I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 225 System Restart

"It has been detected that a new student has joined the assessment."

"The system has been activated and restarted, student identities are being loaded, and the system has been renumbered..."

"Numbering successful!"

"Congratulations to student 037 for participating in the joint entrance examination of the ten colleges."

"No. 037, name: Chen Qi"

"Status: Reserve"

"Strength: High-level Extraordinary"

"Affiliated College: Tianwu Curse Academy"

"Points: 0"

The moment the binding was completed, a series of messages came from Chen Qi's jade talisman.

Although the message was only a dozen lines long, the amount of information contained in it took Chen Qi a full 5 minutes to think about.

[Detected that new students have joined the assessment], and later [Congratulations to student 037 for joining the joint examination of the ten colleges].

If Chen Qi understood it correctly, the reason why there are knowledge boxes from the top ten spell schools on this desert island is because the joint examination of the ten schools is taking place here.

This finally solved a question in Chen Qi's mind.

The Box of Knowledge does not appear here for no reason.


The next piece of information, [The system has been reactivated and students’ identities have been renumbered], is even more worth pondering.

System reactivation?

What system? Who activated it?

Considering his number 037, Chen Qi couldn't help but make a bold guess.

Perhaps he is the 37th person on this deserted island to bind the box of knowledge.

As for whether the first 36 are other candidates on the Haiyuan, it is impossible to be sure.

Just like Chen Qi now, he was also unable to determine whether the three examiners had reactivated the system.

As for the reserve status, this is quite understandable.

After all, he only passed the written test and not the actual combat assessment.

Chen Qi actually found it incredible that Yu Haonan was able to bind the Box of Knowledge before.

None of them have joined the Tianwu Conjuration Academy, how could they have such great authority?

Chen Qi once speculated that there was something wrong with the Box of Knowledge. Did the candidates like them exploit some loopholes to bind the Box of Knowledge?

But considering the power of the top ten super spell academies, it is unlikely that they will have a loophole in identification.

Combined with the current system restart, Chen Qi couldn't help but draw a conclusion.

The reason why they, the candidates on the Haiyuan, were able to bind the Box of Knowledge was because the person who restarted the system gave them permission.

This is the most reasonable answer.

These knowledge boxes should be just personal terminals, and there should be a large server on the desert island.


[Points 0], this is not surprising.

After all, Chen Qi has just successfully registered and hasn’t done anything yet.

It's just that this restarted system is really crude. It neither indicates what the points do nor how to obtain them.

Everything can only be explored by Chen Qi himself.

The affiliated college is Tianwu Conjuring Academy, which is very reasonable.

After all, Chen Qi activated it with the jade talisman from Tianwu Conjuration Academy, and his application information was originally recorded in this jade talisman.

In addition to the above information from the [system], the knowledge box itself also records a piece of knowledge.

This is clearly the [Secret Technique of Spiritual Sublimation] that Yu Haonan mentioned before.

This secret technique does not require points to be redeemed at all. Chen Qi only needs to inject his own spirituality into the box of knowledge to obtain it.

Out of caution, Chen Qi has not had any direct contact with the Box of Knowledge until now.

Now that the secret technique of spiritual sublimation is at his fingertips, Chen Qi hesitates.

Is this secret right for me?

I chose the secret method of spiritual sublimation from Youquan Conjuration Academy. Is it really okay?

You can't blame Chen Qi for overthinking this. After all, there may be no precedent for this kind of thing.

They haven't even entered school yet, but they can actually obtain the secrets of spiritual sublimation from other spell schools.

It feels weird just thinking about it.


"That's all, let's be steady first."

"I'll collect a few more boxes of knowledge and compare them before making a decision!"

Chen Qi finally restrained his urge to be promoted. After the jade talisman was bound to the box of knowledge, he also discovered the existence of other boxes of knowledge.

Within a radius of 50 kilometers, there are 4 boxes of knowledge.

In this case, let's get a few more first.

Just as he thought, Chen Qi searched the tree hole and found no other treasures.

These fish-headed orcs are really poor.

Resisting the urge to set a fire, Chen Qi left the dirty tree hole quite unhappy.

With the specific direction sensing, Chen Qi's next search speed can be greatly accelerated.

