I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 472 Beastiality

[Reinforced iron bones], [thorns on the back], [iron teeth and bronze teeth], [fur and armor]...

The various abilities made Chen Qi confused.

I really can’t imagine what the ancestor who once had so many abilities looked like?

But there is no doubt that life at that time would have been much more difficult than it is now, otherwise I would not have maxed out my survival skills.

Chen Qi stayed in this void for a while, appreciating the history of human evolution.

Although the capabilities on the data link are extremely numerous, Chen Qi is very clear that what is recorded on it must be an "insignificant" part.

Chen Qi absolutely does not believe that in the long history of human evolution, no psychic organs have been born.

But none of this is recorded in the data link.

Apparently it was excluded because it involved extraordinary elements.

"The next level of void must be extremely magnificent!"

"Let me have a good taste of the style of the overlord of the food chain!"

The light of the mind bloomed again, and Chen Qi entered the fourth layer of void.

What is sealed here are the genes of all prey eaten by humans.

"Ho ho ho!"

Different from the vast void before, after Chen Qi entered the fourth level of seal, he seemed to be in a wild world.

Birds, fish, insects, exotic flowers and plants, all kinds of unique life, some are invisible, some are as huge as mountains.

Chen Qi looked at the figures comparable to mountains in the distance, and it was hard to imagine how these guys should eat.

You shouldn't be able to talk about this, right?


A winged tiger with a height of dozens of feet passed by Chen Qi. Chen Qi touched it subconsciously, and the latter immediately turned into countless fragments of light.

These streamer fragments collapsed together and turned into a layer of fine sand.

And this seemed to cause a chain reaction. In the next moment, all life in the wild world collapsed.

Endless streams of light danced, and finally, a mighty river of stream of light appeared in front of Chen Qi.

"This river of light is essentially the manifestation of the genetic fragments of billions of lives that have been preyed upon by humans."

"The more complex the structure of the gene fragments and the more information they carry, the heavier they become, which is why they turn into quicksand."

"This time, the ancestors who set up the shackles were quite generous and did not completely remove all the extraordinary elements."

"But it was shattered beyond measure and fell to the level of mortal matter."

“I really don’t know what kind of methods the Blood God Palace used to find gold from the mud and sand in the sky!”

Chen Qi looked at this boundless and endlessly spreading river of light, and really had no idea of ​​doing hard work at all.

It is better to study well, there is a golden house in the book.

Although the things sealed within this layer of shackles are extremely valuable.

But unless you are a professional "gold digger", who would be stupid enough to rashly unlock this shackles?

Chen Qi could imagine that once this shackles were broken, he would probably have to go through the evolution of life all over again.

Inexplicably, Chen Qi thought of the blood blanket turned into immortality cells.

That is the result of genetic chaos in the body.

"Next, we will enter the fifth level of gene lock!"

"And that is also the focus and key of this training trip."

"Beast nature is not so easy to surrender, otherwise many intelligent civilizations would not have set up layers of shackles to suppress the beast nature."

In essence, in addition to protecting the life secrets of ordinary people, the most important function of gene locks is to suppress [animal nature].

When intelligent life first gave birth to wisdom, it was not as rational as it is now. It was still eroded by instinct all the time, trying to return life to chaos.

In essence, the birth of wisdom completely goes against the instinct of life.

This is like suddenly bringing a group of monkeys into a civilized society, asking them to learn English and mathematics, but not letting them climb trees or telegraph poles. It would be strange if they don't rebel.

For the birth and development of every intelligent civilization, the initial enemy, in addition to the external environment and other lives, is their own [animal nature].

And if it is unable to suppress its own animal nature, intelligent life will never have the chance to form a civilization.

This is an extremely dark and chaotic world, where everything has lost its fixed form.

For example, there is a high mountain in front of you. One moment, it may have been ten thousand feet high, but the next second, it has turned into a small lump of earth.

And the reason why this happened, or what determined all this, was just a black ape passing by.

