I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 528 Information Ring

"Something is wrong, something is very wrong. Where did these guys come from?"

"It's different, it's completely different. These guys are definitely not the same group as those who hunted me before!"

In a canyon, Wen Mengqiu's figure fled as fast as possible.

Not long ago, she had planned to go out to find out about her husband.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered a small black market, he would be targeted immediately.

The opponent's methods were very covert, and if Wen Mengqiu hadn't been a secret master, he wouldn't have been able to detect them in advance.

But since she was discovered by Wen Mengqiu, of course she ran away immediately.

As expected, the other party immediately chased him out as she had predicted.

Wen Mengqiu tried to get rid of the other party several times, but could not escape the other party's tracking.

Then she instantly realized something was wrong.

Since being put on Nantian Society's wanted list, although Wen Mengqiu has been hiding everywhere, his life has not been very difficult because of the special nature of Tianji Master.

Not only that, she also discovered a little secret.

That is, Nantian Society did not really want to "kill them all".

Otherwise, the people responsible for searching for her would definitely not be a ragtag group of people.

After following Wu Daoqi, Wen Mengqiu often borrowed various channels of Nantian Society.

She fully understands how terrifying the other party's network all over the world is.

If Nantianshe really wants to catch them, there is absolutely no way they can escape until now.

Out of Tianji master's instinct, the moment Wen Mengqiu saw those people, he knew that they were completely different from the previous mob.

So she didn't dare to meet him face to face, but ran away directly.

Facts have proved that her perception is indeed correct. This group of people on the other side is definitely the elite of a certain force.

And he also mastered extremely special tracking methods, otherwise it would be impossible to lock her.

"It seems I can only go to that place to hide for a while!"

"I hope my luck this time will still be as good as before!"

Seeing that he could not escape the other party's pursuit, Wen Mengqiu changed his direction of escape.

Half an hour later, a dilapidated ruins suddenly appeared in sight.

After Wen Mengqiu hesitated for a moment, he bravely rushed in.

"Damn, this woman is so alert, she can really run away!"

"What exactly is this ruins?"

A moment later, a group of men in black arrived belatedly.

They didn't know how to confirm that Wen Mengqiu had escaped into the ruins.

Without hesitation, they also swarmed into it.

However, what the man in black didn't expect was that the interior of the ruins was like a maze.

Not only that, there is a special force that isolates them from the lock.

Wen Mengqiu disappeared!

"Wen Mengqiu, don't run away!"

"We were sent by Wu Daoqi to pick you up!"

"We have Wu Daoqi's token in our hands. Doesn't this still make you trust us?"

"Or is it that you are really a heartless person who can only share wealth and honor, but not adversity?"

After several searches, the man in black not only failed to find Wen Mengqiu, he even got lost.

With no choice but to adopt new strategies.

They took out a jade belt and continued their search, shouting loudly.

However, despite their thirst, Wen Mengqiu had no intention of coming out.


"Do these guys think I'm one of those stupid women with big breasts and no brains?"

"Don't say you may not have been sent by Wu Daoqi!"

"Even if it is really sent by Wu Daoqi, so what?"

"Is it really his intention?"

As Wu Daoqi's most trusted pillowcase, Wen Mengqiu thought he knew Wu Daoqi very well.

She was extremely convinced that her husband would never betray the Academy of Magic and Magic.

Unless his brain is broken!

It is about to become a true inheritance seed, and even become the true inheritance of the academy in the future.

Wu Daoqi had already ambitiously planned everything. How could he be together with those disaster stars who were destined to be killed?

When they were tracking the disaster star, the other party fled into the fog.

Full of confidence, they naturally pursued them.

Unexpectedly, after the fog dissipated, Wu Daoqi disappeared.

And this disappearance lasted for three full years.

It wasn't until the Tianwu Conjuration Academy's true seed campaign ended that news about Wu Daoqi came.

