"Gone, finally gone!"

"Tian Lian can see that I will never have to deal with these [Master Qingtian] again."

"Yeah, not only did we lose nothing, but we also lost a few pounds!"

Looking at the departing spaceship, the [Original Tiancheng] officials with haggard faces had tears in their eyes.

These days have been really hard.

Although I occasionally worked overtime in the past, I mostly took naps in the office.

What's more, as long as you go out to do errands, there is no reason not to eat and get cards.

It's good now, the soles of several pairs of shoes have been worn out, and I can't even find a place to reimburse them.

Is there any sense in working at a loss of money?

It's not that they don't want to be lazy, but that there are armed robots all over the city, and they are all people's spies, so how dare they.

Fortunately, the clouds opened and the moon shone brightly.

The bandits finally left, and [Original Tiancheng] was renamed [Nantian City].

The new group of people in charge look like businessmen and their own people at first glance.

If you don’t get drunk tonight, you won’t come home. Tomorrow, you will have three poles. It will be great!

Choo Choo Choo!

The Purgatory Demonic Bird dragged 50 spaceships and flew slowly in the sky.

This scene caused some waves in the outside world.

Without him, everyone who eats melons is curious about how much "people's fat and people's cream" Chen Qi has plundered in Yuantian City.

At least 100 billion spirit coins, this is everyone’s most conservative estimate.

After all, the Original Blood Consortium itself is a large conglomerate that has reached the trillion level.

And the battle ended too quickly, being wiped out in one fell swoop.

This is equivalent to the Imperial Viscount taking over all the properties of the Original Blood Consortium in Yuantian City.

With this income, it is very reasonable.

If Yuan Tiancheng is crippled, it would be good to get 10 billion in the end.

Although the people who eat melon are very envious, they also know that this is what they deserve.

Of course, there are many people who are greedy and dissatisfied.

For example, at this time, many otherworldly forces who coveted Yuan Tiancheng and wanted to take advantage of Chen Qi were quite dissatisfied with Chen Qi.

What a bullshit Imperial Viscount, he just fell into the eyes of money.

How could the original Tiancheng be sold to Nantianshe!

It would be nice to just pat your butt and leave like before. You can compete with the people for profit without fear of retribution.

It's a pity that they only dare to talk behind their backs and don't dare to speak loudly.

What if we follow in the footsteps of the Original Blood Consortium?

"Hahaha, Chen Qi finally agreed to escort me!"

"It's great to finally send this guy away!"

"With this guy here, I haven't slept well for half a month!"

"The Ancestral Demon, that demon codenamed [King] is actually the Ancestral Demon!"

"Yes, Chen Qi has made a lot of money. Killing such a being can win the favor of the will of human civilization!"

The news that Chen Qi chose to walk out quickly spread to all competitors.

Everyone has mixed feelings about this good news.

But anyway, this is good news.

The only thing that surprised everyone was that the reason given by the school for the recommendation was a bit too "unquestionable".

Killing the ancestral demon is an achievement that cannot be overstated even for a true disciple of the academy.

What's more, Chen Qi had just destroyed the Original Blood Consortium, fully demonstrating his strength in front of everyone.

At the Tianwu Curse Academy, no matter whether it is a new or old student, there is no one who is unconvinced.

"What a pity!"

"If I had known that it was an ancestor demon, I would have joined [King's Game]!"

This is probably the biggest regret in the hearts of countless people. Unexpectedly, opportunities always exist, but no one pays attention.

In the eyes of many people, Chen Qi, an "ordinary person" can pass the customs, and they must be able to catch it easily.

They also found the "root" of Chen Qi's meteoric rise.

This must be because he killed the ancestor demon and gained great luck.

Perhaps it's because Chen Qi's current popularity is high enough and he has always been paid attention to by people in the other world.

Or maybe it's the Tianwu Conjuration Academy's True Succession Seed Campaign, which itself has enough influence.