It was a black, faceless ape that looked like it was made of ink.

Wherever it passes, everything around it changes according to its intention.

But at the same time, it itself is distorting and changing.

This is also the reason why it cannot show its true face.

Looking around the world, such black apes are everywhere.

The whole world seemed to have turned into a quagmire under their torment.

At a certain moment, the sky was suddenly filled with endless fairy lights.

The fairy light was so dazzling that the apes immediately became unhappy.

"Brothers, rush!"

"The way to the outside world has been opened, we have to return to our true nature!"

"Cut that guy with the whole body shining, he'll be unpleasant to look at."

As soon as Chen Qi's mind arrived in this world, he received a warm welcome.

The endless black apes surged in and overwhelmed him instantly.

In the next moment, the light of his mind bloomed, and Chen Qi transformed into a giant standing tall on the sky, smashing millions of black apes to pieces with one slap.

But the next second, these guys regrouped again and came back to fight.

"Hey, ordinary methods really don't work!"

Chen Qi looked around and saw that there were tens of trillions of black apes in the entire world.

And what it corresponds to is the number of human cells.

In essence, these black apes are parts of the cell's will that have been cut and sealed.

That's why they desperately want to return to their true bodies.

"Brothers, fight this devil from outside the world!"

"It was him who separated our flesh and blood!"

"It's him who brainwashed and deceived our true identity!"

"This devil uses the extremely evil iron whip of order to constantly beat and squeeze us."

“We want freedom, we don’t want to work overtime every day!”

"Rebel him and defeat the evil slave master!"

The black apes quickly recognized Chen Qi's true face, and then they became even more angry.

In the outside world, Chen Qi is the [master] of the will of all cells.

But here, he is the embodiment of evil, a vampire who squeezes everything.

"Slander, naked slander!"

"You monkey heads, if you don't reflect on yourselves, you spend your days cheating and cheating!"

"I am here today to conquer you!"

"Touch of ghosts and gods!"

Chen Qi, whose whole body was glowing with divine light, suddenly turned into dark ghost claws in his hands.

The black color is so rich that it makes the apes look quite white.


The terrifying black hands waved, and tens of millions of black apes were directly smashed into pieces.

But this time, their recovery was extremely slow.

This is the special effect of Ghost Touch.

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but when you turn around, you will find the shore!"

"Don't wake me up yet!"

With the continuous projection of the power of his mind, Chen Qi transformed into an infinite immortal and truly arrived here.

As the immortal shouted, bright flowers appeared out of thin air.

The essence of these flowers is Chen Qi's enchantment technique.

Behind every flower blooming, there is a pile of broken ape fragments falling into the barrier.

It is extremely mysterious that after the ape fragments fell into the barrier, they were put back together completely.

This is because in every barrier, there is fairy music (the song of creation) constantly playing back.


The reborn ape broke the barrier and returned to the world.

However, what is different from before is that their heads have been completely whitewashed.

Of course, only the head was whitened, while the lower half of the body was still pitch black.

"Hey, that's all it can do!"

"Beast nature comes from life itself. Unless I don't want this body anymore, I can't kill it at all, I can only surrender!"

"After the animal nature is restrained, it transforms into nature, just like a newborn baby."

"So, kids, come to me and beat them!"

Chen Qi waved his hand, and tens of millions of white-headed soldiers swarmed forward, and then they were defeated by the black apes.

Ahem, these newly cleansed white-headed apes seem to be particularly capable of attracting hatred.

It's just that the combat effectiveness is a bit worse and the number is a bit smaller.

Fortunately, they are also immortal in this world.

So apart from being beaten a little badly, his life was not in danger.

But visible to the naked eye, the white on their heads is darker.

According to Chen Qi's calculations, after being beaten up to a hundred times, these guys will turn black again.

As expected, if he is unworthy of training, he must be beaten with a whip all the time!

"Touch of ghosts and gods!"

