I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 525 Door to the Future

"Since my debut, apart from wearing a [vest], I have never touched any piece of defensive equipment!"

"In the past battles, everyone used fists to get to the point of the fight, and never used a knife to cut hard!"

“This Viscount’s ability to survive to this day is all due to his luck!”

"But it's different in the silver stage. Everyone's attack methods are too violent, and maybe one blow can crush them."

"Although my body is already strong enough to withstand the attacks of authority, it is also a good thing to have an extra shield."

Playing with the repulsive shield in his hand, Chen Qi became more and more delighted as he looked at it.

If he hadn't known that his current technical level was not enough, Chen Qi would have really wanted to dismantle it and study it.

With this piece of equipment, Chen Qi seems to be able to face difficulties in future battles and hit him in the face with his fist.

After wiping the non-existent dust on the repulsion shield, Chen Qi put it into the space ring for easy access at any time.

Then Chen Qi looked at the ugly fish-man statue, and his eyes were not so happy.

This thing has no connection with him at first glance!

"[Tears of the Evil Fish] uses human flesh and blood to induce transformation in the hope that the fishman statue will shed tears of emotion. Isn't this stupid?"

"Since ancient times, there has been intrigue among intelligent beings, let alone the murloc civilization that has a blood feud with human civilization."

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the murloc civilization occupied major freshwater rivers, which was equivalent to controlling the source of life for many intelligent civilizations on land.

For intelligent life, civilization cannot survive and develop without water.

Although the murloc civilization at that time did not become a land hegemon, it did squeeze all the major intelligent civilizations.

The human civilization that had already emerged at that time naturally could not escape the exploitation of the murloc civilization.

The biggest characteristic of the murloc civilization, apart from being ugly, is that it is extremely greedy.

Under the cruel exploitation of the murloc civilization, the major intelligent races finally couldn't stand it anymore.

It is not that there were no intelligent civilizations to resist in the past, but as long as the murloc civilization made trouble and launched a flood, it could cause heavy damage to the intelligent civilization.

There are also intrigues among the intelligent races on land. It is easy for the murloc civilization to sow discord and take advantage of others.

However, long-term conflicts accumulated, and the murloc civilization finally aroused public outrage.

At that time, the Siren Civilization was about to land, and the land civilization immediately "led thieves into the house".

The calculations of land civilizations on all continents are rattling. Although the Kraken civilization is also an aquatic civilization, the freshwater environment is not suitable for them to thrive after all.

Even if they defeated the murloc civilization, they could only be rampant for a while, and eventually they could only retreat into the sea.

At that time, everyone can naturally divide the major water bodies.

It's a pity that the land civilization was a little short-sighted after all. It didn't understand the Kraken civilization deeply and didn't realize that their greatest characteristic was evolution.

As a result, the Siren Civilization defeated the Murloc Civilization and occupied all major waters. It successfully established a foothold and continued to grow and develop.

In the end, he almost became the new world overlord.

"To me, this [Evil Fish Tears] only has value for disassembly and research."

"Anyone who feeds it a hair would be a fool."

"That Zhong Qingxi, if he really takes [Tears], he will definitely have problems in the future."

"Those who are not from my race must have different minds. The fish-men civilization was exterminated by humans back then. If we don't curse humans, we are already very kind. How can we get rid of the curse?"

In the official history of mankind in this world, there has never been any record of mankind destroying any intelligent civilization.

But after getting in touch with the high priest and getting to know the Fourth Heavenly Dynasty and the old times, Chen Qi really opened his eyes.

It is no exaggeration to say that the survival of human civilization until now is really a tragedy and misfortune for other intelligent civilizations.

If they had tried their best, human civilization would have been gone long ago.

"Let's go!"

Chen Qi kicked the fish-man statue to the feet of the high priest.

With Chen Qi's current strength, there is nothing he can do about the statue, so he can only put it aside for the time being.

But this thing is a bit weird. Chen Qi is a little worried about leaving it alone, so he can only ask the high priest to help take care of it.

