I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 545 Sacrifice

"[The friction between the Kingdom of Droa and the Kingdom of Iblis intensifies, and a war is about to break out]"

"[Fourth Queen Daphne ascends to the throne, and the Kingdom of Droa returns to monarchy]"

As soon as he logged into the [Nantianmen] website, Chen Qi saw two breaking news pinned to the top.

Everything came true, and Shen Yuying was indeed well-informed.

Out of curiosity, Chen Qi took a look at the comments under these two news items.

As a result, it was all "Gong Xi Fa Cai".

The members of Nantian Society are not worried about winning or losing the war at all.

Instead, he saw huge business opportunities.

War is the best opportunity to make a fortune.

Chen Qi couldn't stand this kind of behavior of "making war fortune" and vowed not to join in the same deeds.

So he casually clicked a like, saying that Daphne, the new king of the Kingdom of Droa, is a good person and deserves everyone's support.

After all, this woman really made the "King of Sea Monsters" a sacred beast that protects the country.

The giant octopus's face was even printed on newly issued currency.

"Didi, didi!"

Probably because they saw Chen Qi suddenly online, many members who were busy enjoying the forum sent him private messages.

Or a request for cooperation.

The content of their cooperation is nothing more than obtaining the right to use the image of the "King of Sea Monsters".

How could Chen Qi waste time arguing with a bunch of people just because of this little money?

So he sent a group message and informed everyone that the image rights of the King of Sea Monsters had been exclusively bought by Shen Yuying.

If you want to continue cooperation, please contact Shen Yuying.

Chen Qi really wasn't trying to shirk this time, but Shen Yuying had already signed an exclusive agency agreement with Chen Qi as early as the last time she did the task.

Shen Yuying has full rights to operate all copyrights of King of Sea Monsters, with a 37% share of the profits.

This time, of course, it was Chen Qi who took the lead.

After sending away the collaborator who wanted to send money, Chen Qi continued to surf the Internet.

Alas, it turned out that he didn't go out for a year, and the inner world was still running as usual, refusing to stop and wait for him at all.

The disaster stars are still causing trouble, and the international situation in the inner world is becoming increasingly tense.

Following the Kingdom of Droa and the Kingdom of Iblis, the Gurman Sea experienced another sudden change.

But this time, the major powers are no longer fighting for water routes.

Instead, the exploration of the Gurman Trench was launched.

Thousands of ocean development companies and tens of thousands of deep-sea exploration devices are falling into the deep sea like dumplings.

Its purpose is naturally to focus on the boundless city in the Gurman Trench.

Ever since Chen Qi's little sun was released, especially after the birth of the blow that changed the celestial phenomena.

Many people with clear minds immediately gave up paying attention to the two Poseidon Rings in Chen Qi's hands.

Then he continued to care about Yin Tianxiao. After all, this dog thief had 4 pieces in his hand.

In order to continue to divert everyone's attention, the young leader of the Tengu Gang directly threw out violent news.

He claimed that there was a boundless city in the Gurman Trench.

The boundless city is filled with treasures stolen by pirates.

This is the belongings left behind by the pirate kings who could no longer survive after the establishment of the world government before escaping to the outer world.

Not only that, the Borderless City in the Gurman Trench is the only entrance to the Borderless Country.

As long as there is a chance, you can enter even without the Poseidon Ring.

One can imagine how much of a stir these remarks caused.

Times have changed, it’s not what it used to be!

Gurman Trench was only accessible by powerful pirate kings in the past.

But now, slightly more powerful medium-sized countries can develop deep-sea detectors.

Since there are so many treasures there, of course you need to visit them first.

As for whether anyone would take advantage of the opportunity, how could it be possible?

Foreign forces are pouring in, and the Sestine Kingdom, which has always regarded the Gurman Sea as its own territorial waters, is naturally not happy.

What’s even more funny is that some guys even asked the Sestine Kingdom to hand over previous detection data in the name of win-win cooperation.

Now there is a rumor in the Inner Ring World, and it is very popular.

That is when the Sestine Kingdom took the opportunity to test the aerospace aircraft carrier and collected a large number of treasures from the Gurman Trench.

