I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 745 Nether World

"The evil devil dares to break into my world!"

"Uphold justice and defend peace."

"Watch me blow a big bubble!"

In the ancient heaven, as soon as Chen Qi returned to his manor with one leg, a small milk dragon rushed to his feet in a menacing manner.

The next moment, the little milk dragon chanted the lines and then blew a bubble the size of a football.

So naturally, Chen Qi flew up and kicked the big bubble and the little dinosaur away.

"Hey, this bubble is quite strong and feels good on your feet."

"I heard that there are many worlds related to football in the spiritual dimension. Maybe this little stupid dragon is not without any value."

Seeing that his kick did not break the bubble, Chen Qi immediately became interested.

As for the stupid little dinosaur, of course he was kicked to death.

It's not okay to have such a lack of eyesight.

The bubble the size of a football was held in Chen Qi's hand and he inspected it for five minutes before it was completely broken.

At this time, the little dinosaur has not yet been resurrected by Chen Qi!

This shows that Bubble Bobble's ability is a bit special.


"The essence of this seal is to twist the surrounding authority to form a [circle]"

"As for what kind of authority is twisted, it is not decided by Bubble Bobble."

"It depends on what authority the object it wants to seal has."

"This ability is really unique."

The power of authority is all over the three-dimensional world. The so-called control of authority by intelligent life itself is distorting authority by itself.

If you regard the power of authority as a spider web, and regard intelligent life as a grain of dust.

So when this particle of dust falls on a spider silk, the spider silk will inevitably be twisted.

The ability of Bubble Bobble is to increase this distortion and make it become a closed [circle].

This is really a bit of a cocoon.

The extent to which an intelligent life distorts the power of authority is completely equivalent to its understanding of the power of authority.

And if this distortion is "amplified", it naturally means that the [circle], or bubble, is beyond his knowledge.

Intelligent life is equivalent to the suppression of cognition, and will naturally be sealed inside.

Of course, this is just the principle of Bubble Bobble's ability and the perfect state it can theoretically achieve.

The real Bubble Bobble is limited by its own strength. When closed [circle], or bubble, it can rarely "crush" the target.

The most intuitive expression is the size of the bubble.

"It turns out that the Bubble Bobbler can only blow bubbles three times its size."

"But when it blows out such bubbles, it means the seal has failed."

"The real seal is when the Bubble Bobble blows a bubble that is much larger than the target volume.

"Of course, this kind of small bubble is not without its effect."

"If there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant. If they are overwhelmed by a bunch of bubbles, the bubbles will also merge with each other, and finally become a huge bubble to seal the target."

"But who would be stupid enough not to resist? Just like the kick I just gave."

The ability of Bubble Bobble completely ignited Chen Qi's research desire.

Then he directly used his authority to resurrect the dead Bubble Bobble.

The resurrected Bubble Bobble appeared in front of Chen Qi respectfully, as if it had been reset.

There is no longer any shouting and killing like before.

Chen Qi was not surprised by this. The previous Bubble Bobble was "wild".

Although he has been brought into the house, he is not well-fed at all.

Now after cleaning it again, it is domesticated.

This can be regarded as the disadvantage of "purchasing" a general. Everything has to be cultivated from scratch.

"From now on, you will be called Bubble."

"Bubbles, blow bubbles for the master."

With great solemnity, Chen Qi awarded the little dinosaur the title of First Heavenly General.

The somewhat confused [Bubble Heavenly General] instinctively felt a kind of glory covering his whole body.

It seems that it has finally met its master.


Extremely obedient, the Bubble King spit out a bubble the size of a glass ball.

Chen Qi started researching with great interest.

Three hours later, Chen Qi's manor was filled with rolling glass balls, or small bubbles.

And his research finally achieved initial results.

"Now it is certain that the bubbles blown by the Bubble Bobbler can only seal targets with lower strength than it."

"That is to say, under normal circumstances, my Bubble General can only be used to torture food."

