I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 202 Heat Conduction

"Milton, do you think the two of them can succeed this time?"

Over the Blue Taro Country, the Nuris Federation's luxury passenger plane appeared again.

Murong Yan looked down at the island below with interest. Will today bring him any unexpected surprises?

"Sir, although Amanda is confident and has made all kinds of preparations, he doesn't really feel like he can create miracles to me."

"Perhaps this time, I will disappoint you again."

Milton, who was under great pressure, did not dare to lie at all.

He really didn't expect that the envoy who usually indulged in pleasure would suddenly become interested and visit the Blue Taro Kingdom again.

Regarding Amanda's desperate fight, Milton didn't have high hopes and just gave it a try.

This is not to say that Milton discovered Amanda's "omission". On the contrary, according to Amanda's plan, Milton really did not see that it would fail.

That's why he gave it his full support.

But for some reason, Milton's century-long life experience told him, "Amanda really doesn't look like she's destined to be rich."

This seems very metaphysical and makes no sense, but that's what Milton thought.


"Hahaha, Milton, my premonition is completely opposite to yours."

"I think this time it will definitely surprise me."

"Of course, one thing you judged is right. That old and frail Amanda cannot bear the canonization of the empire!"

"He is old and frail, and his abilities are extremely poor. If I expect him to kill demons, I might as well sleep a little longer."

"But that 7 of Hearts is very interesting. In just one year, he cultivated from an ordinary person to a high-level transcendent, and even became an apostle player."

"This kind of talent is considered outstanding even within the empire."

"I hope he doesn't disappoint me."

Murong Yan observed the energy fluctuations in the space, although due to the isolation of "King's Game", she was unable to detect the specific battle situation.

But once the game changes drastically, she will definitely be able to notice it immediately.

She was actually not sure that the seven of hearts would succeed, but she was in an unexpectedly good mood today.

This seems to be a good sign.


"Lord Messenger, I also think that 7 of Hearts has great potential."

"But the time was too hasty and the time left for him to grow was too short."

"I originally planned to train him well and let him attack in the next round of the game. Unfortunately, Gutav is still so cunning and cunning, which directly advanced the progress of the game by several months."

"I also hope that the 7 of Hearts can create a miracle, but comparing the two, I still think Amanda is more likely."

Even when facing the imperial envoy, Milton still insisted on his judgment.

This is also the reason why he was selected by the empire. Unfortunately, he is still too old after all and subconsciously cannot accept the rise of young people.

Murong Yan saw through this clearly, but didn't say anything more.

Milton has done very well, but unfortunately he is too old and is no longer suitable for the next game environment.

Conspiracy with the devil and silently strategizing are his strengths.

But when the king returned to the throne and "King's Game" completely turned into a clearance game, Milton felt a little uncomfortable.

Murong Yan planned to give Milton another chance to prove himself, if he could not make changes in the next round of the game.

Then she can only change people.

Maybe we can invite a game master from "Second World". Murong Yan was quite impressed by "Yu-Gi-Oh!"

The inner world is starting to become interesting, but I don’t know what kind of impact this storm will have!

Poor Milton didn't know that he was already on the dismissal list.


"Seven of Hearts, is this your apostle's weapon? It's really terrible."

"It seems comprehensive, but in fact the power is scattered!"

"But this is reasonable. After all, you have only been an apostle for two months."

"It's pretty good to be able to perform like this."

"It's a pity that you still have to be killed by me."

Akinode's fight with Chen Qi had lasted three seconds, and he had basically figured out the various abilities of Chen Qi's apostle's weapons.

It can only be said that there is no surprise, it is just an amplification of the card's original ability, and it is not much different from LV5.

It seems that the 7 of Hearts has not discovered the true use of the fragments of power, which is really disappointing.

The Sun King was extremely disappointed with Chen Qi, but Amanda was overjoyed!

It's actually because he is beating Gutav now, how can he be so happy!


