With a rumble, the spaceship was speeding across the sky at 9 times the speed of sound.

This is already the limit state of the spacecraft.

The spaceship in this state is already like a stream of light.

The streamer has been flying at high speed for half a month.

If Chen Qi's spaceship hadn't undergone several modifications and upgrades and spent a lot of money on it, it would definitely fall apart.

For Chen Qi now, time is life, and of course he cannot waste more time on the road.

If it weren't for the use of [Life Crossroads], which would easily lead to complications, Chen Qi wouldn't want to fly so slowly!

"Crack, crackle!"

Inside the spaceship, Chen Qi was tapping on the Destiny Game Console.

Of course, this is not that Chen Qi has any opinions on the Destiny Game Console, but that he is just designing his own games.

Although this action seems a bit rough, it is not as efficient as using spiritual input.

However, Chen Qi has been "indulging in the past" recently and plans to relive his days as a coder.

I remember that when he was in Blue Taro Country, he also worked under a black-hearted boss.

"Dimension War" is Chen Qi's new game project.

The game idea comes from [Space of the Gods], and the game materials come from Chen Qi’s previous latitude search operation.

According to Chen Qi's design, after players join the game, they will fight in the devil spaces and make outstanding contributions to defending human justice.

To be honest, Chen Qi really did not design this game to allow players to work for him and harvest the power of latitude.

This ant's method of moving is nothing compared to his giant meteorite technique.

Chen Qi just suddenly had such an inspiration, and then planned to try it.

What you want is happiness and joy.

Chen Qi tapped as he pleased and aimlessly.

The development of "Dimension War" will definitely be an extremely long process.

The difficulties in this are not only technical, but also gaming.

Now Chen Qi is like a game studio that has just started his business.

He has a good idea, has done a good job planning the game, and has even started preliminary work.

But "venture capital" still needs to provide some support and bear some risks.

For example, some dimensions have become other people's leek fields. If you accidentally enter, you still need to block other people's secret tracking.

"There are definitely some secrets hidden among the spiritual dimensions!"

"I should have been exposed to it accidentally, but I didn't realize it."

"If you have mastered Tianji Technique to my level, you will never have a whim for no reason."

"I suddenly thought of developing "Dimension War", absolutely because this matter is extremely important to me in the future."

"But there is no need to rush this matter. In the final analysis, my current strength is not enough!"

"Maybe only when I connect to the authority in the void, and even start to climb the [ladder of authority], will I suddenly understand."

Chen Qi is very familiar with his current state of inspiration. He has definitely come into contact with something beyond his cognition.

If it were anyone else, they might be at a loss and kept in the dark.

But Chen Qi is a secret master, the type who can barely collapse his own future and lock others in.

Thinking of his secret lock, Chen Qi took a look at another black chain that was constantly trembling around him.

Don't worry, I will definitely take care of you when I finish the things in front of me.

"Buzz, buzz!"

Very suddenly, the two black silk threads wrapped around Chen Qi's body suddenly began to tremble violently.

Chen Qi was stunned by this change. Is it not suitable to go out recently?

He had only been flying for half a month, and he was actually being targeted.

The violent trembling of the black silk thread meant that in 5 minutes, Chen Qi would be in trouble.

And this time, misfortune never comes singly!

"Oh, it's those two big light balls?"

"Shouldn't they be busy hiding from XZ recently? How come they have the time to trouble me!"

Chen Qi quickly determined the identity of the intruder through the black silk thread.

He was so stupid to even think about a sneak attack on the great Master Chen Tianji.

Since Chen Qi and Shen Yuying sold the information about outsiders, not only the Sword of Judgment, but also others have been eyeing those time and space investigators.

Anyway, according to the gossip that Shen Yuying heard, those guys were being chased like lost dogs, running around.

If the inner-ring world hadn't been big enough and their time-space overlap was special enough, those seven guys would have been caught long ago.

