I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 465 Gambling Fight

The Kingdom of Koledo was originally just an ordinary small country in the Inner Ring World.

Even though it was selected by the Original Blood Consortium and built a large-scale laboratory here, it is still only somewhat famous in a small area in the other world.

But since Chen Qi's "peace negotiation" with Ailante collapsed and he broke up with the Original Blood Consortium, the Kingdom of Kolledo's attention in the outside world has increased rapidly.

Everyone knows that a war that is about to shock the entire world is destined to happen here.

"I'm coming!"

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, the spaceship of the Tianwu Conjuration Academy has arrived at the national border!"

"The war is about to break out!"

In the Kingdom of Koldo, in the Prime Minister's Office, the First Prime Minister listened blankly to the report of his subordinates.

From the beginning to the end, no matter whether his men were panicked or excited, his face remained expressionless.

Blood Hand Human Slaughter vs. Original Blood Consortium, this war that was destined to break out finally came.

But what can he, or rather the Kingdom of Kolledo, do?


Don't say it's a joke. It's just a small country that can't even defeat that infernal demon bird. How can it have the confidence to say anything?

Even the entire kingdom's top brass wished that all the people should be silent, for fear that speaking too loudly would disturb the interest of the two parties.

All the Koldo Kingdom can do now is to turn a blind eye and shrink its head like an ostrich.

Fortunately, the laboratory of the Original Blood Consortium was built on the Dead Sea.

There's nothing growing there, so feel free to fight!

What the Kingdom of Koldo shows at this moment is the powerlessness and sorrow of the small country.

If the battlefield had been the Moyang Kingdom, people would have started beating gongs and drums and started live broadcasting.

"It's finally here!"

"It's really on time!"

At this moment, not only the Kingdom of Kolledo learned of Chen Qi's arrival.

Wiggins and others, and even the people who had been waiting for a long time, also got the information.

Many UFOs appeared inexplicably in the sky of the Kingdom of Kolledo.

Their goals are quite the same, and they all gather over the Dead Sea, quietly waiting for their true master to appear.

The Kingdom of Koldo is unable to broadcast live, so everyone has to rely on their own efforts.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

At the border of the Kingdom of Koledo, the Kestrel King flapped its wings happily.

It dragged the spacecraft and slowly began to descend.

The reason why the Kestrel King is so happy is of course because Erlunzi is laid off.

After Gloria came on stage, she immediately made up for the debt owed to her.

Hey, people really can't be compared with each other.

As expected, Gelis is still a kind-hearted person.

Dickens and others also had this feeling.

After they woke up from their training, they saw Gloria.

At that moment, for some reason, I felt like I was filled with tears.

Especially after Gloria praised and praised them, this emotion became even stronger.

Otherwise, never expect to hear such heart-warming words from No. 1.

Dickens and others are not afraid of hardship, tiredness, or death.

But after all, they are not machines, and they still need comfort at the spiritual level.

Anyway, after Gloria's warm healing, Dickens and others completely got rid of their numbness and seemed to have gained a new life.

They are more motivated now.

"Here it comes, the big boss is finally here!"

"Cheer up, you don't want to be eliminated!"

Looking at the infernal bird and spaceship slowly landing in the sky, Fox felt quite excited and anxious.

The other nine team members beside him did the same.

Fox was originally ranked second on the capture list.

It's a pity that despite his strength, he fell short of Kang Jianfei's eye skills.

Fortunately, he had good talent and luck. After obtaining the blood eyes, he quickly completed the first round of evolution.

As a result, he was selected as the team leader by Gloria and came to the Kingdom of Koldo.

During the year he came to the Kingdom of Koldo, Fox worked diligently while not forgetting to improve his own strength.

He thought that this mission would be easy to get through, but he never expected that as the situation developed, his place would become the place for the final decisive battle.

At the beginning, the Third Laboratory did not know that someone was monitoring them. Fox and others lived in the dark and lived quite comfortably.

But with the exposure of Chen Qi's escort, the Original Blood Consortium also learned that someone was secretly monitoring them.

So the Third Laboratory began to search for Fox and others.

After a battle of wits and courage between the two sides, although Fox and others were in a bit more difficult situation, their lives were not in danger.

