Shengxian Island, the second ring area, an open space covering hundreds of acres has been cleared.

In the open space, there are silhouettes of people, and auras of light flicker.

This one is where dozens of controllers are installing and debugging the life replacement array.

As a second spiritual sublimator, Chen Qi was naturally on the construction site at this time.

Chen Qi also didn't expect that the life replacement circle would be so vast. They had been busy here for three days and three nights.

Fortunately, today, it's finally done.

This is because the spiritual energy concentration of Shengxian Island is too strong, and the life replacement array has reduced some of the energy circulation system.

Otherwise, the entire construction period will be delayed for a few more days.

If so, you will miss tonight's full moon night.

According to Senior Sister Caroline, if Senior Sister Feng wants to get out of trouble, she still needs to cooperate with the weather.

The night of the full moon is the best time.

After the debugging of the magic circle was completed, Chen Qi and others returned to the Haiyuan.

They have nothing to do next, they just need to watch the show quietly on the Haiyuan.

To be honest, Chen Qi didn't know whether the rescue of Senior Sister Feng would be smooth sailing.

It was actually because they were making too much noise this time, and it was impossible to hide this busy construction scene from anyone.

After Senior Sister Feng escapes from trouble, the situation on Shengxian Island will definitely change.

If you can't say it, some people will be dissatisfied.

Let’s not mention the local guys on Shengxian Island for the moment.

Just the bad guys among the survivors may not be happy to see Sister Feng escape from trouble.

For example, those guys from the Paradise Path, or other people with evil intentions.

But these are just Chen Qi's guesses. We can only wait and see what will happen tonight.

I thought that if Senior Sister Caroline made such a big noise, she would not fail to consider the consequences.

There should be a backup plan, right?

Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, the bright moon is already high in the sky.

At this time, all the students and candidates had evacuated to the Haiyuan, and only three examiners stood in the center of the circle.

"The time agreed with senior sister has come, let's get started!"

Caroline looked at the other two people extremely seriously. Wu Xingwu and Wei Qingran nodded solemnly.

This action is related to whether they can survive on Shengxian Island in the future, so they cannot help but be cautious.

In fact, it's not that they don't want to make the operation more covert, but the life replacement circle is too huge, and the senior sister is limited to completing it before the full moon.

The time was tight and the task was heavy, so there was no room for them to be sneaky.

Fortunately, the Haiyuan has been fully repaired. With it at its disposal, even the True Seeds that have mastered the power of authority can compete.


The life replacement circle covering hundreds of acres slowly started to activate, and terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations began to ripple like a tidal wave.

At that moment, even while hiding in the Haiyuan, Chen Qi and others felt as if they were in an endless ocean, almost overwhelmed by spiritual energy.

This is because the Life Replacement Array extracted too much spiritual energy from the outside world, and the Haiyuan was too close to it, so it suffered a small wave.


With the activation of the magic circle, a huge spiritual light rose into the sky.

Such a dazzling psychic reaction can be seen clearly even from hundreds of kilometers away.

"It's finally begun. Is this the Life Replacement Array?"

"I've never heard of it, and I don't know where the schoolmate Feng Zining got the inheritance of the alchemy school."

30 kilometers away, Lin Jingyi and other seven people gathered again.

But their purpose this time was to watch a show.

They had no intention of returning to the academy, but they also didn't want to break up with the top ten super spell academies.

No one knows the terror of the top ten super spell academies better than them.

But they have taken the wrong path and there is no way to turn back.

The practice of the new method pays attention to spiritual purity, otherwise it is easy to stagnate and become obsessed.

And the 7 of them accepted the transformation early, resulting in their own spirituality never being able to complete 5 spiritual sublimations.

They have completely cut off any hope of being promoted to Silver Apostles.

After 4 spiritual sublimations, one cannot control the power of authority at all.

Different from them, the seven seniors who are in retreat in the first circle have completed five spiritual sublimations early.

