I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 518 Promotion to Silver

You don’t know how long it takes to practice. In the blink of an eye, one year has passed.

Chen Qi, who practiced hard in seclusion, finally mastered the new knowledge of exchange.

"If you want to be promoted to Silver Life, you must meet two conditions."

"The first is the sublimation of consciousness."

"The second is to completely integrate the power of authority with oneself."

"It may seem like a simple two steps, but it has evolved into several paths to advancement."

All kinds of knowledge flowed in Chen Qi's mind, and all the mysteries about the silver level were unfolded to him.

"The consciousness of intelligent life is divided into subjective consciousness and subconscious mind."

"This so-called sublimation of consciousness can refer to the sublimation of subjective consciousness alone or the sublimation of subconscious mind."

"Of course, it is also a route for the subjective consciousness and subconscious mind to merge and sublimate together."

"But in the fusion of two consciousnesses, which one is dominant can evolve different sublimation routes."

As one of the top ten overlords in the inner ring world, Tianwu Cursing Academy's research on promoting silver can be said to be comprehensive.

This involves not only new laws, but also old laws.

For example, simply sublimate the subconscious mind, dominate the body, and integrate the power of authority.

This is the promotion route chosen by some inheritances that emphasize the physical body.

Similarly, simply sublimate subjective consciousness, take spiritual power as the leading factor, and integrate the power of authority.

This is the promotion route chosen by some magic inheritances.

As for the two consciousnesses merging and sublimating together.

Most of this type of inheritance is powerful and secretive, and even the Celestial Witch Cursing Academy does not gain much.

For research purposes, Chen Qi exchanged two types of old method inheritance.

In the first type of inheritance, the fusion of subjective consciousness and subconsciousness is dominated by subjective consciousness.

The subjective consciousness completely swallows up the subconscious mind and turns into [Yin Shen].

The Yin God is an extremely unique spiritual body that can travel around the world at will.

It regards the physical body as its residence, and even if the origin of the physical body is slightly lacking, it is no problem.

This type of inheritance is most suitable for people with physical disabilities but strong spirits to practice.

As for the second inheritance exchanged by Chen Qi, the fusion of the two consciousnesses is dominated by the subconscious.

This type of inheritance is good at stimulating changes in the physical body and imitating and evolving other life forms.

The 72 transformations of the earthly evil that the hell realm comes into contact with are this type of inheritance.

Although Tianwu Cursing Academy does not have the complete 72 transformations of Earth Demon, it still has a similar inheritance.

Of course, the above are all inherited from the old method and can only broaden Chen Qi's horizons.

The new method has its own unique path to advance to the silver realm.

That is the integration of spirituality in the sublimation of consciousness.

As for how to integrate spirituality and what kind of consciousness to integrate, each school of magic has its own inheritance.

Compared with the old law, the biggest advantage of the new law is this.

As long as spirituality can continue to grow, it can bring about two kinds of consciousness, or life itself can continue to be strong.

This is the cultivation characteristic of the new method.

For ordinary students of Tianwu Curse Academy, they can choose how to integrate consciousness and spirituality according to their actual situation.

The college doesn't care and won't ask for it.

Anyway, in addition to the other nine super spell academies, Tianwu Conjuration Academy has all the promotion methods in the new method.

But for those who have practiced meditation, especially those with true seeds like Chen Qi, there is only one promotion route.

That is to use the mind to integrate the subjective consciousness and subconscious mind, allowing the mind to completely control all its own authority and become a true [God].

In essence, this is still two consciousnesses merging together with spirituality.

But because of the uniqueness of [mind], it becomes extremely special.

This is also the unique promotion method of Tianwu Conjuration Academy.

"I have read the promotion experiences of many seniors and sisters, and I know them well."

"It's time to get promoted!"

Regarding his promotion to Silver Apostle, Chen Qi was really calm and didn't even have any turmoil in his heart.

Chen Qi was neither excited nor nervous. He just felt that this was a very casual thing.

As Chen Qi made the decision to be promoted, the mind that was burned by the flame of wisdom in the spiritual fairyland began to move.

"Immovable heart!"

Immortal Wuliang shouted loudly, and a golden heart in his body began to beat violently.

The immovable mind can seduce internal and external demons, which corresponds to human subjective consciousness.

According to the promotion secret method of Tianwu Curse Academy, if the mind wants to completely gain control of subjective consciousness, it must use [Heart Fire] to completely burn the immovable heart and smelt it into one with itself.

The key to this is inner fire.

Heart fire is born from the mind. Burning the immovable heart is burning yourself.

If there is a slight mistake, he will set himself on fire and burn himself to death.

For Chen Qi, this step is not difficult. After all, he is constantly being grilled by the fire of wisdom and has long been used to it.

As Chen Qi followed the secret method, he gave birth to inner fire.

A ball of colorful flames began to burn within the body of the Infinite Immortal.

Under Chen Qi's control, the flames were all concentrated directly on the immovable heart.

The moment the immovable heart was ignited, traces of black miscellaneous gas were burned out.

The Immortal Immeasurable thought thoughtfully, this is the negative impact of subjective consciousness on the mind.