But things immediately changed after Wiggins and others arrived.

Although Wiggins didn't take action, they brought a lot of manpower.

Especially those personnel who came from the security department who were proficient in combat. Under their arrests, Fox and others were in danger several times and were almost annihilated.

But in the end, Fox relied on his own abilities to lead all the team members to survive and persisted until the arrival of the big boss.

"Hey, why didn't Team Fox show up?"

"Are they all dead?"

Inside the spaceship, Gelis and others quietly looked down at the land below.

In the eyes of Dickens and others, there is nothing below.

The expected Fox and others did not appear.

With Blood Eyes on his body, there is no betrayal in the escort team at all.

As long as Fox and others are alive, they will definitely come to greet the big boss.

In this way, there seems to be only one answer, Fox's entire army was wiped out.

This is not impossible, but a high probability.

Zheng Junxiong had messed up once before, but the current situation of Fox and others was a hundred times more difficult than Zheng Junxiong's original situation.

Under the deliberate targeting of the Original Blood Consortium, with the strength of the Fox Team, it is simply impossible to withstand it.

"Dickens, don't underestimate others!"

"Fox was originally on the arrest list, but he ranked second after me."

"[No. 1], please explain!"

Gloria retracted her gaze and looked down. Fox and others were still alive, which was a good sign.

Unlike Dickens and others who saw nothing, in Gloria's eyes, the figures of the Fox Ten were clearly visible.

They have been standing on the earth below.

"Team Fox is not destroyed, they are standing below!"

No. 1 directly revealed the answer, and Dickens and others were stunned for a moment after hearing it.

They immediately opened their eyes wide and used various means to observe below.

Others had not reacted yet, but Dickens finally saw some clues.

"Boundary, Fox and the others are hiding in a very special barrier!"

"Could this be Fox's blood-eye ability, but this guy's progress is too fast!"

Dickens was a little shocked. His Eye of Truth has now completed the fourth round of evolution.

Even so, Fox's existence was initially ignored.

You can imagine how special Fox's barrier is.

No wonder these guys can survive to this day without any damage!

"Dickens, you read that right!"

"Fox has completed the third round of blood-eye evolution on his own."

"His ability is very special. The barrier he created can isolate all kinds of external perceptions."

"The most important thing is that their team is very united, and all members have added their [root] power to Fox's abilities."

"In this way, his ability is comparable to the fourth round of evolution."

No. 1 followed Gelis’ instructions and gave a detailed explanation.

Now the dominance of the spacecraft has returned to Gloria's hands again.

She has obtained Chen Qi's authorization to preside over the next battle.

Boom, the spacecraft landed slowly.

As the hatch opened, Fox and others also canceled the barrier and appeared in front of everyone.

"I've met Lady Gloria!"

"Team 10 was ordered to stay here, please return now!"

Facing Gloria, Fox showed great respect.

This one has now become a real big shot.

But when his eyes passed over Dickens and others, he was quite surprised and shocked.

The reason why Fox sighed was naturally because of so many colleagues, only twelve survived.

The shock was because Dickens and others were stronger than him.

This made Fox's little complacency disappear in an instant.

"Fox, you did a great job!"

"The master is in retreat, and I will be in charge of the entire battle."

"The Original Blood Consortium has been preparing for war here for so long. You should have found out what exactly they have prepared, right?"

Although Gelis is very confident in her current strength, she is not reckless.

Only when you know yourself and your enemy can you perform better.

"Lord Gloria, I have thoroughly investigated the strength of the Original Blood Consortium here."

"The person who is actually in charge of the third laboratory now is the Minister of Security Wiggins. In addition, the other two deputy ministers have also arrived here."

Fox also didn't expect that such a crucial battle would still be just a trivial matter in the eyes of the big boss.

He reported the opponent's intelligence to Gelis in detail, and he even found out some of the unique methods prepared by the third laboratory.

"Three silver combatants?"

"It seems that this time the Kestrel King needs to take action!"

Gloria was a little surprised. It wasn't that the enemy was too powerful, but that the Original Blood Consortium seemed to be overconfident.