Otherwise, how can we explain that after the "tolls" were reduced, the Sestine Kingdom's finances did not have problems?

Before, everyone thought that the Sestine Kingdom was holding on, but now it seems that the Sestine Kingdom is getting rich.

This is not possible!

Buried in the trench are treasures that pirates robbed from all countries in the world.

Even if the Sestine Kingdom is not returned to its original owner, it is still the common wealth of all mankind.

The Kingdom of Sestine must not be allowed to monopolize it.

Suddenly, the Gurman Sea area was extremely lively around the pirate treasure.

But the biggest news in the inner world right now is not in the Gurman Trench.

But in a small country that was originally inconspicuous.

Of course, this is not the first time that this small country has been on the hot searches of humans.

It just ranked higher every time, until now it has completely topped the human search list.

There is even a posture to dominate the rankings.

In the beginning, this small country was the most popular search topic in the inner ring world.

But it was because they did something weird.

For whatever purpose, they kept digging deeper into the earth.

The result was a massive earthquake, which tore the country in half.

This ironic natural and man-made disaster has naturally become a hot topic.

If you continue to follow the reports, you may be able to see more interesting links.

For example, the country was completely disintegrated and torn apart, turning from one small country into two small countries.

However, at the critical moment, I probably couldn’t bear to see the people suffer.

The Kingdom of Chrollo, the third-ranked middle power in the inner ring world, directly took over there.

As a result, the Kingdom of Chrollo has always had an image of being unprofitable and unable to afford early success.

Various conspiracy theories began to flourish.

Everyone thinks that the occurrence of this change must be related to the Chongbao.

Maybe the small country's massive excavations were secretly supported by the Kingdom of Chrollo.

Afterwards, more information began to leak out, such as the ruins of an ancient civilization under the earth.

Or maybe there is a natural spiritual vein beneath the earth.

There are even rumors that a prehistoric snake sleeps beneath the earth.

Its awakening caused the earth to tear apart.

However, due to the lack of real evidence, these news were quickly drowned under the suppression of the Chrollo Kingdom.

But with the changes in the situation in the inner ring world, especially after the disaster star came, the Kingdom of Chrollo finally stopped pretending.

They recognized the existence of ancient civilization relics under the earth and invited anthropologists from all walks of life to explore and study them.

This news was quite exciting for a while, but because there were more and more melons in the inner world.

This time there was no need for the Chrollo Kingdom to suppress the news, so no one cared much about it.

It wasn't until a month ago that the full picture of the ruins, or the legendary prehistoric black snake, was finally exposed.

A giant snake tens of thousands of meters long is entangled on the giant pyramid.

This big snake is sleek and smooth, and it looks like a living creature at first glance.

It is impossible for such a shocking thing to appear in the world without causing a sensation.

Suddenly, various speculations about the ancient civilization ruins and the black giant snake instantly aroused public opinion.

And this is exactly what the Kingdom of Chrollo wants.

"What a thief!"

"Are you planning to let the entire inner world figure out the origin of that ruins for you?"

“But it always feels like it’s not that simple!”

"The Kingdom of Chrollo has always been selfish, how could it be willing to completely expose the ruins of its ancient civilization!"

"Will he still allow other countries to get a piece of the pie?"

Chen Qi looked at the archaeological information sent by Wang Tianlang.

Sure enough, the exploration of the ruins seems to have encountered difficulties.

But Wang Tianlang didn't know much about the inside story.

After all, his current strength is just a bit of a soy sauce.

Chen Qi had no interest in that ruins.

If his little brother hadn't been there, he wouldn't have bothered to pay attention.

But as this matter got bigger and bigger, something wasn't quite right.

Could it be that the ruins of that ancient civilization were really important and could actually affect the entire inner world?

"That's all, now it's just the Kingdom of Chrollo making hype."

"If it can continue to dominate the rankings in the future, it will be worthy of my paying more attention."

"Just like [Second World], it has been on the hot search list for decades."

"You don't have to be a fool to know that it has a profound impact on the world of the Inner Rim."

"But something is wrong recently. The popularity of [Second World] has been declining."

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!"

