I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 199 Energy Analysis

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, so life in the Conjuration Academy is like this!"

"I'm still a little envious!"

Everything was as Yuan Chengji guessed, Chen Qi did "copy" a memory of their studies at the Purple Shirt Curse Academy.

It took these five people an average of 10 years to advance from apprentice to high-level transcendent. This is already considered very talented.

Otherwise, the quota to enter the Dharma Realm would not fall on them.

It can be said that with fifty years of study and memory, Chen Qi is definitely a qualified "veteran student" even if he knows everything about the Purple Shirt Curse Academy.

Chen Qi certainly obtained the energy conversion formula mastered by Yuan Chengji and others.

But in terms of specific applications, the three mastered completely different application formulas.

For example, the application formula mastered by Zhu Yi focuses on the analysis of fire attribute psychic energy.

This is also the reason why Yuan Chengji assigned the fiery red gem to him before.

Obviously, these five people from Yew Academy did not seek perfection and more, but chose their favorite psychic types early.

"It seems necessary to expand the scope of collection."

"Although I have the energy conversion formula, I can also slowly decipher the synthesis secrets of all special psychic powers based on my own deductions."

"But it's too slow. Since there are various application formulas, I just use them."

"There are 20 spell academies coming in this time. If I harvest them all, I will definitely become the longest spell student in the inner ring world."

"My talent is mediocre, so I can only rely on working harder than others."

Just do whatever comes to mind. Chen Qi's superpowers have now been restored to half, which is enough to deal with high-level extraordinary beings.

He didn't do anything bad, he just let these highly nervous guys have a good sleep.

Mutually beneficial!


So as time went by, an "ever-changing" guy mixed in among the extraordinary people.

As Chen Qi gains more and more memories, his acting skills have reached a state of perfection.

And his temperament became more and more like a real spell student.

In the end, Chen Qi's performance was all based on instinct.

When all the extraordinary people saw him for the first time, they felt that this classmate looked very familiar and seemed to have interacted with him before.

As a result, Chen Qi became the most familiar face in the eyes of all extraordinary people.

As Chen Qi's superpowers continue to recover, his dream-stealing techniques become increasingly invisible.

Most of the extraordinary students who were patronized by him once did not even realize that they had had dreams.

It took a full 15 days for Chen Qi to successfully copy the [learning and memory] of 78 extraordinary people.

The qualifications of these guys seem to be similar, and the average study time is about 10 years.

It's a pity that the other 22 people died a little early.

Otherwise, Chen Qi can brag to others, "The reason why I am able to achieve what I am today is entirely because I have studied for 1,000 years."

Of course, Chen Qi’s so-called learning is in fast-forward mode, just like watching a movie.

The memory value of these extraordinary people is too low, and it is not worth Chen Qi's immersive learning.

The poor extraordinary students have unknowingly become a gift package of experience, helping someone to completely make up for the shortcomings of those who did not come from a major.


"75 kinds, I got a total of 75 kinds of application formulas."

"Except for the Yanlong Curse Academy, the teaching level of the other spell schools seems to be about the same."

"These 75 formulas basically cover most of the psychic types, which is enough for me to complete the analysis of 424 types of extraordinary bloodlines."

"Even if there are occasional deficiencies, I can still make deductions based on the energy conversion formula."

"Although the number is a bit large and the calculation is a bit heavy, my connection with the extraordinary bloodline is extremely close, which is also a huge advantage."

"So I'd better complete the energy analysis of all extraordinary bloodlines within the Dharma Realm, otherwise once I leave here, my derivation speed will definitely drop by more than a hundred times."

In a sunny place somewhere in the Dharma Realm, Chen Qi was sorting out his harvest while thinking about his next action.

In five days at most, the seal Gutav placed on the card will completely disappear.

By then, it seemed like he would be able to break through and kill the demon.

But if the demon is killed, the entire King's Game will be reclaimed by the Empire.

There is a high probability that the 7 of Hearts in Chen Qi's hand cannot be saved. Otherwise, how could the empire offer such a generous reward?

