I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 256 Taishang Laoji

"Alchemy is a technology that achieves certain extraordinary effects through interference with the material field or life field at the microscopic level."

This is a passage from the study materials given by Senior Sister Caroline.

When Chen Qi first got the study materials, he was very excited.

It's a pity that this happy mood only lasted for three days, because it only took him two and a half days to completely master "Basic Knowledge of Alchemy".

As for the remaining half day, Chen Qi practiced it and proved that he had completely mastered it.

Perhaps due to the special nature of the life replacement array, "Basic Knowledge of Alchemy" not only explains in detail how to interfere with the material field through spiritual energy and artificially create extraordinary metals.

It also records part of the content of life alchemy, including the "nuclear iron" that Chen Qi is extremely curious about.

Unfortunately, this part is obviously not the focus, or it is simply not the part that candidates like Chen Qi can be responsible for.

Therefore, Chen Qi could only stare blankly at the specific manufacturing technology of nuclear iron.

Fortunately, Sister Feng does not seem to be a stingy person. Although she did not give the specific refining method of nuclear iron, she generously shared a life emblem technology in "Basic Knowledge of Alchemy".

This is a technique that seals the spells one masters in the physical body so that they can be cast instantly in battle.

After all, not all controllers can create their own spells, and controllers will not only apply the spells they create.

But in combat, your opponent simply won't give you a chance to cast slowly.

This kind of technology that can seal the spell into the body in advance and then release it quickly during the battle is really very practical.

Senior Sister Feng really took care of these freshmen.

Anyway, all the candidates were deeply moved by Senior Sister Feng's generosity and thoughtfulness, and worked much harder.

"Hey, senior sister knows how to play hard to get and is good at fishing!"

Although "Basic Knowledge of Alchemy" only provides the techniques for drawing life emblems, it does not skimp on the subsequent development space.

The Life Emblem is just a pre-requisite technology, which can be upgraded to the [Life Emblem].

This is a kind of life alchemy that is more complex and advanced than the life emblem, and it simulates the spiritual organs of the living body.

That is, this is a technology for artificially manufacturing psychic organs.

Moreover, this kind of artificial life badge is equivalent to a pendant. Not only can it be taken and used at any time, but it can also be loaded with multiple pieces.

The combat methods evolved in this way have become more abundant and diverse.

But this is not the end. On top of the life badge, there is also life construction technology.

What it simulates and replicates is the extraordinary bloodline of extraordinary beings.

Different from other technologies that artificially create extraordinary bloodline, life construction technology is tailor-made to achieve the perfect binding of artificial extraordinary bloodline and living body.

Moreover, this kind of binding can be perfectly released, and the living body can customize different levels of life structures according to its own needs.

After reading this record, Chen Qi was so greedy!

Then he also joined the ranks of 996, working hard day and night, striving to get the senior sister out of trouble as soon as possible.

Hundreds of candidates have spiritual energy surging day and night, and the Haiyuan has turned into a small processing factory.


Chen Qi and his group of candidates are doing 996 every day, and the veteran students of Tianwu Conjuration Academy are not idle either.

In addition to Caroline and other three examiners who are responsible for the manufacture of core parts, the remaining thirty-odd veteran students transform into lumberjacks, miners, and smelters to provide various basic materials for the construction of the life replacement array.

These materials are not just various extraordinary metals, but also include various rare trees and powerful life forms.

As for the functions of the latter two, they are most likely used to make "nuclear iron".

Regular alchemists who make nuclear iron are not stupid enough to cut their own flesh.

Generally speaking, since the vast majority of candidates are novices and have just mastered the knowledge of alchemy, the supply of raw materials is still no problem.

But as the candidates become more and more proficient, especially after someone shows that his work efficiency is 10 times higher than that of ordinary candidates, the veteran students feel that they have also scored 996.

In recent days, they have witnessed the birth of "monsters" with their own eyes.

The guy named Chen Qi is indeed a genius.

In just three days, I learned "Basic Knowledge of Alchemy" thoroughly and was able to use it flexibly.

If that's the case, it's not worth being too shocked.

After all, it is just some basic knowledge and skills. They can learn it in three to five days if they work hard.

But this one is too powerful in practical aspects.

The magic circle parts he manufactured actually won a perfect rating from Senior Sister Caroline who was in charge of product testing.

Even Senior Sister Caroline said she was ashamed and praised Chen Qi for his extraordinary talent in alchemy.

To be honest, Chen Qi's current level of alchemy is still at a 30% discount.

With his talent and accomplishments in the material field, he can only practice material alchemy like a fish in water, but can only become more powerful than a tiger.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Chen Qi wants to, other candidates can already be laid off.

As long as he works a little harder, he can stand up to 100 people.

Of course Chen Qi knows that he has to keep a low profile, but he really doesn't want to show 10 times his work efficiency.

But with his eyes open and not sleeping, he can only reduce his efficiency to this extent.

Such an outstanding Chen Qi was naturally picked up by Senior Sister Caroline and was roped in to work for the three examiners.

And Chen Qi was finally able to witness the formal training method of nuclear iron.

