I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 777 Deification

With the change in the direction of the wind, and the recognition of many students from Tianwu Conjuration Academy.

Chen Qi's "sacrifice to save others" finally started to come out of the circle.

At this time when humans and demons are at war, even the [Devil-Slaying Alliance] hopes to set an example of human beings helping each other, uniting and loving each other.

But the person in charge of the publicity of the [Devil-Slaying Alliance] is obviously a master.

He knows well that too much is not enough, and given Chen Qi's special status, it is not appropriate to use excessive force at this time.

So there was just a video of the battle, which began to circulate within the alliance.

Even when this video was first circulated, it was labeled "top secret."

The publicity staff responsible for distributing short videos also sell videos for a fee!

I have to say that although this method is a bit "immoral", it is really effective.

The mentality of extraordinary people to pry into privacy will only be stronger than that of ordinary people.

In just a few days, those guys selling short videos became rich.

There are still "buyers" who don't respect professional ethics and sell at reduced prices privately, spreading it wildly.

Otherwise, the propaganda department’s annual funding would be earned back.

Although when selling videos, there is a suspicion of being a clickbait and selling dog meat.

But the content and quality of the videos are worth every penny.

Not a single buyer complained, but instead took the initiative to help spread the word.

During this time, extraordinary beings from the spiritual dimension meet in the ordinary world.

They all ask, "Did you read it?"

If the other person could reply with a "you know" expression, the two would immediately discuss it excitedly.

It’s really because that battle video is so interesting.

"Do you think that video is real? Could it be that it was directed and performed by Tianwu Conjuring Academy?"

"How could it be fake? I've read countless videos. You can tell at a glance whether the video has been edited or not!"

"The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals are so powerful! We also use Heavenly Demon Coins as raw materials to painstakingly refine the battle puppets. They recruit them directly from the billions of spiritual worlds."

"No wonder Tianwu Conjuration Academy became the leader!"

Since the video only contains battle scenes of General Bubble, the melon-eating people in the Demon-Slaying Alliance do not know the cause and effect.

But that doesn't stop them from being "covetous".

The heavenly soldiers and generals of Ancient Heaven were really powerful.

Defeating illusions and sweeping away demons, it would be great if I could have one.

However, things are so wonderful, and their dreams soon came true.

The day after the video was released, the [Devil-Slaying Alliance] opened a benefit to all forces.

Starting today, the Demon Killing Alliance provides rental services to all members.

And the objects of this lease are naturally the heavenly soldiers and generals of the ancient heaven.

100,000 heavenly generals and tens of billions of heavenly soldiers are on the shelves today, come quickly.

As soon as the news was announced, the entire [Devil-Slaying Alliance] was immediately shaken.

It was only then that many people suddenly realized it.

It turns out that the short video from before was actually used by Gu Tianting to bring goods.

This routine is really deep, no wonder he can become the leader of the alliance.

As for the "battle inside stories" that were unearthed with the spread of short videos.

Everyone didn't care so much anymore.

In other words, I am too lazy to question the fraud.

The Tianwu Conjuration Academy is well run and the students love each other, which makes sense.

The Imperial Viscount is also a person of "status", and it is not unusual for him to be eager for justice.

Otherwise, why would someone be made a viscount by the Tongtian Empire?

This must be a matter of character.

As the rich man said, it is always true.

The moral character of nobles is naturally noble and flawless.

As a result, Chen Qi's reputation as "anxious to justice and selfless" has begun to spread.

At least everyone already has an impression in their minds.

If the Imperial Viscount makes another "astonishing move" in the future, then everyone will definitely be awakened to this memory.

Then everything will be more logical.


"As expected, the school's family is rich."

"I'm just telling you, how could the academy's heavenly soldiers and generals accumulated over more than 2,000 years be sold out!"

"It turned out to be a big deal."

In Ancient Heaven, in his own manor, Chen Qi was conducting a physical examination on General Bubble.

Although driven by many factors, Chen Qi has become a "model".

