I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 531 Instigation

"Junior, do you have any trouble with these Seven Kills Thieves?"

"These guys are a bit difficult to deal with, like dog-skin plaster!"

"During the previous True Legend seed campaign, no one chose to attack them. As a result, these guys couldn't be killed at all!"

Inside the spaceship, the space-time mirror shimmers.

Scenes millions of kilometers away were clearly projected in front of Chen Qi and Shen Yuying.

Also watching the battle were 14 new maids recruited by Shen Yuying.

Unlike Shen Yuying, who was calm and composed from beginning to end, Wen Mengqiu and the others were directly stunned by Chen Qi's method.

Is this the true strength of Tianwu Conjuration Academy?

Even though they are millions of kilometers away, they can still kill the enemy.

"Senior sister, the seven-kill thieves and these flamboyant garbage haven't been cleaned up yet?"

"When I passed by an alchemy city, I snatched two bones from the mouths of these mad dogs. They probably held a grudge!"

To be honest, Chen Qi was shocked when he first saw that the Seven Killers were trying to rob him.

This was not because they were shocked by the audacity of the Seven Killing Thieves, but because they were not destroyed yet.

Were Elonis and the others who hunted the disaster star before just doing it for a living?

If Chen Qi hadn't received the quota, the first disaster he would have eliminated would have been the Seven Killers.

"The two bones that my junior grabbed must be the bones of Yuanjue!"

"The Seven Killing Thieves are the most obsessed with this thing. Rumor has it that the Bone of Enlightenment is involved in a very unique sacrificial ritual of theirs!"

"And it's also because of that unique ritual that the Seven Killing Thieves can't be killed cleanly, and they can quickly reappear!"

"Look, junior fellow student, the Seven Kill Thieves' [Blood Spirit Root] is starting to show its power!"

Shen Yuying pointed at the screen, and a blood-red color began to spread across the sky.

"here we go!"

"The Blood Spirit Root, the Blood Spirit Root of the Seven Killing Thieves has appeared!"

"I knew these notorious villains wouldn't die so easily!"

On the battlefield, a red light spread towards the little sun.

It was a bloody picture that seemed not to exist in the material world at all, and the blazing sunlight could not cause any harm to it.

Within the scroll, a bloody purgatory is depicted.

In purgatory, hundreds of Seven Kill Thieves are killing each other.

But the remains of those severed arms were being pieced together in a pool of blood, and an even bigger bloody monster was being born.

The moment the bloody scroll was born, the melon eaters hiding behind the little sun immediately recognized it.

It's really because the method of Seven Kills and Thieves is so iconic and notorious.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

"Once that bloody monster comes from the scroll to the real world, there will be big trouble!"

"The existence form of that thing is very special, it's like a living apostle's weapon."

"But it is more polluting and corrosive, and it is difficult for ordinary silver apostles to annihilate it!"

"And once it is damaged, it will treat us as blood replenishing bags and devour us to repair itself."

Some knowledgeable people among the melon-eating crowd immediately issued a warning.

Hearing that they might suffer disaster from the fish in the pond, the fleet immediately dispersed and fled into the distance.

However, just as they turned around, the bloody painting disappeared.


The vast bloody purgatory spreads for several kilometers, and a huge bloody monster without any fur reaches out a hand from the painting to the real world.

The bloody monster's hand emerged in the real world inch by inch, followed by its head and half of its body.

But just when the bloody monster is about to leave the picture completely and truly come to the real world.

The golden plant in the little sun suddenly changed its form.

All along, the golden plant that looked like a bunch of flower scrolls could barely be identified as a golden flower.

But as the flower scrolls continue to close, the appearance of the golden plant begins to transform into a sunflower.

And that's when the golden plant completely transformed into a sun flower.

The nuclear fusion reaction of the little sun has not only reached its peak, but it has also experienced some kind of sublimation.

The light it radiates has completely changed!

Swish, brush, brush!