"That's all, I happen to be very poor recently!"

"I'm happy to accept the wealth and wealth that comes to my door!"

Because the game quota was provided for free, Chen Qi directly lost 13 top-quality spiritual stones.

This is definitely not a small amount of money, it is enough for two middle powers to fight for half a year!

Every time he thought about it, Chen Qi felt that his mother's heart was a bit heavy, and he was at a huge loss!

You must know that the original Master Tianzhi was worth this much.

In the whole world, Chen Qi feels that he can be regarded as a benchmark in the world of conscience!

In the ancient times, Chen Qi couldn't even get a good guy card, and would only be considered stupid.

Mortals are like grass, killing people and setting fires, this is the law of heaven!

It can only be said that times are changing so fast, and human rights have been born.

Perhaps in the next era, extraordinary beings will be equal to mortals!


Chen Qi opened the culture dish and took out the immortal cells that had been silent.

Nearly 10 years have passed, and this guy finally completed the digestion and absorption of the Soul-Returning Flower.

The original immortal cells were golden, but now they have a hint of purple.

"Perhaps I have been ignoring the true value of immortality cells!"

"The birth of this thing was influenced by the power of the giant that reaches the sky."

"And if we continue to trace back, the prototype of the Sky-Bearing Giant is [God's Cell]."

"[God Cells] originated from an ancient civilization's spying and research on gods. As a result, they burned themselves with fire, and the remaining remains fell into the hands of the Tongtian Empire."

"This led to the rise of the Tongtian Empire and its rise to the top of the list of great powers."

"It's a pity that the Tongtian Empire also stumbled on the God Cell, otherwise there would not have been the birth of [King's Game]."

After all, Chen Qi is also a real viscount of the Tongtian Empire. Of course, he must study the history of the empire carefully.

Even what Tianwu Conjuration Academy knows is some general public information.

But it was enough for Chen Qi to have some understanding of the empire.

For a long time, Chen Qi has not paid enough attention to the longevity cells.

Although the main reason is that Chen Qi's previous strength and vision were too low.

But immortality cells were too easy to obtain, which was also an important reason why Chen Qi subconsciously ignored them.

After all, this thing was chasing a dog and delivered it to the door automatically.

"The most important thing about immortality cells, or the most valuable thing to me right now, is its life composition."

"For example, how many life elements does it have and what is the proportion of each element."

"This kind of thing related to the most essential nature of life is what I need most now!"

"Maybe I can use this to get a glimpse of some of the mysteries of higher life!"

After all, the Immortal Cell is just a cell, and it is a fool's errand to obtain the life-running system of a giant from it.

So Chen Qi could only settle for the next best thing.


Chen Qi took out a small box from the space ring.

After opening the box, a pile of black powder suddenly appeared.

This is naturally the broken fox tail and the burned ashes.

"It's almost, it's almost like this thing will expire and won't be of use!"

The [Death Curse] owned by the golden bloodline, due to the incompleteness of the bloodline itself, can only use the personal items used by the target in the past 5 years.

And these ashes are nearly 10 years old.

Fortunately, after the immortal cells devoured the soul-returning flower, the golden bloodline became more complete, reaching 15%.

In this way, these ashes have finally returned to their shelf life.

"Isn't it a bit wasteful?"

"Once the curse is activated, that guy will definitely turn into ashes!"

"As a result, the harvest this time will be reduced by half."

"But if I don't take cruel measures in advance, I'm afraid the boat will capsize in the gutter!"

Chen Qi was a little hesitant. In the final analysis, the time and space investigators were too mysterious.

They are foreigners after all, what if they carry some big killer weapons?

This is definitely not impossible. During the battle for the throne, the big ball of light played the role of the time and space merchant very well.

Those rare treasures opened Chen Qi's eyes at that time.

Thinking of those rare treasures, Chen Qi suddenly remembered something.