Even though their current spirituality is somewhat flawed and impure, they still retain a glimmer of hope of attacking the Silver Apostles, but the risk will be greater.

"Will someone try to sabotage it?"

"Don't let our trip go to waste!"

Shiloni looked like he was not too concerned about the excitement. Although he was a little unkind, they did come to see the "accident".

If it was uneventful, they would be a little disappointed.

"Someone will definitely take action. Some things are already doomed when the system restarts!"

"Senior Erica woke up during the time and space turmoil on Shengxian Island. In order to prevent the time and space turmoil from damaging the seal, the senior went to the sealing place to check."

"It turned out that senior Imiz, who was responsible for guarding the seal, was missing."

"After checking it, senior sister found that there was no big problem with the seal, so she didn't pay too much attention to it."

"As for the disappearance of Senior Imiz, it's just that he couldn't bear the loneliness, neglected his duties, and found a place to practice in seclusion."

"It turned out that the blood moon came again, and something happened to the Yunshan."

"This can only mean that there is something wrong with the seal!"

Lin Jingyi explained her opinion. Senior Erica was the person behind her, one of the seven students who were in retreat in the first ring to attack the Silver Apostles.

Back then, the five Silver Apostles destroyed and sealed the two most powerful outsiders at the cost of their lives.

But it didn't really kill them. At least 30 years ago, one of them came back to life.

Its symbol is the arrival of the blood moon.

Since then, the blood moon has appeared on Shengxian Island every few years, and the time intervals have become shorter and shorter.

After the surviving students suppressed the other three alien beings, the arrival of the blood moon became a haze on everyone's mind.

That was the existence of five Silver Apostles who were not killed at the cost of their lives.

If they were to escape from the seal, everyone would face disaster.

So from the day the Blood Moon was born, the seven students stationed in the first ring area used a rotation method to guard the seal.

7 people are randomly drawn and rotate every 5 years.

The person who was originally responsible for this round of guarding was Imiz from the Black Abyss Conjuring Academy. Unexpectedly, he disappeared.

This kind of thing has never happened in the past 30 years.

There is not much trust among the surviving candidates on Shengxian Island.

Therefore, the seven people who were in retreat in the first circle had their hiding places very secret.

The blood moon came and after the system restarted, Erica realized that the situation was not good and activated a special contact method between them. However, what was extremely strange was that no one responded.

Of course, it cannot be that all the students are dead. It can only be that something happened during Erica's retreat that she didn't know about.

Feeling bad, Erica immediately stayed away from the seal and hid herself.

It was only recently that he confirmed that he was not being targeted, so he dared to contact Lin Jingyi and prepare to recruit more people.

At first, Lin Jingyi had no intention of telling everyone the truth about what happened in the first ring.

After all, it was too weird and too easy to cause panic.

However, after several discussions, Shiloni and others each had their own ideas.

In the past few decades, they had been fighting each other. They were used to being free, and they were not used to joining forces at all.

In desperation, Lin Jingyi could only tell them the true situation in the first ring.

Then these guys instantly united.

After everyone's analysis, everyone came to the conclusion that if you want to judge whether there is really a problem with the seal, you only need to see whether the true seed can escape smoothly.

Because once this person gets out of trouble, he will definitely be the person with the highest authority over the Yunshan in the entire Shengxian Island.

The current state of the "system", whether it is absolutely neutral or does not distinguish between right and wrong, can only mean that no one has absolute control over it.

But if the system is really born with the Yunshan number as the carrier, once the true seed approaches the seal, "mutations" will definitely occur.

It's not like they didn't explore the seal back then, but unfortunately they got a reminder that they had insufficient authority and couldn't even take a step into the seal.

The seal created by the five Silver Apostles at the cost of their lives is not that simple.

Therefore, since this true seed was trapped when he came in, the forces behind the scenes will never allow him to escape.

Sure enough, at the critical moment when the life replacement circle was operating, an extremely terrifying aura descended.

