I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 249 Perfect Human


Hundreds of psychic tentacles turned into long whips and waved towards Chen Qi.

Looking around, the spiritual energy in the space is like a stirred ocean wave, causing endless turbulence.


Mantras surged around Chen Qi's body, and in the next moment, his entire body turned into a ball of blue light and disappeared.

And at the moment Chen Qi disappeared, psychic tentacles crossed the area.

No matter whether it is life or matter, the moment it is touched by spiritual tentacles, everything will disintegrate and be annihilated.

This is because the psychic energy that makes up the psychic tentacles is too violent and chaotic, and instinctively corrodes and assimilates everything, turning the surroundings into chaos.

"Is this the effect of spiritual veins? Even if thousands of spiritual energies are mixed into a pot of porridge, it can still bind and maintain its stable existence!"

"What's even more incredible is the interference effect of spiritual veins on spiritual energy in space."

"As soon as this thing appeared, the spiritual energy in the space manipulated by my spell was directly reduced by 1/3."

One kilometer away, Chen Qi's figure appeared again.

At this time, 1/3 of the huge flying head's body had lost its flesh and blood and turned into a spiritual state.

Even this trend continues to spread.

Obviously, after Chen Qi cut off those flesh and blood tentacles, Feitou's balance had been broken.

The remaining flesh and blood can no longer restrain the psychic body. Visible to the naked eye, the flying head begins to transform into a huge psychic monster.

"After the flesh and blood form of this thing fades away, it really looks a bit strange and beautiful!"

"If it weren't for the huge human head on top, it would look like a blue jellyfish in the sea."


The huge flying head, which was mostly transformed into a spiritual body, spit out a huge spiritual light beam towards Chen Qi.

The psychic light beam is colorful, as if it is painted with all kinds of colors in the world.

Wherever the light beam passed, the originally distinct colors in the world were all turned into a pot of porridge.

In a daze, Chen Qi felt like a little figure in a charcoal drawing, and a basin of ink was pouring on him.

If he were contaminated by these messy colors, he would probably no longer exist in this world.


Chen Qi repeated his old trick, and in the next moment, the person appeared 3 kilometers away.

The place where he was originally had been completely wiped out from the world by chaotic spiritual energy.

This is the real power of monsters built from spiritual veins.

The spiritual energy they can mobilize far exceeds that of controllers of the same level, as if they have natural control over spiritual energy.

It's a pity that the human-headed monster in front of him is simply a brainless thing, completely unable to display the true power of his spiritual veins.

What Chen Qi despised even more was that this guy's spiritual veins were messy and did not form a complete energy cycle at all.

This is also the reason why the spiritual energy in its body is extremely chaotic. If it weren't for the incredible spiritual veins, this thing would have exploded long ago.

But this is only a matter of time. When the flesh and blood on its body completely falls off, it will turn into a bright firework.

Therefore, facing the ferocious attack of the Flying Skull, Chen Qi had no intention of fighting back, but took the time to observe its form.

There is not much time left for this thing!

"Boom boom boom!"

As flesh and blood continue to fall off, the flying head, affected by the endless chaotic spiritual energy erosion, becomes more and more violent.

It is like an abstract painter who has been frustrated all his life, madly painting all kinds of chaotic colors in the world.

It's a pity that even if thousands of its spiritual tentacles came into battle, they still couldn't attack Chen Qi at all.

At this time, the material field that was tens of kilometers around had been woven into a giant web by Chen Qi. His so-called translocation was nothing more than jumping from one node to another in the giant web.

In fact, Chen Qi originally planned to study the art of earth escape, but the environment under the earth was too complex and the material field was very chaotic.

After struggling for a long time, Chen Qi only came up with the technique of burrowing into the ground.

The speed at which he traveled through the earth did not exceed one hundred meters per second.

Wouldn't this turtle's speed make it a living target for the enemy?

