I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 193 Bloodline Link

"Are these the wild monster and the jailer?"

"It really looks better than I imagined!"

There are three main types of wild monsters that appear around Chen Qi: those with fish heads and human bodies, those that look like beetles, and those with monkey wings.

However, these are just appearances. Chen Qi was the first to notice that they were approaching, and it was not through sight.

It’s the induction between superpowers.

At this time, although Chen Qi's power fragments have not yet been completely born, he has absolute awareness of the super power fragments within a range of 500 meters.

The man with a fish head and human body possesses three kinds of superpower fragments.

But what determines their variety is the core piece of light blue super power.

The superpower fragments possessed by the dozen or so fish-headed people who appeared around Chen Qi all have this light blue superpower fragment as the core.

It can be said that these wild monsters are very much like the "betrayers" among players.

As for the only four jailers, they were a blur of humanoid shadows.

Although they were the smallest in number, they were the ones that alarmed Chen Qi the most.


The wild monsters obviously don't know how to speak harshly.

The moment they sensed Chen Qi's presence, they rushed over.

Rays of brilliance bloomed out, and energy fluctuations struck Chen Qi.

This was the first time Chen Qi saw such a complicated and weak super power attack.

His barrier technique easily blocked all attacks without even trembling.

But the next moment, four black figures suddenly got stuck in the barrier.

To be more precise, four black villains suddenly appeared within Chen Qi's silver-white barrier.

They struggled to penetrate in the silvery white light, trying hard to open their dark arms, trying to touch Chen Qi's body.

Chen Qi's judgment was indeed correct. The four jailers were the most threatening to him.


"The essence of wild monsters is just energy bodies mixed with superpower fragments."

"Unlike the players' super power fragments, which are evenly matched, the super power fragments possessed by wild monsters vary in size."

"The largest superpower fragment determines the physical manifestation of the wild monster and controls other superpowers."

"But this structure is very unstable and can be easily destroyed!"

Chen Qi's fingertips flashed with light, and more than a dozen spell missiles disappeared out of thin air.

The next moment, the body of the fish-headed man was pierced by energy missiles and collapsed like a bubble.

[Missile Technique], this is a low-level spell recorded in the "Encyclopedia of Basic Knowledge of Spells".

It is composed of two mantras as its core, and its cultivation difficulty is only slightly higher than [Messaging Technique].

For Chen Qi, it can really be picked up at will.


"Sure enough, the chaos of the energy body is the biggest weakness of these wild monsters."

"Compared to their attacks, their defense is too poor, and they even have no sense of defense at all."

"After all, they are just chaotic things. Their birth is already a gift from the power of the game."

"Although I don't know what those powerful wild monsters are like, these things in front of me are of no value to me."

Chen Qi shook his head, and in the next moment, the spell missiles formed a barrage, completely drowning all the wild monsters.

From beginning to end, the attacks from the wild monsters did not cause any damage to Chen Qi.

According to Chen Qi's estimation, the strength of these wild monsters in front of him is only LV2 at most.

But since they only attack mechanically, their combat level is definitely at the bottom of LV2.


"It's your turn next!"

Chen Qi looked at the jailers who were still struggling to move within the barrier.

Their composition was a bit special, and Chen Qi felt a little bit of the power of sin and order from them.

But their essence is just the resentment after the player's death.

But resentment will not die forever.

Chen Qi controlled the barrier technique to vibrate at a high frequency, and the four black figures were instantly torn to pieces.

As a result, countless black spots appeared in Chen Qi's barrier.

The strange thing is that these black spots are moving closer and closer, trying to reorganize again.

"Sure enough, as Amanda said, these guys can't be killed at all."

"After all, they were dead to begin with."

"Their existence is more like my game character [Jomoa Chris]."

"Although the essence is resentment, it exists through the power of games."

"It's just that the Black Death Prison maintains the existence of these four guys. No wonder they are called jailers."

Because he was full of sins, Chen Qi did not want his spirit body to come into contact with these resentments.

Therefore, no more information can be obtained from these resentments.

These jailers were of no value to him.

Since you can't kill him, you can only hide far away.

The next moment, Chen Qi's body disappeared from the spot and disappeared into the darkness.

Chen Qi also discovered that for intelligent life, the Dharma Realm is full of darkness and obstacles.

But for wild monsters and jailers, what is here is only chaos and twisted spiritual energy.

But the effect is exactly the same. Once a certain distance is exceeded, neither side can detect the other.