When Chen Qi was recommended to get the true seed spot, the news immediately exploded in the outside world.

Along with it, there are also legends about the [Ancestral Demon].

Unfortunately, most people in the other world only know that the ancestor demon is extremely special and can gain huge benefits after killing it.

As for what is so special about the ancestral demon? They just don't know.

"The Ancestral Demon, is there actually an Ancestral Demon born in this small world?"

"Opportunity, huge opportunity!"

"We're going to send it this time!"

In a secluded corner of the inner world, seven large light balls gathered again.

Only this time, the big ball of light representing No. 3 was much dimmer.

This is particularly eye-catching among the seven people.

"No. 4, calm down, calm down!"

"It's really surprising that the ancestral demon was born in this small world."

"But this has nothing to do with our mission."

The big ball of light No. 1 spoke rather plainly, and the order among them was based on seniority.

And this qualification is naturally the time spent in the space of gods.

"No. 1, did you not receive the message?"

"That ancestral demon was just born a few decades ago."

"What does this mean? I don't need to say more, right?"

No. 4 tried hard to calm down his emotions, but he still couldn't do it.

No. 4 was so excited, No. 5, 6, and 7 were confused. They had no idea what was going on.

"No. 4, I know exactly what you want to say."

"The birth of the Ancestral Demon means that the legendary and supreme [Devil of Destiny] has appeared in this small world."

"This is really big news, but that's it."

"Stop wishful thinking, you can't find it!"

No. 1 made it clear this time, which can be regarded as pouring cold water on No. 4.

But No. 4 obviously didn’t believe it.

"No. 4, give up that delusion in your mind!"

"No. 1 is right, you can't find it."

"Not to mention you, not even the gods can do it."

No. 2 silently made up for it. From beginning to end, he was watching the show.

The current No. 4 looks very much like his past self.

He was also so eager when he first learned the secret of the Destiny Magic Dice.

Unfortunately, he was soon struck into despair.

I hope No. 4 can be stronger and hold on.

"Destiny dice, what is this?"

No. 5 spoke, and No. 6 and No. 7 also looked at the big light ball No. 1.

They also want to know the answer.

Seeing this, Big Light Ball No. 1 hesitated for a moment, but finally spoke.

"No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, are you sure you want to know this secret?"

"Just knowing the name [Destiny Magic Dice] has no impact on you. After all, that thing has its own name in many civilizations."

"But if you know His secret, you will definitely pay the [price]."

"And the price is that you will never be able to find the [Destiny Magic Dice]."

When saying this, the big light ball No. 1 looked at No. 4.

The latter's expression immediately changed.

"Impossible, how is this possible?"

No. 4 understood what Big Light Ball No. 1 meant. He looked at the latter in shock. Big Light Ball No. 1 nodded firmly.

Really, this is an iron law that even the gods cannot break.

That's why the No. 1 Great Light Ball had a very dull reaction to the birth of the Ancestral Demon.

Because he knew that it was impossible for him to find the magic dice of destiny.

"No. 1, since you all know the secret of [Destiny Magic Dice], then we must know it too."

"We can afford this price!"

After some discussion on No. 567, a decision was finally made.

Regarding their decision, No. 1 sighed.

Sure enough, as long as they are intelligent creatures, they simply cannot resist the drive of curiosity.

No. 2 on the side saw this, but he was a little gloating.

Because he knows very well that No. 5, No. 6 and No. 7 will soon regret their bowels.

Just like he was back then.

And the reality is indeed like this. When these three people really knew the secret of the [Destiny Magic Dice], they were immediately confused.

At the beginning, they were as hot as No. 4.

After all, it is a magical object that can grant any wish for free.

But soon, they remembered the price of Word No. 1.

This was like a bolt from the blue, falling directly from heaven to hell.

Isn't this a complete scam?

"No. 1, can you really not find it?"

No. 5 still looks at the big light ball No. 1 without giving up, even if the conditions are extremely harsh, as long as there is hope.