If the summoning doll owned by the fifth prince Benjamin was not destroyed with him, it should have fallen into the hands of Daphne, right?

That ceramic doll was actually able to transform into the opponent's peak state.

With Chen Qi's current state, he naturally knows its principle.

But I have to say, that thing is really amazing.

Chen Qi was not worried that there was another big ball of light. After all, he had already figured out the principle and would definitely not fall for it.

But what if there is a more advanced version of the big light ball?

This is not impossible at all. What arms dealers are best at is selling outdated versions!

"Since ancient times, we have been lenient with enemies. I must learn from Shen Yuying in terms of caution!"

"You can make more money, but you only have one life!"

"I can't risk my life for money!"

Chen Qi secretly made up his mind that once those two guys jumped out, he would give them a blow in the head.

Oh, no, it’s a big surprise!

"The wait is here, we are finally here!"

"The bastard Chen Qi actually exposed us completely to this world."

"It's because of him that we are in a situation where everyone is calling for beatings!"

"Of course, those guys on No. 1 can't escape their involvement!"

"If the mission to obtain the secret fragments is completely messed up, he must bear the main responsibility!"

High in the sky, two large light balls were waiting for prey to arrive while venting their dissatisfaction.

Especially No. 3, he carefully weaved a big net for Chen Qi and prepared a good show.

As a result, everything was smashed before it even started!

As soon as the Sword of Judgment appeared, those disaster stars ran faster than anyone else.

It is completely impossible to use it to deceive them again.

But No. 3 didn’t want to give up revenge, so he had no choice but to join forces with No. 4.

"No. 3, I originally planned to arrest you alive, but since you insist on revenge, we will kill you completely!"

"But I want to choose Chen Qi's relics first!"

Unlike No. 3, who is full of hatred, No. 4 still has his own little plans.

That bumpkin Chen Qi has probably never heard of the Magic Dice of Destiny.

If you have heard of it, it is even more worthless!

Even if No. 4 doesn't give up on the fate magic dice, he is still a little resigned to his fate.

But he felt it was necessary to get the relics of the ancestral demon.

Even if it has nothing to do with the Destiny Magic Dice, the Ancestral Demon itself is a rarity and is absolutely of great value.

That's why he wanted to get the first right to choose Chen Qi's relics.

"No. 4, I agree to your request!"

"This time we must kill him!"

"That Chen Qi possesses a space-time treasure. If we fail to hit him, we may not get a second chance!"

"This time, let's use that big killer weapon directly!"

"Don't say that Chen Qi has just been promoted to Silver Apostle. Even if he is a veteran Silver Apostle, he will definitely die if he does not have the gold strength."

No. 3's words were full of murderous intent. Anyway, now, they are no longer afraid of being exposed.

In that case, let’s have a big one.

Let these bastards in the footbath learn what it means to have a better world.

"Okay, we were chased like dogs before, we must stand up this time!"

"Although I think using that big killer weapon is really overkill."

"But since you insist, then I will sacrifice my life to accompany you!"

"We must work together this time. It is extremely dangerous to activate that thing. We must keep time and space synchronized."

No. 4 couldn't help but give a few more instructions. He didn't want No. 3 to be blinded by hatred, causing them to play with fire and burn themselves.

After all, that weapon is too dangerous.

"Don't worry, I'm sober now!"

"Look, that Chen Qi is here!"

"This time, he is dead!"

Looking at the stream of light flying from the distant sky, No. 3 gritted his teeth with hatred.

This guy has enemies all over the place, and yet he dares to show off like this when he goes out. Who will die if you don’t die!

"Do it!"

Without any further hesitation, the two large light balls overlapped.

What's even more incredible is that circles of black ripples began to appear within the large ball of light.

Obviously, what No. 3 and No. 4 used this time was a space-time weapon.

This weapon requires their time and space bloodline to activate.

Moreover, the load is too great if it is driven by one person alone.