So it's easy to get rid of these jailers while they recover.

And not long after Chen Qi disappeared from the spot, a golden sunbeam was projected from above the sea of ​​clouds.

Wherever the sun passed, a huge hole was penetrated through the black clouds.


"Running pretty fast."

"He actually understands the legal world so well. It seems that he has completely surrendered to the Nuris Federation."

In the golden sunlight, Gutav's figure appeared.

The [King] who controls the authority of the game can not only copy the power of cards owned by players.

It can also call upon the 8741 extraordinary bloodline powers in the Dharma Realm.

This golden sunlight is naturally a manifestation of gold-level extraordinary bloodline power.

The moment Chen Qi became an apostle, Gu Tafu sensed it.

Unfortunately, everything happened too fast, after he landed in the palace and opened the door.

Chen Qi has turned into a meteorite and fallen under the clouds.

By the time Gutafu chased him down, Chen Qi had already escaped from the jailer's entanglement.

Even Gutav will fall into darkness once he is separated from the golden sunlight.

But if he were to chase an apostle with the golden light above his head, then he would simply be impatient.

Such a bright light bulb was for fear that other apostles would not be able to see it.

Gutav just wanted to meet Chen Qi on a whim.

Since there is no fate, we can only forget it.

The legal world is too special, and Gutav's gaming authority only exists above the clouds.

The reason why the apostles dared to jump out to confront him from time to time was because of the existence of darkness.

Of course, if Gutav can lock the position of an apostle player, a golden light will fall directly.

Then he can easily crush this rebellious boy to death.

But if he dares to wander around in the darkness for a long time, he will encounter a collective attack from the apostles before long.

This is the game between Gutav and the apostle players.

The golden sunlight only flickered in the darkness for two seconds before disappearing completely.

Gutav returned to the palace.


"No, I don't know why, but my inner uneasiness is getting worse and worse."

"It seems that I can only treat a dead horse as a living doctor. Let's find a few apprentices to try the water first!"

"There are nearly 200 apprentices in the game now. Even if I use my life pile, I must train a demon hunter."

After pacing around the palace for several minutes, Gutav finally made a decision.

He has never been one to hesitate, otherwise he would not have created "Game of Kings".

If it were any other dying old man, he would have used his last wish to regain his youth, but Gutafu chose to fight to the death.

At the same time that Gutav made his decision, the "Key to the Dharma Realm" was finally born in the Nulis Federation and Hongguang City.

"Milton, what happens next is up to you."

"Bolt Kalu's strength is too weak and his vitality is too weak. Even if I try my best, he can only open the door to the Dharma Realm three times at most."

"Even the portal to the Dharma Realm he opened may not be able to carry my power through."

"After all, this is just a method of smuggling. If smuggling turns into forced entry, what's the difference between me and me entering the Blue Taro Country directly?"

"So you have to think carefully about what to do next."

Murong Yan, who looked tired, signaled Milton to leave with Bult Carew.

Now Bult Karu's body is almost covered with spells.

This does not only exist on the body surface, but also in its blood, internal organs and every cell.

Murong Yan used the heavenly method to completely integrate the core of the divine organ with Bult Kalu.

Now Bult Carew can almost be regarded as an apostle possessed by the mountain god.

Although his power can only be used three times, it is still no problem to open the door to the Dharma Realm.

Forcibly promoting an ordinary apprentice to the apostle level, even with the help of the core of the divine core, the price Murong Yan paid was not small.

Her current fatigue is real, not at all the laziness and fatigue she had before.

"Don't worry, sir, I have already made a comprehensive plan."

"Just wait for my good news."

Milton's expression was extremely determined. He would definitely succeed this time, and he could only succeed.


"Milton, has the key to the Dharma Realm been refined?"

As soon as Milton returned to the presidential palace with Bult Carew, Phoenix came to the door.

Behind him, there were 10 third-year students from Yanlong Curse Academy.

Their strength has impressively reached the level of high-level transcendent beings.

"Finis, don't be too impatient."

"I will certainly not break my promise if I promise you a place."

"Opening the door to the Dharma Realm for the first time is just a test. I plan to send 100 high-level extraordinary beings to enter."

"Not one of the 10 places in your Yanlong Curse Academy will be missing."

"But you should also know that although the game balance mechanism will not be triggered within the legal realm, there are still many dangers."

"To put it bluntly, these 100 people are just cannon fodder that I threw in first. Are you really willing to let your elite students in?"

