

The nine-story Tower of Babel began to continuously transform. In the blink of an eye, the Tower of Babel disappeared, and a giant with a height of 100 meters appeared in the wilderness world.

This is Chen Qi's apostolic weapon.

It's a pity that Chen Qi has just completed the construction and hasn't given it a resounding name yet.

Chen Qi was already inside the 100-meter giant at this time, and was ready to trample Yu-Gi-Oh to death in the next moment.

Perhaps LV5 has reached the upper limit of strength in the legal arena.

The moment Chen Qi merged with the apostle's armed forces, he felt that the entire wasteland world was collapsing towards him.

The ground beneath his feet could no longer bear the power of the apostles and began to break layer by layer.

But after the world collapsed, the earth became extremely strong again, and Chen Qi no longer had to worry about crushing it with just a little force.

This is obviously because the Dharma Realm Duel Arena is adjusting itself to adapt to the current combat level.

In the blink of an eye, the original wilderness world had disappeared.

Chen Qi and Yu-Gi-Oh! appeared in an arena with a diameter of 100 kilometers.


"Hahaha, okay, very good, this is what I want to see."

"Now that you've made your appearance, let me show you my apostle's weapons."

The moment he saw Chen Qi's apostle armed with weapons, the fiery look in Yu-Gi-Oh's eyes was completely undisguised.

The next moment, a hundred-meter giant appeared from behind him. This was its apostle's weapon.

"You can actually control your luck at will in the legal world?"

Although he had already speculated, Chen Qi was still quite depressed after Yu-Gi-Oh truly summoned the Apostle Armed Forces.

The original Yu-Gi-Oh! couldn't summon the Apostle Arms at will. His Apostle Arms only existed for the 5 seconds when his luck was at its peak.

But in the legal world, this problem has obviously been solved.

I just don’t know if its existence time is still 5 seconds?

But the next moment, Yu-Gi-Oh! gave the answer.


"7 of hearts, 5 seconds, you only have the last 5 seconds of your life left."

"Not only will I kill you, but I will also completely seize your apostle's weapons."

"You should have known this purpose for a long time."

"Don't waste your efforts. Even if you already control 80% of the game permissions, you still can't mobilize any power in the duel field."

"I've thought about everything a long time ago, otherwise why would this game have a farming mode?"

"In order to fatten you up and prevent you from getting out of control, I have spent all my energy."

"For the sake of absolute fairness and justice," no one can mobilize the power of the arena until the outcome of the game is completely determined.

This is why Yu-Gi-Oh dares to let Chen Qi continue to expand his territory.

He is not really stupid. If Chen Qi can really mobilize the power of the game, he can kill him with one finger.

The purpose of Yu-Gi-Oh is just to fatten up Chen Qi, promote him to LV5, and then harvest him.

It's not just to make yourself roll over.

"Hey, even though I've guessed it a long time ago, I still have to at least give it a try!"

The moment Yu-Gi-Oh summoned the Apostle Arms, Chen Qi secretly called the game authority, but unfortunately there was no response.

It seems that I can only play on my own.

But I'm afraid the next battle won't go so smoothly.

The fact that Yu-Gi-Oh dares to promote himself to LV5 shows that he has already prepared the means to deal with it.

But what exactly is it?


"Seven of Hearts, it's useless."

"The outcome of the battle was already decided before you agreed to the bet."

"Just like you think that no one at the same level can be your opponent, I think so too."

"It's an honor for you. This trump card of mine was originally prepared for His Majesty the King. Unfortunately, that guy is so lucky, it's only you who are unlucky."

"[Card Replacement]!"

The moment Chen Qi launched his attack, Yu-Gi-Oh! also used his apostle ability.

Then the whole world suddenly stopped. The next moment, Chen Qi suddenly felt that his apostle's weapons were out of control and became strange.

"This, how is this possible?"

"Where are my apostolic weapons?"