"No wonder this Bubble Bobble is abandoned despite its very good abilities."

"Of course, Bubble Bobble still has its trump card."

Chen Qi, who had obtained detailed experimental data, looked a little depressed.

It's actually because Bubble Bobble is a bit useless.

But it's just tasteless, not useless.

"When the Bubble Bobbler burns its own life and blows out colorful bubbles, these bubbles can seal opponents of the same level."

"And once the opponent is sealed, the colored bubbles will continue to exist even if the Bubble Bobbler dies."

"Until it is broken by the opponent from the inside, or crushed from the outside."

"This seems very sensational and positive, but it was a bit of a trap that day."

"The generals who have been trained with so much hard work can't fight beyond their level, that's all."

“Sealing an opponent of the same level requires sacrificing oneself.

"If you don't get laid off, who will be laid off?"

Chen Qi originally thought that he could barely make a mistake, but now it seems that this mistake is a bit difficult to make.

If Chen Qi didn't have the ability to "turn stones into gold, and turn waste into treasure", this bubble general would probably not be of much use.

"The person who trained Bubble Bobble before wanted to combine [Boundary Technique] with Bubble Bobble's abilities to enhance Bubble Bobble's abilities."

"In this way, Bubble Bobble can seal opponents of the same level without spitting out colorful bubbles."

"It seems nice, but it just doesn't work."

"[Boundary Technique] is rooted in spirituality and is not very suitable for Bubble Bobble."

"It was only after I saw this record that I decided to buy Bubble Bobble."

"This little thing's ability is more compatible with [Annihilation]."

The reason why Chen Qi dared to buy Bubble Bobble was of course because he had "core technology".

After all, the [Destroyer Organization] is working under him now.

As for the material used to load the [Annihilation Technique], he happened to have one beside him.

Although there will definitely be many difficulties in the specific upgrade process.

But Chen Qi can still afford this investment.

"General Bubble, the master will entrust you with a great responsibility, you are blessed!"

"From now on, the important task of defending justice in the spiritual dimension, maintaining peace in the spiritual dimension, and pacifying hundreds of millions of demons will be left to you."

"Are you confident?"

Before upgrading, Chen Qi decided to add a layer of buff to Bubble General.

As expected, Bubble Bobble was also very fond of this trick, and immediately shouted slogans in a milky voice.

"Seal the evil spirits and defend justice!"

"My heart is bright and shines on the world."

Looking at the Bubble General radiating justice, Chen Qi confirmed that the time was right and threw it directly into a gear box.

The next moment, the Bubble Bobble transformed into a colorful stream of light, constantly flowing in the [Fully Automatic Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals Upgrade Platform].

"What a spectacle!"

Chen Qi's cave was originally a world of gears.

Although it runs extremely accurately every moment, it still looks a little boring.

But when the Bubble Bobble blended into it, the entire cave sky was lit up.

A stream of light was crushed and turned into billions of streams of light flowing between the gears.

These streams of light either continue to split, or merge again, and then continue to be crushed.

In the end, what was running between the gears was no longer just streams of light.

Instead, there are countless densely packed rays of light, just like the threads on a loom.

"Sure enough, we still need to add some ingredients."

Looking at the threads that were floating and even breaking from time to time, Chen Qi shook his head.

In the next moment, he threw Grodd's third leg into the gear box.

But that's not all, Chen Qi also poured in a pile of demon money.


Unlike the previous smashing bubble shooter, it was so silent.

The gear world suddenly turned into a crusher and began to crush Grodd's third leg hoarsely.

But Grodd's third leg is indeed a bit unusual.

It took half an hour for it to be completely shattered.

Then those lights that were originally buoyant gained texture.

"Yes, the next step is to reshape Bubble Bobble!"

"But this process may take some time."

"I probably don't have time to stare right now."

"It's time to pay a visit to Tongyoushe."