That is a reward mixed with compensation.

The power in the card does not belong to him, so there is no need for Chen Qi to hold on to it.

But now that there is an opportunity to "copy" all the power, Chen Qi will naturally not miss it.

Therefore, Chen Qi planned to "cultivate behind closed doors" and spare Gutafu's life until he completely completed the energy analysis of the 424 extraordinary bloodlines.

As for whether Gutav will be killed by the students who have become masters?

Haha, let’s go through the first six levels first.


While Chen Qi was meditating behind closed doors, Amanda was seeking revenge in high spirits.

His hard days are finally over, and an infinitely bright future is approaching him step by step.

Amanda, who has recovered most of her strength, can easily deal with several newly promoted controllers.

Even though the fragments of authority are fragments, they still represent the power of the silver level.

Not to mention just a few newly promoted controllers, even senior controllers are in vain.

In order to vent her anger, Amanda was absolutely ruthless this time.

If the other students were not allies in a sense, he would have planned to expand the scope of his revenge.

After completing her revenge, Amanda contacted Milton again and reported to him the situation in the legal world.

Milton, who was caught off guard by Gutav, has been waiting patiently for a long time!


"Amanda, so the devil has returned!"

"good, very good, excellent."


Although he had already speculated about what was happening in the Dharma Realm, it was only after Amanda confirmed that the palace had fallen that the big stone hanging in Milton's heart fell.

This wave of plans is stable!

"Milton, I am extremely convinced that Gutav has lost all game rights and became [King Gutav]."

"But this guy also re-established the rules of the game for the legal world."

"The wild monsters that originally roamed around have turned into real monsters in the game."

"And those weird jailers have become the mini-bosses guarding the first six levels."

"They will be refreshed after they die, and the students who have been promoted to controllers are in the process of clearing the level."

"This update of the legal world is aimed at intruders like them."

"These students can only meet the final BOSS by passing through eight levels in sequence!"

"But there's no way they can succeed, because it's Ibis and the Sun King who are in charge of the last two levels!"

Although Gutav completely lost his game rights, Amanda did not think Milton's plan was "complete."

Because after the legal world is completely gamified, the game balance mechanism is online again.

Even if Milton can open the Dharma Realm for the second or third time, the people who can enter can only be high-level extraordinary beings.

Beyond this limit, the power of the game is triggered.

If it weren't for the 100 high-level transcendent students who broke in before, causing some changes in the legal world.

The devil Gutav will definitely continue to lower the warning line, just like the Blue Taro Kingdom outside, only allowing apprentices to enter.


But even high-level extraordinary beings can enter the Dharma Realm and can even be promoted to controllers there.

This still cannot change the situation in the legal world and cannot bring any threat to the devil.

It is actually because the strength gap between the controller and the apostle is too big and cannot be made up by the number of people.

So Gutav lost all game rights, but the loopholes in the legal world were completely blocked by him.

So what if you can send people in?

They're just cannon fodder for fun.

Moreover, once these extraordinary students are promoted to controllers, they will be defined by the game as "level passers", which is equivalent to players who have not obtained cards.

It can also be called a player who has gained the power of the game on his own.

But how can it be so easy to take advantage of the devil?

They can only pass through levels one after another, and they cannot escape the game unless they kill the demon.

But there are two Apostle Mountains in front of them, which is impossible to get through.

Therefore, Milton's plan to invade the legal world can be declared a failure.

After Amanda told Milton the details, she ended the call.

He believed that someone as smart as Milton would figure it out.

If you want to pass the game, you still have to rely on apostle players like them.

Outsiders cannot be trusted after all!


And just as Amanda thought, Milton soon realized that the invasion of the legal world was no longer feasible.

This is a bit troublesome.

Of course, this so-called trouble does not come from demons, but from the old guys from the academy who are waiting to enter the legal world for the second time.

Not only have they now lost the qualification to enter the Dharma Realm, but even the students who entered before can't get out.

Everyone has to be "stimulated"!

But they were invited anyway, so they had to give them a proper explanation.

