I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 930 Sweet Rain

A colorful sun appeared in the sky above the Kingdom of Droa.

The moment the sun appears, it spreads endless light and heat to the world.

The amplitude this time was much more violent than before through the barrier.


"I'm going to explode, it's so hot!"

As soon as the abstract sun appeared, the "guinea pigs" who had barely maintained a normal state immediately suffered.

The rays radiated by the sun are like sharp arrows.

Pierce them instantly.

Then the spiritual energy in their bodies, their own consciousness and spirituality were completely contaminated by the sun.

At this moment, they seemed to have become the dependents of the abstract sun.

No, it’s prey!

"Is this how ethereal monsters hunt?"

In the spacecraft laboratory, Chen Qi looked at the colorful silk threads, or colored silk screens, wrapped around his body with some surprise.

However, its essence is a kind of fluctuation of authority.

It’s no wonder that all ordinary extraordinary beings are pierced by it.

On the other hand, the Viscount of the Empire, although he turned into a mortal, his powerful body still made many colors regress.

Not only can they penetrate into Chen Qi's body, they can't even stain the surface of the skin.

In fact, if Chen Qi had not transformed into a mortal, these colors would not be associated with the Imperial Viscount.

Chen Qi naturally turned a blind eye to these threads of authority surrounding him.

He was already a favorite in the eyes of the ethereal monsters, but it was only because he had turned into a mortal that the ethereal monsters did not notice him.

Once "exposed", Chen Qi was worried that Follett would not be able to handle it.

This is a bad thing!

"Boom, boom!"

The "contaminated" mice turned on the explosive mode one after another.

Everything about them burned violently, as if flash bombs were exploding.

However, after the light passed, the mice were not completely turned into ashes.

In other words, it wasn't all reduced to ashes.

Instead, pearls appeared in place and floated towards the abstract sun in the sky.

This scene is really weird to the extreme.

"Human Dan!"

"The rumors turned out to be true. Ethereal monsters can refine extraordinary beings into a great medicine!"

"After swallowing ordinary life, it can make up for its own shortcomings and make it easier to awaken spiritually."

"After being swallowed by an extraordinary being, one's own life essence becomes more powerful and one's cultivation speeds up."

The bright pearls floated to the sky automatically without any wind.

The delegations from various countries, scorched by the scorching sun, peered at this scene with "difficulty".

Everything that happened before them was the significance of their arrival in the Kingdom of Droa.

They must not let their "companions" die in vain.

They must witness and record everything with their own eyes so that the victims can die in peace.

"Hoo ho!"

Perhaps because of staring at it for a long time, the pearl is indeed something special.

Or maybe the rumors about the "Human Pill" aroused some greed in the hearts of the members of the delegation.

In a daze, the pearl became more and more shining in their eyes.

And exudes a strange fragrance.

That kind of fragrance goes straight into the heart and spleen, not only making every cell in their body, but also their consciousness and soul throb.

Fortunately, they are "law-abiding" humans after all, and the brutal image of the Sword of Judgment has allowed them to maintain their bottom line.

Extraordinary objects refined from the same kind must not be eaten.

"These pearls look familiar!"

"Damn, I seem to have underestimated the ethereal monster!"

Looking at the pearls floating towards the ethereal monster, the Imperial Viscount, who had been watching the show calmly, had a flash of surprise on his face.

Perhaps because of being too close to the ethereal monster, the Pearl was exposed to more power radiation.

They began to become brighter and even evolved towards the bright moon.

In fact, this is indeed the case. In the eyes of onlookers, the pearl is already a thousand times larger, like a round moon rising into the sky.

But the expansion and brightening of the pearls also make them more "transparent".

In other words, his own flaws are more easily revealed.

Black spots appeared on the full moon one by one. The scene was as if the moon in the sky was pockmarked and could no longer live up to its perfection.

Quite strangely, when faced with these foods that were obviously made by himself, Abstract Sun showed a hint of disgust.

The next moment, it made way for all the pearls.

Then the latter was instantly swallowed by the hole and fell into the spiritual abyss.

Incomparably spectacular, the moment when the pearl fell into the spiritual abyss.

A huge full moon actually rose in the mirror.

They expand infinitely and seem to have no end.

However, the flaws of the bright moons themselves make them like inferior balloons that explode when they expand to a certain limit.

