In Yu Yuanjing, a group of ghouls with green light all over their bodies are massacring their own kind.

"Eat you!"

"How dare you eat people?"

"There is no forgiveness for sin."

The righteous green light warriors are so heroic that the new ghouls are powerless to fight back.

Soon, dozens of new ghouls were eaten.

"King, we have eaten all the ghouls in this neighborhood."

"Still no trace of any living people found!"

"It seems that the entire human race in Yuyuanjing has been completely extinct."

Liu Tianba, whose mouth was bleeding, knelt down in front of Jin Kelang with great piety.

After they were influenced by Kinkuro's love, the latter was already regarded by them as the King of Ghouls.

But their current behavior is to implement the king's law and clean up the scum among the ghouls.

The rule of the Yujing Group has always been to only eat dying humans.

These damn new ghouls actually wiped out the entire human race in Jade Yuanjing.

This is such a great sin and must be paid for with blood.

"Have they all been killed? Very good!"

"Then let's go clean up the next block."

"All new ghouls will die."

"They have been completely contaminated by the power of purgatory. There must be no mercy."

Hearing that the humans in Yu Yuanjing had become extinct, a trace of sadness flashed in Jin Kelang's eyes.

But his sadness did not include those new ghouls at all.

These guys acted as the horsemen of purgatory and completely destroyed Yu Yuanjing, and it was not a pity to die.

However, when Jin Kelang was preparing to continue the sweep, he received intelligence from the group.

"What, Gao Tianzhu actually got together with those new ghouls?"

"How could he be so depraved?"

"That's right, there is the power of purgatory in his body, so it is natural for him to fall."

Hearing that Gao Tianzhu had become the boss of the new ghouls, Jin Kelang was instantly furious.

The current Jin Kelang is no longer the same as before.

From the moment he was killed by Gao Tianzhu, the former Jin Kelang was dead.

Originally Jin Kelang was still "hesitating" whether to seek revenge against Gao Tianzhu.

Now there is no need for him to worry, Gao Tianzhu made his own choice.

"Zhuzi, you are wrong, you are totally wrong this time."

"I'll never hold back again."

A trace of determination flashed in Jin Kelang's eyes, and then he led a group of green light warriors towards Gao Tianzhu's path.

This time, he will never lose again.

"Yu Yuanjing, we are back."

"The damn ghoul actually broke the seal and wiped out all the humans in the city!"

"This time, we will completely seek justice for the tens of millions of humans who died in Yu Yuanjing."

Outside Yuyuan Jing, a group of bald warriors with three eyes appeared menacingly.

These are naturally the ascetics.

The last time, I faced the power of purgatory.

Fang Tianhua and the others could only flee in confusion, which eventually led to the death of all humans in Yuyuanjing.

It was the greatest disgrace ever committed by the execution squad.

Even if they had not found a way to resist the power of Purgatory, their execution team would have completely degenerated and become the minions of Purgatory.

By then, humanity will be in danger!

Fortunately, those "fallen ones" actually provided another way at the critical moment.

Although after this, the ascetics completely sold themselves to the Blood Moon.

But it's worth it.

Because they once again have the power to defend humanity.

Today, they want to prove that their choice is correct.

All ghouls will die!

"Kill, enter Yuyuanjing!"

"Leave no ghoul alive!"

Fang Tianhua raised his arms and rushed into Yuyuanjing first.

He is now "eager for revenge" and wants to blow up the entire Jade Yuanjing with one punch.

It's a pity that even if Fang Tianhua expands, he still knows that this is a delusion.

After all, manpower is exhausted, how can it be possible to blow up such a huge city with one punch.

Fortunately, although Fang Tianhua could not defeat Yu Yuanjing, he could still punch a ghoul with one punch.

In Yuyuan Jing, although the ghouls from the big forces have all taken refuge in Gao Tianzhu.

But the number of ghouls scattered in the city is still huge.

As soon as Fang Tianhua rushed into Jade Yuanjing, he encountered several ghouls.

Those ghouls were originally fighting with each other.

