I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 503 Monitoring

"You want to grant me the Holy Light Badge?"

"And you want to hold a grand welcome ceremony for me?"

"Is this why you made me wait?"

Over the basin, Chen Qi was chatting with Deputy Chief of Operations Affleck.

Affleck has been back and forth several times since he showed up here.

And the news he brought to Chen Qi was more interesting than the last.

Initially, Affleck only came to confirm Chen Qi’s identity.

After confirming that Chen Qi was not an intruder, but wanted to join the Super Hero Association.

The latter immediately said that he needed to study it carefully and asked Chen Qi to wait.

After all, there has never been a precedent for a "12" level superhero to join the Federation in the past.

Chen Qi understands this very well, after all, he is too powerful now.

It’s normal for superheroes to always have worries.

Then Affleck began his own errand journey, acting as a bridge between Chen Qi and Dawn City.

After going back and forth several times, Chen Qi finally got the final result.

"Dear Flash, your deeds of killing four beast kings have been widely spread throughout the human world."

"You have made a huge contribution to humanity, and you deserve to receive the badge."

"Now the entire human race regards you as the savior. I hope you can get involved in the field of scientific research, restore [controllable nuclear fusion technology] for mankind, and create more solar cores."

"You are now the only hope for humankind's revival!"

Affleck kept his stance very low and tried to express the attitude of the coalition government tactfully.

He was extremely worried now, fearing that the person in front of him would suddenly go crazy.

After all, asking a superhero to engage in scientific research would definitely be "aggrieved".

For superheroes, they are not afraid of hardship, fatigue, and some are even not afraid of death.

But the biggest fear of learning is actually because the learning ability of superheroes is worse than that of ordinary humans after awakening.

Even the stronger one is, the less able he is to accept and learn new knowledge.

"Let me study controllable nuclear fusion?"

"Whose genius idea came up with this?"

After listening to Affleck's explanation, Chen Qi knew that the Holy Light Badge was not free.

In fact, after revealing his ability to make nuclear bombs with his hands, Chen Qi knew that sooner or later he would have to research controllable nuclear fusion technology for mankind.

This is the need of the entire human race.

But Chen Qi didn't expect that this day would come so quickly. He had already been lifted onto the stage before he even set foot in Dawn City.


it's out of the question!

Chen Qi is not stupid. Now Shuguang City praises himself so highly just to make him work.

If he hesitated for even a moment, he would be instantly criticized as a traitor to the entire human race.

Chen Qi has no shortage of experience with this method of manipulating public opinion.

"Thank you to the Alliance for recognizing me!"

"For the sake of mankind, I will move forward bravely!"

"No matter how hard and tiring it is, I will restore controllable nuclear fusion technology to mankind."

"Human civilization will surely be able to achieve renaissance and become great again!"

Those who understand current affairs are heroes, and Chen Qi will certainly not go against the entire human race in this world.

Moreover, Chen Qi is still very interested in researching and manufacturing the Heart of the Sun.

Chen Qi can only restrain himself for ten minutes if he rubs the sun with his hands.

This is his ability after being promoted to a level 13 superhero.

Creating a solar core for human research will definitely deepen Chen Qi's knowledge and understanding of controllable nuclear fusion.

Once he masters this technique, he can definitely bring it back to the Inner Ring World.

If one day Chen Qi is short of money, he can just find a medium-powerful country and sell this technology!

Mastering controllable nuclear fusion technology and creating a solar furnace are necessary conditions for becoming a great power.

Chen Qi's statement made Affleck ecstatic.

The Flash is truly a role model for humanity.

Superheroes always go up and down, and finally get a good night's sleep.

Affleck quickly conveyed Chen Qi's attitude and "requirements" back to Dawn City.

Chen Qi didn't ask for much, just that he could use various resources and manpower at will.

Otherwise, he has no confidence in restoring controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Facing Chen Qi's lion's big mouth, Lime and others behind them discussed and finally made a discount.

Chen Qi can use all kinds of resources in the human world at will.

However, the calling of superheroes is limited to those below level 7.

Above level 7, approval from the General Assembly is required.

Chen Qi was reluctantly satisfied with this and agreed.

In this way, both parties are really happy.

Of course, the happiest person is Guarez.

After all, the taste of power is more intoxicating than wine.

The Super Hero Association has given up a lot of power this time.

"[The Flash really lives up to humanity and has the courage to take on heavy responsibilities]"

"[The welcome ceremony shocked the world, and hundreds of millions of people watched The Flash through live broadcast]"

"[At the medal ceremony, The Flash gave a speech that lasted for half an hour, and the entire human race burst into tears]"

"[The Flash has officially settled in Dawn City, and the controllable nuclear fusion project is about to start]"

"[Shocking, shocking, The Flash selects talents, the project team is officially established]"

"[The Flash gave a speech, saying that combat effectiveness should not be the only criterion for measuring superheroes. Superheroes who are not good at fighting can also shine and develop for mankind]"

"[The experimental base is officially designated and the project team begins construction]"

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

From the moment he stepped into Dawn City, The Flash attracted the attention of all mankind.

