
In the underground tunnel, Gao Tianzhu, who was at the scene of the big explosion, let out an angry and painful roar.

At this time, he once again had only one head left.

However, he still lives tenaciously.

The reason why Gao Tianzhu was angry was of course because he failed to kill the Crimson Count with his own hands.

Letting that old guy die like this was really a big deal for him.

But Gao Tianzhu's anger only lasted for a moment, because he once again felt the approach of death.

The feeling was exactly the same as the last time when only his head was left.

But the blood moon saved him that time. Will there be a miracle this time?

"No, Zhuzi, you can't die!"

The Yujing Group fought hard with Nami for a long time, completely unaware of the external situation.

Jin Kelang, who was lying on the bed and sleeping, suddenly woke up.

He actually saw Gao Tianzhu again in his dream just now with only one head left.

The pillar is in danger!

Subconsciously, Jin Kelang got up to rescue Gao Tianzhu.

However, when his eyes passed over the sleeping Nami, he suddenly hesitated.

"It's just a dream!"

"Everything in the dream is the opposite!"

"The group has already sent people to follow Zhuzi, how could something go wrong with him?"

A deep tiredness surged into Jin Kelang's heart, and then he completely collapsed on the bed.

For some reason, Jin Kelang suddenly felt so weak.

This was a feeling he had never experienced before.

In the end, Jin Kelang still forgot his loyalty and left his brother behind.

Of course, it was not that he did nothing, but silently blessed Gao Tianzhu in his heart.

Pillars, you can definitely do it.

It seems that Jin Kelang's blessing did the trick.

It seems that Gao Tianzhu's life should not be cut off.

Just when Gao Tianzhu was about to die, the blood moon in the sky dropped a ray of light again, hanging Gao Tianzhu's life.

At the same time, the black-red mist that filled the entire corridor also headed toward Gao Tianzhu's head crazily.


The two forces obviously seemed to have the same origin, but they created a fierce conflict within Gao Tianzhu's body.

The conflict was so intense that the life Gao Tianzhu had just saved was almost lost again.

"No, I absolutely cannot die."

"I still have unfulfilled dreams."

"I want to surpass Kinkuro, I am the savior of the ghouls!"

"I am the man who will unify the ghoul world!"

Death struck again, which aroused Gao Tianzhu's desire to live.

He tried hard to balance the two forces that were conflicting in his body, trying to find that mysterious point.

Originally this was something that was simply impossible to do.

After all, Gao Tianzhu knew nothing about the nature of these two forces.

However, with the blessing of the power of the world of [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul], Gao Tianzhu suddenly found the point of balance like a divine help.

Boom, Gao Tianzhu felt like something exploded in his body.

A more powerful force was born from within his body, or it was awakened.

And that was when Gao Tianzhu was trying to survive.

In the city of Ansa, Dickens, who was "fighting" with Lu Shen, was pleasantly surprised to find that he was "online".

"The game panel is linked to the main body, and the data is being uploaded!"

"Players please keep your current status stable!"

"Angsa City actually got through to [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul]?"

"This must be the master's handiwork!"

"Very good!"

Dickens was overjoyed when he discovered the Internet.

However, the next moment, a basin of cold water was poured down directly.

There seems to be still a problem with the network, and the only way to transmit data is from his side.

Information from the outside cannot be transmitted in.

But soon Dickens became excited again.

It would be nice to be able to transmit data to the outside world. This means that the data on the three ancestor viruses he collected can finally be uploaded to the master.

For Dickens, that was all that mattered.

"Keep current status stable?"

"Is it to prevent Onsa City from restarting?"

"Once restarted, will communication be completely interrupted again?"

Another piece of information on the game panel made Dickens' heart sink.

He finally got in touch with the master, and he absolutely couldn't interrupt it now.

Be sure to upload all data to the master.

However, due to network lag and the huge amount of data collected by Dickens.

The upload progress of the game panel is extremely slow.

According to Dickens's calculations, it would take three to five years to complete the upload.

This is based on the fact that he no longer collects new data.

"After the 100th cycle, Lu Shen seems to have realized the cost of suicide."

"Then he reduced the number of suicides and started fighting a protracted war with me."

"And this is what I expected, so I developed a tacit understanding with him."

"We will only have a real PK at the end of our lives."

"It's a pity that I still can't kill Lu Shen before he commits suicide."

"The most fundamental reason for this is that I have not made much progress in collecting data on the [High-Dimensional Soul] virus."

"I haven't acquired an ability related to it so far."

Dickens calculated carefully and found that as long as nothing unexpected happened.

This round of fighting is still at least ten years away from restarting, which should be enough time to complete the data upload.

Unless Lu Shen suddenly had a brain cramp and wanted to commit suicide now.

"Qingqing, little sister, it's all me, it's all my fault."

"If I hadn't been such a loser and kept committing suicide, you wouldn't have completely disappeared."

"Well, since everything about me will eventually be lost, it's better to end it completely now."

"Qingqing, little sister, I'm here to accompany you!"

In front of the two ownerless graves, Lu Shen was heartbroken.

Now he is no match for Dickens, and can only survive by committing suicide and restarting.