But after seeing Fang Tianhua, their eyes immediately widened.

"Humans, so powerful, such fresh humans."

"Eat, eat him!"

"Hahaha, I can finally fill my stomach again."

The five ghouls were like vicious dogs, viciously attacking Fang Tianhua.

Facing these five weak ghouls, Fang Tianhua didn't even bother to punch them, but directly bumped into them.

Bang, bang, bang!

Spiritual energy bloomed and flesh and blood splattered.

The ghouls' attacks fell on Fang Tianhua, not even breaking the skin.

But Fang Tianhua was like a mountain, directly knocking the five ghouls into bloody foam.

After everything was done, Fang Tianhua didn't even bother to take another look and continued to move forward.

"Spread out, move freely as a small team, and wipe out all the ghouls in the city!"

Zuo Zhiming, the second commander who subsequently entered Yuyuanjing, issued instructions to all the ascetics.

Then one execution team after another spread out to clean up the entire Yuyuanjing.

Wherever the execution team passed, the new ghouls were initially delighted.

They don't even know that ascetics exist.

I just thought that a new human being was coming to my door, giving them a toothbrush sacrifice.

As a result, not only did he not eat human flesh, but his own flesh and blood was scattered everywhere.

How could a group of newly mutated ghouls be the match for the ascetics who had "improved their strength again".

The so-called superpowers of the ghouls are a joke in the eyes of the execution team.

These new ghouls are indeed stronger than the old ghouls, but it's just a matter of throwing two more punches.

"Bang bang bang!"

As the ascetics kept pumping their fists, the various attacks of the ghouls were crushed one after another.

In the next moment, the bodies of the ghouls were shattered.

It can be said that in just a few minutes, thousands of ghouls died in the hands of the ascetics.

This shows the professionalism of execution squad killings.

"Strong, the ascetics are even stronger!"

"In comparison, our strength has regressed and we cannot keep up with the world's version updates."

"In [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul], we outsiders have become just spectators."

On a high-rise building in Yuyuanjing, Wang Guji and others looked at the ascetics who were massacring ghouls in shock.

Although the vast majority of ascetics still do not see their strength in their eyes.

But according to their calculations, after integrating the power of the blood moon, the strength of the ascetics increased by at least 10 times.

You can imagine how terrifying Fang Tianhua and other commander-level figures must be.

Wang Guji and others were no match for Fang Tianhua before, but now they may be even more vulnerable.

"The new ghouls are definitely no match for the ascetics!"

"If there are no accidents, the ascetics will definitely be able to kill all the ghouls!"

"But Jin Kelang and Gao Tianzhu are the biggest variables."

"Although [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] has entered a new era, those two guys are the protagonists after all."

After some observation, Wang Guji and others came to their own conclusion.

In their eyes, the new ghouls are disappearing one by one, and there is no resistance at all.

But these new ghouls are just minions, Jin Kelang and Gao Tianzhu are the main characters.

However, those two people had no idea that the danger was approaching, and instead they were killing each other.

"Gao Tianzhu, you finally embarked on this evil path."

"If you want to be the king of ghouls, I can give it to you."

"But why do you want to hang out with these new ghouls who eat people wantonly."

"They are the minions of Purgatory."

In a square, Jin Kelang and Gao Tianzhu met again.

The moment the two looked at each other, their eyes were extremely complicated.

There is nostalgia, hatred, anger, and disappointment.

But the only thing that doesn't exist is the former friendship.

Since the last battle of life and death, the two have completely severed their bonds.

"Kin Katsuro, you really survived."

"It's really gratifying."

"You seem to have awakened your own power, which is better this way."

"You were vulnerable to me before, and I couldn't win."

"Today we will have another battle to decide who is the real king of the ghouls!"

"Jin Kelang, you are still so arrogant and self-righteous."

"What do you think of the King of Ghouls? Is it yours? Give it up if you want."

Gao Tianzhu looked at Jin Kelang who was glowing green, and he originally felt a little "guilty" in his heart.

After all, he was the one who turned Kinkuro into what he is now.

