I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 795 Usurpation

Rumbling, lightning and thunder, [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] is furious.

All its attempts to save itself failed.

There are only two roads before it.

The first is to reach a compromise with the Skull and Bones Society and turn Yuyuanjing into Angsa City.

For the world's will, this consent rips out its heart and replaces it with another brain.

The second is to accept "aid", open the source to Blood Moon again, and let it grow bigger.

When it came to choosing the lesser of two evils, [Purgatory Ghoul] certainly chose the latter.

"Hahaha, good people are rewarded."

"My plan is done!"

In the real world, Chen Qi laughs heartily.

Because along with the choice made in [The Legend of the Purgatory Ghoul], Dickens had a reaction.

Now that everything is ready, it’s just a matter of finishing.

"[Wings of Time and Space] Ancestor Virus, activate!"

Chen Qi pointed out, and a pair of black and white wings evolved from the aura sank into Dickens' body.

The next moment, Dickens's body, which was sleeping peacefully, began to violently agitate.


A powerful life magnetic field bloomed from Dickens' body, and then turned into a cocoon of light, shrouding Dickens in it.

Within the light cocoon, Dickens' extraordinary genetic fragments are constantly being reorganized and activated.

If we project Dickens' life spectrum at this time, we will definitely find that the original gray unknown areas are gradually being illuminated.

"I think back then, when I was on Shengxian Island, I came into contact with the Ancestral Virus for the first time."

"It was also through the use of elixir irradiation that we discovered the secret of the extraordinary gene fragments in the human body."

"At that time, I was astonished by the technology of Biochemical Dao. I thought it was so advanced and incredible."

"But now they're not even worthy of carrying my shoes."

"Thirty years on the east side of the river, thirty years on the west side of the river, I finally started to shake my head!"

Looking at the ever-changing Dickens, Chen Qi had mixed feelings in his heart.

When he first stepped into the extraordinary world, everything he saw was so incredible.

But now, he has become a miracle worker.

After thirty years of hard study, what he learned in the past did not disappoint him.

"Crack, crackle!"

In the light cocoon, there are constant flashes of electric light.

At the same time, Dickens's life index plummeted.

This shows how much the awakening consumes this time.

If Dickens had not become the Silver Apostle, his vitality would have been exhausted by now.

"Buzz buzz!"

Along with Dickens's transformation, things inside the spaceship actually shook without wind.

However, this is not energy resonance, nor is Dickens' power leaking out.

Chen Qi could see clearly that the time and space ripples in the space were stirring.

A new source of interference is emerging.

"It's done, the [Wings of Time and Space] Ancestor Virus in Dickens' body was successfully activated by me."

"Although it is only my version of [Wings of Time and Space] that is activated, I still have a trace of space ability after all."

Looking at the ripples in space, Chen Qi's face showed a rare look of excitement.

This was a huge success, and the entire inner world would be shocked if word spread.

The major forces in the inner ring world dare to study the [Eye of Truth] Ancestor Virus, which is so dangerous and can easily get out of control.

If they said they didn't mess with the [Wings of Time and Space] Ancestor Virus, even if they killed Chen Qi, they wouldn't believe it.

But until now, Chen Qi has not found anyone who has succeeded.

Anyway, with Chen Qi's current authority, he used various information channels but could not find relevant information.

But if you think about it carefully, this seems normal.

After all, that is spatial ability.

If Chen Qi had not received a blessing on Shengxian Island, he would not be worthy of studying the [Wings of Time and Space] Ancestor Virus.

The vibration inside the spacecraft only lasted for a short moment.

Even the vibration was extremely slight, and not even a piece of glass was shattered.

Although it is a bit "awkward" to say it, this is the limit of Dickens' Wings of Time and Space.

Even under normal circumstances, the impact it can cause is only 1‰.

Probably it can push the dust in space.

But if you "despise" the Imperial Viscount's technology because of this, then you are ignorant.