The high priest who often uses intelligent life as a sacrifice will definitely overcome it.

Even Chen Qi had already thought about it. If he really couldn't find a way to dismantle the statue, Chen Qi planned to "ask" the high priest for advice.

"Those disaster stars who are eyeing the fish-man statues shouldn't be so short-sighted, right?"

"I really hope they can die well!"

Although he didn't like the fish-man statue, Chen Qi would never give away such a problematic thing again.

If the disaster star is really stupid enough to come to the door, then Chen Qi can only use them to improve his performance.

Now for hunting the Scourge, although there are no "hunting points", there are bonus points.

After being promoted to Zhenzhuan, it is a bit difficult to earn points by completing questions.

No wonder so many old friends have changed the way they earn points and started running errands for the school.

After all, for the true disciples, this is just physical labor, which is much easier than racking their brains.

If Chen Qi hadn't been smart enough, he would have had to do physical work.

But if disaster strikes, Chen Qi can only combine work and rest, move his body and clear his mind.

"Quiet Badge, Quincy, why did these guys come to me?"

A black badge with milky white light was floating quietly in Chen Qi's hand.

This is an ordinary alchemical equipment, but the spell attached to it is very special.

[Boundary Technique] The seventh level.

This is the first time Chen Qi has seen such a powerful [Boundary Technique].

You must know that although Chen Qi was promoted to Silver Apostle, he has not yet started practicing the seventh level of barrier technique.

Because the prerequisite for practicing the seventh level of barrier technique is to turn the physical body into energy.

The power of this seventh layer of enchantment is evident.

"Due to the deliberate spread of the top ten super spell academies, the enchantment technique is widely spread at the level of controllers."

"With the huge accumulation of people in this world, there are not many people who practice barrier techniques."

"Originally, the academy spread the enchantment technique, on the one hand, to select elites, and on the other hand, to patch the [new method]."

"After all, spirituality is easily exposed to too many strange powers. The barrier technique can have a defensive effect on all extraordinary powers, which is just right."

Chen Qi checked the information transferred from Nantian Society. As early as the moment the Destroyer Badge appeared, the society had already prepared relevant information.

The original barrier technique's main effect was defense.

But after the other world spread widely, another major faction emerged.

They call themselves Quincy, but the barrier techniques they practice focus on sealing and destruction.

This is a major school independent of the top ten super spell academies, and has always been regarded as non-mainstream by the orthodox academy.

The relationship between mainstream and non-mainstream can be imagined.

Chen Qi was really curious as to why these guys came to find him.

Unfortunately, other than sending a badge, the other party did not attach any information.

This operation made Chen Qi really confused.

Could it be that the other party is just saying hello to me now?

Or is it?

Chen Qi looked at the Destroyer badge. Is this a test?

The barrier technique in the Destroyer's Emblem was not the defensive version as he thought just now, but the destructive version.

Is this an attempt to woo myself into joining the non-mainstream?

Chen Qi really couldn't understand the other party's intention, because based on what Chen Qi had found out now.

He is the first mainstream person to receive the Destroyer Badge.

Chen Qi is too lazy to worry about it. He is still far away from practicing the enchantment technique!

Perhaps by then, the answer will become apparent.

Chen Qi wanted to be quiet here, but the inner world exploded because of the little sun he released.

For a week in a row, Little Sun has successfully dominated the human search list, even pushing down the second world.

This shows how huge a sensation its birth caused.

"[There are two days in the sky, it is difficult to tell the truth from the false]"

"[The appearance of heaven for two days, is this a divine punishment?]"

"[Whether the end of the world is coming, various rumors are spreading]"

"[Governments of various countries announced that the second sun in the sky is actually the heart of the sun under testing]"

"[Controllable nuclear fusion experiment, who is behind the scenes]"

As never before, various media in the inner world were caught in a carnival.

The sudden appearance of the sun in the sky allows them to use their imagination to write their own fabricated stories.