The milky white light, like the purest and most beautiful thing in the world, quietly enveloped the bloody monster.

However, what is wrapped under such beauty is the most brutal devouring thing in the world.

The milky white sun rays are like an eraser, erasing the blood-red monster from the world with ease.

Also disappearing was the bloody painting.

After erasing everything, the golden sunflower in the little sun became even more restless.

It was like a beast that had been hungry for hundreds of years and finally got a bite of meat.

But I couldn’t get enough to eat at all!

"What, what's going on?"

"Where is the blood spirit root? Where is the bloody monster?"

"It was evaporated. The blood spirit roots of the Seven Kill Thieves were evaporated by the little sun!"

"Incredible, really incredible!"

"Hahaha, I guessed it right! I knew that this little sun contained more than just nuclear fusion reactions."

"He is truly a true disciple of Tianwu Conjuration Academy, and he really has a hidden secret!"

After realizing that the bloody monster had been wiped out, the melon-eaters who had just turned the bow of the boat immediately turned the bow of the boat back.

All the panic in my heart dissipated, and even greater excitement immediately surged into my heart.

After tracking and observing for so long, they finally discovered the secret of the little sun.

This little sun can not only melt everything with the terrifying radiation of the material world.

It also possesses a very unique extraordinary striking ability.

"Awesome, wonderful!"

"My junior fellow student's research on sunflowers is no weaker than that of golden flowers!"

"I even saw a bit of the charm of [Sun Staircase] in Sunflower's attack just now."

"This is absolutely impossible to do by just studying sunflowers!"

"It seems that my junior regards the sunflower as a psychic object."

Inside the spaceship, Shen Yuying was amazed by the methods Little Sun had just shown.

Although she had long known that the golden plant was fused with sunflowers, Chen Qi's depth of research on sunflowers still gave her a surprise.

Regardless of whether the sun flower or the sun ladder, the essence of its ability is to ignite other life forms and then devour them.

This ability is extremely harmonious with nuclear fusion reactions.

It can be said that when the little sun transforms into a sunflower, it is in its most violent form.

At that time, it was no longer the sun shining on the world, but harvesting all living beings to its heart's content.

"Stairway to the Sun?"

"I'm still far away!"

"Only when I can convert the light quanta released by nuclear fusion into pollen on the solar staircase can I be considered a moderate success."

"And until now, I have never even seen the real Staircase of the Sun."

"It is rumored that the most powerful Stairway to the Sun, after destroying life on continents, is infinitely close to the [Sun]."

"That is no longer a natural disaster, but a real [catastrophe of life]."

Chen Qi was quite satisfied with Little Sun's test results.

It can only be said that he barely fulfilled the design parameters, so he deserves to win. After all, this is the alchemical life he carefully created.

"Um, you gave up just like that?"

"The strength of the Seven Killing Thieves should be much more than this, right?"

Chen Qi waited for a long time, but still did not see the Seven Killers appear again.

He thought he could test a few more functions of the little sun today!

"Junior, the Seven Killers are probably scared by you!"

"This robbery is indeed real, but it is also a temptation!"

"The result is that you, the little sun, can eat people and still can't get enough!"

"The Seven Killers are just showing off, not stupid!"

"But with their behavior, they will definitely come back when they are ready!"

"I hope there will be more fun next time!"

Shen Yuying's face was full of "gloating", and she looked like she wanted to watch the show.

Chen Qi couldn't help being speechless, Senior Sister, we are on a mission now!

Be attentive!

"Is this the end?"

"Are the Seven Killers scared?"

"No, absolutely not!"

"Finally, a fool came out and helped us verify the power of Little Sun. How can we retreat in the face of battle and retreat?"

"Propaganda must be vigorously promoted!"

"We want everyone in the world to know that the Seven Killers are a bunch of cowards who bully the weak and fear the strong!"

"Yes, they can be scum, but they must not be such cowardly scum!"

Little Sun moved forward slowly, but the Seven Killers never showed up again.