Milton believes that his greatest strength as a person is being honest with others.

This time the plan to invade the legal world must be foolproof, and there are some things he can only say in advance.

"Milton, I know the situation within the legal world very well, and these students also know it very well."

"But wealth can be found in danger, not to mention the opportunity to be promoted to a controller."

"The power released by the 8,741 extraordinary bloodlines in the Dharma Realm is enough for these 10 little guys to choose as they please."

"Isn't this your plan to let high-level extraordinary beings be promoted to controllers in the legal world, causing turmoil in the legal world, and thus consuming the game power controlled by the devil."

If a high-level transcendent wants to be promoted to a controller, he must master a unique spiritual power.

And with their spiritual frequency, they simply cannot capture that level of spiritual energy in the real world.

Although each major college has various equipment and secret techniques that can increase the success rate of promotion.

But after all, there is a quota limit, and the types of psychic powers that can be locked are also very limited.

But it's different in the Dharma Realm. The power released by 8741 kinds of extraordinary bloodline is 8741 different kinds of spiritual energy.

This is simply a treasure trove of special psychic powers.

In particular, the levels of these psychic powers are at least bronze, and there are even some silver and gold.

How can this not make the major conjuration academies jealous?

The manpower required for Milton's legal invasion plan is too high-end, and the world in the Nuris Federation simply cannot supply such talents.

He can only get what he needs from each of the major spell schools.

Although Milton only contacted the lower-ranked Conjuration Academy, the places were still extremely popular.

The Yanlong Curse Academy was able to obtain 10 places directly because of their great contribution this time.

Of course, Phoenix very much hopes to monopolize all the spots, but this is a request that Milton cannot agree to.

The situation in the game must be under his control.


"Finis, since you are all ready, I won't say anything more."

"In 10 days, people from other spell schools will arrive."

"At that time, I will open the door to the Dharma Realm and send everyone into it."

"As for what kind of changes will happen, it all depends on Gutav's choice!"

"Of course I hope to boil the frog in warm water and eliminate its power bit by bit."

"But our opponent may not be what I want."

"By the way, it's time to fulfill your promise to Bult Carew."

Being a good person and a great collaborator.

Milton has always taken good care of his allies. Even though Bult Carew's life and death are now in his hands, Milton will still take care of his emotions.

This guy is the key now and will definitely not be prone to any problems.

Of course, Phoenix would not break his promise and began to fulfill his promise on the spot.


Outside the game, changes are taking place.

Within the legal world, Chen Qi is concentrating on studying his four superpowers.

Although the fragments of his power are growing at this time, it does not affect Chen Qi's ability to use his superpowers.

However, out of caution, Chen Qi decided not to use the apostle's weapons unless necessary.

"Strange, I thought that each of my superpowers just corresponded to an extraordinary bloodline in the sky."

"But according to my induction, the [Life Control] possessed by the 7 of Hearts alone is connected to the 178 extraordinary bloodlines in the sky."

"So the superpower possessed by the 7 of Hearts is synthesized by integrating 178 extraordinary bloodlines in "Game of Kings"?"

"This is indeed in line with the power characteristics of the Tongtian Giant, which is to swallow massive amounts of extraordinary blood and fuse to give birth to a more powerful force."

Chen Qi was really shocked by his discovery, and he even had another vague guess.

Could it be that the so-called skill upgrade of the card is to expand the number of linked extraordinary bloodlines under the player's guidance?

Perhaps the 7 of Hearts was originally linked to only a dozen extraordinary bloodlines.

But as the card skills continue to upgrade, the number of extraordinary bloodlines it is linked to also continues to expand.

This is also the reason why the skills become more powerful and incredible after upgrading.

"My life control skills are linked to 178 extraordinary bloodlines, material field control is linked to 145 types. Telepathy is linked to 132 types, and telekinesis is the least, only 119 types."

"There are a total of 50 extraordinary bloodlines shared by 4 of these skills."

"The four superpowers are each linked to a silver bloodline, but they are not linked to the gold bloodline at all."

"Is this the truth about game cards?"

Relying on the mysterious feeling, Chen Qi's eyes seemed to penetrate the dark clouds, and once again saw the stars, the bright moon and the sun spinning in the sky.

There has never been a moment when Chen Qi had such a thorough understanding of the power of cards.

And with this realization, a star map flashed in the core of the apostle's armed forces.

Chen Qi's fragment of authority was finally born.

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