Especially No. 3. There was a problem with the time and space bloodline before, and now he doesn't dare to activate this weapon by himself.

That's why he chose to join forces with No. 4.

The moment No. 3 and No. 4 started to activate the space-time weapons, the black chains on Chen Qi's body began to vibrate crazily.

"I'll go, this is definitely going to give me a hard blow!"

Feeling the strong murderous intent coming from the Tianji level, Chen Qi launched the [Death Curse] without hesitation.

"Dead, dead!"

The golden blood cicada transformed from the immortal cells swallowed all the ashes into its mouth.

The next moment, it chirped like a cicada in summer.

"Despicable and sinister Chen Qi, your death has come!"

"This time, no one in heaven or on earth can save you!"


In front of the streamer spacecraft, a space-time vortex suddenly appeared.

Waves of space-time fluctuations spread like a tide, and Chen Qi's spaceship stagnated directly at high altitude.

In the vortex of time and space, the figures of No. 3 and No. 4 appeared.

This time, they directly increased the time and space synchronization rate to 100%.

That is to say, they have truly arrived in the inner world. Only in this way can they activate the space-time weapons in their hands.

It was a giant spear that was completely black and exuded a black light.

What is quite strange is that under the urging of the two people, the spearhead on the spear continued to rotate crazily.

The emergence of the space-time vortex is the result of the turning of the spearhead.

Along with the rotation of the spear head, the spear itself seemed to bear a space-time reaction force.

No. 3 and No. 4 suppressed them tightly to prevent the spear from being released.

The Spear of Time and Space is the real name of this weapon.

The faster the spear head rotates, the more powerful the space-piercing force will be.

It can be said that this weapon was specially developed to deal with beings with space-time defense.

The most important thing is that what this weapon locks is the life body's own time and space.

There is no escape!

In the beautiful plan of No. 3 and No. 4, they can completely wipe Chen Qi from the world with just one blow.

However, just as the spearhead was about to launch, No. 3 let out a scream and instantly turned into a black ball of fire.

The activation of the Spear of Time and Space originally required the blood of two people to be on the same frequency to resolve the backlash of time and space.

Now No. 3 is directly burned into a ball of ashes, and poor No. 4 is directly facing the backlash of all time and space.


No. 4's space-time blood vessels burst instantly, and his entire body first turned into blood foam, and then instantly turned into fly ash.

Obviously, some kind of self-destruction method is also implemented in No. 4's physical cells.

But the disintegration of blood vessels causes more than just physical destruction.

The consciousness closely related to the extraordinary bloodline also disappeared in an instant.

No. 4 actually followed No. 3 and left together.

However, after these two people left, the spear of time and space that was being activated did not stop.


With a thrust of space and time, the spearhead separated directly from the spear body and rushed forward.

However, due to the death of the controller, the spearhead completely lost its lock and flew directly over the spacecraft and flew out of the sky.

"This is how the same thing?"

"Damn it, you're not going to get into trouble, are you?"

"Looking at this posture, the spearhead is completely missing, and I don't know where it will fly!"

"I hope to fly as far as possible!"

"Only in this way can its power be reduced. Otherwise, I suspect that under such a close attack, it will poke a hole in the wall of the world!"

The moment No. 4 died, Chen Qi appeared behind the Spear of Time and Space.

He originally planned to stop the attack of the Space-Time Spear, but unfortunately it was a step too late. He could only watch the spear head distort time and space and shuttle away.

As for where it will fly to, Chen Qi doesn't know.

I just hope it will be a deserted place, otherwise this attack will definitely cause a big disaster.

"It's so heart-breaking! It's so heart-breaking!"

"The inner world is so harmonious and beautiful, how can we use such means to exterminate human lives!"

"I really wish I could let you come back to life!"

Chen Qi's face turned black with anger as he looked at the ashes all over the sky.

He caught nothing but a spear shaft.

The wealth that splashed into the sky flew away like a duck in its mouth!

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