I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 243 One-foot Immortal Veins

"Junior, I am Gong Yuntian from Youquan Curse Academy. I am proficient in all kinds of luck secrets. The first time I saw you, I knew you were a person with great luck."

"You have three flowers on your head, auspicious clouds at your feet, and a beam of luck that shoots straight into the sky, shaking the sky."

"It's really God's will that you come to this Libra Earth Palace."

"God wants to give you some good luck, reborn, and embark on the path to immortality."

Gong Yuntian, who was hanging on the Libra Tree, looked at Chen Qi with disbelief, as if he had discovered some rare treasure.

That expression, that demeanor, no matter how Chen Qi looked at it, he felt it was real.

It's amazing, it's amazing, I finally met an expert today.

This senior from Youquan Conjuration Academy has very good eyes.


"Senior, you'd better say it directly."

"Although I also feel that I am a genius and have great luck."

"But I've always been down-to-earth. I'm afraid something as illusory as becoming an immortal has nothing to do with me."

"Of course, if the senior wants to give me a little gift or a few elixirs, I won't hesitate to accept it."

After entering the second floor of the underground palace, Chen Qi had already scanned the sacrifices all over the floor.

To his considerable disappointment, he did not see the elixir in it.

This is a bit of a pity.

After finally entering the Lord of Libra's lair, Chen Qi thought he could harvest some local products.


"Hey, junior fellow student actually knows about the existence of elixir?"

"It seems that there is no need for me to say more about the deeds of the Lord of Libra."

Gong Yuntian glanced at Chen Qi in surprise. Didn't these candidates just enter Shengxian Island? They even knew about the elixir.

I just hope that the guy in front of me is greedy enough, otherwise it will be difficult to fool him.


"Junior, since you are a real person, I will not beat around the bush."

"There was an unexpected accident during the joint examination of the ten schools. As a last resort, Pei Zhennan from the Wushen Conjuration Academy and I took refuge in the Libra Underground Palace."

"This Libra Underground Palace is the place where the Lord of Libra cultivates immortality. It is rumored that the Lord of Libra is in seclusion behind the giant bronze door."

"For hundreds of years, countless people have tried to open the giant bronze door to confirm whether the Lord of Libra has ascended to immortality, but no one has ever succeeded."

"Unfortunately, Pei Zhennan and I succeeded."

"Hey, it all comes down to greed."

Recalling the past, Gong Yuntian, who was hanging on the Tree of Libra, looked sad.

According to his account, he and Pei Zhennan were seriously injured at that time and were close to death.

At the last moment of their lives, they actually sensed the call of the giant bronze door.

With the last bit of strength in their bodies, they climbed into the giant bronze door that slowly opened.

Inside the huge door is an ordinary stone room.

There is no figure of the Lord of Scales inside, only three things exist.

A scripture, a bronze key, and a foot of immortal veins.

At that time, the two of them were greedy for a moment, or more accurately, they wanted to use the treasure of the Lord of Libra to save their lives.

Then the two of them each picked a treasure.

Gong Yuntian chose [One Chi Immortal Vein], and Pei Zhennan chose [Sutra].


"Junior, we later found out that the three treasures in the stone room were used by the Lord of Libra to test the successors."

"Only by successfully controlling the [One-Chi Immortal Veins] or comprehending the [Equality Sutra] can one pass the assessment."

"It's a pity that Pei Zhennan and I have limited abilities and cannot pass the assessment."

"As a result, my junior also saw it and was hung on the Tree of Libra."

"But I see that my apprentice has great luck and amazing wisdom. He may not be able to pass the test and become the successor of the Lord of Libra."

"Just when my junior arrived, the giant bronze gate was faintly shaking. It must be because of you."

"I can teach the junior how to enter the giant bronze gate. I only hope that after the junior passes the examination, we can be freed and let us return to the academy."

"This is the fairy fate I mentioned before, and my junior is definitely the best choice."

Gong Yuntian looked at Chen Qi with extremely sincere eyes, and the latter actually saw sincerity in his eyes.

This is really a bit strange.

Is everything Gong Yuntian said true?