However, No. 1 still shook his head firmly.

“I really can’t find it!”

"Otherwise, why do you think such a divine object does not appear on the investigation task list of the Gods' Space?"

"He can definitely be included in the [Top Ten Ultimate Missions]."

No. 1 looked at No. 5, No. 6 and No. 7 helplessly. He knew that things would turn out like this.

These guys definitely won't give up and think they are special.

But in front of those gods, they are not even ants, they are not at the same latitude at all.

In order to completely dispel the delusions of these guys and avoid causing more trouble.

No. 1 decided to tell them something more.

"The Magic Dice of Destiny is the only existence that the World Council dares not give a [definition]."

"What He displays in front of all sentient beings is not his true form at all."

"One of the gods was originally just a mortal. But with just one throw, she ascended to the status of a god."

"Wouldn't that one want to find the Magic Dice of Destiny again?"

"The iron law I know came from this one's mouth."

The stab made by No. 1 directly stabbed No. 567 to the core.

Don't mention how much they regret it now. Why should they be curious? In the end, they completely ruined their hope.

Seeing No. 5, No. 6 and No. 7 feeling depressed after being hit, No. 1 felt completely relieved.

These three guys were just poisoned, and they can still be saved.

As for No. 4, No. 1 shook his head. This guy was already a little confused.

Although he has regained his composure now, No. 1 can see that this guy has no intention of giving up.

It seems that I have to be more careful in the future and not let this guy get me into trouble.

"No. 3, are you injured?"

"Your current condition is quite bad."

"Is there something wrong with the time and space bloodline?"

Since this reunion, No. 3 has been huddled in the corner, like a little transparent.

But the strangeness on his body could not be hidden from everyone present.

After No. 1 gave up on "treating" No. 4, he focused on No. 3.

"There was a little accident in the previous side mission!"

"A guy actually noticed my presence and attacked me sneakily."

"You also know that guy, he is the Imperial Viscount Chen Qi who is currently in the limelight."

When No. 3 mentioned someone, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

The most serious injury he suffered was not a broken tail.

In order to escape for his life, he forcibly changed the time and space synchronization rate significantly.

As a result, although he escaped, his own time and space blood vessels were overloaded and disintegrated again.

It took him a full year before he could barely stabilize his bloodline.

But among the seven, he directly became the weakest.

"No. 3, you actually encountered the Imperial Viscount a long time ago?"

"You're really unlucky. He seems to have a time-space mirror, and he probably used this to detect your existence."

"But in this case, wouldn't our existence be exposed?"

No. 2 was a little gloating at first, but soon realized the seriousness of the problem.

Their overlapping state of time and space is too special. Since Chen Qi was able to seriously injure No. 3, he must have discovered their secret.

This is very bad!

Others also thought of this, and looked at No. 3 with an unhappy look.

"Humph, that Chen Qi just knows my identity as a time and space merchant!"

"As for exposure?"

"Is our existence really not exposed?"

"It's been almost three years, have you ever caught a fragment of the secret?"

No. 3 didn't want to take the blame for nothing. Faced with his questioning, the other six people were immediately embarrassed.

Because they had been busy for so long, they really didn't catch a single fragment of the secret.

Often it's just a little bit closer, but it just misses the mark.

No matter how stupid they are, after a dozen failures, they realize something is wrong.

And this is the reason why they are reunited this time.

The words of No. 3 just expressed a hidden worry in their hearts.

"What No. 3 said makes sense. It is indeed possible that we have been exposed!"

"But where exactly the omission occurred is somewhat difficult to determine."

"The greatest possibility is still at the secret level!"

"After all, we have made many attempts to capture the secret fragments, so we must have disturbed something."

No. 1 affirmed what No. 3 said.

With No. 1’s support, it’s hard for the others to say anything more.

Then they began to brainstorm and analyze the situation at hand.

In the end, after gathering the wisdom of 7 people, they barely found a self-explanatory answer.

