"Run faster than light?"

"Net bragging!"

In the real world, in the vacuum world, the golden figure once again confronted Chen Qi.

Since there is no winner in that dimension of knowledge, we can only wait for birth, old age, sickness and death in the material world.

However, what the golden figure didn't expect was that the Flash would brazenly want to exceed the speed of light?

Just his two legs?

No eight-legged beast king is as good as you!

"Hey, the sparrow knows the ambition of the swan, do you just think that I can't succeed?"

"Well, I'm not sure I'll succeed either!"

"But it's more fun this way, isn't it?"

"Do you know why your civilization ended?"

"Do you know what those two choices really meant to you?"

Chen Qi asked the golden figure seriously, but the latter suddenly died.

Since ancient times, people have always been beaten in the face, but Chen Qi's heart-wrenching question directly penetrated the lungs.

Looking at the silent golden figure, Chen Qi didn't care and continued to talk to himself.

"do you know?"

"The birth of every intelligent race is the ultimate result of millions of years of evolution from simple to complex life."

"Even so, only a few lucky ones among billions of lives can become an intelligent race."

"When the intelligent races were born, they were still very ignorant. They needed to overcome their animal nature time and time again in order to continue the existence of their own civilization."

What Chen Qi is telling now is just a simple understanding he gained while cultivating his original nature.

The essence of “human beings” in this world is eternal life.

The reason why they were able to develop a splendid civilization was not just because the creators shared their wisdom with them.

It's also because the Creator sealed their beastly nature.

The second choice given by the Creator corresponds to "releasing the beastly nature". Only in this way can they obtain eternal life.

The first choice, leaving this world, corresponds to exploring the unknown.

This essence is moving closer to wisdom.

If the civilization of this world chooses the first option, they can still continue to share the wisdom of the creator.

Even after contacting the extraordinary system of the outside world, he can sublimate his own civilization to an incredible level.

By then, Chen Qi really can't imagine what kind of existence this civilization will evolve into.

Unfortunately, bugs are bugs, and they are still driven by instinct and make wrong choices.

The words of the Creator, "Sure enough," have a profound meaning.

"In my opinion, what the Creator conducted on you was not an observational experiment, but a [degree] experiment."

"He is probably testing the nature of eternal life and whether it will be tilted towards wisdom."

"The results are clear."

Chen Qi glanced at the golden figure with regret, but the latter had begun to turn black due to what he said.

"For that one, He just verified a conclusion."

"But for you, you have lost your only chance to become an intelligent life."

"But it seems that I can't blame you. After all, your essence has determined everything."

"Probably similar experiments have been tested and verified by countless beings."

"Essentially, this is not your failure, but the failure of the Creator to change your destiny."

Chen Qi's last words of comfort had a really powerful effect.

The golden figure directly broke through the defense.

Does this mean that we are unworthy of development and that mud cannot stick to the wall?

As expected, when it comes to talking nonsense, the Imperial Viscount is the expert.

"Flash, after all this rambling, what exactly are you going to do?"

After the golden figure recovered again, he really wanted to cut Chen Qi into pieces.

Aren't you going to run away?

Are you saying your last words by being so long-winded?

You can't even say that about shitty TV dramas.

"Hey, calm down!"

"Although I am a bit blunt, what I just said is the truth!"

"Whether I succeed or not, I will leave this world!"

"But even if I leave, I can't make you feel happy!"

"Look, you regret it now and feel very uncomfortable!"

"Next, it's time to witness the miracle!"

The Flash lazily assumed a running posture, and the next moment, he turned into lightning and disappeared.

Everything is going backwards, only the Flash keeps moving forward.

Since being promoted to a level 13 superhero, as long as Chen Qi is willing to burn his lifespan and continuously integrate fractal diagrams with extraordinary elements, his speed will become faster and faster.

Until it turns into a real electron and reaches the speed of light.

But it's not an easy task.