Even though Chen Qi has not yet mastered the third level of Tianji Technique, he can sense that the inner world is becoming more and more turbulent.

In particular, several trends are running in opposite directions, seeming to want to take the inner world in different directions.

If it was just a little shrimp, Chen Qi wouldn't bother to worry about it.

It's different now. What is a true inheritance? Of course it is the future successor!

Any major events in the inner world are their own family affairs.

This sense of ownership is a must!

Time passed day by day, Chen Qi was very busy eating melon and watching the news.

Of course, Chen Qi didn't stay in the college all the time. He still went out to run some errands.

The Kingdom of Droa plans to hold a sacrificial ceremony in the sea for the King of Sea Monsters.

No matter what, Chen Qi had to show up.

Of course, Chen Qi was not there just to show off and give a speech.

But to restrain the King of Sea Monsters and conduct research on the entire sacrificial ceremony.

After all, the big octopus has a limited brain. If any tragedy occurs during the sacrifice, the Kingdom of Droa will become a joke to the world.

The Kingdom of Droa is now one of its own, so Chen Qi must ensure that the sacrifice goes smoothly.

It was a scorching afternoon, and hundreds of fleets gathered in a circle and began to summon the King of Sea Monsters.

But when the King of Sea Monsters really broke out of the water, the scene was particularly funny.

Because there was a big black spider lying on the head of the King of Sea Monsters.

This is completely different from before!

But with the arrow on the string, the sacrifice can only continue.

Then Chen Qi, who was responsible for secretly maintaining order, finally saw the "truth of sacrifice."

"Incredible, that's how it is!"

"Back then, when Xiao Hong was in Tianwu Kingdom, he had the reputation of being a divine bird that protects the country."

"But Tianwu Kingdom is just a small country, and the so-called canonization is really just an official notification without any sense of ceremony."

"And because of the special spirituality of the people of Tianwu Kingdom, their sacrifices show a kind of power blessing."

"But now the big octopus enjoys completely different sacrifices."

"It is actually blessed by wisdom!"

After the sacrifice began, Chen Qi saw an incredible scene.

Blossoming golden sparks mixed with spirituality were transmitted into the brain of the big octopus through the sacrifice.

Dots of golden sparks gathered together, as if they had re-blessed a thinking network for the big octopus.

Even more than that, under the influence of this golden network, the big octopus's brain began to develop slowly and became more complex.

The reason why there is such a magical effect is, of course, that the essence of these golden sparks is the spark of wisdom.

The sacrifice turned out to be blessing the giant octopus with human's own wisdom.

Even if it's just a tiny bit for each person, it can be said to be a huge amount when added up.

Fortunately, after the sacrifice, these golden sparks returned to the human brain.

It seems that this is still just a blessing.

And Chen Qi's heart, which had been hanging tightly, was finally relieved.

If the big octopus really swallows these sparks of wisdom, Chen Qi will eliminate harm for the people.

This kind of existence that can swallow up the wisdom of intelligent life must never be allowed to live.

"The sacrifice after canonization actually promotes brain development again."

"No wonder Shen Yuying said that becoming a national guardian beast is a great blessing for the big octopus."

"This is because the big octopus does not have extraordinary bloodline."

"If Xiaohong is also canonized by a medium power, wouldn't it be able to directly improve his extraordinary bloodline?"

"After all, extraordinary bloodline is the second brain of extraordinary beings."

After the sacrifice, Chen Qi was shocked and had many thoughts in his mind.

It’s really because this kind of wisdom blessing is so incredible.

This is definitely a great blessing for other beings without intelligence.

This is just one sacrifice, what if it were performed thousands of times, billions of times!

Will wisdom be born from the life being sacrificed?

The answer is of course yes, absolutely!

Since in the insect world, a certain being can share his or her own wisdom with a civilization.

Then it is not impossible that through the long sacrifice, the life of the priest will be connected with the high-dimensional soul point of human beings.

But in this case, the life being sacrificed will also turn into a human being.

This is very similar to the "monster transformed into a human being" in ancient cultivators' legends.

"No wonder monsters will be listed as key targets of attack by all intelligent civilizations!"