"Worship the great Taishang Laogu. You are the starting point of all life in the world. It is you who gave birth to the prosperous and bright living beings!"

"You give life to all things and the miracle of life!"

"We are trapped on a deserted island, facing many dangers and a precarious situation."

"I hope I will take pity on you and grant us extraordinary power!"

"Disciples and others will worship day and night and spread the reputation of Laoji!"

In a certain human gathering place, a group of ordinary people gathered in a small space and worshiped in front of a flower pot.

Inside the flowerpot, there was a thick layer of blood-colored soil, and a dry, black charcoal-like palm poked out from the blood-colored soil.

On the dark palm, dots of blood-colored fluorescence flashed, as if something was blinking.

The departure of the candidates will have a huge impact on human gathering places.

This impact is not only reflected in the weakening of the camp's strength, but also has an even more significant impact on people's hearts and psychology.

In the past, the existence of these candidates was equivalent to the eyes and ears placed by the Tianwu Conjuration Academy in human gathering places.

Even if some people are extremely evil in their hearts, even if they want to vent in this doomsday-like environment, they can only pretend to be good people.

For people in the other world, the deterrent power of the top ten super spell academies is so terrifying.

They claim to be the light of righteousness, but if they dare to do evil under the eyes of Tianwu Academy of Magic, they really have a long life.

Now that the candidates from Xinxiang Academy have withdrawn, the remaining candidates are no longer so close to the Academy of Curses.

Many people have suppressed it for so long and finally dare to breathe loudly.

Although they still dare not do anything blatantly, after all, we are all on the same island.

But doing something a little out of the ordinary with his extraordinary power would be a disaster for ordinary people.

It can be said that in just a few days, ordinary people have completely refreshed their past perceptions.

It turns out that the world is so dark and cruel, and they are just regarded as dumb dogs without strength.

Therefore, it is extremely urgent that ordinary people also dream of obtaining extraordinary power.

Especially after they knew that this place was the Immortal Island, the fear and resentment in their eyes were completely covered by greed.

Immortals, elixir of immortality, powerful power, everything is tempting ordinary people in despair.

Whatever you pray for, there will be a response. Strangely, many undercurrents begin to surge in the gathering place of humans.

The so-called "Tai Shang Old Fungus" is just a small character that has just appeared recently and is only circulated in a few smaller human gathering places.

"Please give us strength, old bacteria!"

After the worship ceremony ended, the humans with greedy eyes began to walk to the flower pots one by one and touch the dark and dry palm with their hands.

What was extremely strange was that the moment the two palms came into contact, the black withered palm actually held a human hand of flesh and blood.

After they separated, five bloody fingerprints were clearly imprinted on ordinary people's fingers.

If anyone from this world is here, they will definitely find that these bloody fingerprints are the Doumulu script among the 15 ancient texts.

The meaning they express is also very simple, it is just a name!

Too old!

"Tai Shang Lao Ji?"

"Albert, is this the real name of those archaea?"

"According to the information I found, these archaea were clearly called [Undead Emperor Bacteria] back then, and they were a species of bacteria that parasitized the Immortal King thousands of years ago."

"After the establishment of the World Government, this immortal empire was regarded as an object of power and completely destroyed."

"I originally thought that this kind of archaea would be completely extinct with the end of the Immortal Empire, but I didn't expect to see it again on Shengxian Island."

Above the dark giant's head, Yunze was chatting with Albert, who was lying in the blood-colored coffin.

Although Albert can no longer feel the breath of any living person, as a scholar, as long as he has not completely turned into a monster, it can only mean that he is still alive as a human being.

The bloody rose that the Executioner team self-destructed was indeed powerful, but at that time, Albert had already completely integrated himself with the archaea.

Thanks to the weird properties of archaea, he survived after all.

But the price is that he and the archaea can no longer be separated.

"Yunze, your reincarnation skills are really good!"

Albert's voice came slowly from inside the coffin, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"I have found the core consciousness of the archaea. Once the devouring is completely completed. As long as I want to, I will be the new undead emperor."

"But this name is too hateful. I finally made everyone think that Albert is dead. There is no need to provoke the Sword of Judgment again!"

"Tai Shang Old Fungus, this is the real name of Archaea."

"It is one of the hundreds of forbidden creations of the Chaos School, and its serial number is 036."

It seems that he cannot get rid of the habit of a scholar, and Albert still has the habit of being a teacher.

Yunze is indeed a good listener, after all, their identities are so shady.

"The immortal king back then was just a tomb robber. I don't know what kind of bad luck he had. After being parasitized by this archaea, not only did he survive, but he also successfully controlled the archaea."

"It's a pity that what he obtained back then was only the daughter body. Even if he continued to sublimate and improve, the archaea would still be unable to compete with the mother body and had huge weaknesses in itself."

"Otherwise these archaea wouldn't be afraid of sea water!"

"Who would have thought that the immortal emperor who had been immortal for thousands of years in the Zongheng world would be afraid of ordinary salt in the real world."

"And once this weakness is discovered, you can naturally kill him easily."

"This is the reason why the Immortal Empire suddenly collapsed overnight."