But pie in the sky can only happen once. Chen Qi is really "a little scared"!


"Senior Gong, what's the situation with Senior Pei Zhennan now?"

"If I fail to pass the assessment, won't I be hanging here like you?"

"This fairy fate is a bit hot, I'm afraid I won't be able to take it."

Chen Qi spoke "hesitantly", looking a little tempted but also a little hesitant.

Gong Yuntian expressed his understanding for the junior fellow student being so cautious.

After all, these words just now were just his own words. If it were him, he would be more suspicious.

"Junior, I can swear on the reputation of Youquan Conjuring Academy that everything I just said is the truth."

"Swear on the honor of the college. This oath is binding."

"Once what I say is not true, the secret method of spiritual sublimation I have practiced will backfire."

"You who have practiced the secret method of spiritual sublimation should know this very well."

"As for Pei Zhennan's current condition, hey, Pei is so seriously injured that he can only hang on to the Tree of Scales."

"I'm afraid that only after my junior inherits the mantle of Lord of Libra can he be revived."

In order to prove that what he said was true, Gong Yuntian activated his spirituality in front of Chen Qi and swore in the name of Youquan Curse Academy.

As a result, there was no change in his spirituality, and what he said was indeed true.

Regarding the fact that you cannot swear in the name of the academy casually, it is indeed recorded in the secret method of spiritual sublimation that Chen Qi obtained.

But he never intended to swear, so he didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't expect to meet him today.

Unbelievable, really unbelievable, today I met a senior who only told the truth.

Since everything Gong Yuntian said before was true. Then when Chen Qi entered the underground palace, the giant bronze gate must have really reacted.

Then you can't go in!


"Senior Gong, to be honest, I haven't even seen the gate of Tianwu Conjuration Academy yet!"

"After all, this is the inheritance of immortals. I'm afraid my current strength is beyond my capabilities!"

"It's better to wait until I study in the academy for a few more years and then take the exam."

"Anyway, both seniors have been waiting for more than 50 years, so they might as well wait for a dozen more years."

Chen Qi also told the truth. If these two seniors were really willing to wait patiently for more than ten years, Chen Qi could move home not to mention the entire Shengxian Island, not to mention the Libra Palace.

"I didn't expect that my junior is still a freshman who has not yet started. I think the reason why he was promoted to a controller is because he obtained the Box of Knowledge!"

"If this is the case, it only means that my junior's talent is incredible, and it is even more important to give it a try."

"Actually, I am doing this for your sake, my junior. Shengxian Island is full of dangers and full of murderous intent."

"With my junior's strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get out alive."

Gong Yuntian decided to analyze the severe situation he was facing for the junior student in front of him, so that he could understand that he was not fooling him, but was really thinking about him.

"Junior, I have long known what happened to you."

"I also heard that a true disciple was trapped in Changshou Village, but that place is even more terrifying, and she may not be able to come out alive."

"Even if you are lucky enough to escape with your life, it is impossible for you to occupy the Yunshan and make contact with the outside world."

"Junior, the water in Shengxian Island is too deep, you can't control it."

"Even if we fail the assessment, we can still survive. Maybe one day, the top ten super spell academies can lock this place, and we can be rescued."

"Junior, you are able to interact with the giant bronze gate. This is a great blessing and opportunity."

"You don't have to worry about whether to take the assessment now. When you really encounter a desperate situation, you will definitely make the same choice as we did back then."

"Junior, in the entire Shengxian Island, this is the only place where you can rest."

Gong Yunzhen was really heartbroken. The level of weirdness on Shengxian Island now was hundreds of times higher than what they had been back then.

Back then, all 500 of their top controllers failed. A few old students from the Tianwu Conjuration Academy could not change the world.

In his opinion, it was only a matter of time before the junior student in front of him entered the giant bronze gate.

Unless he wanted to die, there was only one way to survive.

It seems that this junior is too cowardly. If he dared to enter in person, Gong Yuntian would have already rushed the place without wasting his words.


"Is Shengxian Island so complicated and dangerous now?"

As a survivor of that accident, Gong Yuntian must know many secrets.