"This group of guys likes to plunder weak intelligent creatures and make them serve as slaves for themselves."

"I originally thought this was just a kind of oppression, but now that I think about it, if the orcs can directly swallow the wisdom sparks of intelligent creatures during sacrifices, wouldn't they be taking a great tonic?"

"By plundering the sparks of wisdom to enhance the extraordinary bloodline and stimulate the redevelopment of the brain, this is probably the secret why some orc kings can always be strong!"

It can be said that just one sacrifice gave Chen Qi a deeper understanding of the cruelty of the world.

In the eyes of some beings, intelligent civilization is definitely the greatest miracle medicine in the world.

The big octopus, which was named the national guardian beast and enjoyed the sacrifices of the Kingdom of Droa, was not without price.

For example, it began to have a great impression of a certain beautiful priest who was responsible for the sacrifice.

Then, under his deception, he actually planned to go to the Kingdom of Droa to work.

The Kingdom of Droa and the Kingdom of Iblis are in constant conflict, and are in urgent need of high-end combat power in naval battles.

This is also the main reason why the canonization of the Sea Monster King can be passed so easily in the Kingdom of Droa.

Chen Qi didn't care at all that Big Octopus was deceived into working.

After all, he had already received his wages.

This guy spent so much of his own resources and finally saw the money coming back.

Chen Qi is still very relieved about the safety of the big octopus.

Not to mention Feng Zining's help and care, Chen Qi was not sure he could kill the giant octopus based on its ability to survive in the sea.

Unless Chen Qi is willing to let the little sun fall from the sky and directly smash the entire sea.

What's more, there is a beast like a spider lying on the head of the big octopus, which makes it safer.

I don’t know what kind of benefits the spider got from the big octopus, but it just lay on its head all day without moving.

It was obviously a land spider, but now it almost turned into a sea spider.

The color has turned blue.

After the sacrifice was completed, another two months passed.

After three months of recuperation, Chen Qi's spirituality completely recovered and he finally started practicing the [Psychic Learning Edition].

Compared with the mysterious and mysterious cultivation methods of the experiential school, the version of the learning school is easy to understand, clear and concise.

Chen Qi learned the art of channeling in just 5 days.


Within the spiritual fairyland, the immeasurable immortals emitted circles of fluctuations.

Incomparably mysterious, under the influence of his mind, Chen Qi's spiritual frequency began to collapse, approaching infinitely towards [0].

When the spiritual frequency was infinitely close to zero, everything in Chen Qi's perception began to disappear, and only a silver-white shield appeared in his world.

The reason for this is of course because Chen Qi has already locked the [Repulsion Shield] with his spirituality.

[Repulsion Shield] is a dead thing and has no spirituality at all.

But through the art of channeling, Chen Qi completely integrated his own spirituality into the [Shield of Repulsion] when it infinitely collapsed to [0].

At the moment of fusion, it was as if the [Repulsion Shield] itself had given birth to spirituality.

Then the spiritual frequency of [Repulsion Shield] began to skyrocket.

1, 5, 7, 15…

As the spiritual frequency increases, [Shield of Repulsion]'s understanding of itself, or Chen Qi's observation of [Shield of Repulsion], also begins to deepen.

Almost every time the spiritual frequency increases, Chen Qi can receive a large amount of data feedback about the [Repulsion Shield].

If Chen Qi had not been promoted to Silver Apostle, the data could be directly transferred to the [Spiritual Fairy Kingdom].

Otherwise, this massive amount of data alone would cause Chen Qi to become confused and his brain to freeze.

It's no wonder that the practice of psychic art must start with the Silver Apostle.

The spiritual frequency of [Repulsion Shield] finally stopped at 238.

And this is Chen Qi’s current spiritual frequency.

This means that Chen Qi's channeling of [Repulsion Shield] has come to an end.

In essence, the learning method of channeling is still a means of observing and collecting various information about things.

But its mystery lies in the fact that Chen Qi "endowed" [Shield of Repulsion] with spirituality, and the latter took the initiative to reveal its secrets.

It can be said that everything is explained in detail.

It is completely unaffected by Chen Qi's own cognition and is all "first-hand" objective data.

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