As the immovable heart melted, Immortal Wuliang perceived a vast network of thoughts.

What is quite interesting is that this thinking network only has a complete framework, but it is full of various "entanglements", or "knots".

It is the birth of various knots that causes the entire network to continue to collapse, as if those knots are the source of the thinking network.

"Is this the secret of subjective consciousness?"

"Each knot corresponds to a unique advanced algorithm."

"And the entire thinking network itself is a high-level intelligence that can calculate everything."

With the blessing of wisdom, Chen Qi's understanding of subjective consciousness has rapidly improved.

What this represents is naturally that the mind is constantly taking over the entire thinking network.

A trace of golden light spreads on the thinking network, and when the entire network is completely rendered golden, the refining is complete.

“What an amazing feeling!”

"I can accurately grasp the movement of every thought!"

In the spiritual fairyland, the colorful flames on the bodies of the immeasurable immortals extinguished.

The moment the flame goes out, the Immortal Immeasurable becomes more real and alive.

Chen Qi has now completely taken over his own subjective consciousness.

From then on, any emotional changes would not interfere with Chen Qi.

"The next step is the second step, which is to refine the [original nature] and use the mind to take over the life-running authority of the physical body."

Behind the head of the Infinite Immortal, the bright divine rings are constantly rotating, which symbolize the [primordial nature].

As the inner fire burned again, the divine ring began to collapse, and finally disappeared into the heart.

At the moment when he gained subconscious permission, Chen Qi's mind once again saw the fifth level of dark void.

There, the golden giant ape and hundreds of millions of white-headed monkey soldiers are still praying.

As Chen Qi's mental perspective deepened, he saw an extremely vast life operation system.

And the authority of the entire life operation system has been encompassed by the mind.

Chen Qi instantly understood that he could now upgrade the life operation system at will.

For example, if Chen Qi wants to, he can instantly increase the power of the life operation system and increase his life index to 500.

But there is no rush.

Because Chen Qi still has the most important thing to do.

"The second condition for promotion to Silver Apostle is to completely integrate the power of authority with oneself."

"From now on, life itself will be completely transformed into a spiritual life, and it will be born with the ability to use higher spiritual powers."

"For ordinary promoted people, and even other true seeds."

"They only need to integrate the power of authority they have with themselves, and that will be enough."

"Although after this, they will be limited by the power of this kind of authority, but this is the price to pay for the promotion of life."

"I was still worried about which authority to choose for fusion, but I don't need to now."

"Because after cultivating the Fire Sea of ​​Wisdom, I have a better path to take."

For integrating oneself with the power of authority, there are still various options for the old law.

But in the new law era, there is only one way to integrate.

That is to integrate the power of spirituality and authority to realize the awakening of [root].

Regarding this fusion method, ordinary spell schools may only pass down the secret method step by step.

Those who are promoted are fully aware of this and do not know why it is so.

In the top ten super spell academies, the true principle of this fusion was clearly explained.

Even this is something that must be learned.

Because this involves the nature of [root] in spirituality.

[Root], in the definition of Tianwu Conjuration Academy, is called [The Only Power], [Primary String].

It is the source of the birth of life and the most intuitive evidence that high-dimensional forces act on the three-dimensional world.

As Chen Qi used the secret method of the academy, his mind began to extend infinitely, and he finally sensed the existence of an inexplicable thing.

It is a string that does not seem to exist. Only when knowledge comes into contact with it will it truly manifest.

It was as if at that moment, it was knowledge that allowed it to collapse and become a real existence.

This also means that as long as you have extraordinary knowledge, you can turn [Root] into various spiritual energy fluctuations.

This is why spirituality is omnipotent.

The fusion of spirituality and authority solidifies the collapsing [root] and turns it into a string that exudes high-level spiritual energy fluctuations.

That is to completely change the nature of [Root] and make it truly exist in the three-dimensional world.

After this, the [root] was fixed and lost the possibility of ever-changing.

But it itself has turned into the power of authority, and can even continue to grow.

This is the essence of the fusion of spiritual and authoritative forces in the New Law.

After understanding this, you can understand why after being promoted to Silver Apostle, you will be limited by your own authority.

You can only keep moving forward in the inherent direction.

Originally, Chen Qi would be like this, but when he read through the cultivation experiences of his seniors, he saw an idea.

Since the mind can fuse [immovable heart] and [original nature].

So why can’t the [Root] in spirituality be integrated with the [Fire Sea of ​​Wisdom]?

Use the [Sea of ​​Wisdom Fire] to turn the [Root] into a [Primary String].

Then, just like before, as long as you have extraordinary knowledge, the [Primordial String] can be transformed into various powers of authority.

This idea was so wonderful that many seniors who had achieved [Sea of ​​Wisdom] believed that this was the most perfect promotion plan and tried it.

The result was a complete failure.

Because their fire sea of ​​wisdom is essentially the projection of the spark of wisdom in the spiritual heaven.

Sparks don't last forever, they just keep flickering.

If it is fused with the root, then the root will continue to flicker and it will not be able to manifest in the real world for a long time.

What this represents is the "uncertainty" of the cultivator's strength.