It's a pity that no matter how Chen Qi inquired, he didn't dare to say more, as if he was afraid of something.

You can imagine how terrifying it is to make Gong Yuntian, who is currently hanging on the Tree of Libra, extremely afraid of something.

To be honest, if it weren't for Chen Qi, there would be another kind of "reliance".

If he wants to survive on Shengxian Island, it seems that he can really only enter the giant bronze gate and try to inherit the mantle of the Lord of Libra.

At worst, he would be hung up for hundreds of years, which could be regarded as a different kind of immortality.


Chen Qi vaguely understood the secret of the Tree of Libra.

Chen Qi also had some vague guesses as to why Gong Yuntian encouraged him to take part in the assessment.

It's just that after he fails the assessment, he will take Gong Yuntian's place and hang on the Tree of Libra.

In order to ensure the balance of life and death, this tree of Libra can only hang two living beings.

One is in the birth position and the other is in the death position.

This life and death is not really life and death, but just a state of flow.

The deep mysteries involved in this are difficult for even Chen Qi to see clearly.

The reason why Gong Yuntian is in the birth position is probably because his life source is more powerful than Pei Zhennan.

But according to Chen Qi's speculation, Gong Yuntian will definitely have to pay the price after leaving the Tree of Libra.

As for what it is, only he himself knows.

What puzzled Chen Qi the most was Gong Yuntian's purpose.

Since Shengxian Island is so dangerous, why does Gong Yuntian want to escape the protection of the Tree of Libra?

Is he confident that he can still protect himself after leaving the Tree of Libra?


Although the development of things is a bit strange, judging from the current situation.

Gong Yuntian seemed to intend to let Shengxian Island teach Chen Qi how to behave, and there was no intention of forcing him.

It seems that there is no need to fight with the seniors today.

"Senior, can I chop down this tree that leads to the darkest place?"

After chatting with Gong Yuntian for a while, Chen Qi finally remembered that he still had business to do.

At this time, Chen Qi's body in the outside world had already seen traces of the other two Skull and Bones members.

It won't take long for them to return to the underground palace.

Chen Qi's time is running out.


"It seems that my junior is planning to kill them all."

"That's all, since I have a fate with my junior today, I'll give you some face."

"You can kill those three guys, but you can't cause any damage to the Tongyou Tree."

"After all, this thing is now regarded as a sacrifice to the underground palace. As the guardian of this place, I'd better not make it difficult for me."

Compared to Chen Qi's value, those three ghosts are obviously insignificant.

They are just accessories to the Tongyou Tree. If they die here, they are considered sacrifices.

This can be regarded as Gong Yuntian's test of the junior student in front of him.

Amira's strength was still good, so why was she killed?


"Senior, this really posed a problem for me."

"Sacrifice? What a pity!"

"I originally planned to take this thing out and study it carefully!"

Chen Qi casually slashed out with his sword, and the three marks on the Tongyou tree were instantly erased.

There is nothing difficult about this understatement.

The moment Chen Qi took action, Gong Yuntian's eyes couldn't help but become a little more solemn.

This guy in front of me can trigger the giant bronze door's induction, which should not be underestimated.

But that's all. It's 100% impossible to survive on Shengxian Island with this level of strength.

It's better if this guy is stronger, lest he accidentally dies outside without even a chance to come back.

The stronger Chen Qi becomes, the more relieved Gong Yuntian becomes.

When this guy suffers enough and experiences despair on the island, he will definitely choose to inherit the mantle of the Lord of Libra.

Gong Yuntian did not tell lies to Chen Qi, but it did not mean that he told all the truth.

For example, he didn't tell Chen Qi that the three treasures in the giant bronze door had "run away".

When they opened the giant bronze door and failed the test, the three treasures flew out of the underground palace.

But the Tree of Libra is still there, and the assessment mechanism is still there.

As long as Chen Qi enters the giant bronze door, he will definitely be hung on the Tree of Libra, and Gong Yuntian will be able to escape.

The "Tongyou Tree" was used as a sacrifice, and the person worshiping was not the Lord of Libra.