So Chen Qi changed his mind, combined with the art of electromagnetic ejection, and developed the spell "Transposition".

As long as he is within the giant network node, he can arrive in an instant.

And as Chen Qi moves, this giant network can continue to expand.

This is the reason why Flying Skull has chased Chen Qi for hundreds of kilometers, but the attacks he unleashes can still only eat dust behind his butt.

"Hey, what a pity, the time has come!"

After evading another attack, Chen Qi returned to the laboratory again.

At this time, Flying Skull had completely removed its flesh and blood disguise and turned into a chaotic and twisted psychic monster.

The extremely sad, chaotic and twisted huge head swallowed the last mouthful of spiritual energy.

Then with a bang, it turned into the most brilliant color in the world.

This thing's spiritual veins finally reached its limit, and it could no longer restrain the chaotic energy in its body, so it self-destructed.

It can be said that the development of the situation was completely expected by Chen Qi, even every second.

This fully proves that Chen Qi's understanding of spiritual energy in space has reached an extremely proficient level.

"Has the spiritual vein also been annihilated?"

"It's such a pity. Previous observations could only vaguely calculate its existence, but we couldn't really get a glimpse of it."

"If there are any remnants left, I can probably really see the existence of spiritual veins after some analysis."

"Spiritual veins are already so miraculous. I really don't know how the immortal veins possessed by immortals exist."

After Chen Qi admired the brilliant fireworks, he turned his attention to the laboratory.

What you just activated is the second layer of defense mechanism. Now that this big head is dead, what should you do?

"Warning, warning, the intruder is powerful and the second layer of defense mechanism has been breached!"

"The master brain authority is activated and the ultimate defense mechanism is activated!"

"The experimental subject is awakening, the experimental subject is awakening..."

Chen Qi's unceremonious provocation directly stimulated the artificial intelligence in the laboratory.

On the screen of the main control laboratory, Chen Qi's image appeared and was directly marked as "extremely dangerous".

"The experimental subject is awakening, the experimental subject is awakening..."

As the ultimate defense mechanism was activated, a sealed door in the deepest part of the laboratory was slowly opened.

About three minutes later, a weak and stooped human came out.

This is an old man who looks extremely shriveled and curled up. He is only about one meter tall, and his arms and legs are as skinny as dry wood.

He walked extremely slowly, as if every step was draining all his energy.

But as he gradually approached the laboratory door, his steps became more steady.

It was like the infusion of fresh air brought vitality and strength to his life.

“Finally I can breathe the fresh and vibrant air outside again!”

"Isn't Shengxian Island destroyed yet? That's great!"

"Young man, I feel the aura of Tianwu Conjuration Academy in you."

"Have the top ten super spell academies finally taken action against Shengxian Island again?"

Click, click, click, the shriveled old man stretched his body.

His height suddenly increased from one meter to 1.5 meters, and he finally straightened up.

"So strong, very strong, stronger than I imagined!"

After waiting stupidly for three minutes at the entrance of the laboratory, I only found a short little old man.

To be honest, Chen Qi was actually a little disappointed at first.

But as the old man spoke, Chen Qi instantly realized something was wrong.

This guy actually maintained a clear consciousness. This was the first time Chen Qi encountered him after raiding so many laboratories.

This can only show that the old guy in front of him is definitely not simple.

It was extremely rare that after Chen Qi carefully observed the little old man, his talent "Heavenly Sense" actually issued a warning.

"I will die, I will die. This old guy in front of me has the ability to kill me!"

This was the first time that Chen Qi felt powerless and desperate before the battle began.

The old guy's small body stood there, but it seemed like a vast mountain range. Chen Qi was oppressed and couldn't breathe.

Fortunately, Chen Qi was not scared after all. He has encountered many powerful opponents along the way.

No one can make him despair!

With the firmness of his own belief, Chen Qi finally got a chance to breathe under that kind of terrifying oppression.