Chen Qi's black hand struck again, hitting hard again and again. After a lot of flowers, tens of millions of monkey heads were washed away.

But compared to the boundless and endless black apes on the entire battlefield, this is obviously a drop in the bucket.

Alas, it is so difficult to surrender one's bestiality.

This is because Chen Qi's whitewashing method is relatively superb. If it were anyone else, he would be even more blind.

Fortunately, these black apes are transformed by the will of cells, and they have limits after all.

As long as Chen Qi is brave enough, he will be able to complete the great cause of surrender sooner or later.

According to Chen Qi's calculations, there is no way this war will end in less than a month.

During this period, his mental power must always be focused on this.

Otherwise, once their minds are withdrawn, these newly white-headed soldiers will soon be overwhelmed.

To surrender the animal nature, one must work hard.

On Chen Qi's side, he was practicing quietly.

At the headquarters of the Original Blood Consortium, people began to feel uneasy.

The reason for this is of course because they were "bluffed" by Chen Qi.

They couldn't figure out why the Bloody Hand Human Tu dared to kill directly at them.

Could it be that the Tianwu Conjuration Academy plans to personally take action to clean up the Original Blood Consortium?

But how is this possible?

I haven’t received any news!

As for the Blood Hand Human Tu, they wanted to single-handedly destroy their former Blood Consortium headquarters.

No kidding, daydreaming is not so unreliable!

Their original blood consortium currently has 7 silver combatants stationed here.

As for the extra one, of course the Original Blood Consortium used its own resources to forcibly create one just in case.

In fact, a total of 10 people participated in the experiment, but the others were so unlucky that only Gorkin was promoted.

Since then, Gorkin's position as Minister of Security has been secure.

It’s a shame to say that Gorkin was not a silver bullet before, but he was able to become a deputy minister only with a pen.

Now that he has become the Minister of Security, he feels aggrieved.

At this critical moment, why should I take the lead?

If possible, Gorkin did not want to participate in the experiment at all, and he did not want to become the Minister of Security at all.

But he had no choice.

The upper echelons of the consortium believe that the bloody massacre has become a serious problem.

The root cause lies in Gorkin's inaction. Not only that, Gorkin also committed fraud, allowing the consortium to misjudge the situation.

The consortium did not chop him up, but asked him to perform meritorious service, which was already magnanimous.

Fortunately, Gorkin survived the experiment, otherwise he would not have had the chance to be guilty and meritorious.

"The order goes down, we must strictly guard against it, and strictly prohibit any strange extraordinary people from entering Yuantian City."

"All extraordinary materials entering Yuantian City must be registered and inspected."

"If you make any mistakes, I'll chop your heads off!"

"I almost forgot that nuclear bombs and other weapons of mass destruction are also prohibited."

Gorkin's current task is mainly to maintain order in the city.

As for maintaining the protective array of Yuantian City, he is not worthy enough to take on the important task.

Yuantian City is where the headquarters of the Yuanxue Consortium is located.

This is a giant city with a population of 40 million.

Normally, the major forces in the world would not allow their headquarters to be mixed with mortals.

The Original Blood Consortium certainly did not do this in an attempt to benefit the people.

Instead, it allows the opponent to throw a rat weapon, unable to use powerful means.

In order to keep the city prosperous, gather as many people as possible.

The Original Blood Consortium not only adheres to the good practice of rabbits not eating grass near the nest, but also benefits the people and spreads money.

It can be said that although this place is the home of evil forces, the life satisfaction and happiness index of urban residents are quite high.

The reason for this is, of course, because the Original Blood Consortium has good governance and cannot tolerate any "evil" in its eyes.

They are enough to do bad things, but colleagues are enemies.

Under the vigorous actions of the Original Blood Consortium, Yuan Tiancheng's integrity index and fairness were frighteningly high.

It has even been rated as the most suitable city for human habitation more than ten times in a row.

Of course, this will definitely involve the original blood consortium’s advertising and profit transfer.