The practitioner's strength will continuously change according to the flashing frequency of [Root].

One moment he was the Silver Apostle, but the next moment he became an ordinary controller, and then he became the Silver Apostle again, and so on.

You can imagine how funny this is.

Not to mention that it cannot be used in combat at all, the constant "shock" of this strength alone is enough to make practitioners go crazy.

Anyway, none of the seniors who "seek death" will end well.

If Chen Qi was practicing the ordinary version of [Sea of ​​Wisdom Fire], he would naturally not be stupid enough to commit suicide.

However, Chen Qi's wisdom and fire are different.

Although it is incredible, Chen Qi really "stole" the fire of wisdom.

In other words, Chen Qi can completely complete the impossible ideas of many senior students and cultivate the [Primordial String].

This is perfect for Chen Qi, who has many powers and doesn't know which one to choose.

"Although this is a road that others have not taken, it has an infinitely bright future."

"I have the possibility of success, so I can't give up!"

"Sea of ​​Wisdom Fire, Fusion!"

As Chen Qi made his decision, the blazing golden flame in his heart began to extinguish.

At the same time, the originally illusory [Root] began to flash with golden light, getting brighter and brighter.

In the end, the root completely turned into a golden string.

It is "eternal and motionless", and only when Chen Qi inputs advanced extraordinary knowledge will it turn into the corresponding power of authority.

The training of [Primordial String] went smoothly beyond imagination.

Everything fell into place, just as it should be, without encountering any difficulties that Chen Qi had imagined.

And it was at the moment when [Primordial String] was successfully cultivated.

Chen Qi's mind began to bloom with bright golden light, and his subjective consciousness and subconscious mind completely turned into gold.

Inexplicably, the three began to vibrate at the same frequency.

A more accurate description is that there is quantum entanglement between Chen Qi's mind and consciousness.

From this point on, the communication between mind and consciousness is no longer restricted.


At the moment when the final change was completed, Chen Qi's physical body also began to transform.

Incredibly, Chen Qi's life magnetic field began to collapse, and finally completely integrated into the 108 spiritual veins in his body.

With this blessing from the spiritual veins, Chen Qi's physical body was directly elevated to the silver level.

Various changes were going on in Chen Qi's body, and for a while, Chen Qi was really overwhelmed.

Fortunately, Chen Qi's mind has completely gained all permissions.

As long as it does not exhaust, Chen Qi can make various responses in an instant.

Time kept passing by as Chen Qi transformed, and in the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

While Chen Qi was practicing in seclusion, the new true seeds were also not idle.

It's just that they are not busy practicing hard, but "repaying debts."

The support of major associations and the investment from other outside forces do not require returns.

The true seeds need to use their authority to continuously expand their power in order to obtain more benefits.

Only when they have thoroughly consolidated their position will they begin to practice penance.

But the "hard training" of the major true disciples will definitely not be as hard and as hard-working as Chen Qi's.

Normally, true seeds are not eager for quick success.

They will slowly polish themselves and reach the silver level step by step.

After all, this stage is extremely important. Only if the foundation is solid enough can they have greater potential after being promoted to Silver.

If you act hastily, you will only make yourself regret it later.

The potential after being promoted to Silver Apostle will not only determine your strength, but also your lifespan.

After all, humans have broken the 150-year lifespan limit after being promoted to Silver.

As for how long you can live in the future, it all depends on your own efforts.

A small flaw now may not show up for hundreds of years.

But when after a thousand years, the potential is exhausted and the life span no longer increases, there will be no regrets.

The Imperial Viscount was promoted because he had cultivated [Sea of ​​Wisdom in Fire], which was beyond practice.

Some of them haven't even developed their original nature, so of course they have to continue to endure it.

However, Elonis and Jin Yusheng were not included in the busy collection of true seeds.

Not long ago, these two people participated in the "Battle for School Regulations".

Regarding the fate of these two people, other true seeds are not optimistic.

Even Elonis has a high probability of not coming back.

As for that Jin Yusheng, everyone knew that he was dead.

There are even many interested people who have begun gearing up to inherit his true inheritance seed seat.

Time passed day by day, and one day, Chen Qi's long-dusted manor suddenly opened.

Without any vision or any earth-shattering momentum, Chen Qi completed his promotion.

"I seem to be a little too out of place!"

"No, being too low-key is too public!"

Chen Qi walked out of the spacecraft. After realizing something was wrong, he immediately released the power of his physical body.

The next moment, a terrifying silver aura rose into the sky, and the spiritual energy from heaven and earth poured madly towards Chen Qi's manor.

This time Chen Qi was promoted and finally looked decent.

"Succeeded, actually got promoted?"

"So fast, in less than two years, he was successfully promoted to Silver Apostle."

"Quick, quick, spread the news quickly!"

"Good news, good news. After Chen Qi's promotion, wouldn't there be another true seed seat available?"

Ever since Chen Qi began to retreat, his promotion has attracted a lot of attention.

There is concern, there is curiosity, there is more interest.

For example, those who failed in the previous election were concerned about the seat vacated after Chen Qi was promoted to true successor.

At this time, as soon as Chen Qi's vision came out, news naturally began to fly all over the sky.

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