"No, why did the card I control change?"

"Little King Card? Shouldn't this card be in the hand of Yu-Gi-Oh?"

"What the hell is going on?"

If Chen Qi hadn't been so convinced that he was still himself, he almost thought he had become Yu-Gi-Oh.

Because the cards he controlled suddenly changed into Yu-Gi-Oh's cards.

"Hahaha, 7 of hearts, is this your apostle's weapon? It's so powerful and perfect!"

"Thank you for your service to me."

"After I successfully control the King's Game, I will definitely let you appear several more times in my biography."

"Seven of Hearts, stop struggling, it's useless. The card is now in a replacement state and cannot be used again."

"That means you can't activate my apostle ability and exchange the cards back again."

"Do you feel hopeless and incredible?"

"How can the cards be interchanged? How is this possible? Hahahaha!"

The current Yu-Gi-Oh is extremely proud, it feels unprecedented pleasure.

Of course, in the eyes of Chen Qi, who looked unhappy, this digital elf was tired of living, exuding the cunning and cunning of a villain who succeeds.

But the situation at this time is indeed as described by Yu-Gi-Oh! The apostle abilities of both sides cannot be used.

The two hundred-meter giants were completely in a state of panic.

"Yu-Gi-Oh, stop trying to bluff people."

"What is replaced is not the card at all, but only the superpower the card possesses."

"Superpowers originate from the legal world, and that is the source of all superpowers."

"You must have done something in the legal realm."

"Your ability is really beyond my expectation."

"But I feel it. This replacement can only last for 5 seconds. My cards are recovering."

After realizing that he had been hit, the first thing Chen Qi felt was not panic, but endless ecstasy.

If cards can really be replaced, wouldn't it mean that we can completely get rid of the shackles of the game.

But it turns out that he thought too much. From the beginning to the end, the four purple chains connecting the cards and the players have always existed and have never wavered.

What changes is only the ability of the card, not the card itself.

Chen Qi's core card will become the Xiao Wang card because the card's super power has changed.

Yu-Gi-Oh's move should be called super power replacement.

This can also be regarded as a kind of shuffling.


"Haha, you really saw through it."

"Actually, cards can be replaced, but only within the palace. The premise is that you must master the power of the game."

"But it's impossible to get rid of the king's game."

"[Card Replacement] is an ability I developed based on the Little King Card. It was supposed to be more perfect, and was even specially developed to deal with His Majesty the King."

"It's a shame that bad luck has caused all kinds of accidents, and my ability has been reduced again and again. What's even more detestable is that if I don't achieve LV6, I don't even have the qualifications to challenge him."

"My apostle has many flaws, so it will definitely not be promoted to LV6. But now I find that giving it up may not be a better choice, because your apostle ability seems to be more suitable for me."


Chen Qi's apostle's weapons fell into the hands of Yu-Gi-Oh, and the abilities of the apostle were naturally discovered by Yu-Gi-Oh.

Judging from the ecstatic look on Yu-Gi-Oh's face, you can tell that he is very satisfied with Chen Qi's apostle weapons.


"Time is running out, we must deal with you as soon as possible."

"After all, the replacement of abilities is only temporary. If I want to obtain your apostle's weapons, I can only swallow your consciousness and completely occupy your body."

"At that time, I will be the Seven of Hearts!"

"Hmph, everything is exactly as I guessed. Your spirit body relies heavily on the support of super powers. Now that the super powers are gone, the spirit body has simply turned into a soft-footed shrimp."

"What's even better is that you have just completed your promotion and are at a low spiritual level."

"And all of this is in my calculation, Seven of Hearts. When you are the strongest, that is when you are the weakest."

"You have just reached the peak of your life, but you are about to fall into the mud in an instant. This is the fate I have arranged for you!"

"Spirit Devouring!"

Yu-Gi-Oh's painstaking planning has only the last step left.