"Senior is coming out soon!"

"Look, that's the figure of senior sister!"

After the life replacement circle had been running for 10 minutes, a hazy female figure began to appear on the altar at the very center.

Old students who had come into contact with Senior Sister Feng Zining recognized her identity instantly.

The entire Haiyuan immediately cheered.

However, at the moment when the figure was about to solidify, a terrifying attack came.

To be more precise, it was an extremely ferocious and twisted monster that slammed into the life replacement circle.

It was a harpy with a size of one thousand meters. The moment she appeared, everyone within 10 kilometers was wailing.

"What's this sound again?"

"Don't listen, don't think, this monster's ability can cause spiritual pollution!"

"Why is my world broken and twisted?"

Even with the protection of the Haiyuan, a large number of high-level extraordinary beings in the cabin still collapsed.

Such is the terror that envelopes the harpy's wail.

The controllers were only slightly affected, not so unbearable.

"Damn monster, actually trying to destroy the magic circle!"


Facing possible accidents, Haiyuan has already been prepared.

Without hesitation, the moment the harpy appeared, hundreds of huge psychic ropes were woven into a giant web, tightly binding it.

This time, the psychic giant net is no longer the simplest binding spell, but a special spell that reaches the intermediate level. It can also be regarded as the best method of the Haiyuan.

It is essentially a seal. Once a living body is captured by the giant net, the life magnetic field, spirituality, and even extraordinary bloodline will be suppressed.

Even though the harpy was already incredibly powerful, the Sea Kite still trapped her for a short time.

But it was only trapped and could not be hunted at all. As the harpy struggled, the ropes in the giant net broke.

If things continue like this, it's only a matter of time before the harpy escapes.

"Impossible, that harpy, is it Senior Sister Delia?"

"How is this possible? Isn't the senior in seclusion to attack the Silver Apostles?"

The moment the harpy appeared, one of Lin Jingyi's seven people suddenly changed his expression and looked panicked.

This one came from the same college as Delia. Although the relationship between the two is not close, they are at least much more trustworthy than the others around them.

He knew very well about Delia's situation and recognized the identity of the harpy at a glance.

But how is this possible?

"Clement, you are right, that is Senior Delia!"

"It's just that this is a senior who failed to be promoted to Silver Apostle. She has completely lost her mind and turned into a pure monster!"

"Now it is the harpy bloodline that my senior had smelted before that has taken over, swallowing up everything that my senior has!"

"This is the horror of failure in promotion!"

Settra's eyes were full of lamentation. Being promoted to Silver Apostle was a very dangerous thing.

The so-called power of authority, in essence, is nothing more than a higher level of spiritual power.

But the crux of the problem is that it is too advanced and can already directly affect the spirituality of the controller.

Once the controller's spirit touches it, the two parties will be in a state of wrestling.

If the controller can complete the understanding of it, he can naturally control it completely and successfully be promoted to Silver Apostle.

But if you fail in the struggle, your spirituality will be polluted by the power of authority, which can lead to you becoming obsessed and destroying all your foundations.

At worst, he transforms into a twisted psychic monster and completely loses his mind.

But the situation of senior Delia in front of me is even worse.

Because in order to improve her strength, she smelted a very special top-level bronze bloodline.

That bloodline originates from a type of orc called the Harpy, which can attack human consciousness and spirituality.

Although Delia has completed five spiritual sublimations, after integrating into the extraordinary bloodline, her spirituality will inevitably be affected and become no longer pure.

This made it more difficult for her to be promoted to the Silver Apostle. Once she failed to advance, she would be counterattacked by the harpy's bloodline and turn into a more powerful monster.

Although I had already guessed that the seven promoted Silver Apostles would be in danger and faced all kinds of difficulties.

But after truly witnessing his depravity and alienation, Lin Jingyi and the others found it quite difficult to accept it.

This can probably be regarded as a kind of thing that harms its own kind!