The last time this kind of national carnival was the birth of the second world.

"A plant, there is a golden plant in the sun!"

"Sent it, I really did it!"

"This kind of inside information is enough to make me famous in one fell swoop."

Unlike ordinary people in the inner ring world, they can only see big and shiny balls of light.

Professionals in this world can clearly see the golden golden flowers in the sun.

In today's inner world, the barriers between the outside and the inside are full of holes.

Such news finally spread to the mortal world.

You can imagine what a storm this will cause.

This is the result of the efforts of various governments to block it. Otherwise, the big logo of Little Sun Academy of Witchcraft and Conjuration would be known to the whole world.

"Provocation, this is naked provocation!"

"Is Tianwu Conjuration Academy going to break the tacit understanding of the past and completely destroy the barrier between the inner and outer worlds?"

"What exactly are they going to do? Are they really going to launch the [Utopia] plan?"

The moment the little sun appeared in the human world, governments around the world were alarmed.

Especially the alliance front, which was wary of the top ten super spell academies, could no longer sit still.

A new alliance meeting was held immediately to discuss what exactly the Tianwu Cursing Academy should do.

Although the existing intelligence shows that Little Sun was created by Chen Qi, the new true successor.

That one personally released this little sun at the celebration of the true inheritance.

This seems to be just an unintentional move by a true disciple.

But the biggest problem is the acquiescence of Tianwu Conjuration Academy.

Currently, the Alliance Kingdom of Iblis is "conflicting" with the Kingdom of Droa, which is controlled by the Heavenly Witch Conjuring Academy.

When the other party suddenly did this, was he planning to stand in front of the stage in person?

Faced with the aggressiveness of the top ten super spell academies in recent years, the alliance has long been simmering with anger.

Many countries have proposed blocking their airspace and prohibiting Little Sun from entering.

If the other party insists on breaking in, destroy it immediately.

However, this proposal was immediately opposed by a large number of rationalists.

Although there is constant friction now, only the Tianwu Conjuring Academy is really taking action.

If the rules are broken and the access privileges of the Tianwu Conjuring Academy are revoked, this will not be a matter for the Tianwu Conjuring Academy alone.

The other nine super spell academies are bound to end up using this as an excuse.

At this time of disaster and chaos, if the gun goes off, World War I will break out in the inner world.

After a quarrel at the alliance meeting, the rationalists finally gained the upper hand.

Everyone can completely turn a blind eye to the appearance of the little sun.

Not even just them turning a blind eye, but all humans turning a blind eye.

This method is naturally to suppress the heat and detonate new hot spots.

To achieve this effect, all it takes is a war that attracts worldwide attention.

The friction between the Kingdom of Iblis and the Kingdom of Droa is a perfect fit for a conflict.

This is also the alliance's counterattack against the Celestial Witch Conjuring Academy.

Little did Chen Qi know that he just let a little sun fly, but it almost triggered a world war.

Fifteen days passed quickly, and Shen Yuying's settlement was finally completed.

After seeing the final harvest, even though the score was 50-50, Chen Qi was still a little overjoyed.

No wonder Nantian Society is so keen on organizing celebrations, because it is really profitable!

"Senior, go to the treasure house to select the treasures. I can do it by myself."

"You've been busy these days, it's time to take a rest!"

"You personally accompany me, I really can't bear it."

After some research, although the three treasures were very good, only the Repulsion Shield could be of immediate use.

To be on the safe side, Chen Qi thought it would be better to visit the Nantian Society's treasure house before going on a mission.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Shen Yuying immediately became interested and insisted on accompanying Chen Qi to the treasure house to select treasures.

According to Shen Yuying, the treasure house is very familiar to her, just like her own home.

In this way, accompanied by Shen Yuying, Chen Qi appeared in the treasure house of Nantian Society.

It's said to be a treasure house, but it looks more like a museum.

Well, actually it is.

The treasure house of Nantian Society can be visited by outsiders as long as they are willing to buy tickets.