This time, Chen Qi mainly wanted to test whether the [Fully Automatic Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals Upgrade Platform] was suitable for use.

Since it is fully automatic, even if he is not around, it will not affect the upgrade of Bubble Bobble.

If it succeeds, everyone will be happy.

If it fails, it would be nice to find out the problem.

Ever since he learned that [The Legend of the Purgatory Ghoul] also involved the ancestral gene, Chen Qi knew that he still didn't "pay enough attention" to Angsa City.

Originally, Chen Qi was not very urgent and wanted to get in touch with Dickens who entered Angsa City.

But now, he needs to know more about Angsa City.

"If I want to go to Tongyoushe, my current body may not be enough."

"And I have to give it my all and not allow any distractions."

"After all, the headquarters of Tongyou Society is a Netherworld."

"In that case, just use the [Primordial String]."

At the Nantian Gate, Chen Qi, who came to pick up the goods, casually picked up Grodd in his hands.

As he made his decision, bright golden light began to spread throughout his body.

The next moment, Chen Qi's information power projection body had turned into the projection of the original string.

"Is this the real original chord?"

"Is this the power of the sea of ​​​​wisdom?"

On the other half of the door, Gu Yunqing witnessed Chen Qi's transformation.

Then he was immediately stunned.

The flames burning on the golden figure made his body of authority unable to help but tremble and worship.

I even want to plunge into it and burn myself.

Just like a moth flying into a flame.

Of course, Gu Yunqing, who had attended the [School Regulations Meeting] and witnessed the arrival of Lord Tianlan, knew this feeling clearly.

This is the extraordinary knowledge he has, and it's a little out of control.

"Senior Gu, I'm going to visit Tongyou Society."

"On the Nantianmen side, it all depends on the seniors!"

"Senior has been working really hard recently. If this trip goes well, I will definitely bring you some souvenirs from the Netherworld."

After Chen Qi chatted with Gu Yunqing for a while, he quickly headed towards the lower dimension under Gu Tianting.

Looking at the golden figure that was getting darker and darker, Gu Yunqing felt a little emotional in his heart.

This person is really incomparable to others!

Tongyoushe has always been regarded as an untouchable person in Tianwu Conjuration Academy.

Even these true disciples do not dare to deal with members of Tongyou Society often.

The reason for this is that once ordinary students have too much contact with Tongyou Society, their own spirituality can easily be dragged into the spiritual dimension.

This is not a good thing for them. Instead, they will go crazy and even burn themselves to death.

Although these true teachings of theirs can operate in the spiritual dimension.

But if you have too much contact with Tongyou Society, you will come into contact with the Netherworld.

In that kind of place, once they fall in, they don't have the strength to climb out.

But it was this club that made everyone fearful, but Chen Qi took the initiative to visit.

That's the Netherworld!

Can my junior brother come back?

"The devil has indeed begun to fight back!"

"I don't have much time left."

In the spiritual dimension, Chen Qi continues to move towards deeper darkness.

At the same time, his mind kept thinking about the conversation he had just had with Gu Yunqing.

Recently, at Nantianmen, more and more forces came to ask for help.

Although not as numerous and dense as last time.

But if we compare it with the past, it is obvious that the demon has entered an active period.

There is even a trend that is getting worse.

This was like the commotion before the war. Chen Qi had already sensed the beginning of great changes.

Of course, the reason why Chen Qi can make such a certain judgment is.

Of course not relying on such a small sign of disturbance.

The real reason is that Gutianting is about to launch the second round of targeted elimination of illusions.

Chen Qi knew this kind of inside story, of course, because he had lent Ulma out.

Now Ulma is looking for good friends everywhere in the spiritual dimension!

The horror of the Broken Void Mirror + Void Leech will soon be experienced by Xu Huan.

Dark, deep.

This is the feeling of standing in a higher spiritual dimension and overlooking the lower dimension of the nether world.

But when Chen Qi really moved towards the Netherworld.