"Sure enough, someone behind the scenes is taking action!"

"Senior Delia has completely lost her mind after losing control. How could she attack the magic circle here?"

"It must have been influenced and controlled by some kind of force."

"But the Haiyuan seems to have been prepared for it. At least it can be done if it is delayed for a while."

"The figure of the true seed is becoming more and more real. It seems that she is about to escape!"

Lin Jingyi made her own judgment, and several people around her also agreed.

Although the out-of-control Senior Delia was powerful, she was far inferior to Quan Sheng when she was awake.

If Senior Delia had taken action when she was in her prime, the Haiyuan would have been destroyed by now.

Now it depends on whether the people behind the scenes have other means, otherwise Feng Zining's escape is a foregone conclusion.

And at this critical moment, just when Feng Zining's body was about to solidify, a figure appeared silently at the core of the magic circle and launched an attack on Feng Zining.


Without any resistance, Feng Zining's body was instantly pierced and dissipated into nothing.

However, the person who took action did not look proud at all, but looked shocked.

"No, this is a trap, I fell into it!"

Seemingly realizing something, the attacker tried to escape immediately.

But the life replacement circle instantly turned into a cage, binding it tightly.

No matter what methods the attackers used, they could not shake the cage at all.

He was completely trapped!

"What, what's going on?"

"Isn't this magic circle meant to rescue Senior Sister Feng? Why did it become a trap?"

"What happened today?"

The sudden change not only confused the attackers, but also the candidates and trainees on the Haiyuan.

Not only them, but also Wu Xingwu and Wei Qingran looked at Caroline in shock.

From the beginning to the end, this person was in charge of the construction of the life replacement circle. It was impossible for her to be unaware of it.

"No need to be surprised, this is a plan arranged by senior sister!"

"Senior sister was assassinated by others, how could she not come back with revenge?"

"This bunch of hidden rats finally fell into the hands of senior sister."

From beginning to end, Caroline's demeanor was extremely calm.

Obviously, she already knew everything.

"Where's senior sister?"

"Without the life replacement magic circle, how can senior sister escape from the space inside the sacred tree?"

"Could it be that……"

Wei Qingran, who recovered from the shock, did not bother to ask Caroline why she hid it from them. Instead, she was eager to know the whereabouts of Senior Sister Feng.

If the senior sister is still not out of trouble, what will happen if a sneak attacker is caught today?

Not only will it not improve their current situation, it will actually get worse.

But when he saw Caroline's still extremely calm expression, an incredible suspicion came to his mind.

Could it be that Senior Sister Feng was out of trouble long ago?

Was the so-called life replacement circle a trap from the beginning?

"It seems that you have guessed it, Old Wei. Yes, Senior Sister Feng has been out of trouble a long time ago!"

"Just when we caught the grass-returning elixir for the second time, Senior Sister Feng had already appeared in front of us."

"Senior is a master who is proficient in the alchemy of life. You don't think that heart is just a heart!"

"That's the true form of senior sister!"

"The time is almost here, senior sister is about to take action!"

Caroline looked in the direction of the Sea Kite. In the next moment, a jade hand shot out from the cabin and slapped the struggling harpy into the life replacement circle.

After witnessing such a change, the sneak attacker who was originally trapped in the magic circle took his own life extremely decisively.

What he appears here is not his true form at all, so why should he be afraid?

However, what greeted him was a sarcasm!

"Stupid, do you really think that my life replacement circle is only used to trap people?"

"Life replacement is aimed at sneaky guys like you!"

"Don't say that you are here in a clone. Even if there is only a ray of consciousness, I can replace your original body!"

"I want to see who dares to plot against me!"

Before he finished speaking, Feng Zining's figure had already appeared at the core of the magic circle.

As a spiritual light in her hand disappeared into the magic circle, the next moment, the life replacement magic circle finally showed its true power, and a huge light pillar shot straight into the sky.

This series of twists and turns immediately stunned everyone.

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