Believe it or not, if this matter spreads, I don’t know how many people will cry and kneel in front of the Imperial Viscount, eager to get a pair of wings.

But Chen Qi has always been a low-key person, so he doesn't publicize it.


Chen Qi made a casual move, and the pair of black and white wings he had been using for physical research were grafted onto Dickens.

Although a little embarrassed, Chen Qi had to admit that he had a bit of hand cramps now.

The newly awakened Dickens did not grow a pair of wings, but only two extra ribs.

But it doesn't matter, the Imperial Viscount will not cheat his own people, so he will make up for it immediately.

I have to say that Chen Qi’s grafting skills are really good.

Those black and white wings are on Dickens, just like the original ones.

It's a pity that Dickens is still asleep, otherwise he could have tried flying.

In the real world, Dickens's transformation is unremarkable.

However, the spiritual dimension, to be precise in [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul], is turned upside down.

"Didi, didi!"

"Player Dickens awakens the [Wings of Time and Space] Ancestor Virus!"

"[Wings of Time and Space] The Ancestral Virus is linked to the root of the world, loading..."

In the city of Ansa, Dickens, who had been waiting so hard, finally received a new system update.

After the [Eye of Truth] Ancestor Virus was loaded, Dickens got in touch with Gloria and others through "Dimension War".

Then he learned about the "new plot" that happened in [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] after he entered Angsa City.

He also inquired about Lu Shen's situation in the real world.

After learning that Lu Shen was "bringing goods live", Dickens couldn't bear to tell Teacher Lu the truth.

But what Dickens is more concerned about is the master's plan.

The Master of Wenting has completed the design of the new virus and plans to find experimental subjects for human experiments.

Dickens immediately signed up enthusiastically, striving to use him as an experimental subject to verify the [Wings of Time and Space] ancestor virus.

After Dickens's pleading, he finally got this opportunity.

"Loading progress is 90%, 91%..."

"Loading progress 100%.!"

[Wings of Time and Space] The moment the Ancestor Virus is loaded.

The Dickens Game Board has received a new round of updates.

The many mutant abilities related to the [Wings of Time and Space] Ancestor Virus that he collected in Angsa City in the past were all unlocked.

In just a blink of an eye, Dickens's strength increased dozens of times.

As his strength expanded, Dickens planned to practice with Lu Shen again.

But in the end, Dickens held back.

The overall situation is the most important thing. The current "Purgatory Ghoul" is being invaded by demons and is at a "critical moment".

It is better to maintain stability here in Angsa City.

In the city of Ansa, nothing happened at all because of Dickens' restraint.

However, in Yuyuanjing, or in the human world, the world has completely changed.

Boom, the original [Purgatory Ghoul] was angry because Jin Katsuro was about to be suppressed.

But very suddenly, the shaking of the world suddenly stopped.

This change was so sudden that even the proud demon commanders were stunned.

"What's happening here?"

"Why did that blood moon fall in the sky!"

"No, no, we are getting closer to the blood moon."

"Damn it, this spiritual world is collapsing towards the blood moon."

The blood moon became larger and larger, surpassing the green sun and completely occupying the sky.

At this moment, there seemed to be only one bloody sun in the sky.

That's right, the blood moon at this time replaced the sun in the eyes of all living beings, and began to burn fiercely, blooming with even more blazing blood.

Just how hot this bloody light is, the demons probably have the best say.

Because the devils and monsters that were raging all over the world were all reduced to ashes under the rays of the bloody sun.

This scene is so shocking.

So much so that the humans who came back to their senses fell to their knees one after another and worshiped the bloody sun that kept descending.

Even in their hearts, the reason why the bloody sun came to the earth was the result of their begging from the sky.

"How can the spiritual world launch a direct attack?"

"No, this spiritual world has gone completely berserk!"

"The wind is blowing hard, run quickly."

The bloody sun showed its power, and the "opportunists" under the demon's leadership immediately panicked.