Now the apostle arms of both sides are completely frozen, the game permissions are useless, and the only thing they can rely on is their own spiritual bodies.

In this aspect, it is simply an era ahead of Chen Qi, how could it lose?

The next moment, Yu-Gi-Oh's figure disappeared from the apostle's weapon. It turned into a wave of light and hit Chen Qi's extremely weak spirit body.

According to its original plan, Chen Qi's spirit body was extremely weak at this time and could not stop his invasion at all.

And once it penetrates into the spirit body, the Seven of Hearts will be dead.



In the silent duel field of the Dharma Realm, a melodious bell rang suddenly.

After the light wave transformed by Yu-Gi-Oh hit Chen Qi, it did not penetrate him, but instead had a violent impact.

That sound like a bell came from here.

"How can this be?"

"How could my invasion fail? Why is there a protective wall in front of me?"

"Impossible, why is this protective wall targeting me like this? My consciousness can't penetrate it at all."

The light wave was bounced back, and Yu-Gi-Oh! finally revealed its true face.

Its spirit body is a Digimon that looks like a fox but has a single horn.

The next moment, a big hand burning with blazing flames grabbed him.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"What state are you in? Why are you so weird!"

Although he was knocked dizzy, Yu-Gi-Oh still resisted the moment he was grabbed by the giant flame hand.

It planned to turn into light waves again and escape, but a terrifying suction force came out of the giant flame's hand, tightly binding it.


"Tsk tsk tsk, Yu-Gi-Oh!, is this your true form?"

"I really looked down on you just now. You have penetrated all the barrier techniques I have practiced to the third level."

"Fortunately, I made extra preparations and built a protective wall on the spirit body."

"Originally I didn't have high hopes for it, just in case."

"I didn't expect that your attack pattern is really the same. It's just your bad luck that you ran into my hand."

"Are you curious why that protective wall is so targeted at you?"

"Of course I have to thank Finks for this!"

The moment the apostle's weapons were frozen, Chen Qi realized Yu-Gi-Oh's next attack method.

It was actually because he knew too much about Yu-Gi-Oh, and Qi Tianming's sponsors provided a lot of information.

According to those sponsors, the most feared thing about Digital Elves is the invasion of consciousness.

Once it is linked to human consciousness, it can achieve coverage of human consciousness with the help of terrifying algorithms.

The attack method of turning one's own consciousness into a virus taught to Qi Tianming by the sponsors came from the Digital Elf.

It's just that this ability is the talent of the Digital Elf, and once ordinary people like Qi Tianming use it, it will completely contaminate their own consciousness and turn it into a real consciousness virus.


Now that he knew Yu-Gi-Oh's attack mode, Chen Qi naturally had to find ways to protect him.

His initial choice was naturally the enchantment technique. This spell claimed to be able to defend against any extraordinary power, and presumably could also protect against the intrusion of consciousness.

But being comprehensive means being mediocre in every aspect.

This is probably the biggest weakness of the barrier technique.

Chen Qi didn't dare to risk his own life, so he naturally had to prepare more means.

He had no clue until he picked up Finks's eyeball.

Finks used his spiritual eyes to spy on "The Arrival of the Dragon", and the backlash he suffered was due to the "virus attack" from Yu-Gi-Oh.

This is the source of the consciousness algorithm in that activated eyeball.

What happened to Finks back then was definitely an accident.

Not only was it beyond his expectation, Yu-Gi-Oh himself didn't even realize it.

After all, the dragon descends every month, and almost every old player has spied on it, but no one is as unlucky as Finks.

The reason why Finks suffered like this is definitely not just because of his bad luck, but because of the special nature of [Spiritual Eye Technique].

When Finks spied on the arrival of the demon dragon, the spiritual eye spell suddenly collapsed, and then he spied on the true form of Yu-Gi-Oh.

Yu-Gi-Oh reacted instinctively to attack, and Finks was hit directly in the right eye.