However, the price was that his sister also disappeared.

Lu Shen was naturally deeply shocked and fell into depression.

Now he has a tendency to commit suicide.


Lu Shen gave himself a hard slap on the head, but at the moment when his brain was about to shatter, Lu Shen suddenly woke up, and then he retained a little strength.

"No, how could I give up on myself so much?"

"I haven't lost yet."

"As long as I live, Qingqing and my little sister will still have a chance."

After leaving the emo state, Lu Shen immediately noticed something strange about himself.

He has long been accustomed to separation between life and death, how could he give up on himself like this?

This must be a side effect of "suicide".

When you get used to committing suicide, once your mood fluctuates, you will hold back your desire to die.

Damn it, I'm definitely not going to die.

Lu Shen gave himself two mouthfuls, forcibly stimulating his fighting spirit.

"There must be something wrong with me."

"Before my first time traveling, I signed a contract with those guys and sold my soul to them."

"I always thought it was just for fooling people."

"But now it seems that my soul may really be targeted!"

"But so what?"

"I am called the God of Comics, and I will never give in."

Lu Shen kept giving himself chicken blood injections.

In his mind, he suddenly recalled the scene of him giving lessons to new cartoonists.

At that time, he was so high-spirited, and the theory of success he described was so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Why do I lose control when I encounter setbacks?

Lu Shen, come on, you can do it.

"Data download..."

"Data download..."

In the real world, on the screen of the Destiny Game Console, half of the character representing Dickens lit up.

Then pieces of data flew out of the villain and were transmitted to "Dimension War".

"It's done, my plan really works."

"Let me see what Dickens collected?"

Looking at the skyrocketing data on the screen, Chen Qi happily kicked the Destiny Game Console.

He invested so much in [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul], and now he finally sees the rewards.

"Crack, crackle!"

With Chen Qi's operation, all the data uploaded from Dickens were displayed in front of him.

The first was the [Eye of Truth] Ancestor Virus. Chen Qi could see at a glance that there were a lot of errors in the data.

But this is normal. After all, although Angsa City is very special, it has finally fallen into the spiritual dimension.

"The [Eye of Truth] Ancestor Virus in Angsa City is only of reference value to me."

"It will make it easier for me to choose the direction of evolution in the future."

Perhaps because of the spiritual dimension, there are many abilities related to the "Eye of Truth" in Angsa City.

But they all focus on application and development, and not much reflects the essence of the virus.

Angsa City's [Eye of Truth] Ancestor Virus is at most two versions ahead of Chen Qi.

It wasn't to the point where he couldn't understand it.

In this way, Chen Qi just had the mentality of learning.

Different from the Eye of Truth progenitor virus.

Among the data transmitted by Dickens, Chen Qi was stunned to see the [Wings of Time and Space] Ancestor Virus.

The exquisite and mysterious structure, the seemingly unreasonable configuration, repeatedly impacted Chen Qi's understanding of the structure of time and space.

No matter whether these data are correct or not.

Just by broadening Chen Qi's horizons, Chen Qi felt that he had made a lot of money.

"Perhaps my biggest gain in Angsa City is the [Wings of Time and Space] Ancestor Virus."

"Compare my attainments in time and space with the actual object with black and white wings."

"I can completely study the [Wings of Time and Space] Ancestor Virus in Angsa City."

"In this way, I may also be able to activate the [Wings of Time and Space] Ancestor Virus in my body."

All along, Chen Qi relied on space treasures and Xiaobai's use of time and space methods.

He himself does not have the corresponding time and space capabilities.

In this aspect, Chen Qi is not even as good as those big light balls (space-time investigators).

Those guys also have bloodline related to time and space!

Thinking back now, Chen Qi felt his body aching.

The original sale was definitely a loss.

The research value of those space-time investigators is definitely greater than the illusion.

Now Chen Qi is not afraid of falsehood at all.

It's a pity that I was a little timid at the time and was coaxed by the false and incredible words in Tie Xinyan's mouth.

Of course, the most important thing is the space of the gods.

But it's too late to regret now, those big balls of light have long since disappeared.

"Exquisite, so exquisite."

"With this new data, my research on black and white wings will surely advance by leaps and bounds."

"Dickens paid attention this time!"

The more Chen Qi looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

His recent research progress in the real world has been stuck.

I'm really sleepy now and I'll give you a pillow.

"What is this?"

"Ghost-drawing talisman?"

[Wings of Time and Space] The data of the ancestor virus is still being transmitted continuously.

Chen Qi then set his sights on the [High Dimensional Soul] Ancestor Virus.

To be honest, Chen Qi has no confidence in the imitations he created.

So no matter what he saw in the data, even if it was blank, he would not be surprised.

However, what Chen Qi didn't expect was that he actually saw some ghost-like lines.

At first glance it looks like a mess, but at a closer look it seems mysterious, and then at a closer look it's nothing.

Anyway, even Chen Qi became more and more confused as he watched.

“This is such an unexpected surprise!”

"I didn't expect that the fake one I worked on actually caught the real thing."

"It's a pity that I can't understand it."