If you think of this small world as a fish pond, the secret fragments are the fish in the fish pond.

No. 1 and others kept catching fish, and some beings probably discovered their existence from the commotion of the fish.

But it was probably not the [Sword of Judgment] that discovered their existence.

Although it is rumored that the Sword of Judgment has mastered the largest piece of secret, it is only a dead object after all.

No. 1 and others were extremely secretive and cautious in their actions, and they were still confident that they could hide from the sword of judgment.

If they were really discovered by the Sword of Judgment, the other party would have come to kill them long ago.

"The ones who discovered our whereabouts should be those [inexplicable things] born after the fall of Tianji."

"Even the reason why we frequently fail to arrest them may be because those guys are causing trouble."

"If the fragments of the secret are regarded as a school of small fish, those guys are the overlords among the fish."

"They are the most suspicious!"

No. 2 made a summary, and everyone nodded in agreement.

But what to do next is another problem for everyone.

With those weird guys watching, it's impossible to capture the secret fragments.

They really underestimated the difficulty of this mission before.

"We have no grievances against those guys, but they have repeatedly destroyed our plans."

"But they don't seem to have leaked our whereabouts."

"Could it be that they are forcing us to sacrifice to them and communicate with them?"

No. 5 gave his guess, and everyone was thoughtful after hearing the words.

If that were really the case, that would be troublesome.

Sacrifice, especially something very weird, is too risky.

Mere time and space barriers may not be able to protect them.

Everyone is considered a veteran, so naturally they know the taboos involved.

"Isn't there a new person coming into this world?"

"Why don't we trick them into doing it!"

"Counting the time, they are coming in soon!"

No. 7's proposal made everyone's eyes light up. This seemed to be really feasible.

Anyway, it is normal for newcomers to suffer losses, so let the seniors like them learn a lesson first.

After the seven people discussed it for a while, they chose to leave separately.

However, the directions of No. 3 and No. 4 overlap.

Witnessing this scene, No. 1 sighed, he was trying to be a monster!

With the strength that the Imperial Viscount has shown now, it will be difficult for No. 3 to seek revenge.

And No. 4 refuses to give up on the Magic Dice of Destiny. Sooner or later, these two guys will end up together.

In this regard, No. 1 can only wish them good luck.

He was able to survive from mission after mission to the present by being cautious and not saving lives.

Of course, betraying teammates and making others a scapegoat will occasionally be done.

After all, we all have different races and are all passers-by.

Chen Qi didn't know that after his story of slaying the ancestral demon was publicized, it would keep countless people awake at night.

He thought the matter of the Dice of Destiny was kept secret!

At this time, Chen Qi was heading east, heading towards the family treasure house of [Jomoa Chris].

As for the number of spaceships dragged by the Kestrel King, only half of them were left.

As for the missing half, of course it was sold when passing through the Alchemy City.

It's a pity that Chen Qi gained too much this time, enough for him to sell all the time.

On the spaceship, Chen Qi was frantically reading various research materials from the Original Blood Consortium.

He has been doing this for a month after leaving Yuan Tiancheng.

Unfortunately, these data are too huge. Even though Chen Qi recently reached the fifth level of quantum brain training, he still only read 1/5 of it.

The reason why Chen Qi puts the cultivation of quantum brain on the agenda is to prepare for the cultivation of the sea of ​​​​wisdom.

The mystery revealed in the [Heaven's Activation Ceremony] made Chen Qi believe that cultivating the quantum brain would definitely be helpful to the sea of ​​​​wisdom.

If we talk about original nature, there are still more than a dozen of the true seeds who can achieve it.

There is no such thing as a sea of ​​fire and wisdom.

You can imagine how difficult it is to practice the third level of meditation.

Chen Qi can be regarded as having a date but not a date, so let’s take a shot first.

After all, he hasn't finished completing the questions yet, and it's impossible to exchange for the cultivation method of the Sea of ​​Wisdom.

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