But when I heard that Jin Kelang wanted to give up the "King of Ghouls" to him.

Gao Tianzhu immediately became angry.

This bastard Jin Kelang actually dares to look down on himself!

So the last trace of unbearable feeling he had left completely disappeared.

Gao Tianzhu has decided not to hold back this time, he will kill Jin Kelang completely.

"Gao Tianzhu, neither the blood moon nor the power of purgatory is the right path."

"What I have is the true power of a ghoul."

"The benevolent are invincible. The true power of us ghouls should be love!"

"We should not eat people for appetite and strength. We should liberate the dead and redeem them."

"This is the supreme love and respect for life!"

A green halo bloomed from Jin Kelang's body, making him look like a god.

Although Gao Tianzhu is hopeless, Jin Kelang still plans to use his last love to influence him.

After all, this is how Liu Tianba and others changed their past mistakes.

"Jin Kelang, stop pretending to be benevolent and righteous here."

"It's natural for us ghouls to eat people."

"Everything in this world is eaten by the weak. Humans eat chickens, ducks, fish, and we eat humans. This is the natural law."

"Heretic, evil devil, you are indeed a traitor to our ghoul world."

"I should have killed you completely before!"

Looking at Jin Kelang, who was glowing green and talking about benevolence, Gao Tianzhu suddenly regretted it.

The last time he should have broken Jin Kron's head.

I really didn't expect that although Jin Kelang survived, he became obsessed.

Sure enough, his "good friend" Jin Kelang was already dead.

"Let's fight to the death!"

Gao Tianzhu, who was completely determined to kill him, opened the gun directly.

The bloody vortex swirled in his eyes, locking onto Jin Kelang again.

However, when faced with this strange killing move again, Jin Kelang became extremely calm.

Green light flashed in his eyes, and he instantly saw through the bloody whirlpool in Gao Tianzhu's eyes.

"Is time and space distorted?"

"It's a pity that it didn't form a closed loop."

Jin Kelang moved at will and got rid of the lock of the bloody vortex with great ease.

In other words, he walked out of the bloody whirlpool.

This scene really shocked Gao Tianzhu.

Although he had already guessed that Jin Kelang would definitely improve in strength after his resurrection.

But it was still hard for Gao Tianzhu to believe that he could break his own killing move so easily.

"Pillar, the power of a ghoul shouldn't be like that!"

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but when you turn around, you will find the shore!"

Jin Kelang glanced at Gao Tianzhu with compassion, and in the next moment, a majestic green light directly enveloped the entire square.

Before Gao Tianzhu had time to dodge, he was covered in green light.

"What power is this?"

The moment he was covered in green light, Gao Tianzhu felt endless pain.

In a daze, Gao Tianzhu felt that he had become a mortal and was being swallowed by ghouls again and again.

It felt so real, as if everything was real.

No, that's not right.

After experiencing hundreds of devourings, Gao Tianzhu suddenly discovered with horror that the ghoul turned out to be him.

Gao Tianzhu completely remembered.

What he is experiencing now is exactly the scene where he once devoured human beings.

At that time, Gao Tianzhu was still in the Yuanjing Group, so he was naturally unscrupulous in eating people.

"Zhuzi, do you feel it?"

"If you devour humans for appetite and strength, you will have resentment, and you will be haunted by resentment."

"Now I have awakened the resentment hidden in your body."

"They are like insects, biting you."

"This is your own fault and you have to live with it."

"The only way to escape is to take refuge in me. I will use [love] to transform those resentments."

"My path is the right path for ghouls!"

The green light on Jin Kelang's body grew stronger and stronger. At this time, not only Gao Tianzhu, but also some unlucky new ghouls were also shrouded in green light.

Then they were in trouble!

The new ghouls killed more humans, and their resentment was fresher.

Then it was extremely incredible, under the radiation of green light.

The resentment in the new ghoul's body actually turned into green bugs.

As soon as these bugs are born, they begin to bite the new ghouls.


"Don't eat me!"

"No, I'm eating myself."

"Go away, I'm going to kill you!"