20 minutes later, Chen Qi once again found a box of knowledge in a lake.

At this time, there was a 100-meter giant turtle that had been disemboweled lying under his feet.

The Box of Knowledge was taken out of this guy's belly.

It's a pity that this guy has grown so big in vain and doesn't have extraordinary bloodline.

And with such a huge body, Chen Qi cannot stew it in one pot.


"Hey, you can actually log in?"

"This should be the knowledge box of Wushen Curse Academy, but why is there no corresponding secret technique of spiritual sublimation in it?"


Chen Qi's jade talisman came into contact with the new box of knowledge. He originally just tried it casually.

Unexpectedly, I actually logged into the [system] again.

In this way, these boxes of knowledge are really just a login port.

Chen Qi's number is still 037, and his points have not changed.

It seems that killing ordinary life forms does not bring points.

"There is no secret method of spiritual sublimation in this box of knowledge. Has it been used by someone?"

"But it's obvious that I just disemboweled it from the giant turtle's belly."

"So there is only one possibility. The secret method of spiritual sublimation in the box was obtained by the candidates who participated in the joint examination of the ten schools."

"That is to say, there is only one secret method of spiritual sublimation in the box of knowledge."

“I just got lucky before and got one that wasn’t used.”

After understanding this, Chen Qi couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

This is really a quick hand, but a slow hand does not.

He originally planned to collect a few more copies and shop around.

Now it seems that he is simply overthinking.

If he is unlucky, he may not gain anything next.

Since the Knowledge Box of Wushen Academy does not have the secret method of spiritual sublimation, it is worthless to Chen Qi.

Chen Qi originally planned to throw it away, but considering that it took a lot of effort to find it, it was a pity.

Forget it, just take it with you for now, maybe you can exchange something with other candidates.

Since this thing can be connected to the Internet, Chen Qi has no plans to include it in a space ring.

Even though Chen Qi is new to the other world, he is still very clear about the preciousness of space treasures.

If the box of knowledge "lost contact" after entering the space ring, wouldn't it be asking for trouble?


"We must act quickly."

"The reason why Yu Haonan and the others generously told everyone about the existence of the Box of Knowledge before was because they did not realize the existence of the empty box."

"Once everyone discovers the existence of the empty box, there will inevitably be a fight."

"And since we can discover the Box of Knowledge, other candidates must be able to as well."

"Otherwise my current number wouldn't be 037."

"be quick!"

Having made the decision, Chen Qi shook the bloody cicada wings, and his whole body turned into a bloody light and disappeared without a trace.

This time, it only took Chen Qi 10 minutes to find the third box of knowledge.

It was also worshiped as a sacred object by a group of orcs.

After Chen Qi killed this nest of four different beasts, his points also increased to 20.

Sure enough, killing orcs can increase points.

Since it is a joint examination of ten schools and there are points, there must be "prey".

Orcs, enemies of humans, are naturally the most suitable.

I just don’t know whether the orcs on the island were specially placed by the top ten super spell academies, or whether they already existed.

Thinking of the laboratory where the biochemical path turned into a crater, Chen Qi seriously doubted that there was more than one way to obtain points.

Perhaps points can also be obtained by destroying the experimental bodies of the biochemical path.


"Damn, it's unlucky, it's also an empty box."

"I thought my fortune was about to turn around."

"After all, this box of knowledge comes from the Tianwu Conjuration Academy."


The knowledge box of Tianwu Conjuration Academy can also be connected to the Internet. After logging in, it is still numbered 037.

Chen Qi originally thought that his jade talisman also came from Tianwu Conjuration Academy, and there would be some wonderful reaction between the two.

The reality was that he was overthinking it, and the entire process was exactly the same as the previous two times.

His jade talisman did not enjoy any special permissions at all.


"The next Box of Knowledge will probably run into some trouble!"

"Its location is too deep, and the concentration of psychic energy is estimated to be 50 times that of the outside world."

"This litter of four different ones just now is of bronze blood, so it is no longer so neat to clean up."

"This is me with the golden bloodline. If it were any other candidate, I would have been eaten by this bunch of different ones."

"The strength of these guys is already comparable to that of the students from the Conjuration Academy who have been promoted within the Dharma Realm."