In addition to the fusion process, there cannot be any mistakes between the parting diagram and the extraordinary elements, and the carrying capacity of the mind must also be considered.

Chen Qi was not very sure at first. After all, he only had a rough understanding of the internal structure of atoms by taking advantage of the opportunity of observing the Heart of the Sun.

The observation of electrons is only half a bucket of water.

But after experiencing the dimensional war and seeing the scientific and technological civilization's research on the microscopic world.

Chen Qi's understanding of electronics has improved by leaps and bounds.

Not only that, [Holy Light Quantum]'s several collapses in the knowledge dimension also left behind extremely valuable data.

Since they are as stupid as insects, they can stuff the consciousness of countless people into [Holy Light Quantum].

As a real human being with intelligence, Chen Qi should be fine with copying a copycat, even if he can't outdo his predecessors, right?

Therefore, Chen Qi planned to completely compress his physical body into an electron, and his mind would settle in it, integrating perfectly.

Perhaps for other beings, compressing their physical body into a basic particle is an extremely incredible thing.

But for immortal life, this is a basic operation, and the test is the integration of the parting diagram and the extraordinary elements.

While running, Chen Qi's figure had completely turned into a diffuse electron cloud and began to collapse.

And his speed has reached one thousandth of the speed of light.

"Hahaha, Flash, is this your speed?"

"It's slower than a turtle crawling!"

The golden figure sneered at the side, no matter how fast Chen Qi was, it always kept pace with Chen Qi.

If he used it as a reference, Chen Qi would have to suspect that he was still standing still.

Chen Qi turned a deaf ear to the golden figure's ridicule.

All his energy now is focused on his own collapse and integration.

When he succeeds, don't run away if you have the guts.

"It has actually climbed to 1% of the speed of light?"

"Can this guy really succeed?"

Seeing Chen Qi getting smaller and smaller, but getting faster and faster, the golden figure that has been following closely also started to murmur.

It really can't figure out why the Flash chose to commit suicide.

In its opinion, the probability of The Flash succeeding is less than one in a billion.

By now, it had clearly seen what Chen Qi wanted to do.

You are such an arrogant human being. Can you imitate such an extremely magical existence as [Holy Light Quantum]?

The reason why it kept the same speed as Chen Qi was to capture Chen Qi's mind at the moment when his life died.

Once assimilation is completed, it can "climb infinitely" along the ladder and touch true wisdom.

"10%, 75%, 90%, 100%!"

Extremely shocking, the golden figure witnessed the birth of the miracle throughout the process.

It saw Chen Qi collapse step by step, speed up bit by bit, and finally disappear from the real world.

This is Chen Qi transforming himself into a real electron and entering the microscopic world.

In the real world, Chen Qi's figure has disappeared.

At the microscopic world level, Chen Qi travels through an extremely magnificent and magnificent world.

It is as vast as the atomic nucleus of a planet, and there are extranuclear electron clouds like clusters of nebulae.

Chen Qi walked through it and experienced various mysteries at the micro level.

"Incredible, really incredible!"

"You actually succeeded!"

Endlessly far away from Chen Qi, a golden stickman was stunned.

Compared to the previous golden figure that was filled with all kinds of details, the current stick figure is thousands of times simpler.

What this represents is naturally that Chen Qi is getting closer to the essence of the golden figure.

"Tsk, tsk, you are really insignificant!"

"That's right. After all, the essence of [Holy Light Quantum] is particles that are tinier than electrons."

Covering the sky and the sun, Chen Qi, like a creation giant, stared coldly at the stick figure smaller than an ant.

The quality gap between the two sides is so huge.

After completely merging with electrons, Chen Qi can change his collapsed form at will.

The current appearance of a creation giant is just a way for Chen Qi to more vividly highlight the insignificance of his opponent.

"Flash, I admit that I underestimated you before!"

"But you can't attack me!"

Facing electrons billions of times larger than himself, the golden stickman has no fear.