They have "persuaded" them a long time ago, and it is best for everyone to accept it as soon as possible.

It turns out those diehards just didn’t listen.

It's good now, all the men are dead.

At least a fifth of what I had eaten before was spit out this time.

While there is still 4/5, run away quickly.

"Don't panic, everyone, this is not an attack initiated by the spiritual world."

“It’s the world itself that is making technical adjustments.”

"Unless the golden spiritual world, it is impossible for the spiritual world to give birth to world consciousness."

"They just have an instinctive defense mechanism, and it is completely impossible for them to take the initiative to attack us!"

"Don't be afraid, everyone, as long as the protagonist group is suppressed, victory will still be ours."

Seeing that the demon was about to fall apart, the dog-headed strategist Peter stood up first.

As a strategist who often led the Demon's army to defeat, Peter knew the Demon's virtues very well.

As soon as the blood moon changed, Peter had a premonition that there was going to be a problem with the demon team.

As expected, this was the case. Seeing that the formation was about to be completed, some demon warships actually planned to turn around and run away.

How is this possible?

So Pete spoke out to stop it.

"Yes, Military Advisor Peter is right."

"The scene before us is just the power of the spiritual world making spontaneous technical adjustments."

"Don't panic, don't be confused!"

"This is the spiritual world scaring us!"

"As long as we don't get into trouble, victory will eventually belong to us."

After Peter spoke, the main war factions in the Demonic Command also agreed.

After all, they are in great numbers, and under their control, it is difficult for the opportunists to escape.

After all, all the battleships have been connected together, and there is really only one step away from the success of the formation.

In fact, it is no wonder that the opportunists are timid.

It's really because the blood moon just arrived, it looks like the spiritual world is actively attacking them.

And this kind of thing is completely different from the "suppression" they are experiencing now.

Don't look at all the demon warships, they are all restrained in Yuyuanjing.

But this is nothing more than a defense mechanism of the world itself.

The demons were not directly attacked.

Even if the world was furious before and thunder filled the sky.

No trace of thunder was seen falling on the demon.

But if the spiritual world has consciousness and can take the initiative to attack, this will be completely different.

With the huge size and power of the spiritual world, as long as it can use 1% of its power to launch an attack.

Even the most extreme delusion cannot withstand it.

This is why Heavenly Demon and Xuwu dare not provoke the golden spiritual world.

Because that spiritual world is like a living life.

In other words, the world itself is alive.

So after seeing the blood moon show its power, the opportunists panicked.

"Victory is at hand!"

"Everyone must believe in Brother Pete's dog eyes!"

"Suppress the protagonist and eat this world."

"Don't panic, everyone, the sky won't fall as long as we are here."

Seeing that the demons did not collapse, Bolas, who was about to run away, immediately changed direction and beat his chest loudly.

We are not running away in vain, why are you panicking?

Seeing that Falsehood, which has always been the fastest runner, is so "calm", the opportunist demon no longer panics.

Isn't it just a gamble on life? Give it a try!

It's right to think about it. Although this world is the top silver-white spiritual world.

But we are still thousands of miles away from the golden spiritual world!

Moreover, it was so useless before, how could it suddenly become "brave"?

This must be to scare the devil, so treacherous!

"Suppression, suppression."

The demons, united once again, continued to seize the time to form formations, regardless of the blood moon that was getting closer and closer above their heads.

The five Jin Kelangs, who were about to be completely suppressed, were naturally unwilling to let the end come to an end.

Then they "exploded" again.

But this time, it was the other four people who really exploded.

Jin Kelang is just sensationalizing and talking nonsense.

Apart from shouting the tune higher, his strength did not increase at all.

On the contrary, Gao Tianzhu and the others had doubled their strength and almost took advantage of the chaos to escape.

However, the Demon and Xuwu are too powerful together.

They were finally suppressed again.

Buzzing, buzzing, as the formation officially took shape.

The five Jin Kelang were like insects falling into amber, completely frozen.

"Hahaha, we succeeded."