Unexpectedly, he had already mixed up with the disaster stars and had no intention of returning to the academy.

Something must have happened.

Although it was a bit unbelievable, Wen Mengqiu firmly believed it.

The husband must have been ambushed in the mist and fell into the hands of the disaster star.

As for why the disaster star didn't kill the husband, and even let these women leave, it must be because of the husband's destiny of being a child of luck, which means that disaster brings good luck.

My husband must be working as an undercover agent now.

He will eventually use these disasters as stepping stones to successfully return to the Academy of Conjuring.

Perhaps the husband will be directly recommended to become the true successor of the academy because of his great achievements.

Since that Chen Qi can guarantee the true seed, my husband must be better than him.

Wen Mengqiu, who consciously saw the truth, would certainly not be fooled by these men in black.

These guys must have been sent by the disaster stars, and their purpose was nothing more than to capture them and use them to blackmail and test their husbands.

She will not hold her husband back.

"Damn woman!"

"Isn't it rumored that she is infatuated with Wu Daoqi?"

"Humph, it turns out that when disaster strikes, we all fly away!"

"If we demolish this ruins, I don't believe we can't find her!"

The leading man in black would not suspect that he was not good at acting.

Since you can't cheat them out, then use force to demolish them.

They had just determined that this ruins was very old and had been completely abandoned.

They have been wandering around for so long, but they haven't found any magic circles or mechanisms.

Except that it is easier to get lost here, there is no danger at all.

With a rumble, the people in black started to move, and the surrounding corridors were wiped out in circles.

"Senior, you are well-informed, have you ever seen the origin of this ruins?"

On the spaceship, Chen Qi and Shen Yuying admired the demolition scene with great interest.

In fact, Wen Mengqiu was not far away from the men in black, but due to some factors, they just couldn't see it.

"Junior, your Tianji Technique has definitely reached the second level!"

"Even in the second level, junior, you are a bit too powerful."

"That Wen Mengqiu is a real Tianji master. Even though she has only reached the first level of cultivation, the disciple can achieve information lock on her without noticing. This is something that only a handful of Tianji masters can achieve."

"What's more, what Wen Mengqiu is in now is the Taunos Labyrinth!"

"The time and space in that ruins are somewhat distorted."

Shen Yuying looked at Chen Qi with admiration. The junior's strength was indeed unfathomable.

The key is that he is just strong, and he is involved in many fields. He is almost omnipotent and has no weaknesses.

"The Labyrinth of Taunos?"

"I see, no wonder the time and space there are a little strange!"

"It turns out to be the legendary insect nest!"

"It seems like there will be some surprises in this mission!"

After seeing the time and space demon spirit, out of curiosity, Chen Qi once investigated whether there were other beings with the power of time and space.

Then I learned about the existence of the Insect Hive and the Labyrinth of Taunos.

In the era of Tiandao Alliance, super sects ruled the world.

Among them is a sect that is good at cultivating various strange insects, which is called the art of refining gu.

The Gu Sect became obsessed with studying bugs and tried to cultivate a bug that could swallow the power of time and space.

For this reason, they built time and space mazes as places for refining Gu.

As a result, after thousands of years of hard work, the Gu Sect achieved nothing, until a Gu genius named Tao Nuos emerged.

He designed a new type of time and space maze, which is closer to the origin of time and space than all previous time and space mazes.

With the upgrade of the Gu Refining Station, Taunos finally refined insects that could swallow the power of time and space.

In recognition of his achievements, the Gu Sect specially named this new type of time and space maze the Taunos Labyrinth.

Unfortunately, after the end of the Tiandao Alliance era, the Gu Sect mysteriously disappeared.

It is rumored that they refined a kind of space-time insect that looked like a giant dragon, gnawed a space-time passage to the outside world, and left this world community.

Of course, there is another rumor, that is, the Gu sect was back-bitten by the Gu worms they refined, and the entire sect was eaten up.