Within the spiritual abyss, there was no sound or breath.

But the most spectacular scenes in the world are constantly being staged here.

Rounds of bright moons exploded, erupting into more intense colors.

In an instant, the mirror world, which was originally dark in the eyes of the outside world, turned into color.

It is extremely strange that the ethereal monsters are extremely powerful.

However, facing the exploding bright moon and the dissipating colors, they retreated one after another.

The scene was like a radioactive frog encountering nuclear wastewater, but instead of taking two sips, he ran away on his own.

"I must have read it right!"

"What kind of human elixir are those pearls? They are clearly immortal elixirs!"

"It's a pity that it's the kind with flaws. No wonder the ethereal monster dislikes it!"

After several careful comparisons, the Imperial Viscount finally determined that the "human elixir" was the elixir of immortality.

And he also saw through another truth, that is, the ethereal monster was "unjustly accused".

People don't take the initiative to "eat people" at all. Instead, they are the "unlucky ones" who are not blessed to enjoy the "opportunities".

The essence of the ethereal monster is a law-based creature.

Of course, it can also be regarded as a pure spiritual life.

Compared with ordinary extraordinary beings who master psychic powers, they are not even considered lower-level beings.

Therefore, in the face of ethereal monsters, the essence of any life that comes into contact with psychic energy will be "inclined".

The Silver Apostle, who also had some authority, was okay and could barely stand.

But ordinary extraordinary people are in dire straits, and they are honored to start leaning towards the ethereal monsters.

The authority network that constitutes the essence of life in their bodies is activated, and this is the opportunity given by the ethereal monster.

If they can grasp it, they can touch and grasp a certain power of authority.

He even connected with the ethereal monster and became the "weaver" (dependent) of the ethereal monster.

But the ethereal monster itself is very chaotic, and all its own power can only barely maintain balance.

How can extraordinary beings who passively produce "simulated" changes, not even copying, "learn it".

Their fate is naturally to go crazy and explode to death.

But because his own authority network was finally activated, the essence of his life underwent a slight transformation.

The high-dimensional characteristics (shadow of the soul) naturally possessed by intelligent life are integrated into the essence of life.

In the process, life's own network of authority is like an alchemy furnace.

Begin to smelt everything about yourself, consciousness, spirituality and the shadow of your soul.

This is indeed a bit like calcining elixir in an alchemy furnace.

No wonder it is called human elixir.

For the Imperial Viscount, all this was too familiar.

When he was on Shengxian Island, Zhou Jiuyou "burned" himself like this and created the Shengxian Pill.

It's just that Zhou Jiuyou's alchemy level is obviously much better than that of the Void Spirit Monster.

The ethereal monster knows how to make elixirs with a hammer, it's purely "miracles can happen with great force"!

Chen Qi suspected that these guys had never succeeded at all.

After all, there are too few opportunities for them to enter the real world.

No wonder Jin Miaozhen was able to attract ethereal monsters when he naturally awakened spiritually.

It is estimated that in their perception, this is a steaming elixir coming out of the oven.

Obviously, the Immortality Pill is very attractive to ethereal monsters.

If Chen Qi had brought an Immortal Pill from Shengxian Island or taken it, he would have been visited by the ethereal monsters long ago.

Although the human elixir is very similar to the immortal elixir, it is a defective product.

What the ethereal monsters are chasing is obviously perfect quality.

The spent elixir is like poison to it, harmful rather than beneficial.

Its own form is already very unstable. It dares to eat it casually and "pollute" itself.

The ethereal monsters who refined the human elixir looked disgusted, and the other ethereal monsters naturally avoided him even more.

Chen Qi also didn't know whether the ethereal monster that entered the real world intentionally allowed the human pill to enter the spiritual abyss to prevent other ethereal monsters from competing with it for territory.

But objectively speaking, the explosion of human elixir in Lingyuan did have an impact on other ethereal monsters.

In order to avoid the contamination of the human elixir, they had to sink to a deeper level in the spiritual abyss.

So in an instant, the area around the hole was completely empty, and a lot of the pressure on the mirror surface disappeared.

The ethereal monsters that have entered the real world are really far ahead this time.

"Idiot, brainless guy!"

"go to hell!"