Even if the opponent couldn't predict that he would be promoted to Silver, there are already three Silvers on his side, including King Kestrel, Earth Demon Spider, and No. 1.

Could it be that the Original Blood Consortium was blind and did not detect the existence of the Earth Demon Spider?

"Gliss, bring the Earth Demon Spider with you this time!"

"The Original Blood Consortium has invited foreign aid!"

"This time, the Original Blood Consortium really gave me a surprise!"

Chen Qi's voice suddenly sounded in Gallith's heart. Gallith was shocked that the Original Blood Consortium actually had a fourth silver fighter.

But this seems more reasonable!

Gloria glanced at Fox, but she didn't blame him.

After all, if the silver level wants to hide its whereabouts, it is normal for Fox not to know.

She is just strict, but not unreasonable.

"Master, if we all go out, you will have no one to protect you!"

"Will the Original Blood Consortium take the opportunity to sneak attack on you?"

Gelis expressed her concerns. The master's safety was naturally not a problem, but if problems occurred in the experiment due to harassment, that would be a sin.

"It doesn't matter!"

"After all, this spaceship is a fine product made by the academy. The artificial intelligence [Xiao Hei] has been around for so long and is enough to cope with all situations."

Chen Qi is a secret master, how could he be attacked and plotted by others?

If the spacecraft stayed in place as usual, it would indeed be harassed by several nuclear bombs.

The current Original Blood Consortium will definitely not respect martial ethics.

Therefore, Chen Qi planned to grant flight permission to [Xiao Hei] so that he could maintain mobility.

As a result, with the performance of this spaceship, the Silver Apostle can only follow behind and eat dust.

Now that the master has made a decision, Gelis naturally follows it.

Her current mission is to win this battle beautifully.

Only in this way can you not live up to your master's expectations.

Just what is the "surprise" in the owner's mouth?

Considering the virtues of the Original Blood Consortium, the foreign aid they can recruit must not be good.

“Everyone, we have been fighting side by side for so long, and I don’t need to say anything about what’s going to happen next!”

"This battle is destined to be extremely difficult. I hope everyone will fight bravely and move forward bravely."

"My master sees everyone's contribution. And everyone must also know the identity of my master, Imperial Viscount."

"Whether you can accompany your master to conquer the outer world in the future depends on your current efforts!"

Gelis drew a big cake casually, and even Fox and others who had just returned to the team immediately felt excited.

If the identity of Imperial Viscount Chen Qi were fully disclosed, who would be the most shocked?

Of course it was Dickens and others.

They were all scumbags in the mud, but now they suddenly became the escort of the Imperial Viscount.

This is not as simple as a salted fish turning over, but the eighteen generations of ancestors have begun to smoke.

Traveling to the Outer World is the dream of almost every Inner World person in the Inner World.

But Dickens and others are only one foot away from realizing this dream, within easy reach.

The big boss must be preparing to go to the outer ring world to inherit the territory when he forms the escort team.

No wonder Gloria and No. 1 would select and eliminate them in layers.

If they weren't good enough and loyal enough, why would the big boss grant them the qualification to go to the outer world?

In this way, Dickens and others were able to accept what Gloria did, and even felt that it should be so.

So after Gloria drew the pie, Dickens and the others were extremely tempted.

Because this pie is not a moon in the water, but can really be touched.

"Set off!"

"Target the third laboratory and completely destroy everything!"

Seeing that the morale was high and the military morale was ready, Gloria appeared on the Kestrel King first.

As everyone arrived, the next moment, accompanied by a cheerful bird song, the huge King Kestrel soared into the sky.

Only this time, the Kestrel King was holding a big spider under his claws.

It's not that the Spider cannot fly, but that it paddles slowly through the water.

"Didi, the spacecraft turns on autopilot mode!"

"Lift off!"

The moment the Kestrel King disappeared, Xiao Hei also took up his post.

The spacecraft started slowly and soon appeared at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

But the spaceship still stayed near the national border, with no intention of going to the battlefield to watch the excitement.

After all, distance has never been a problem for Chen Qi.

"It's out, it's out!"

"After waiting for so long, the fight is finally about to begin!"

"Hey, there's an extra big spider this time?"