Chen Qi looked at those ghostly drawings, and his heart suddenly beat fast.

This shows how happy Chen Qi is in his heart.

This time, he really looked down on Dickens.

The surprises this guy brought to me were getting bigger every time.

"No hurry, no rush!"

"The data has just been downloaded a little now, so it's normal that we can't see any clues."

"When all the data is downloaded, I will definitely be able to understand these ghost-like things."

"[High-dimensional soul], I may not be able to see the depth!"

Chen Qi, who has mastered a bit of the secret of the soul, still has some confidence in his heart.

Since I made the counterfeit myself, I can get some data.

That means that with Chen Qi's ability, he is qualified to contact [high-dimensional soul].

Now it depends on whether all the data can be sent back smoothly.

Although Chen Qi used Gao Tianzhu as a carrier to "accidentally" get in touch with Dickens.

But this connection is very weak.

Once Angsa City restarts, even Chen Qi can be excluded, and this connection will naturally be severed.

But Angsa City and Yu Yuanjing were finally connected.

As long as Chen Qi obtains all the data and studies it.

Then he could level up the Dickensian game board again.

And this upgrade is enough to determine the outcome in Angsa City.

"Hahaha, I'm alive."

"Hungry, I'm so hungry."

"Eat, I want to eat!"

In the underground tunnel, Gao Tianzhu, with only one head left, was resurrected with full health again.

But now, he was covered in black and red mist, as if a ball of blood mist was burning.

And this is indeed the case.

The black-red mist was constantly devouring Gao Tianzhu's life force.

Gao Tianzhu felt an unprecedented hunger, and he urgently needed food containing powerful vitality.

Coincidentally, Gao Tianzhu actually sensed the presence of food.

"What a terrifying, evil force."

"This is purgatory, this is the real power of purgatory!"

"The battle between Gao Tianzhu and the Crimson Earl actually caused the seal to be completely broken."

"These black and red mist are so terrifying, Gao Tianzhu is dead."

At the edge of the black-red mist that filled the sky, a "framing" and "repair" team sent by Yan Wenxiong shivered for the rest of their lives.

Just a little bit, they were ignited by the black-red mist just like the other teams.

These black-red mist are terrifyingly corrosive.

Once it penetrates into the body, it exhibits a burning effect, constantly scorching the living body.

What's even more terrifying is that they are like maggots attached to the bones.

Once in contact, it cannot be removed.

"Ahem, since Gao Tianzhu is dead, shouldn't we stay away?"

"These black-red mist are constantly dispersing. They may not be annihilated, but may be spreading to the entire Yuyuanjing."

"I don't feel well."

A ghoul felt hot all over his body and a little excited.

But his body became inexplicably weak.

There is something very wrong with this situation.

Several other ghouls looked at each other and they felt the same way.

However, just as they were about to evacuate, footsteps could be heard in the black-red mist.

Several people looked around, only to see Gao Tianzhu staring at them with hungry wolf eyes.

"How can it be?"

"How could you not be dead, Gao Tianzhu?"

Seeing Gao Tianzhu unharmed in the black-red mist, the expressions of several ghouls suddenly changed.

Especially the way Gao Tianzhu looked at them made them frightened.

Is this going to eat people?

No, are you eating ghouls?

"You are indeed here to kill me."

"I know that the old guys in the group don't regard me as one of their own at all."

"They would rather spend a lot of effort cultivating that softie Jin Kelang than give me a chance."

"In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Isn't it just betrayal? I'm used to it."

Burning anger burned in Gao Tianzhu's heart. The battle between him and the Crimson Earl was indeed a trap set by the group.

Those old guys in the group must have seen that they were favored by Blood Moon and were about to threaten Jin Kelang's position.

That's why he wanted to get rid of himself with the help of the Crimson Earl.

Since they are unkind, Gao Tianzhu is naturally unjust.

"Gao Tianzhu, please tell me if you have something to say."

"Gao Tianzhu, don't forget your identity."

"If you dare to betray the Yujing Group, there will no longer be a place for you in Yuyuanjing."

Seeing Gao Tianzhu's unkind eyes, several ghouls immediately threatened him.

However, all they saw was a hint of blood.

A ghoul was directly caught in Gao Tianzhu's hand and chewed alive.

That miserable scene scared the remaining ghouls to pieces.

They immediately turned around and ran away, but their backs were to Gao Tianzhu, so how could they run away?

"Gao Tianzhu, you will not die well."

"Ahhh, don't eat me!"

"Help, help!"

One ghoul was eaten one after another, and the hunger in Gao Tianzhu's body finally subsided a little.

But the hunger was still not filled, and Gao Tianzhu still needed more high-energy food.

And this is something only ghouls can provide.

"Listen up, starting from today, I, Gao Tianzhu, will leave the Yujing Group!"

"Tell Jin Kerou that I am the one who can unify the entire ghoul world!"


Gao Tianzhu trampled the communication equipment that fell from several ghouls into pieces.

Then he rushed towards the underground lair of the Yuanjing Group.

Of course, you have to pick the weak ones first. After the death of Earl Crimson, the Yuanjing Group was leaderless.

Best for him to have a big meal.

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