Densely packed green bugs were biting the new ghouls like crazy.

In just the blink of an eye, the ghouls revealed their bloody flesh and bare bones.

Of course, the new ghouls will not sit still and wait for death.

However, no matter what method they used, they could not cause harm to those green bugs.

They could only watch as they were eaten bit by bit by green bugs.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of weak new ghouls were devoured.

"Fake, it's all fake."

"Kinkoro, you are so despicable!"

"Those green bugs are just a symptom. It's not resentment that's eating us, but we ourselves are eating ourselves."

"This is the self-eating of ascetics!"

"You aroused resentment and forcibly opened up this ability of ours!"

Gao Tianzhu, shrouded in green light, had 1/3 of his body eaten by green bugs.

When he was first attacked, Gao Tianzhu subconsciously used the power of purgatory.

As a result, the green bugs were not affected at all, but actually grew stronger.

If no miracle occurs, Gao Tianzhu may fall into the same fate as other new ghouls.

Fortunately, there is another kind of power in Gao Tianzhu's body.

As Gao Tianzhu used the power of the blood moon, his eyes began to glow with blood.

With the help of the [Eye of Truth], Gao Tianzhu finally saw through the truth about the green bug.

It turns out that the so-called being bitten by insects is simply an illusion.

Those green bugs have never caused any harm to the ghouls' physical bodies.

It's the cells in Gao Tianzhu and other ghouls' bodies that are engulfing themselves.

They are eating themselves.

The root cause of all this is the out-of-control power of purgatory.

This bastard Jin Kelang is actually able to influence the power of purgatory.

"It's the [Ancestral Gene]. Jin Katsuro actually made the Ancestral Gene in the new ghoul go out of control!"

"This is indeed a power that was specially evolved to target the essence of purgatory."

Not far from the battlefield, Gelis recorded various battle data in detail.

The Lord is very busy right now and has no time to be distracted.

This crucial battle can only be recorded by her.

In fact, those who watched the battle like Gloria were the Biochemical Path and the Skull and Bones Society.

Perhaps it was to avoid disturbing Gao Tianzhu and Jin Kelang during the battle.

The three parties maintained peace with a tacit understanding and conducted their own observations.

What the Skull and Bones Society observes is naturally the power of purgatory, or [Ancestral Gene].

Although many new ghouls were killed in this scene caused by Jin Kelang.

But it made Skull and Bones extremely satisfied.

After all, this allows them to observe the [Ancestral Gene] more intuitively.

What the biochemical path observed was Jin Kelang and the green light on his body.

It can even be said that Biochemical Path is using this battle to speed up the analysis of Jin Kelang's power.

Seeing how brave Jinkuro is and how restrained the new ghoul is.

Naturally, the Biochemistry Dao was extremely satisfied.

So with the unanimous consent of the three parties, the battle between Jin Kelang and Gao Tianzhu continued.

"Jin Kelang, evil ways will not last long after all."

"I've seen through it."

"Suppress me!"

Now that he has found the crux, Gao Tianzhu will naturally not let himself devour himself.

As he deepened his control over his body and suppressed his own purgatory power.

The self-eating phenomenon was finally alleviated.

When he devoured himself before, Gao Tianzhu's whole body's power was out of control.

Now that his strength was restored, he immediately escaped from the green light.

After getting rid of the influence of the green light, Gao Tianzhu once again used the power of purgatory to completely calm the restlessness of his own cells.

Not only that, but his lost body tissues were also restored.


"Zhuzi, you are escaping after all."

"I hope you can come to a complete enlightenment and correct your evil ways."

"You should use love to change those resentments!"

Jin Kelang looked at the murderous Gao Tianzhu with a look of regret on his face.

Zhuzi is so stubborn, why he just refuses to reflect on himself.

Facing Jin Kelang's "ugly face", Gao Tianzhu completely went berserk.

It’s time for your whole family to reflect!

However, before Gao Tianzhu could take action again, a terrifying fist mark suddenly fell from the sky and enveloped the entire square.

This is when Fang Tianhua finally arrived.

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