But the most important thing in life is to be happy. Be lazy when you should be lazy, and fish when you should fish.

This does not change the role model.

Of course, Chen Qi is still "loving and dedicated" at Nantianmen.

It was his little clone who appeared in the manor at this time.

Since becoming a "model", Chen Qi has more friends.

To be precise, there are more and more “poor friends”.

Many of these people are really poor.

But there are also some who return to poverty overnight and deliberately cry poverty.

For example, Chen Qi's favorite school girl Shen has been "sighing" in the circle of friends recently.

The content they post is also very positive.

It is nothing more than "lack of strength", unable to enter the spiritual dimension to participate in the battle, and unable to sleep or eat peacefully.

It would be great if there was a divine object nearby.

In response, Chen Qi blocked him directly!

Since the end of the battle for school rules, all the students of Tianwu Conjuration Academy have been tightened up, and their strength has begun to increase rapidly.

However, everyone knows that this will be a big threat in the future, and they need to consume some potential and improve their strength.

Even Shen Yuying, who had always been cautious and took one step at a time, started spending money.

This hidden little rich woman completed the energy transformation of her physical body in just three years.

Not only that, but he was promoted to the third step before the full-scale war started.

As a result, after the all-out war started, this senior's old habit relapsed.

She successfully got stuck in a bug and relied on a certain task in the real world, which kept delaying time.

This person's plan is obviously to stay in the real world until the devil's three axes are used up, and then enter the spiritual world to beat up the fallen dog.

Therefore, Chen Qi was extremely sure that even if he really "sold" her a divine item.

It’s also meat buns beating dogs.

As for Senior Sister Feng, she went to the Kingdom of Droa again to take charge.

As all-out war begins, the situation there may not be safer than in the spiritual world.

After all, in the real world, you can only die once.

As for the spiritual dimension, everyone has plenty of opportunities.

"Crack, crackle!"

As the gears in the manor rotated, streaks of golden lightning struck the fist-sized Bubble General.

Looking at the Bubble General, which was only the size of a fist and had been restored to factory settings, Chen Qi felt like crying.

Although I have already guessed that after the bubble sky is cleared, "it will be miserable."

But even if the strength is gone, the size cannot shrink again!

Chen Qi finally touched General Bubble's knee.

Now the bubble general can only hit Chen Qi's ankle again.

This is so sad.

"Hey, the sacred object was indeed completely burned down."

"I thought I could leave some roots!"

As the golden electric light continues to penetrate into Bubble General's body, various data of Bubble General are constantly projected in the gear world.

The result is naturally very unsatisfactory.

The nine divine objects were all burned away without even a trace of power remaining.

If he had known that it was so thoroughly burned, Chen Qi might as well not have "returned to the furnace"!

Fortunately, Bubble Tianjiang's space ability is still there.

Even because of "too much burning", the integration of spatial abilities became more comfortable.

Other than that, nothing much has changed about Bubble General.

"Hey, that's not right!"

"General Bubble seems to be really different."

The golden thunder that blooms in the world of gears is Chen Qi's simulation of the anti-evil fairy thunder, or the divine thunder of creation, the thunder of creation.

Even with Chen Qi's simulated power, the past bubble generals simply couldn't withstand it.

Once Chen Qi exerted a little force, the Bubble General was gone again.

Even this kind of damage will affect the essence of Bubble General.

The most intuitive expression is that once Chen Qi "lost it".

It took ten times more time and resources than before for Bubble General to be resurrected.

However, this time, Paopaotian's resistance to the evil-repelling fairy thunder has been significantly improved.

"Is this the light of justice rising?"

As Chen Qi tried to increase the power of the evil-fighting fairy thunder.

Within the golden thunder light, another golden light was born.

Although the golden light was weak, it extremely firmly weakened part of the power of the evil-dispelling fairy thunder.

Chen Qi recognized it at a glance as the halo of justice of General Bubble.

"It's not just that the halo of justice has improved."