As a result, the people who eat melons can't sit still.

They were enjoying it so much, how could it be gone?

Without this group of warriors like the Seven Kill Thieves, how could they harvest more data from Little Sun.

If the Seven Killing Thieves weren't so notorious, they would be a disaster.

Otherwise, everyone must give them a little "reward" to keep them going and not give up.

Now you can only use the "provocation method".

But it seems to save money this way, haha!

Soon, the video of [Little Sun crushing the Seven Killing Thieves] began to spread rapidly in the other world.

Not only that, a variety of "sarcastic" emoticons have also been released.

I don't believe that the Seven Kills Thieves can bear it. If they could, they wouldn't be the Seven Kills Thieves.

"Hahaha, run away, scream!"

"Lan Ruoxi, why don't you run away?"

"Scream, scream loudly, this time no one will come to save you even if your throat is broken!"

In a stone forest, the black-robed team once again surrounded Lan Ruoxi.

This time, no one else will disturb the situation.

It's no wonder that the black-robed captain is so "arrogant" now, it's really because of the previous encounters that were too disturbing.

This is not the first time that the black robe team has caught up with Lan Ruoxi.

But I don't know how this woman "fooled" the men in black who took her away.

One by one, they bravely jumped out to stop Lan Ruoxi in order to buy Lan Ruoxi time to escape.

They couldn't bring themselves to kill, so they could only beat each other half to death again and again, and then watched Lan Ruoxi run away.

At this moment, Lan Ruoxi was finally at the end of her rope. If the black-robed team didn't take the opportunity to vent their frustration, they would be suffocating themselves to death.

"How on earth did you target me?"

"Normally speaking, even the Tianji Master cannot accurately pinpoint my location!"

Faced with a desperate situation, Lan Ruoxi was surprisingly calm and even had the time to chat with the black-robed team.

"Does this woman have anything to rely on?"

Lan Ruoxi's overly calm attitude made the black-robed team doubtful.

However, they searched all around and found no reinforcements ambushing them here.

"Why can we target you?"

"Haha, of course it's because of that evil seed in your body!"

"It's easy to get rid of us, just kill the evil one in your body!"

The black-robed team leader didn't bother to lie. If Lan Ruoxi really did what he said, it would be better.

However, what they never expected was that Lan Ruoxi nodded.

"Thank you for showing up and helping me confirm something!"

"It turns out that my previous induction was indeed correct. A life was indeed born inside my body!"

"Then can you tell me how to kill it?"

"I have tried all kinds of methods before, but I can't erase its existence!"

Lan Ruoxi's extremely serious "asking for advice" immediately confused the Black Running Team.

This, this woman is so vicious, I can only say that she is indeed a demon!

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with my choice?"

"You also said that it is an evil species and should not be born!"

"From the moment I sensed it, it started eating everything in me."

"If it wants to be born, it needs to eat me completely."

"Of course I don't want to die!"

There was a trace of resentment and fear in Lan Ruoxi's eyes. She could feel that feeling of being constantly being swallowed up every moment.

But no matter what she did, she couldn't break that inexplicable connection.

She could only feel helplessly being devoured until these men in black robes appeared.

Lan Ruoxi had wanted to talk to them for a long time, but there were too many people around.

Fortunately, I’m finally free of it now!

"I see!"

"Then your fate is really tragic!"

"But unfortunately, we don't know how to help you either!"

"Why don't you come with us to see the person behind our scenes? Maybe they can help you!"

After hearing the birth of the evil seed, it will completely devour the mother's body.

The way the black-robed team looked at Lan Ruoxi changed instantly.

It turns out that this is not a vicious mother, but just a poor woman!

But the only way they know to prevent the birth of evil is to kill Lan Ruoxi.

But this is something Lan Ruoxi can't accept, right?

"Haha, it turns out there's nothing you can do!"

"As for asking me to go with you to meet the people behind the scenes, that's not necessary!"