Chen Qi put away the third box of knowledge and headed to a new battlefield.

The deeper you go, the larger the life forms you encounter.

Fortunately, the aura exuded by Chen Qi is more terrifying, and the beasts in the jungle are still very knowledgeable.

20 minutes later, Chen Qi arrived at his destination.

However, what I saw when I saw it were dozens of dilapidated thatched houses.

This is a bit ominous.

Although this is just a shabby residence that even beggars despise, but since the orcs can build houses, it only shows that their brains are not shrinking badly.

This also shows that they are very powerful.

If Chen Qi wants to chopping melons and vegetables again, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.


"Human, have you thought about it?"

"Teach you the knowledge you have honestly, and we will raise you to be fat and white."

"If you don't cooperate, then we will eat a piece of your flesh every day."

In a huge thatched house, an orc with a wolf head and body was interrogating a candidate who was tied to a tree stump.

There were three other humans tied to the surrounding tree stumps.

But two of them had been disemboweled and all their internal organs had been eaten.

"Haha, the stupid and despicable orcs actually want to learn human knowledge."

"Stop dreaming."

"Although I, Wang Tianlang, am greedy for life and afraid of death, I will never betray humanity."

"It's useless even if you kill me. Our people from Tianwu Conjuration Academy will kill here sooner or later."

"You bastards are doomed."

The unlucky man tied to the tree stump at this moment is Chen Qi's new friend Wang Tianlang.

It seems that he was unlucky enough to fall directly near this group of orcs.

Then he was caught by these guys with wolf heads and human bodies.

These guys have sharper noses than dogs, and they locked onto Wang Tianlang from a distance of ten miles.

It's not that Wang Tianlang didn't resist, it was actually because the difference in strength was too big.

There are more than 30 wolf-headed men in this village, and each one of them is as powerful as a human controller.

Not to mention Wang Tianlang, none of the 50 invigilators from Tianwu Conjuration Academy would be able to escape.

Perhaps only the three examiners can kill all the wolf-headed men.


After falling into the hands of these guys, Wang Tianlang thought he would be eaten.

It's a pity that he is a "son of a rich man" after all, and he ended up being eaten by orcs.

Hey, if he had known this day, he would have enjoyed life and not struggled.

Applying for the Tianwu Conjuration Academy this time was definitely the biggest failure in his life.

However, Wang Tianlang never expected that these orcs were really smart and still retained their greed.

These guys actually wanted to learn spell knowledge from him.

It’s scary to think about it.

In fact, if possible, Wang Tianlang would also like to make concessions with these guys and buy more time.

But when he awakened spiritually, he chose Article 5 of the "Spirit World Declaration", [NO.5 Never betray human civilization].

Teaching human knowledge to orcs is an act of betrayal of human civilization.

This is something that is expressly prohibited by the World Government.

Once he chooses to betray humanity, he will "return" to a mortal form.

What's the difference between this and death? It's better to keep a little bit of backbone.


"Haha, human, you will give in."


The wolf-headed man tore off one of Wang Tianlang's ears, put it in his mouth and chewed it.

From the beginning to the end, Wang Tianlang didn't even have the strength to struggle.

Because a gray wolf fang emitting psychic fluctuations pierced through his body and was nailed to his spine.

It was this wolf fang that sealed all his power.

These damn wolf-headed men are definitely not simple.

Seeing his ears being eaten, Wang Tianlang's angry tears were bleeding.

Ever since he was a child, when had he ever suffered such a loss?

As long as there is a chance, he will definitely eat this wolf head alive.

The wolf-headed man seemed to be very patient. Seeing that Wang Tianlang was still uncooperative, he walked towards another human.


"I, I promise."

"I can teach you the knowledge of spells, but you orcs can't awaken spiritually at all. Don't blame me if you can't learn it."

"We at Jile Dao have never engaged in racial discrimination. We are happy to do business with all races."

"I didn't come in alone this time. Our captain Zhou Yankun is a powerful controller, no weaker than you."

"Lord Slaine, one of the top ten generals, can easily destroy you."

"I think we can definitely have opportunities to cooperate."