"The essence of Bubble General has also been sublimated a little!"

"It seems to have merged a little with the authority network!"

"This feeling is a bit like those gods in the Netherworld."

"Could it be that General Bubble became deified himself under the burning of the divine object?"

"What is this? The appearance of becoming a god?"

Chen Qi looked at the fist-sized General Bubble, who was constantly releasing bright golden light, and showed a shocked expression for the first time.

There seems to be no loss in this wave of battles!

If you can really train Bubble Tianjiang to become a god.

Chen Qi will definitely be able to walk sideways in the spiritual dimension from now on.

"No, that's not right!"

"It's not that simple."

"The deified nature of General Bubble is declining."

"That is to say, the deification phenomenon caused by burning divine objects is temporary."

"It's like putting a touch of color on the wall and it will fade over time."

"I have to find a way to fix the deified nature of General Bubble."

When Chen Qi realized that something was wrong, his brain immediately started working at high speed.

At the same time, Chen Qi in the real world also stopped researching the three ancestor viruses.

Bubble Sky will be "at stake", of course, this side is more important.

If the deified state cannot be fixed, Chen Qi will really lose money this time.

"Damn it, I'm just getting started in the study of generals after all."

"Sure enough, there is no end to learning, and only when the books are used will the regrets be lost."

After thinking for a while, Chen Qi had no clue.

Then he linked to the [Box of Knowledge] and exchanged it for various knowledge of "Heavenly Generals" and "Heavenly Gods".

The Tianwu Curse Academy can train generals into gods, so there must be a solution to the troubles Chen Qi encountered.

Although relevant knowledge, the price is very expensive.

Fortunately, Chen Qi performed well in the spiritual dimension and earned enough points.

Chen Qi can be regarded as "over-consumption" this time.

He didn't bother to think about the cost-effectiveness, so he bought everything he found useful.

In the real world, after Chen Qi purchased the learning materials, he began to study quickly.

It is still a spiritual fairyland, and it is still a sea of ​​fire of wisdom.

All knowledge is like a moth to a flame, fluttering towards the immeasurable immortals, and then being absorbed.

Chen Qi's current learning speed is so fast.

"Well, if you want to fix the [Deified] state, you actually need the [Heart of the World]."

"But this thing is the common property of all mankind. Unless I get an approval slip from the World Government, I won't dare to commit suicide."

After some study, Chen Qi quickly found a solution.

Then he immediately frowned again.

Chen Qi can’t get the Heart of the World!

Fortunately, Chen Qi quickly found a replacement.

The core of illusion can also solidify the state of [deification].

Perhaps for others, alternatives are harder to come by than the Heart of the World.

After all, the spiritual world is everywhere, and you can’t find it even if you look for it in vain.

What's more, we have to dissect it and get its core.

But for Chen Qi, this is not a problem.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I really didn't expect that you would be here today, Pixar."

"Old Pi, although I don't know what that one is going to do."

"But I have a gut feeling that you are going to be blessed."

Outside the Nantian Gate, Ulma once again set foot on the land of Ancient Heaven.

He was originally patrolling the boundary between reality and reality, but unexpectedly he suddenly received a mission.

The moment she received the mission, Ulma was so frightened that she shivered.

He thought it was the Imperial Viscount who blamed him for not doing things well and wanted to punish him.

After all, Ulma's eyes were numb and her legs were sore.

I didn't find any falsehoods.

Conscience, he really didn't do anything this time.

But the false ones have learned to be wise.

Fortunately, the task is for him to deliver the goods to your door, rather than automatically delivering it to your door.

Ulma finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he went to pick up the goods at a speed of 108,000 miles in an instant.

After receiving the goods, Ulma discovered that it was a golden bubble.

Although the bubble was as light as nothing, Ulma's whole body was trembling the moment he took over.

Because he knew the guy frozen in the bubble.

Isn’t this Pixar the Big Boar?

This guy who looks stupid but is actually treacherous, looks like reckless but is actually a coward, why did he fall into this trap?