I guess Yu-Gi-Oh is used to being spied on, so he didn't take this encounter seriously.

But it didn't expect that [Spiritual Eye Technique] was so special that it would directly transmit its attack reaction to Finks.

Then Finks' right eye was invaded by a virus and became completely independent.

After Chen Qi obtained Finks' eyeball, he not only cracked the algorithm, but also obtained a lot of information remaining on the eyeball, which is the reason for its birth.

After realizing that the algorithm was essentially a Yu-Gi-Oh virus attack, Chen Qi immediately felt like a treasure.

He used his own superpowers, combined with the knowledge of consciousness learned by Qi Tianming, to develop a firewall for that virus algorithm.

Chen Qi was just making extra preparations just in case.

Unexpectedly, there was no change in Yu-Gi-Oh's attack.

This is because Yu-Gi-Oh has no intelligence, its virus attacks are all based on instinct, and it cannot produce a second algorithm on its own.

So Chen Qi's protection was naturally successful.


In fact, Chen Qi's greatest confidence in facing Yu-Gi-Oh is his mind control skills.

Yu-Gi-Oh obviously knew this very well, so he immediately took action and froze both sides' superpowers.

If Chen Qi hadn't taken a few extra layers of precautions, he might have really been tricked this time.

Although you may not die in the end, the price will be high.


"It turns out that the one who spied on me back then was actually Finks!"

"Although I also felt that the peek was very special, I was unable to pinpoint the source. I had other things to do at the time, so I gave up the pursuit."

"I didn't expect that a few years later, I would lose because of my negligence at that time."

"I can not be reconciled!"

"It shouldn't be like this. I've calculated everything, why do I still lose?"

The Digimon struggled hard in Chen Qi's hands, but no matter how it transformed, it could never break free from the shackles of the giant flame hand.

"Yu-Gi-Oh, stop struggling, it's useless."

"My current state is very special. My spiritual body is constantly being reshaped."

"Any power emitted by your spirit body will be devoured and refined by me."

"Become my food obediently, hahaha!"


Countless sword lights appeared in the giant flame's hands, and the Digimon was instantly cut into pieces by a thousand swords.

Fortunately, Chen Qi's refining speed was limited, so the cutting this time only occupied 1/30 of the Digimon.

But as long as the refining continues, it is only a matter of time before Yu-Gi-Oh! is eaten.

"Asshole, damn it!"

"Seven of Hearts, I curse you to be eaten by the devil."

"I will not become your food. A Digital Elf will never be a slave."

"Perish with me!"

Yu-Gi-Oh, who was at his wits' end and unable to save himself, tragically chose to self-destruct.

The next moment, a bright light burst out from Chen Qi's flame palm.

This light seemed to be able to penetrate all spiritual power and enveloped Chen Qi's whole body.

"You still do this little trick when you are about to die."


Almost at the same time, Chen Qi's spirit body turned into a giant flaming bird and directly ate all the light in one bite.

Stupid Yu-Gi-Oh! If it can withstand Chen Qi's death by a thousand cuts, maybe it still has a chance to survive.

After all, according to Chen Qi's own calculations, even if he burns out his life force, he may not be able to completely refine Yu-Gi-Oh. Being able to eat 95% of it is already pretty good.

But the result of Yu-Gi-Oh's calculation was obviously not the case, so he chose to self-destruct in order to survive from death.

He shattered all consciousness structures and retained only the core algorithm.

Even if all spiritual power is lost, as long as this core is present, it can still make a comeback.

It's a pity that this is just right for Chen Qi, so he doesn't have to worry about indigestion.


In the endless bright light, a giant flame bird flapped its wings and sang loudly.

At that moment, Chen Qi burned four-fifths of his life force.

The result was that a real sun appeared in the legal arena.

The next moment, the little sun went out.

But one of the two apostle weapons that were standing still disintegrated and disappeared in an instant.

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