When he said this, Albert's tone was filled with emotion and sadness.

As a scholar, especially a fallen scholar, Albert had heard a lot about the legends of the Immortal Empire.

After all, one of the founders of the Skull and Bones Society is a remnant of the Undead Empire.

The Immortal Empire valued long-lived species and regarded ordinary people as short-lived species.

Although he is not evil enough to treat ordinary people as food, he certainly does not treat them as human beings.

Ordinary people's lives in the ancient Xiu era were precarious and miserable.

In the Immortal Empire, they will only be more miserable.

Otherwise, the Immortal Empire would not be the first target after the establishment of the World Government.

Rumor has it that the Immortal Emperor was very aware of current affairs back then and actively wanted to join the United World Government, but unfortunately he was directly rejected.

Afterwards, the undead emperor made wild claims and even prepared to join forces with other evil nations to form an evil alliance.

As a result, the undead empire disappeared overnight, and the undead emperor was soaked in a pile of salt and exposed to the sun for hundreds of years.

It eventually turned into a mummy and was displayed in an exhibition hall specially set up by the World Government.

The exhibits in that exhibition hall are all evil beings killed after the establishment of the World Government. Although the Undead Emperor is not the most powerful, he is definitely the most famous.

"This coffin on Shengxian Island was either left behind by the Undead Emperor when he was conducting experiments here."

"Either after the establishment of the World Government, he sensed that something was wrong and decided to be cunning and leave a way out for himself."

"It's a pity that the World Government directly obliterated his consciousness, but a few of these archaea survived."

Although Albert now controls the Archaea, he only has the purest instinct in his consciousness.

He also couldn't understand the various details of that year through Archaea's memory.

For a scholar, this is a pity.

But fortunately, the immortal emperor died relatively completely, otherwise Albert would not be able to completely integrate with the archaea so easily.

"Albert, you are really lucky. I didn't expect these archaea to be the forbidden creations of the Chaos School."

"If among the many schools of thought, who scares v5 the most, it must be them."

"No one would have thought at that time that after v5 joined forces, the first target would be the Chaos School."

“At that time, all the schools thought that the [Heavenly Human Society] would be the first to suffer misfortune!”

"It turned out that the second unlucky one was the School of Life, and then it was the turn of the [Heavenly Human Society]."

"As for the Palace of Truth, the Deep Space Cult, and even the Soul Cult, they can only be ranked in the second batch."

"And the world government was only formed after v5 completed the cleanup of the sect."

"It is a pity that these schools of thought, which once led human civilization and had infinite glory, finally disappeared under the continuous suppression of v5 and the world government."

"It is rumored that many schools of thought have left the human world and entered unknown continents."

"Even though these ancient bacteria on Shengxian Island are just defective products, they can still give ordinary people superpowers. This shows how powerful the Chaos School was back then."

Yunze's tone was full of envy. Their reincarnation path can only achieve one reincarnation of consciousness. Compared with the immortal archaea, they can only be regarded as short-lived species.

No wonder the Immortal Emperor was so inflated back then. Anyone who became immortal would look down upon other lives.

Yunze came to Albert this time. In addition to strengthening communication, deepening feelings, and consolidating the alliance, he mainly wanted to discuss the subsequent development of Shengxian Island.

Now there is an undercurrent surging in the gathering place of ordinary people, and those alien beings must be planning something.

On the other hand, Coleman, the old immortal, has come into contact with the main mission one again. He is really an old gangster seeking death.

If Yunze didn't want to turn against him and the mutual trust with Albert wasn't too deep, he would have left Coleman's team long ago.

But these are just small things. What can really have a major impact on Shengxian Island is that the true seed of Tianwu Cursing Academy is about to escape from trouble.

The Haiyuan made such a big noise, how could all the forces not know about it.

The key now is, do we need to join in the fun and stop it?

After some discussion, the two finally decided to wait and see what happens.

So what if that one comes out?

The primary target of Tianwu Conjuration Academy will definitely not be these crooked people, it can only be the small fallen floating city.

The ones who should really worry are those guys who restart the system!

The identity of the true seed is already considered very high among the top ten super spell academies.

Who knows if that Feng Zining will regain control of the Yunshan and seize control of the system.

The island is so secretive and chaotic now, so they'd better just wait and see what happens.

There were other indifferent onlookers who had the same idea as the two of them, such as Colonel Velos of the Ural Kingdom.

As time went by, Chen Qi's secret study progress with Caroline became more and more gratifying.

Finally, when the core parts were completed, he finally pieced together and learned the method of refining "nuclear iron".

On this day, after Chen Qi completed the refining task in his hand, he took on a mining task.

Of course, Chen Qi didn't want to put more burdens on himself, but just wanted to find an opportunity to go out and experiment with the newly learned alchemy of life.

Although Senior Sister Caroline also knew that he was stealing lessons, if Chen Qi really blatantly experimented on the Haiyuan, he would be a little too ignorant.

Anyway, with Xiaobai here, small things like mining are not worth mentioning.

Chen Qi just wanted to find a clear reason to go out for a walk.

With his current strength, it would be no problem to carefully circle around the second ring area.

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