Seeing that the ethereal monster was completely alone and the pressure on the mirror was reduced, Follett, who had been waiting for a good opportunity, immediately took action.

In fact, for Follett, who is well versed in the future, all this was what he planned.



Under Follett's control, the cyan pillar of national destiny trembled violently.

At that moment, this pillar towering over the sky and the earth seemed to have penetrated into the heaven and earth, and violently disturbed the movement of the heaven and the earth.

The next moment, the golden thunder in the sky enveloped the ethereal monster.

This is clearly an old friend of the Imperial Viscount, the Evil-Escaping Immortal Thunder, the Divine Thunder of Heaven, and the Thunder of Divine Punishment.

This thunder can be called the most terrifying attack in the material world. Even a powerful ghost monster was paralyzed by electricity!

However, I have to admire that the Void Spirit Monster is strong enough to carry it. There are cracks in its body, but it has not fallen apart yet.

"It's thundering!"

"It is going to rain!"

"The rain is coming from the sky!"

With a rumble, the sky above the Kingdom of Droa was filled with golden thunder that struck wildly at the ethereal monster.

However, in the eyes of ordinary people who cannot see the truth, this is a vision of heaven and earth, which is a sign of the advancement of the kingdom.

In their eyes, the entire Kingdom of Droa was shrouded in colorful auspicious clouds.

And within the auspicious clouds, golden thunder flashed continuously.

This is not rain from heaven, so what is it?

"People, pray and cheer as much as you like!"

"The first wave of benefits for kingdom promotion is about to be distributed!"

"As long as you are sincere enough, everyone can be baptized by the rain!"

"From now on, you can also become extraordinary."

At the right time, Daphne started drawing pie again.

But this time the pie was drawn close enough, right on top of everyone’s heads.

It seems like you can eat it just by tilting your toes a little.

So naturally, all the citizens, who had been completely brainwashed, began to pray to heaven again.

With the "unanimous goal" of all citizens, the color of the originally cyan pillar of national destiny has actually become darker.

Correspondingly, the golden thunder in the sky became more violent.

This was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. The ethereal monster, which was already full of cracks, actually fell apart.

Under the bombardment and paralysis of the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment, the extremely powerful Void Spirit Monster was unable to react from the beginning to the end.

This shows how powerful the Thunder of Punishment is!

"It's raining, golden raindrops!"

"Gan Lin, Gan Lin is really falling."

"Quick, quick, open your mouth!"

"No, find a basin and connect it first!"

"Go away, don't get in my way and run naked."

Incredibly, when the colorful auspicious clouds scattered across the sky, golden rain actually fell from the sky.

All the citizens of Droa were naturally ecstatic when they saw this scene.

Queen Daphne really didn't fool us.

Long live Her Majesty the Queen!

Whether it is information about extraordinary beings or Ganlin, everyone in the entire Kingdom of Droa already knows it.

Ganlin can enable ordinary people to awaken their spirituality and become masters.

This was no less life-changing than the second time. Naturally, everyone began to rush for the golden rain in the sky.

"Damn it, it's obviously a rain of blood, but it was turned into a golden rain!"

"Is this how terrible the human heart is?"

"But how many more times can you last?"

"Or in other words, how long can the national destiny of the Kingdom of Droa continue to be depleted?"

Looking at the golden rain all over the sky, Jiang Yunsheng in the sewer subconsciously took a few licks.

However, besides having a good taste, the rainwater had no effect on him at all.

Although in the future, Jiang Yunsheng already knew the result.

But it's still a pity now.

The fallen ethereal monsters were transformed into sweet rain. This was the reason why he was unable to take the lead after the previous rounds of ethereal monsters fell.

Unless he drank half of the lake's golden rainwater in one go, the rain would really only refresh him.

Jiang Yunsheng is not a giant toad, so he has such a big belly.

But in this way, the national fortunes of the Kingdom of Droa will be consumed even more.

Jiang Yunsheng actually understood that Follett would make such a choice.

It's nothing more than trying to scare away other ethereal monsters through a few rounds of clean killings.

Ethereal monsters act entirely on instinct.

As long as Follett shows enough strength, the ethereal monsters will naturally seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

If there are no unexpected factors, Follett's plan is still feasible.

But is this guy suffering from amnesia and forgetting that our group of people are watching with eager eyes!

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