Anyway, in the sect era thousands of years ago, there were still swarms of time and space insects living in the Taunos labyrinth.

But after the establishment of the World Government, especially after the construction of the [World Wall] started, they disappeared.

Rumor has it that he was driven to the outer world by the World Government!

"Junior is interested in the Insect of Time and Space?"

"That's a pity. This kind of bug doesn't exist in the inner world."

"Even if it existed originally, it has completely degraded now!"

"After all, the environment no longer allows it!"

"Look, junior, the bugs in the maze have finally been alerted!"

Shen Yuying casually pointed at the screen, and then a group of black insects rose up from the ruins and rushed toward the men in black who were carrying out the demolition.

Chen Qi sighed regretfully, because he did not sense any fluctuations in time and space from those insects.

But those bugs have adapted to the twisted space-time environment in the maze.

That's why they acted so elusive that the men in black were caught off guard and in a hurry.

In just the blink of an eye, the man in black was killed or wounded.

"Senior sister, Wen Mengqiu's situation is not good!"

"Although she hides quite secretly, she will suffer disaster sooner or later!"

"How about I add some tricks to her?"

"But in this case, she will definitely know that she is targeted by me!"

Chen Qi looked at Shen Yuying and asked for her opinion.

They are still two or three days away from the maze, and they must be too late.

Wen Mengqiu's life depends on her senior sister's thoughts.

"Wen Mengqiu still has some value, junior brother, please save her life!"

"But if she doesn't know what's interesting, then just feed the worms!"

"I've let her take care of her for so long, she should be smart enough to figure it out!"

"It's time for her to make a choice!"

Shen Yuying stared at the slightly panicked Wen Mengqiu in the picture without any mercy.

She only had one chance to live, it was up to her to seize it.

"Information blockade!"

Chen Qi touched the screen with his finger and drew a circle quite casually.

Then Wen Mengqiu in the picture was immediately surrounded by a white halo.

It looks like Chen Qi added some special effects to the picture.

However, in the real world, Wen Mengqiu, who was in a desperate situation, suddenly looked around in surprise.

Because she was shocked to find that there was an extra halo around her body.

"This, what kind of method is this?"

"Who is it?"

"How can this be?"

In the Taunus maze, Wen Mengqiu screamed out in surprise.

This shows how shocked she was.

Fortunately, the maze was in chaos at this time, and the people in black were busy running for their lives and had no time to take care of her.

"Buzz buzz!"

A swarm of insects flew past Wen Mengqiu's eyes, but they turned a blind eye to her.

Wen Mengqiu looked at this scene in disbelief, and even touched an insect, but the insect swarm still ignored her, as if she did not exist at all.

"This halo is an information shackles."

"It blocks the life information that escapes from me, preventing me from interacting with the world at the life level."

"That's why the swarm can't feel my presence."

"This method is incredible!"

"The Tianji master must be an extremely powerful Tianji master. He locked me in the air and imposed this layer of information seal on me."

"But why did he save me? Could it be..."

Thinking of some possibility, Wen Mengqiu looked desperate.

What was supposed to come finally came.

The only one who can have such terrifying methods is Nantian Society.

Wen Mengqiu originally planned to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but now he completely gave up struggling and sat on the ground blankly.

"That woman is there!"

"Damn it, why didn't the bug attack her?"

"Only by catching her will we have a way to survive!"

Unlike bugs that rely on life information to target their prey, the man in black could see Wen Mengqiu's existence with his naked eyes.

Then, as if they had seen a life-saving straw, they rushed towards Wen Mengqiu crazily.

As a result, after only taking a dozen steps forward, he was completely eaten by insects.

The insects that had lost their food hibernated again, and the entire ruins returned to calm.

"Junior is such a good trick!"

"Wen Mengqiu is sensible. It seems that we will learn the secret of Wu Daoqi's nightmare soon!"

"Inviting you to take action this time, junior, is definitely the most correct decision I have ever made!"