"Hahaha, Gutav, look at how embarrassed you are now."

"Aren't you awesome? Don't you treat everyone like ants?"

"Dear Your Majesty the King, you look like a lost dog now."

In the palace, thunder and lightning were everywhere, and Gutav, who was originally so majestic, was chopped to pieces, looking like a homeless man who had just crawled out of the coal pile.

If it weren't for Chen Qi's "very comprehensive" super power, Gutav would most likely have been taken away by Amanda.

However, even though the situation was so dire, Gutav still did not choose to change his superpowers.

As the battle continued, he became more and more familiar with Chen Qi's superpowers. Although he was at a disadvantage for a while, he was still a few breaths away from death.

"Gutav, it's useless. Your attack can't cause any harm to me, and your defense can't completely block my attack."

"In half a minute at most, I can kill you completely."

"You can taste the fear of death now."

Although Amanda acted extremely arrogant on the surface, the string in her heart was tight.

He does have the upper hand now, but killing Gutav completely is not something that can be accomplished in just a few dozen seconds.

The Seven of Hearts' superpowers were both within his expectations and beyond his expectations.

First of all, its attack is indeed not strong. At least the methods Gutav has shown now are not enough to pose a fatal threat to Amanda.

But its defense can be called "comprehensive". No matter what kind of attack, as long as it enters a certain range, it will be imprisoned by [Psychic Power].

Especially when combined with the manipulation of the material field, Gutafu is extremely immune to all kinds of attacks.

If it weren't for the fact that the Seven of Hearts' use of authority is still very basic, it would be really difficult for Amanda to break through the defense.

Indeed, as time goes by, the devil Gutav will eventually be killed by him.

But Amanda didn't want to "grind" the demon to death, because based on the lessons he learned from the failures of his predecessors, the longer you fight with a demon, the harder it is to kill him.

The ultimate secret of killing demons is to do it quickly, preferably with one fatal move.

That's why he keeps taunting Gutav now!


"Amanda, I thought you would become smarter, but I didn't expect you are still so smart."

"I'm a devil, how could I not guess the little thoughts you have in your mind!"

"Don't waste your breath, I won't change my superpowers."

"The seven of hearts has a pretty good super power. If you try harder, you might be able to kill me."

Even with his charred face, Gutav still maintained his demeanor.

His current body is just a shriveled body.

If the 7 of Hearts' super power hadn't been very "nourishing", then what he would have shown to Amanda would have been a mummy.

After completely transforming into [King Gutav], Gutav's original corpse-smelling body was no longer useful and was directly discarded by him.

Yu-Gi-Oh can take other people's bodies, and as the ancestral demon, Gutav can naturally do the same.

It's a pity that he underestimated his demonic nature. A body often only lasts a few days before the physical cells are killed by his own demonic aura.

Although Gutav can perfectly contain the demonic aura in normal times, it is impossible during battle!

There are only 10 minutes left of this body.

If the battle hadn't been resolved as soon as possible, he would have "run naked"!

Gutav is still very concerned about showing his true demon body to the world.


"Akinode, stop dawdling and put some pressure on that kid."

"I know he's much more than that."

"If he is willing to die and refuses to use all your strength, then you should deal with him immediately and come over to support him."

Through the contract, Gutav gave instructions to Akinold, who had been paddling.

Being passively beaten all the time is really detrimental to dignity, especially being chased by an old loser like Amanda. Even though Gutav has a good attitude, he can't stand it any longer.

The reason why he chose the power of the 7 of Hearts was not just because he knew there were pitfalls in choosing the other two superpowers.

But he really knew that Chen Qi was very strong, beyond average strength, at least much stronger than the Amanda in front of him.

This is derived from the instinct of the [King]. Chen Qi's strength will never be weaker than that of the Sun King in his induction.

The latter's strength is enough to rank among the top 10 apostle players in the past.

There is only one answer to why he was beaten so badly by Amanda.

That is, the 7 of Hearts does not use real power at all.