So Milton could only bite the bullet and announce to those old guys that the follow-up plan was cancelled.

Then the scene immediately exploded.

But before these old things could explode, a terrifying momentum descended out of thin air.

"Thump, thump, thump."

In an instant, an old man fell in front of Milton.

Fortunately, this terror only lasted for a moment, otherwise this group of old salted fishes who only had half their lives left would have burst into tears immediately.

"Everyone, the imperial envoy is very satisfied with this plan!"

"The empire sees all your contributions."

"The rewards that are due must still be given. You must not refuse."

Milton, with a cheerful face, helped the trembling old men up one by one.

The latter thanked him repeatedly, but his attitude was completely different from before.

Huh, a bunch of idiots who rely on their old age to sell off their old age.

Milton didn't show it on his face, but in his heart he was quite disapproving of these guys.

I usually get complimented and flattered a lot, but I really thought that I would be able to go crazy everywhere when I get older!

Don't even think about whose territory this is?


Since he had foreseen that the scene might be very disharmonious, Milton would certainly not be stupid enough to "let him be beaten and scolded".

Before meeting these old guys, he rushed to the imperial envoy to make a report.

As a result, Murong Yan was very satisfied with the outcome of this incident.

After all, after Gutav has completely become a game character, there is no possibility of leaving "Game of Kings".

This is a decisive victory and everything else is inconsequential.

In order to commend Milton for his efforts, Murong Yan readily agreed to help him stand up.

But Milton, who is sensible, would not dare to force Murong Yan to come forward in person. He only needs to scare those old guys a little.

As a result, everyone was having fun again and everyone was happy.

Only a few students were lost, and the rewards given by the empire even made these old guys plan to fill them in again.

Milton did not refuse this. After all, it would be good to open up an extra front.

But don't worry, not all the students who entered this batch are dead yet.


November passed in a blink of an eye, and December arrived brand new.

Although there have been some adjustments in "King's Game", they mainly exist at the legal level and have little impact on the players of Blue Taro Kingdom.

Except initially, there was some confusion about the card abilities, which caused some panic.

But this chaos only lasted for a short moment. If the veteran players didn't control their abilities in such a subtle way, they really wouldn't have noticed it.

But there is no airtight wall in the world, and the changes that occurred in the legal world were eventually transmitted back to the Blue Taro Kingdom and reached the ears of all card players.

"Have you heard? There was confusion in card abilities before because a new clearance game was opened in the legal world."

"So what? If we don't become apostles, we won't even be able to enter the Dharma Realm. This matter has nothing to do with us."

"Stupid, how could it be okay? Have you forgotten the Judgment Day?"

"If His Majesty the King asks you to guard the gate for him, will you go or not?"

As a veteran player in the King of Kings game, regardless of their strength, their research on the rules of the game is quite in-depth.

The rules of the game in the legal world had just been announced, and many old players immediately realized a problem.

On the Day of Judgment, His Majesty the King can make a request of them.

What if they are required to go to the Dharma Realm to guard the gates?

This possibility totally exists.

Considering that it is almost impossible to refuse based on their strength, wouldn't they completely lose their freedom in the future and have no choice but to work for the devil?

All I can say is that he is truly worthy of His Majesty the Demon, and this operation is vicious.

This simply dug a big hole for all players.


Not to mention veteran players, even the apostles would find it difficult to escape the fate of "part-time job".

They can only discount the devil's request, but cannot reject it outright.

For example, if the devil asks them to guard the level for 50 years, they can give them a 10% discount and only work for five years.

But five years from now will be the next round of [Judgment Day]. What if the devil continues to make demands?

Five years later and another five years later, what’s the difference between this and working for the devil every day?

Although this is just a guess, all players believe that this is what the demon thinks.

In this case, I am afraid that all players will fall into Gutav's urn. Everyone is working for the devil, so how can they slay the devil?

After thinking about all this, all the players were instantly desperate. It seemed that the empire's bounty was impossible to get.

In the game, His Majesty Gutav has the final say!

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