Before the wolf-headed man took action, Cook, who was tied to the tree stump, succumbed.

He is a member of Zhou Yankun's team and the controller of the second spiritual sublimation.

He was also unlucky enough to fall near the wolf-headed man.

At first, Cook fought back.

But as the number of wolf-headed men increased, he was quickly overwhelmed.

It's not that he's not strong enough, it's that the opponent has so many wolves that they're going to fight in a group!

In particular, the blood power of these wolf-headed men is very strange. It not only enhances physical strength, but also has strong resistance to spiritual energy.

Cook's most proud spell fell on these wolf-headed men, but it could only severely damage them, but could not kill them.

What's even more frightening is that as the blood of these wolf-headed men adapts to his spell, the damage he can cause becomes less and less.

In the end, he was completely knocked unconscious by the fists of these wolf-headed men.

When he woke up, he found that five wolf fangs had penetrated his body.

Even though he was the one in control, he still couldn't move at all.

This made him even more aware of the strangeness of the bloodline power of this pack of wolf-headed men.

Those wolf fangs are obviously the condensed blood of the wolf-headed man.

In essence, these are those wolf-headed men who are about to die, burning their own blood power and sacrificing a certain part of their bodies into extraordinary weapons.

This is the most common method used by orcs to forge weapons.

It can even be passed down from generation to generation and continuously accumulated for sacrifice.


"Human, I saw you right."

"You are very suitable to be our friend."

"As a friend, it's not too much for me to eat one of your ears, right?"

The wolf-headed man was extremely satisfied with Cook's performance, and then he also tore off one of his ears and stuffed it into his mouth.


Cook yelled in pain, these orcs were indeed crazy.

I have obviously surrendered.

How could he, who was born in the path of bliss, have ever suffered like this?

Damn it, when I find the captain, I will roast you and eat you.

The more Cook cursed, the happier the wolf-headed man became.

As if to prove the strength of their friendship, the wolf-headed man ate his other ear.

Now Cook couldn't hold himself any longer. If he had known this, he might as well have been stronger.


"Human, you can now teach me the knowledge you possess!"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't lie, I won't blame you."

"We are friends."

The wolf-headed man seemed to be full. He patted Cook's chest with satisfaction, and the latter almost peed in fear.

Cook thought this guy was going to eat his own heart.


Cook originally planned to ask for more treatment, but now he is really frightened by the wolf-headed man's unreasonableness.

Forget it, survival is important.

With the intelligence of these guys, if I explain it a little more complicatedly, it will be enough to delay it for several months.

Such a long time is enough for the captain and the others to find themselves.

However, as soon as Cook opened his mouth, before he could speak, he was suddenly interrupted.


"You three, do you mind if I listen in?"

"I'm the best person to learn."

At some point, a bloody strange man appeared in the thatched house.

It wasn't until he spoke that Cook and others realized his presence.

"What kind of monster is this? An orc?"

"No, no, it's a human with extraordinary blood."

"But so weird!"

The sudden appearance of the bloody weirdo instantly raised hope in Wang Tianlang's heart.

Maybe I can be saved!

However, Cook poured cold water on him unceremoniously.

"Stop dreaming. Although the aura on this guy's body is very strange, his spirituality does not seem to have been sublimated."

"There are more than 30 wolf-headed men here, he can't handle them!"

"Maybe we will have another companion."

After all, Cook is also the controller of the second sublimation of spirituality, and his judgment is still very accurate.

He didn't think much of this guy with a pair of bloody cicada wings at all. After all, he had been beaten by a wolf-headed group.

However, completely different from Cook's judgment, the previously extremely cruel wolf-headed man showed a hint of fear.


Very suddenly, the wolf-headed man started howling.

Hearing this cry again, Cook shivered.

This is how he was beaten by the wolf-headed people in the first place.


"Haha, are you summoning your men?"

"No need to waste your efforts!"

"While you were busy biting your ears just now, I already took care of your little brothers."

"Look, there they are!"

"I am very satisfied with your bloodline abilities."

Chen Qi slowly opened the cicada wings. On the bloody cicada wings, 30 pairs of eyes kept blinking, showing all kinds of pain and struggle.

The atmosphere in the entire hut instantly became extremely strange.

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