"This world is ours."

"It turned out to be a false alarm, and it turned out to be a technical adjustment."

"We won the bet!"

The moment the magic circle was successful, both Heavenly Demon and Xu Huan stood up and cheered.

Because this means that there is no possibility of a comeback in the world in front of us.

What made them even happier was the blood moon falling in the sky.

The blood moon did fall to the earth, but it did not cause any harm to them.

It was as if the previous feat of slaying tens of billions of demons was just an illusion.

It's weird, but it doesn't matter.

After all, they have won.

However, when the demons looked up at the sky again, they were stunned.

Why did a pair of wings appear in the blood moon?

No, it was a vague figure that appeared in the blood moon.

The figure was so blurry that only a pair of wings were real.

"Viscount of the Empire!"

"I see."

"I see!"

The moment he saw the blurry figure in the blood moon, Blossom suddenly woke up.

Although the figure was very blurry, it looked different from the Imperial Viscount.

But Bloss knew instinctively that the figure was Imperial Viscount Chen Qi.

There was absolutely no way he could admit his mistake.

If he thought about the strange situation just now, Bloss finally guessed the intention of the Imperial Viscount to let him attack this spiritual world.

The Imperial Viscount actually "took advantage of the situation" and wanted to seize the source of this spiritual world.

And now, he has clearly succeeded.

After thinking about this, Bros immediately knew that their illusion and the demon were completely in trouble this time.

The spiritual world below the golden level will indeed not actively use power to attack.

But there is a premise, that is, this spiritual world is not controlled by intelligent life.

And once the spiritual world has a ruler, the other party can naturally call on the power of the world to attack.

The Imperial Viscount now clearly occupies the root of this world.

Although only a small part.

But it is enough to use the power of this world to attack.

Burrows did not think that the Imperial Viscount was a scumbag.

"Damn it, the mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole follows behind."

"We have been tricked by humans!"

"Despicable human beings!"

The second person to see the truth clearly was the dog-headed military counselor Pete.

Although he did not recognize the identity of the figure, he knew that the other person must be a human being.

Because only humans can invade the origin of the spiritual world, and even take the spiritual world as their own.

This kind of thing often happened in the gray spiritual world in the past.

The silver-white spiritual world is simply beyond the reach of humans below the Weaver.

What's more, the world in front of us is the most advanced silver-white spiritual world.

No matter how that human did it, no matter how many roots he usurped.

Peter only knew one thing, and that was that their work would most likely be in vain this time.

If he hadn't known that he couldn't run away, Peter would have really wanted to run away now.

"Damn, we're in a trap."

"We suppressed the protagonist group, but we also became a fixed target!"

"What to do now? Do you want to run away?"

"Are you stupid? Do we have time to run?"

As old people in the world, the demons naturally woke up quickly.

This time, they actually made wedding clothes for others.

No wonder this spiritual world is in such chaos. It turns out that there are humans fighting for the root of the world.

And now one of them has obviously succeeded.

Subconsciously, the demons wanted to escape.

However, their demon warships formed a magic formation, which could not be solved in a short time.

In the end, all the demon commanders looked at each other and decided to fight again.

How can the fruits of victory that they finally harvested be plucked by others?

The power of the world that the other party can call upon must be limited.

They don't necessarily lose.

"Are you only giving permission to 1% of the world?"

"How stingy!"

"I am now, no, Dickens is now, I should be regarded as a god who carries out punishment on behalf of heaven!"

In the blood moon, the shadow stared at the world below with interest.

Just now, the entire world structure, or space structure, of [Purgatory Ghoul] underwent a round of transformation.

Those tens of billions of heavenly demons really just suffered the disaster of Chiyu, unable to adapt to the changes in the structure of time and space and died.

On the contrary, the Demonic Battleship is powerful enough to maintain the stability of its own space-time structure.

The demon commanders who had no knowledge of the nature of time and space naturally thought that they were not affected by the blood moon.

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