"Compared to you guys who have no idea of ​​their origins and are sneaky, the Tianwu Cursing Academy has more credibility!"

"I might as well abandon the darkness and turn to the light!"

Lan Ruoxi sneered disdainfully. Does she look stupid?

If it weren't for Wu Daoqi, she would never have been able to be cruel, and she wouldn't dare to bet that the Tianwu Conjuring Academy would let her go.

She had already gone to the Tianwu Conjuration Academy for help.

If it weren't for that weird life inside her body, Lan Ruoxi believed that Nantian Society would not kill her.

But the appearance of that weird life changed the situation.

What if Nantian Society wants that life to be born?

All they had to do was imprison her and watch everything happen.

This is the real reason for Lan Ruoxi's hesitation.

"Stubborn, wrong choice!"

"With your strength, do you have room to refuse?"

"Don't worry, we won't kill you, but we will take you where you need to go!"

"Do it!"

After repeatedly confirming that no one else jumped out to stop them, the black-robed team finally chose to take action.

The next moment, the five of them attacked Lan Ruoxi.

They were filled with anger, but showed no mercy at all.

"It's you who really can't see the situation clearly!"

"Do you really think that what I am showing now is all my power?"

"You are my prey now!"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will only torture you out of all your secrets."

Boom, a powerful aura emitted from Lan Ruoxi's body.

She is already a Silver Apostle.

But before that, no one noticed this.

The battle between the two sides was instantly ignited!

"How can it be?"

"Sister Lan has actually been promoted to Silver Apostle, she hides it so well!"

"Humph, Wu Daoqi was too partial and provided her with too many resources!"

Ten kilometers away from the battlefield, a luxury spaceship quietly disappeared.

This is Shen Yuying and others who finally arrived after running a long distance at 5 times the speed of sound.

After witnessing Lan Ruoxi's true strength, Zhu Xiaoxiao and others exclaimed in unison.

The reason for this is of course because Lan Ruoxi's promotion shocked them too much!

They used to be sisters who got along day and night, but after they were wanted, they hid all day long, and their lives were precarious.

But Lan Ruoxi was promoted to Silver Apostle during this period.

This can only show that Lan Ruoxi did not suffer at all during her escape. It is strange that their mentality is not complicated.

"Wen Mengqiu, who do you think can win?"

Although the battlefield was fierce, the methods of those men in black robes were also somewhat novel.

But Shen Yuying's interest in watching the game was not very high.

The reason for this was of course because there was something more unique that aroused her curiosity.

Swish, brush, brush!

Inside the spaceship, Chen Qi was painting on a stone slab with a quill in hand.

But what it depicts are all kinds of messy lines.

The lines keep intertwining, as if they are about to collapse into something, but they are never sure.

Since arriving here, Chen Qi has fallen into this unique painting state.

Although Shen Yuying was curious, she also knew that her junior must have a motive for doing this.

So I could only suppress my curiosity and dare not make any interruptions.

"Your Excellency, the Viscount, should be using psychic painting to perform divination!"

"But the lines he drew were too high-end and I couldn't understand them."

"As for who will win between Lan Ruoxi and the five men in black robes, I think Lan Ruoxi will win in the majority."

"She always makes plans later and hides them deeply."

Wen Mengqiu looked at Chen Qi who was "addicted" to painting in shock and confusion. She knew what the other person was doing, but she couldn't understand it at all.

This gap in Tianji attainments was so huge that she despaired.

No wonder the other party can easily lock itself in.

"It seems that the junior student has sensed the existence of something, but he can't find the other party!"

"Interesting, I didn't expect there was an oriole behind me!"

"Originally, I thought Lan Ruoxi could win, but now, I'm afraid that may not be the case!"

"Let's just watch the show!"

Shen Yuying glanced at Wen Mengqiu with satisfaction. This Tianji Master still had some uses and could be used.

At this time, on the battlefield, the situation finally changed significantly.

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