Every move he makes attracts worldwide attention.

This is not just because The Flash carries the hope of all mankind, but also because the image he has established is so perfect.

Strong, humble, dedicated to humanity, without any selfish motives.

This is what a recipient of the Holy Light Badge should look like, truly worthy of being the savior of mankind.

Although most of the credit for establishing this perfect image belongs to the league's popularity.

But Chen Qi’s speech at the medal ceremony also played an important role.

There has never been a superhero who can "understand the people" like The Flash.

Only The Flash represents the future of mankind and the needs and aspirations of hundreds of millions of humans.

"Sir, the project team has been completely formed!"

"As of today, a total of 473 superheroes have joined us!"

“There are more than 100,000 professionals from all walks of life.”

"And once construction officially starts, we can recruit up to one million workers in an instant."

In a luxurious skyscraper, Chen Qi listened to the reports of his subordinates very carefully.

The superhero named Levi in ​​front of him is the only talent Chen Qi can find who has a flexible mind, a broad range of knowledge, and can coordinate various affairs.

Since entering Dawn City and obtaining the Holy Light Badge.

Before Chen Qi could take a few more breaths, he was "impressed" by the alliance's enthusiasm and immediately started the controllable nuclear fusion project.

Guarez, Secretary General of the Alliance, is so dedicated.

In order to "impress" Chen Qi and urge Chen Qi to start construction as soon as possible, he almost laid the floor under Chen Qi's nose.

Chen Qi had no choice but to start working for all mankind.

But what Chen Qi didn't expect was that he far underestimated the difficulty of this job, and at the same time overestimated the "quality" of human beings in this world.

The first problem Chen Qi encountered was that talent was rare.

This is not to say that superheroes will always fail to cooperate with the alliance.

But there are too few humans in Dawn City whose IQ meets Chen Qi's requirements.

It has fallen far below Chen Qi's expectations and bottom line.

And when it comes to superheroes specifically, they are even rarer.

The Levi's in front of me is already considered to be the tallest among the lads.

"Human civilization in this world is probably a pill!"

While listening to Levi's preparation report, Chen Qi was deeply worried about the human beings in this world.

Chen Qi had never realized before that the decline in IQ of an entire race could be such a terrible thing.

When selecting talents, Chen Qi randomly asked a few advanced math questions.

As a result, Chen Qi almost thought that he was not coming to Shuguang City, but to a kindergarten.

Chen Qi had to lower the difficulty of the questions several times so that only ordinary humans could pass.

As for superheroes, Chen Qi has long given up any hope in their IQ.

"My previous induction was indeed correct. There is definitely something wrong with the shadow of human souls in this world."

"And this phenomenon is even more obvious in superheroes."

"According to my observations of all the superheroes in the Association, the more powerful the superhero, the darker the shadow of his soul!"

As early as when Chen Qi came into contact with the soul shadow of this body, Chen Qi had already realized that something was wrong.

His communication with the soul shadow is too easy, which is inconsistent with extraordinary common sense.

But at that time, Chen Qi only thought that his situation was special and that he was in such a situation because of his reincarnation.

Different from this world, humans have no research on the shadow of the soul, and cannot even pry into it.

Relying on past knowledge and research, Chen Qi's mind can still see the shadow of his soul even if he is reincarnated into this world.

When he was in Xuanguang City, Chen Qi had too few encounters with superheroes and was unaware of it.

But after entering Dawn City, Chen Qi finally discovered something strange about the superheroes.

The shadows of these guys' souls are much darker than those of ordinary humans.

Even the more powerful the superheroes are, the darker their soul shadow becomes.

Chen Qi had to associate this phenomenon with their IQ, and this was probably the answer.

At first, Chen Qi thought this phenomenon only happened to superheroes.

After all, they unlocked the five-fold genetic lock and exposed something inhuman.

But after discovering that the IQ of ordinary humans in this world is weaker than that of humans in the inner world.

Chen Qi had to think, is there something wrong with the souls of all human beings in this world?

The shadow of the soul of ordinary human beings is also dimmer than that of humans in the inner ring world?

Unfortunately, Chen Qi's previous research efforts were not focused on this aspect, and there was not enough data collected in the past to make a more specific comparison.

But no matter what, Chen Qi took this aspect seriously.

So Chen Qi planned to find an opportunity to study the ordinary humans in this world.

"Not bad, very well done!"

"Levi's, I have broken down the specific research matters as thoroughly as possible."

"You send the information to each corresponding person and let them prepare in advance."

"In a few days, I will conduct intensive training for them."

Chen Qi resisted the urge to complain and praised Levi's work.

I really can't ask for too much. It's not easy to be a big boss in this world.

It is foreseeable that Chen Qi will encounter more and more problems next.

Chen Qi was extremely convinced that even if he had divided all kinds of knowledge and even distributed it reasonably according to the abilities of employees, the vast majority of people would still not understand it.

This is the tragedy of this world. Many people have lost their ability to associate and cannot learn more deeply.

You must know that the technological civilization of this world had already touched space technology when it was at its peak.