Because it has escaped beyond the gravity capture range of The Flash.

And since The Flash still has mass, it only means that he still cannot reach the speed of light.

"I feel that there is an extremely special field in the microscopic realm."

"As long as any particle interferes with it, its speed will decrease and it will not be able to reach the speed of light."

"As the speed decreases, it naturally acquires quality."

"The electron I incarnate cannot escape the influence of that field, so its speed cannot reach the speed of light, so it has mass."

"But you, or [Saint Light Quantum], are not affected by that field at all, and your quality is always 0."

"This kind of field should be the source of the birth of the Microscopic Gate!"

"Psychic energy acts on this wonderful field to lock various microscopic particles."

"Even you can't escape!"

Chen Qi quietly realized his current state. He now has a more essential understanding of the microscopic door.

This makes it easier to open it later.

But before, I knew exactly what happened, but didn't know why.

"Yes, there is indeed a quantum field spread throughout the microscopic world."

"But not all particles will interfere with it."

"Photons are the exception!"

"Flash, your life ends here!"

"I won after all!"

The golden stickman keeps flashing, and according to its calculations, the Flash's life is only 0.5 seconds left in the macro world.

Of course, for them, who are infinitely close to the speed of light, this is still an extremely long time.

But the golden stickman can afford to wait.

"Haha, after all, it is the narrow knowledge of the past that limits you!"

"Electrons in the material world may indeed be unable to break through the speed of light."

"But I'm different, just let me see the true face of [Holy Light Quantum]!"

Chen Qi's mind suddenly burst into light.

The creation giant collapsed into an extremely bright point, completely covered by the power of the mind.

And at the moment when the power of the mind covered it, the interference between the electrons and the quantum field disappeared.

The electrons that lost their restraints finally reached the speed of light.

"What is this place?"

The moment he reached the speed of light, Chen Qi suddenly found himself in an unfamiliar dimension.

Chen Qi originally thought that he would be imprisoned in the second microscopic door, but the reality did not seem to be like this.

Because this space is empty and void, with no material existence at all.

No, Chen Qi opened his eyes wide and discovered an extremely tiny golden particle.

But he itself is a blue planet billions of times larger than golden particles.

But in this space, size does not mean anything, because there is no mass on either side.

And that tetrahedral golden particle is the true form of [Holy Light Quantum].

"Is this the edge of the world?"

"As long as it exceeds the speed of light, you can leave this world."

Chen Qi asked Golden Particle curiously, and the latter answered readily.

"This is indeed the edge of the world!"

"To be more precise, it's the edge of [the horizon]!"

"The birth of this void space is due to the distortion of the world by the Holy Light."

"As long as this void space still exists, unless you exceed the speed of light, you will always be trapped here."

"Of course, you can also slow down and return to the real world."

"Then you will be locked in the first microscopic door, hahaha."

The golden particle didn't care at all about being face to face with Chen Qi, because it had already seen that the huge blue planet was shattering.

What this means is, of course, that the Flash's life has come to an end.

After breaking through the speed of light, the parting diagram finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Yes, my journey in this world is coming to an end!"

"Then I'll give you the final blow!"

Chen Qi also noticed the decay of the electronic body. As expected, it is not that easy to imitate [Holy Light Quantum].

Blah blah blah, a chain was suddenly born between [Holy Light Quantum] and the electron.

"This is?"

"Information lock?"

The golden particles suddenly realized something was wrong, but in the next moment, two particles with huge differences in size collided violently.

As a result, [Holy Light Quantum] naturally had no effect, and the huge electron exploded, and the Lightning Knight died.

"Whether this blow will kill you or live depends on your luck."

"You told me a story and I listened!"

"But that doesn't mean you can listen when I tell you a story!"

"It's just a bunch of consciousness combinations, facing my information lock, they don't know how they will die."

After the electronic planet shattered, the Infinite Immortal appeared in this void space.

Then inexplicably, Immortal Wuliang sensed the existence of his body.