The Lord of Libra might have become an immortal, so there would be no need for sacrifices.

What really needs sacrifices is the Tree of Libra.

And Gong Yuntian is the person in charge of sacrifices.

This is also the reason why he has the confidence to escape from the Tree of Libra without paying a huge price.


The reason why Gong Yuntian dared to leave the protection of the Tree of Libra and enter the quagmire of Shengxian Island was of course because he had other plans.

Back then, he was only one step away from controlling the [One-Chi Immortal Veins].

It was this small step that caused him to fail the assessment and be hung on the Tree of Libra.

Countless times, Gong Yuntian was upset. If he could be given another chance, he would definitely be able to control the [One-Chi Immortal Veins].

Especially after the three treasures escaped, he could dream almost every night that he had found the [One-Chi Immortal Vein] again.


At the beginning, Gong Yuntian could not leave the underground palace.

Until he discovered that the Tree of Libra was actually a living creature, able to accept "sacrifice", or bribes,

As long as he can find something that can be swallowed by the Tree of Scales, he can briefly escape from the underground palace.

More accurately, it was the Tree of Libra that briefly radiated power out of the underground palace.

At first this distance was only a few kilometers, but now it has reached 100 kilometers.

Amira and the other three unlucky guys were caught by Gong Yuntian within this distance.

The Tongyou Tree who asked them to place their trust happened to arouse the interest of the Tree of Libra.


After being able to go out, the first thing Gong Yuntian did was to make up for his regrets and find the [One-Chi Immortal Vein].

He even developed a secret search method based on his understanding of the [One-Chi Immortal Vein].

Gong Yuntian is extremely confident that as long as he can find the [One-Chi Immortal Vein], he will be able to successfully control it.

What is hateful is that he sensed the existence of [One-Chi Immortal Veins] several times.

But since he couldn't leave the 100-kilometer range, he could only stare.

The feeling that hope was right in front of him but missed so many times drove him crazy.

Fortunately, the opportunity has finally come, and a large number of humans have fled to Shengxian Island.

In fact, before today, except for the true seed, Gong Yuntian didn't think that any of the survivors could be connected to the giant bronze gate.

He and Pei Zhennan were the masters of five spiritual sublimations. Even so, they still relied on Tianshi.

The space-time oscillation caused by the mutation 50 years ago was the real reason for the opening of the giant bronze door.

They were just along for the ride.

But Gong Yuntian never expected that a candidate who had spiritual sublimation twice today would once again cause the giant bronze gate to tremble.

This is incredible.

Could it be that the influx of a large number of outsiders and the turmoil in time and space caused another change in the power of the giant bronze gate?

If so, he might try to fool a few more candidates.

Unfortunately, the junior I met this time was too cautious and only sent one clone in.

If he dares to enter in person, Gong Yuntian will definitely imprison him and will never let him leave without participating in the assessment.

Fortunately, hope has not been completely extinguished. Gong Yuntian firmly believes that in despair, no one can resist the temptation to inherit the mantle of the immortal.

The terrifying beings on Shengxian Island will definitely force him back to the underground palace.

At that time, he will be able to get out of trouble and find the [One-Chi Immortal Vein].

Once successful, Gong Yuntian will be promoted to the Silver Apostle, and he will be able to protect himself on the Immortal Island.

By then, he may not be able to find a way to leave Shengxian Island and return to Youquan Conjuring Academy with honor.


Gong Yuntian was still having sweet dreams in the underground palace. After reuniting with his clone, Chen Qi had already begun to check the ashes on the ground.

The two dark masses of powder on the ground were naturally the unlucky Dudley and Enus.

The moment Chen Qi killed the brand, these two guys suffered a disaster.

The energy body they constructed using turbid spiritual energy instantly lost control.

After the two groups of spiritual flames burned, only some impurities were left in place.

It can be said that these two guys did not know how they died from the beginning to the end.

After some testing, Chen Qi determined that the two balls of powder were only worth using as fertilizer, so he didn't bother to clean them up.

However, just when Chen Qi was about to leave, an extremely abstract-looking guy appeared in front of him with his whole body in pieces.

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