As a result, we have now slipped into the electrical age!

"Don't worry, sir, I will definitely urge them to keep up with the progress!"

"We will never let you and the alliance down!"

"Everyone has a responsibility to revive mankind!"

"Long live humanity!"

Levis shouted slogans, these messy things were really not created by Chen Qi, but by Guarez.

Who could come up with these shameful slogans without drinking a few more pounds of wine?

"It's been three months!"

"It's almost time. I've been content for so long, it's time to take a swing!"

"Let me take a look at Dawn City and what it looks like behind the scenes."

After sending away Levi's, Chen Qi planned to carry out his long-planned plan.

Since he entered Dawn City, although he has not been imprisoned, the things he has access to have definitely been filtered.

Chen Qi didn't want to see only the glamorous side of Shuguang City.

The reason why he came here was not to work for the Alliance and the Heroes Association, but to explore the truth of this world.

"It is said that the history of mankind before the old days was shrouded in three dark clouds."

"Today, I am going to turn into an electronic cloud and completely cover the entire Dawn City."


Golden light bloomed from Chen Qi's body. It was extremely strange. As the golden light spread, Chen Qi's figure became darker and darker.

This was Chen Qi releasing his collapsed form and releasing his true body.

It was an electron cloud with a diameter of 300 kilometers.

Such a huge volume is naturally enough to cover Dawn City.

Dawn City is at a level that is unfathomable to countless people.

A golden electron cloud suddenly unfolded, covering the entire city.

For Chen Qi, his true body, or the volume of the electron cloud, only depends on the carrying capacity of light waves for consciousness.

The current propagation speed of light waves is only 1,000 times the speed of sound.

Therefore, the volume of the electron cloud is 300 kilometers in diameter.

And if light waves can carry consciousness, they can reach the speed of light.

Then the volume of the electron cloud will only be 300,000 kilometers in diameter.

This is Chen Qi's true form after being promoted to level 13 superhero.

"I'm so powerful now!"

“I’m just a little full from eating!”

The moment the electronic cloud covered Dawn City, endless information poured into Chen Qi's mind.

Even though Chen Qi's current computing power is more powerful than a supercomputer, it is still a bit overwhelming.

The electron cloud shook unbearably, as if it would be torn apart in the next moment.

Chen Qi had to change his algorithm, no longer pursuing omniscience, but filtering and isolating information layer by layer.

The first thing Chen Qi set was that only information involving [The Flash] would be received by him.

In this way, if anyone dares to talk about "The Flash" in Dawn City, Chen Qi will know immediately.

Unfortunately, what Chen Qi can receive now is only some information exchanged with the real world.

For example, or writing.

If the other party just thought about it or even cursed in his heart, Chen Qi would have no way of knowing.

There is no way, he is still just a human being, not a god.

"Have you heard that the Flash project is about to start!"

"I hope The Flash will succeed. Life for humans is too hard!"

"When I grow up, I want to be The Flash!"

"Huh, what a bullshit model of human beings, the Flash is just an idiot!"

"Hahaha, this guy The Flash is really crazy and stupid. He doesn't want to be a good superhero, so he has to be a scientist."

"How is the collection of information about The Flash going?"


Even though Chen Qi carried out layers of filtering, he only received information related to The Flash.

However, due to his current popularity, there is still a vast amount of information related to The Flash that is generated every moment in Dawn City.

Although the vast majority of information is positive energy.

But people's hearts are always unpredictable, and there are still many people who are envious, jealous, and hateful of The Flash.

Chen Qi naturally didn't care about these boring ants.

That is to say, in Shuguang City, it is not convenient for Chen Qi to take action.

Otherwise, if anyone dares to speak ill of him, a bolt of lightning will strike him to death.

Chen Qi now has this ability.

He can even rely on his powerful artificial intelligence technology to turn [punishment] into a trigger mode.

In this way, Chen Qi can also regard himself as the way of heaven in Shuguang City.

Of course, Chen Qi just thought about it casually and had no intention of letting himself go.

After all, the water in Dawn City is still a bit deep.

"Praise be to the great Lord of Nature!"

"Profane wisdom and release your nature!"

"Understand nature and follow your instincts!"

"Break the shackles and return to your true self!"

In Dawn City, in a dirty underground space, Jaina is leading believers to "follow their instincts."

After several months of worship, these believers are finally almost mature.

Those who have made the most progress have broken through the four shackles.

And once the fifth shackles are broken, the true immortal will be born.

Jaina is looking forward to this.

However, what Jaina didn't know was that the sacrifice she thought was a secret was being watched with great interest.

The reason why she was exposed was because she casually asked about the Flash before the sacrifice.

The only blame was that Jaina was unlucky and happened to hit the muzzle of the gun.

"Is this the Eternal God Religion?"

"Oh, no, it's the heart of nature!"

"It turns out that this is how they awaken. It's really disgusting!"

In the void, Chen Qi felt very embarrassed as he looked at the fallen human beings who were rolling in the mud and performing eye-catching performances.

Should we rain down thunder and chop these guys into ashes?

This picture is really too disharmonious!

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