Full of anxiety, Ulma walked into the ancient heaven.

When passing by Nantianmen, Ulma thought this was the end.

After all, the Imperial Viscount was squatting on the door.

Unfortunately, Chen Qi, who was squatting by the door, had no intention of accepting the goods at all.

Ulma could only continue to move forward.

This time, he felt that he might also be blessed.

In the ancient heaven, ever since Ulma delivered the goods to the door.

Chen Qi's luxurious manor was completely closed and then began to rumble.

This time, the fully automatic Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals upgrade platform made a particularly loud noise.

Fortunately, there is no one in the new area at this time.

Everyone is still grabbing money on the battlefield!

Taking the battle in Turin as the node.

The all-out attack launched by the demons has officially used up its first axe.

The climax is followed by a comeback, accompanied by the demon "taking a breather".

Humanity naturally took advantage of the situation and launched a counterattack.

On the vast dimensional battlefield, there is a fleet that stands out.

They are obviously a fleet of demons, but they bear human symbols.

This fleet is naturally a player of "Dimension War".

Since the game went offline that day, players have been scratching their heads in the real world, fearing that they would be deprived of the game qualifications because of their "unqualified" performance.

So wait until your situation is stable and you can go online.

Players returned to "Dimension War" for the first time.

The moment they successfully logged into the game, many players were so excited that they could hardly contain themselves.

It was only then that they deeply felt the importance of "Dimension War" to them.

It's really because the benefits of "Dimension War" are so good, fair and just, and there are no big pitfalls.

Although the players are in the middle and lower classes of the world in terms of strength.

But it is precisely because of this that they truly come into contact with the many injustices and darkness in the other world.

There are not many fools among cultivators.

They know exactly what "Dimension War" is like.

Thousands of words can be summed up into one sentence, the Imperial Viscount is a good man.

He is a good person with a bottom line and a conscience.

"Hey, there's actually a new person here."

"The game quota has been increased!"

As soon as old players logged into the game, they received a notification that the game was being updated.

[In view of the previous outstanding performance of players, "Dimension War" will add 2 million new game quotas. 】

The moment they saw this notification, the veteran players had a mixed mood.

They were both happy and a little depressed.

They are happy because their performance has been recognized and they will not be deprived of game qualifications.

The depression is naturally caused by the increase in "competitors", and they are the ones who created it themselves.

Now, they really feel the feelings of the five extraordinary bloodline families.

"Dimension War" is really about the predecessors planting trees and the descendants enjoying the shade.

Naturally, old players started to bring in newcomers.

Because their previous game experience told them that "Dimension War" is a positive energy game.

Only through unity and friendship among players can they be recognized by the General.

Although there are still many players who are not online, the number of players who have obtained the "Justice Mark" is still uncertain.

However, in the public channel established by the players themselves, hundreds of players have already posted the "Justice Badge".

If you shop with this status, you will get a 5% discount.

Of course, everyone is now a pauper, without even a single Demonic Coin.

"Kill, kill the demon!"

Old players who are accustomed to spending money like water should struggle when they are poor.

Naturally, I cannot tolerate being unable to enjoy the various benefits in the game.

So after they gathered together, they gathered millions of players and drove 200 warships to join the battle again.

This time, without the Bubble General to lead the game, the players naturally had no choice but to play as they pleased.

As time passes, more and more players come online.

Ultimately, Dimension Wars is back to its prime once again.

7 million players are online at the same time, and 200 warships attack together.

Such strength can already determine the outcome of a small battle.

As players attack frequently, their existence becomes more and more widely known.

Eventually, all human forces in the entire spiritual dimension knew that the Imperial Viscount had developed a game.

Pulling a group of "waste" into the spiritual dimension for reuse.

After some of the perks of Dimension Wars were leaked.

Everyone agreed that the Imperial Viscount was a good person, and there was no doubt about it.

After all, if the Holy Mother was not alive, which idiot would save all sentient beings and save a bunch of losers?

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