How can I bear this?


"As expected of a devil!"

"Gutav, you really saw through the trap I set for you!"

"But so what?"

"You're still going to die after all!"

Now that the plan had been discovered, Amanda stopped pretending at all.

Since Gutav is "stubborn" and can be beaten in peace, then he is welcome!

Amanda had been preparing for so long, and her attack methods were not just what she saw.

Just when Amanda started to "play cruel tricks", Akinode also started to increase his tactics.

He was now in no position to refuse the devil's order.

This is the restraint that the game levels bring to him.


"Seven of Hearts, I have good news for you. His Majesty the King seems to have chosen to copy your super power!"

"Now His Majesty is very dissatisfied with you. He thinks your strength is much more than what you show!"

"I'm half-convinced about this, why don't you confirm it for me?"

"I won't be able to paddle for the next attack!"

"If you only have the strength you have now, then go die!"

"[Sunlight Cannon]"

Akinode, who was no longer paddling, finally used his real means.

"Crack, click!"

Centered on it, the ground was suddenly covered with frost. This chill continued to spread, quickly covering the entire battlefield, and even continued to spread outwards.

In the blink of an eye, a radius of 10 kilometers has turned into an icy hell of minus 200 degrees.

It was noon at this time, and even though the Dharma Realm was not located underground, "Game of Kings" still projected the power of the sun in.

But after Akinode activated his ability, endless darkness accompanied the ice.

The light within a radius of 10 kilometers seemed to have been swallowed by something.


"Is this the authority and power of the Sun King? It can actually suck away all the heat in the space!"

"The heat in the space spontaneously converged somewhere, resulting in the emergence of extreme cold and endless darkness."

"It's really not the wrong nickname!"

"This guy can really turn into the sun with his bare hands!"

At the same time that the heat in the space began to lose, Chen Qi also launched his own methods.

The two arms of the four-armed energy giant representing [material field] and [psychic power] began to merge.

The same fusion phenomenon occurred in the other two arms.

Everything was just as Gutav said. Chen Qi had never used real power before, but only used the amplification of superpowers by the apostle's weapons themselves.

His 21-fold increase is enough to make him as powerful as an ordinary apostle even without using all his strength.

The reason for this is that Chen Qi was able to sense when his superpower was "copied".

He had known for a long time that Gutav was using his power.

It has always been him, Chen, who harvested others.

Now that someone else has stolen the power copyright, it is intolerable.

Chen Qi was extremely unhappy and planned to make Gutafu suffer.

Unlike the Sun King, Amanda cannot paddle.

With the strength that Chen Qi had shown before, Gutav, who had stolen Chen Qi's power, could only be beaten.

As expected, this old guy couldn't bear it anymore.

Otherwise, Akinold would not be urged to take cruel measures.


"Seven of Hearts, go to hell!"

In the endless darkness, a small sun appeared in the hands of the energy giant Akinode transformed into.

The next moment, the sun turned into a huge beam of light, instantly covering Chen Qi.


Everything happened so fast. With Chen Qi as the center, the ground 500 meters around instantly boiled and turned into a world of magma.

But the next moment, a huge black hole suddenly appeared in the light pillar.

Extremely terrifying, all light begins to collapse toward the black hole.

In just the blink of an eye, the light and heat emitted by the little sun had been completely swallowed up.

Even the battlefield that was originally transformed into a world of magma was once again transformed into a kingdom of glass.

"The heat was transferred out of thin air?"

"Is it the fusion of those two superpowers?"

"Damn, no good!"

After the black hole swallowed the sun's beam, it transformed into Chen Qi's figure again.

The next moment, the energy giant swung a knife with his right hand.

This is the martial arts sword intention that combines spirituality and mind control. It is also unavoidable. Akinode was killed instantly.

The moment he saw the knife, Akinode's consciousness began to freeze frame by frame, and he could only watch in despair as the billions of knife lights merged into his body.

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