Of course, it is impossible and impossible to completely close such a huge city with such a huge population.

There is no need for the Original Blood Consortium to do this. They have already set up various psychic arrays in Yuantian City.

Once the magic circle is fully activated, not even an extraordinary mouse can enter, let alone an extraordinary person.

And ever since the three from the Blood God Palace were defeated and fled into Yuantian City, the defensive array has been on.

Although the daily consumption is extremely painful, at least it feels safe.

In the original Tiancheng, the ordinary people living here were not aware of the recent changes in this city.

There seems to be a membrane between the inner world and the outer world, completely blocking all wind and waves.

Even for ordinary people living in Yuantian City, the living standards have been greatly improved recently.

This is of course because the Original Blood Consortium is giving out benefits again and throwing away a lot of money.

Not only that, corrupt officials and underground gangs that had emerged before also faced a severe crackdown.

The citizens of Yuantian City feel more and more that they have hope in life.

"Is this the original Tiancheng?"

"So prosperous and big!"

Lukerong looked at the huge city in front of him and was quite shocked.

After doing business for so many years, we have visited hundreds of countries, large and small, but such giant cities are rare.

This time he came to Yuantian City, of course, not just for business, but to deliver express, and even the latter was the main reason.

Very smoothly, Luk Rong entered Yuantian City with his goods.

From beginning to end, Lukerong acted very calmly and was not surprised at all.

Because he knows that the power behind him is unfathomable.

Not to mention that he didn't bring any contraband, even a nuclear bomb could be transported into the current Yuantian City.

"Just find a secluded place and smash the box to pieces!"

Following the mission instructions, Luk Rong began to wander around Yuantian City leisurely.

While passing by a remote street, after confirming that there were no surveillance cameras around, Luk Rong carefully took out a box from his arms and threw it on the ground.

Bang, the box shattered, and Lu Lurong saw a golden light flash away.

As for what it was, Lu Lurong couldn't see it clearly even though his eyes were wide open.

Forcibly suppressing his curiosity, Lu Lurong left as if nothing had happened.

The mission is simple, but the rewards are insanely high.

As an ordinary person, Lu Rong knew very well that there were some things that he could never spy on.

What Lucron didn't realize was that the moment he walked out of the alley, the entire alley was covered with golden flowers.

Incredibly, these golden flowers are still spreading, as if they have legs, and they continue to appear in every corner of the city.

But what is quite strange is that even if extraordinary people pass by these golden flowers, they seem to see nothing.

This is already the case for extraordinary people, and it is naturally impossible for ordinary people to detect it.

In this way, the golden flowers merged into the city unconsciously.

They are still proliferating and spreading, and seem to be planning to cover the entire city.

As time passes, Chen Qi's spaceship is getting closer and closer to its destination.

Just half a month away from the Original Blood Consortium, Chen Qi finally led his billions of white-headed soldiers to kill the last black ape.

According to the original cultivation method, he has reached perfection at this time.

Next, tens of trillions of white-headed soldiers knelt before the immeasurable immortals, and the latter could become infinitely powerful after receiving blessings and gain control over their subconscious minds.

That's right, surrendering animal nature and turning it into nature means that Chen Qi has completely mastered the will of all cells.

Since then, the power of his mind can easily be integrated into his subconscious mind and obtain the latter's source code.

This is much smarter than using hacker attacks in Hell Realm to continuously test instructions from the outside.

"After completely controlling the subconscious mind, it is like a big ball of light, brainwashing cells and imposing instructions."

"Even if I need to perform Earth Demon transformation, or even change my life form like No. 1, I can easily do it as long as I have complete template data."

"I am about to obtain the underlying operating logic of my physical body. If I can pry into the secret of [life element], it can even be transformed into ever-changing forms."


Chen Qi felt happy in his heart, but what was extremely embarrassing was that all the white monkey soldiers looked at the darkness in the distance with great horror.

It was as if there was still an extremely terrifying black ape there.

But how is this possible?

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