The only rule is, you can only watch but not buy.

Of course, as long as the price is high, you can definitely get it.

For example, someone had contacted Chen Qi before, hoping to pay a large price for Chen Qi to bring out a specific treasure from the treasure house.

But Chen Qi refused directly. Compared with a little money, he preferred to do whatever he wanted.

"Junior, look at this [Nishang Feather Clothes]!"

"After putting it on, you can become the most handsome man in the world."

"When your charm points are full, you will be the biological son of the goddess of luck."

Shen Yuying dragged Chen Qi enthusiastically to a gorgeous ancient dress.

Looking at the ancient dress that exuded a mysterious atmosphere, Chen Qi really didn't want to complain.

Senior sister, I never dress like a girl.

Seeing that Chen Qi was indifferent, Shen Yuying was quite disappointed and dragged him to a jade bottle.

"Junior, you can't miss this [Eternal Rouge]."

"After being promoted to Silver, although our life span will be extended, we will also age."

"As long as you apply this [Eternal Rouge], you can stay young forever."

"Only young minds have vitality. When you are old, you will look like an old fool."

"This is not just a matter of mentality, but about potential!"

After Shen Yuying's nagging, Chen Qi felt that it made sense, and then he left directly.

It's not that Chen Qi doesn't want to stay young forever, but that he has too much life-forming fluid, making it difficult for him to age.

Although this thing is good, he can't use it!

I have to say that Shen Yuying is not lying. This place is just like her home, and she definitely spends a lot of time hanging out.

Almost every treasure she passed by was treasured by Shen Yuying.

Chen Qi instantly felt that the senior must have worked in a travel company and led tour groups before.

"Junior, although this [Future Gate] is good, its effect is very tasteless."

"It can only make you disappear from the real world for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, you will still appear in the same place."

"This is a complete scam!"

Seeing Chen Qi suddenly unable to walk in front of an ancient painting, Shen Yuying took a look and immediately gave her own evaluation.

It was an ordinary painting, probably painted by a third-rate painter.

The painting is empty except for a dilapidated door.

However, in the introduction under the treasure, it is marked [Gateway to the Future].

It is said that there is a magical pen in the world that can make anything drawn become real.

After a certain painter obtained it, he had a sudden idea and drew a portal to the future.

As a result, the Gate of the Future was actually born, but it could only allow people to travel to the future 10 minutes later.

That is, people disappear in the real world and reappear 10 minutes later.

The ancient painting in front of Chen Qi is one of them.

In order to lead to a longer future, the painter drew various doors.

As for whether he succeeded, no one knows. Anyway, he completely disappeared.

The door to the future can allow people to escape from the real world, and it can indeed be used to save lives at critical moments.

But after 10 minutes, it will still appear in the same place, which is very embarrassing.

If the enemy waits and waits, they will surely die miserably.

That's why Shen Yuying said this thing is useless.

But will Chen Qi be the kind of person who can't escape?

If you really use time and space means to escape, wouldn't the intestines of time and space be better?

Chen Qi fell in love with this door to the future and just planned to collect it and study it.

When he was on Shengxian Island, Chen Qi discovered many famous ancient paintings from the human world from the laboratory of the Reincarnation Dao.

Although no specific research information was found at that time, Samsara Dao was definitely studying some mysteries in ancient paintings.

Afterwards, Chen Qi intentionally or unintentionally began to collect various paintings from the human world.

Especially during the previous True Inheritance Seed Campaign, Chen Qi traveled to hundreds of countries and gained a lot.

Although Chen Qi is usually very busy and has many important things to do, Chen Qi has not yet had time to study those paintings.

But Chen Qi had some vague guesses about some of the secrets they concealed.

After seeing this door to the future, Chen Qi was inspired. It seemed that related research could be started.

So under Shen Yuying's heartbroken gaze, Chen Qi chose the [Door of the Future] and the other two strange objects without hesitation.

Then he was dragged on the mission by Shen Yuying.

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