"Holy shit, Chen Qi is so hidden. He actually has a silver-level spider inside the ship."

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced, I'm really a hero!"

The scene of the Kestrel King flying with its wings quickly spread to all the forces paying attention to this battle.

The vast majority of the melon-eaters were all shocked by the appearance of the Earth Demon Spider.

After all, this bastard has never been seen in public.

If the Original Blood Consortium hadn't dug into the matter and tracked it down to the Tianwu Kingdom, they wouldn't have known that Chen Qi had a silver-level giant spider in his hands.

"This time, it looks like we are serious about it!"

"Indeed, Chen Qi even made an appearance on Chen Qi's side, Gelis, who hasn't been seen for a long time!"

"It's strange. Given this woman's original condition, she must be dead soon. But now, not only has she recovered as before, but she is also incomprehensible."

In addition to the Earth Demon Spider, the reappearance of Gelis also attracted the attention of many people.

In fact, her original [Goddess of Light] form was so deeply rooted in people's hearts that it was unforgettable.

Many people in the world thought that this person had already fallen.

Unexpectedly, not only did Gloria survive, but she also seemed to become stronger.

In this case, this only shows that Chen Qi behind her is even more unfathomable.

"Everyone, our junior Chen can always bring surprises to people!"

"Of course, this time it can be regarded as a shock."

"If I'm not mistaken, that Gelis has been promoted to the Silver Realm."

"Including the new big spider, our junior has already gathered four major silver combat powers."

"So, what state is our junior student in now?"

In the chat group, the melon-eaters A kept flooding the screen with [shocked] emoticons.

It doesn't seem to be the case, and there is no way to express his mood at the moment.

Then, very neatly, other members of the group also threw out various [shocked] emoticons, and one was even so frightened that he shivered and fell to the ground.

Everyone agrees with the judgment of the melon-eating crowd a.

Although it is hard to believe, that Gloria has indeed been promoted to the silver level.

But regarding the question raised by a, everyone remained silent.

Theoretically speaking, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Qi to be promoted to Silver Apostle.

This is not because he is not talented enough, but because of the limitations of the true seeding campaign.

The reason why everyone wants to become the true seed of the academy is not only because of their status, but also for all the great benefits.

Being promoted to Silver Apostle is never an easy task, it can even be called a lifetime of death.

However, the true seeds of the top ten super spell academies can guarantee a promotion success rate of more than 90%.

One can imagine what is contained in this.

Therefore, unless Chen Qi wants to give up the campaign, it is absolutely impossible for him to be promoted to Silver Apostle rashly.

But with Chen Qi's current cultivation years, he doesn't need to be so anxious at all.

"If you want to know what level Junior Chen Qi is, you have to see if the Original Blood Consortium is powerful!"

"But in this battle in front of us, Brother Chen seems to think that there is no need to take action himself!"

"Everyone, why don't we take a gamble?"

As Melon Eater B opened his mouth, the group was quiet for a moment.

But the next moment, everyone swiped their screens to express their agreement.

It’s so boring to always watch the excitement!

In the end, 17 people in the group started a bet.

The content of the betting battle is very simple, that is, betting on [whether Chen Qi will take action].

As for the bet, the loser needs to share a piece of information about the [Disaster Star].

For everyone in the group, only this kind of bet can interest them.

Soon, the results of the bet came out.

Among the 17 people, only 7 people bet that Chen Qi would not take action.

It seems that even though everyone is indeed shocked by Chen Qi's endless trump cards, they are still more optimistic about the Original Blood Consortium.

Without him, Chen Qi and his subordinates are all fresh, who knows if they will fall apart in the middle of the battle?

As for the veterans of the Original Blood Consortium, at least they have a higher stability coefficient and more combat experience.

Don't look at the obvious, the Original Blood Consortium only has three silver combatants.

But as long as you see Chen Qi's party coming out in full force, you know that things are not that simple.

And based on everyone's intelligence sources, we have long known that the Original Blood Consortium has invited foreign aid.

The two sides were 4:4, and of course the original blood consortium with more combat experience had the advantage.

Soon, the Dead Sea appeared in the live broadcast, and the war was about to break out.

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