Instead, his perception was reversed.

In the lower spiritual dimensions, there is no darkness or depth.

What Chen Qi felt as he walked along was hollowness and paleness.

When his own dimension dropped, Chen Qi felt as if he had turned into a drop of ink.

A drop fell into the clear water cup, and the ink was spreading to the bottom of the cup.

The ink continues to extend downward, but at the same time it continues to escape to the surroundings.

Perhaps the ink simply cannot reach the bottom of the cup and will be completely diluted by the surrounding water.

This phenomenon is what Chen Qi really feels now.

But it's even scarier.

Because the spiritual dimension is infinite and broad, it is not a fixed cup of water at all.

Its dilution capacity is unlimited.

And this dilution speed, or Chen Qi's "expansion and diffusion" speed, will become faster and faster.

Once Chen Qi's expansion exceeds a certain limit, he will completely lose control.

What is waiting for Chen Qi can only be diluted continuously until it completely dissipates and turns into nothingness.

In other words, being swallowed by nothingness.

"How terrible!"

"Even the power of authority will be continuously diluted, or continuously degraded."

"If it really reaches the level of nothingness, I'm afraid it will really become [Supernatural Extinction]."

"I am now very sure that there is no silver state in which the power of authority can collapse again."

"It is simply impossible for a cultivator to land near the Netherworld."

"Because the so-called projection of authority simply cannot withstand this kind of dilution."

Chen Qi didn't know how long he had been "falling".

But even though his current body is the original string, his size has still expanded from the previous two meters to about 10 meters.

On the contrary, the Grodd in his hand did not change at all.

This is the specialness of illusion.

According to Chen Qi's calculations, if he is still a person with information authority.

The size may have expanded to ten thousand feet.

But this is not a good thing.

This is like using a drop of ink to depict a giant.

The traces it left on the paper of the spiritual dimension can be imagined.


Although it has only expanded five times, Chen Qi has completely obtained the data he wants.

The next moment, as the sea of ​​wisdom burned, Chen Qi's body began to collapse again, and finally returned to its original size.

In this way, Chen Qi continued to sink until he reached a certain level.

Instinctively, Chen Qi knew that he could no longer descend.

If Chen Qi's previous descent could be said to be "diving", the dilution power of water has its limit after all.

If he breaks through this level, there will be a vacuum below.

Chen Qi instinctively knew that with his current strength, he simply could not withstand that kind of "dilution".

"[Guangling Realm]!"

Chen Qi stopped diving and called out the name of a spiritual world.

Guanglingjie is where the headquarters of Tongyou Society is located.

According to what the Flower Goddess said, after Chen Qi reaches a certain limit, he only needs to call the name of [Guangling Realm], and the latter will appear immediately.

This is how to get to Tongyoushe

Generally speaking, Tongyou Society will not tell outsiders about the existence of [Guangling Realm] at all.

This is not because I am afraid that the other party will steal the house, but because I am worried about "implicating" the other party.

If ordinary cultivators know the [Guangling Realm], their spirituality will not only drop the spiritual dimension, but will also continue to fall downward until they reach the [Guangling Realm].

And this is simply not possible.

Unless they have cultivated to the Great Perfection of Silver, or even the Sea of ​​Wisdom Fire.

Otherwise, they will only continue to be diluted on the way down, and eventually be swallowed up by nothingness.

Chen Qi was able to be informed of [Guangling Realm] because he passed the test of Tongyou Society.

Otherwise, we are all classmates, and Tongyoushe doesn't want to be accused of murdering the real person.

With Chen Qi's call, the paleness in Chen Qi's perception disappeared silently.

His perception was once again filled with various colors.

It's just that these colors are so messy that they can't even be considered graffiti.

It was as if countless oil paintings had been crushed by a crusher and then piled together.

But as Chen Qi continued to call, a fixed outline finally appeared among the chaotic colors.

Then Chen Qi was already in a spiritual world.

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