It seemed that with just a thought, he could return to his physical body.

However, just when Immortal Wuliang was about to leave, golden tetrahedron particles suddenly appeared in the hands of Immortal Wuliang.

And that's not a good thing.


"I finally got a chance!"

"This time, I win!"

The moment the golden particles came into contact with the Infinite Immortal, they began to assimilate him.

Unfortunately, in the collision just now, the conscious body in [Holy Light Quantum] was severely damaged.

For a moment, it was the Immortal Immeasurable who was changing [Holy Light Quantum].

"The big collision just now didn't kill all conscious bodies!"

"But that's all you need to live. Do you want to give me your baby?"

Immortal Wuliang played with the golden particles in his hands, and this thing had begun to become a part of him.

The assimilation went very smoothly, and Chen Qi felt that he was about to gain control of [Holy Light Quantum].

But at this moment, the long-plotted [Pseudo-Civilized Will] finally took action.

"Flash, feel the thirst for wisdom among billions of beings!"

"Your soul belongs to us!"

The moment Chen Qi obtained [Holy Light Quantum], a dense crowd of faces suddenly appeared on top of the golden tetrahedron.

And these faces clearly correspond to all human beings in the real world.

The essence of the golden particles is [Pseudo·Civilized Will] + [Holy·Light Quantum].

The moment Chen Qi obtained [Holy Light Quantum], it was equivalent to having in-depth contact with [Pseudo-Civilized Will].

And that's exactly what the latter wants.

"Wisdom, wisdom, wisdom comes!"

In a daze, Chen Qi felt like he was among hundreds of millions of people.

Except for him, all humans knelt down devoutly and prayed constantly.

"These humans want to summon my soul and share my wisdom?"

"It's a good idea!"

What belongs to him must be fought over by hundreds of millions of people, but Chen Qi is not panicked at all.

On the contrary, Chen Qi is looking forward to the coming of wisdom.

After all, that is the power radiating from mysterious high latitudes.

The reason why Chen Qi fought with the golden figure for so long was because of this scene.

Can peer into the mystery of wisdom, or see one's own soul.

This is an opportunity that every extraordinary person is willing to sacrifice his life for.

Of course Chen Qi will not let it go.

Chen Qi had already made his current plan after knowing that the golden figure was targeting him and planning to seize his soul.

And along with a kind of throbbing, wisdom seems to have really arrived.

In the void space, Chen Qi's mind burned with raging golden fire, which clearly represented the sea of ​​​​wisdom.

"Why, why didn't we succeed?"

"Why is your soul unwilling to share any wisdom with us?"

On the golden tetrahedron, hundreds of millions of faces complained against Chen Qi.

At that moment, Chen Qi really felt like he was being targeted by a thousand people.

"There are many reasons. Time is tight, so I won't tell you!"

"Thank you for your help, which allowed me to successfully glimpse a little bit of the secret of wisdom. I saw..."

"Farewell to everyone, I will take [Holy Light Quantum] away!"

The immeasurable immortal bathed in the golden firelight chose to return.

What is extremely interesting is that at this time, [Holy Light Quantum] has merged with Wuliang Immortal, and will naturally be taken away.

[Pseudo·Civilized Will] Naturally, he was unwilling to let Chen Qi leave, not to mention that his family had been forcibly demolished.

So the two sides began to compete with [Holy Light Quantum].

Seeing that the other party was so ignorant of praise, the immeasurable immortal burst into flames and directly used the sea of ​​wisdom fire to burn all the billions of faces on the tetrahedron.


In a daze, Chen Qi felt that he had had a dream.

There is a strange world in the dream, where countless insects wearing human skin live.

These disgusting bugs dared to deceive him and gain sympathy.

After being discovered by Chen Qi, they actually wanted to eat him.

Chen Qi was extremely angry and set a fire, burning them out of their original shape.

In the inner world, in the bathtub, Chen Qi slowly opened his eyes.

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