Shen Yuying's eyes were shining when she looked at Chen Qi.

But inexplicably, she always felt that her current junior seemed to be missing something.

Shen Yuying, suddenly enlightened, put the goose feather fan back into Chen Qi's hand.

This temperament looks just right!

The spaceship continued to move forward leisurely. Three days later, Chen Qi and Shen Yuying finally arrived at the Taunos Labyrinth.

But Wen Mengqiu had been sitting there in despair, not moving at all.

The reason why she is so desperate and helpless is of course because as a Tianji master, she knows very well that she cannot escape at all.

"If my junior is interested in this ruins, you can explore it on your own!"

"Leave this Wen Mengqiu to me!"

It seems that because a big fish is about to "submit", Shen Yuying is in a very good mood.

Chen Qi was actually quite interested in how Senior Shen dealt with Wen Mengqiu.

But compared to the ruins, it’s okay not to look at this gossip.

So Chen Qi went directly into the depths of the ruins.

"Wen Mengqiu, we finally meet!"

"There must be something that you should figure out!"

"Tell me, how are you thinking about it?"

Shen Yuying and her 13 maids all appeared in front of Wen Mengqiu.

Wen Mengqiu didn't have much reaction to this shocking scene.

Since even she couldn't escape, how could anyone else escape?

"What did that Chen Zhenzhuan do to me?"

"Why do I feel different?"

Wen Mengqiu did not reply directly to Shen Yuying, but stared blankly at Chen Qi's retreating back.

The intuition that originated from the Tianji Master told her that that person was now an existence that she could not look up to.

The abnormality on his body must be caused by the Imperial Viscount.

"Haha, did you finally notice it?"

"The information ring on your body not only restricts your own life information that escapes, making you unable to be sensed by the insect swarm."

"Its most important function is to isolate the fate between you and Wu Daoqi."

"You're lucky. If it hadn't been for the junior disciple's intervention, others would have been unable to isolate Wu Daoqi's luck-based [Gravity Capture]!"

Shen Yuying made no secret of her praise and praise for her junior.

Wen Mengqiu was silent for a while after hearing this, and finally made a choice.

She was definitely not "selling out" her husband, she was just trying to ease his relationship with the Academy of Witchcraft and Magic.

Wen Mengqiu firmly believed that Wu Daoqi would turn to the light again and come back.

"very good!"

"My attention to you is not in vain!"

"Now tell me what Wu Daoqi's nightmare is."

"What kind of interpretation did you make of his dream?"

Seeing Wen Mengqiu choose to give in, Shen Yuying directly asked the most important question.

Half an hour later, there was another maid beside Shen Yuying.

What this represents is that Wen Mengqiu has completely won her trust through his own efforts.

And at this moment, the entire ruins suddenly began to turmoil.


At some point, a bright moon suddenly appeared over the ruins.

The bright moon sent out ripples, causing the entire ruins to sway.

"What are you going to do, junior?"

"He actually revealed the treasure mirror of time and space!"

In Shen Yuying's eyes, the bright moon is simply Chen Qi's time and space treasure realm.

As for those moonlight ripples, of course they are fluctuations in time and space.

Under normal circumstances, this fluctuation is not noticeable to the naked eye at all.

However, the Taunos Labyrinth itself is distorted in time and space, and two completely different forces of time and space collided together, resulting in this abnormal phenomenon.


The manifestation of time and space ripples completely alarmed all the bugs in the maze.

The next moment, a sea of ​​insects rose into the sky and flew towards the bright moon in the sky.

It is extremely strange that once the insect sea comes into contact with the light of the bright moon, it will suddenly disappear, as if it was swallowed by the bright moon.

Just like that, under the shocked gaze of Shen Yuying and others, all the insects in the entire ruins disappeared into the bright moon.

And at the moment when the bugs completely disappeared, Taunos' labyrinth shook and completely turned into ashes.

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