"It's information. It's my talent for sensing secrets. It captured too much of this old guy's battle information!"

"This guy is simply not a human, but a fighting machine!"

"How many battles do we have to go through before the memory of past battles can be turned into instinct, or even engraved in the will of the cells?"

"Is this the fighting spirit of Shura Dao? It's almost as domineering as Xiaohong's king!"

As Chen Qi discovered the truth, his inner confusion and confusion instantly disappeared.

It's just an extremely mysterious form of information oppression, and Chen Qi has plenty of ways to deal with it.

It's a pity that his strength is not at its peak now, and his consciousness and spiritual abilities have not yet been restored, otherwise he would not be overtaken by the old man in front of him.

But this also fully proves the strength of the old guy.

"Spell: Overlord's Sword Intent!"

With the generation of the knife intent, the invisible sense of oppression was finally cut off.

After restoring the ability of the card 7 of Hearts, Chen Qi was finally able to create the true sword intention again.

And this is an enhanced version with the domineering power of the Little Red King, otherwise it may not be able to withstand the fighting spirit of the old monster in front of him.


"Young man, you are very good, you can actually trigger my fighting instinct."

"How long has it been since the joint examination of the Tenth Academy? Although you are very strong, you have only completed two spiritual sublimations. Even if the joint examination of the Tenth Academy is restarted, you will not be qualified to come here."

"So, why did you appear on Shengxian Island?"

"Forgot to introduce myself, you can call me Zhan Qi. This is the best result I have ever achieved in the Shura Dao ranking competition!"

Seeing that Chen Qi had gotten rid of his suppression of fighting spirit, Zhan Qi, who had been looking up at the bright moon, finally came to his senses and looked at Chen Qi.

But that's all. Even if Chen Qi showed his unique sword intention, he didn't care too much.

Zhan Qi was more curious about why Chen Qi could appear on Shengxian Island. Wasn't it already closed?

"It turns out that I am an old senior from Shura Dao. The reason why I appear here is because of an accident."

After finally meeting an "insider" who could communicate independently, Chen Qi naturally wanted to learn more about the details of Shengxian Island from Zhan Qi.

However, after Zhan Qi learned that Chen Qi and others only accidentally ended up on Shengxian Island, he couldn't help but look disappointed.

"I didn't expect that 50 years later, the top ten super spell academies still failed to locate Shengxian Island."

"This is obviously not because the top ten super spell academies are incompetent, but because they have met their opponents."

"Our judgment back then was indeed correct. Among the outsiders who invaded Shengxian Island, there was a life form with profound knowledge in time and space."

"Young man, I am not here to pour cold water on you. With your current strength, it will be difficult for you to survive here forever."

"Although I don't know what happened next, the guy I encountered alone is enough to kill all of you."

Zhan Qi casually pointed his finger at his heart. Chen Qi watched intently and was suddenly shocked.

It was only then that he discovered that there was a huge hole in Zhan Qi's heart, and the heart inside had long since disappeared.

This old guy actually lived for such a long time after losing his heart.

Chen Qi could see that Zhan Qi lost more than just his heart.

Otherwise, with the technology of the Biochemical Path, it makes no sense that 50 years have passed and the heart has not grown yet.

What Zhan Qi shattered was his own life source.

There was a hole in the origin of his life, which was slowly draining away.

It seems that he should have been in a sealed state for the past 50 years, otherwise it would be impossible to survive until now.

"Senior Zhan, what exactly happened back then?"

"The information I know now is that a total of five alien beings have entered Shengxian Island. I wonder what exactly happened to you?"

Although the two sides are destined to become enemies, it does not prevent Chen Qi from showing respect for Zhan Qi's strength and tenacity.

Especially the other party's indifference to the loss of life at this time made Chen Qi quite impressed.

If Chen Qi witnessed himself walking towards death step by step, he would most likely not be so bearish about life and death.

"Young man, although I have a special status, I am just an experiment after all."

"I don't know much about the cause of what happened back then."

"Fifty years ago, the top ten super spell academies turned Shengxian Island into an assessment place. Their purpose was naturally to uproot the forces of the Yakuza like us on Shengxian Island."

"But I don't know exactly which experimental project they came for, or which experimental project angered the top ten super spell academies."

"Although the [Ancestral Virus], which is the main attack of the Biochemical Path, is almost completed, the top ten super spell academies probably won't take it seriously."

"Especially since this project also involves some high-ranking middle powers, Biochemical Dao is just a foundry company!"

"Our Shura Dao Master promotes the art of refining, which is indeed taboo. But if someone really takes action against us, it will only be with the Sword of Judgment. The top ten super spell academies will not wade into troubled waters."

"The Hell Realm is here mainly to perfect their [Hell Transformation], but they have a special connection with the Human Realm. If there are other hidden projects, I don't know."

"According to my current speculation, the top ten super spell academies are most likely to target the Way of Heaven and Humanity."

"After all, this Shengxian Island has always been regarded as a holy land by the Celestial Beings. The reason why the rest of us were able to enter Shengxian Island was because they were involved."

"But what exactly Tianrendao is doing here is beyond my knowledge!"

"The changes back then were actually very simple and very inexplicable."

"It's just that Shengxian Island has experienced time and space displacement again, and some foreign life has poured in!"

"The heart I lost was eaten by an alien life!"

"As for what kind of existence that alien life is, I don't know. After all, when I met him, he had already acquired a human body."

Zhan Qi grabbed it casually, and the spiritual energy in the space transformed into a lifelike portrait.

This one-hand operation is countless times more sophisticated than the previous Flying Skull.

"This, this, how is this possible?"

"How could he really exist?"

"Isn't it recognized that this one cannot be manufactured artificially?"

After Chen Qi saw the portrait emerging in the space, he was stunned.

Many wonderful discoveries in the world often come from boredom.

For example, the "perfect human being" widely circulated in the world originated from the boring actions of an old-timer.

In fact, quite a long time ago, the other world had completed the genetic sequencing of ordinary humans.

Although conclusions vary, the approximate number is around one million.

The evolution of life always progresses from simplicity to complexity, which means that human genes are gradually increasing over time.

Perhaps in hundreds of thousands of years, the number of human genes will expand to tens of millions.

Probably one day five thousand years ago, a person from the otherworld had a sudden idea.

What is the minimum number of genes that make up a human being?

After all, the vast majority of human genes are duplicated, redundant, and useless. It is not an exaggeration to call them genetic garbage.

After some deletions and deletions, this curious person came up with an accurate number, 129,600.

What is quite embarrassing is that according to the data released by the Apocalypse Empire, the number of genes of the ancestor of mankind, Apocalypse, is approximately 300,000.

As a result, this person yelled a little louder, claiming that the ancestor of mankind, Apocalypse, was not a perfect human being, and then he was suppressed by the Apocalypse Empire.

But it was precisely because he shouted so loudly that the idea of ​​"perfect human beings" began to spread widely in the other world.

Many people in the world dream of using those 129,600 genes to edit a truly perfect human being.

However, this is simply impossible to do.

At least since ancient times, no one in this world has ever claimed success.

The only result after countless years of tossing is to determine what the "perfect human being" looks like.

It was a perfect form that could not possibly exist in the world, as if it were an offense for a human being to turn into that appearance.

There are many people in this world who transform themselves into "perfect humans" through cell remodeling.

However, what awaited them was an inexplicable curse. After just one night, they aged and reached the end of their lives.

It's like maintaining that image requires paying a huge price!

After the advent of the new era, the image of "perfect human beings" spread to the world of ordinary people.

In today's information Internet era, he has a widely circulated name, Yuanjun.

This is the figure that Zhan Qi transformed using his spiritual energy just now.

And it is impossible for him to exist in the form of life!

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