I have a magical world

Chapter 110 Poison-armored scorpion arrives in the cave [please order]

Chapter 110 The poisonous armored scorpion arrives in the cave [Seeking Order I]

The bushes facing the pontoon have been cleared to create a path.

There are many messy footprints on the slightly muddy ground near the river bank.

Whether the Colo Leon Farm was destroyed or rebuilt, it could not stop subsequent adventurers from their desire to hunt monsters.

After all, each monster represents a certain amount of money.

And money means wine, women, and food.

Many adventurers don't care whether the world is chaotic or not.

Their ambition is simple, that is to earn enough money by hunting monsters, and then return to the city to enjoy themselves until one day they die at the hands of monsters.

Chen Xuan estimated that there should be other groups of adventurers near the cave.

They can wait and see before taking action.

Crossing the path in the bushes, Rebecca walked ahead holding a rune dagger.

Dora Yuclan was more than ten meters away from her side, and the two women's positions formed a fan-shaped outpost.

Dora Beria stayed at the end of the team, responsible for preventing attacks from the rear.

Chen Xuan walked steadily in the middle of the team, carrying a Remington M870 shotgun and a bobwhite G2 double-barreled shotgun with gold rims on his back.

There was also a belt of ammunition tied under the bulletproof vest.

The extended tubular magazine of the M870 shotgun is filled with 7 rounds of No. 12 single-point bullets.

The magazine of the American Quail G2 was also loaded with two No. 20 buckshot.

This type of ammunition represents one pound of lead divided into twenty equal parts. The total weight of the lead beads in each round is one-twentieth of a pound, so it is called No. 20 ammunition.

The same is true for the differences between 12-gauge, 24-gauge, 28-gauge and other ammunition types.

There are also different ammunition sizes, such as 3.5 inches, 3 inches, and 2 inches.

Different styles of shotguns are compatible with different ammunition sizes.

Most of them are 3-inch and 2-inch, which can be backward compatible, but it is best not to be upward compatible.

Because it is easy to explode.

In Bai Ying's collection, there are many supporting ammunitions, and the types are also very complete.

When you are in the woods and the vegetation blocks your shooting range, a shotgun is the best weapon of choice.

In addition, he also held an M16A1 automatic rifle in his hand.

At present, Chen Xuan still uses firearms as his main weapon, but when necessary, he can also take out the second-level "Ice and Fire" magic hammer from the storage compartment as a melee weapon.

The sledgehammer was about 1.5 meters long and weighed 70 to 80 kilograms.

With a bronze-level physique, it is enough to control it, but as a heavy cold weapon, it requires skill to use it.

After all, the weight of this hammer even exceeded his weight.

"One-Eyed Bull" Henry is a strong man with highland barbarian blood and a body like a violent bear.

When it comes to cold weapons, being able to pick them up and being able to control them freely are two different things.

So Chen Xuan actually doesn't like this sledgehammer.

If possible, you still have to find a way to get a handy magic weapon or rune weapon.

Only what suits you is the best.

He and the three girls walked along the forest path for less than two miles.

There is a fork in the road ahead.

Continuing to the west is the depth of the Eya Forest, and a dozen miles to the east is the Brendan Zeman Farm.

Going north is their destination, the monster cave located in the northern hills of the Eya Forest.

At that time, Chen Xuan had used a drone to take photos there.

It was a group of short mountains lying across the northern part of the forest from east to west.

It was like a wall blocking the northward continuation of the forest.

It's at least ten miles away from here.

The trek through the forest is more difficult, and it takes about half an hour to reach it.

It was not the first time for Rebecca to come here and she was very familiar with the routes nearby.

Chen Xuan looked up and estimated the time based on Shuangri's position in the sky.

The sun can still last for four or five water hours, which should be enough for them to conquer the underground cave before nightfall.

When night falls, the monsters become more and more manic, causing more troubles out of thin air.

So as long as it can be done during the day, try not to delay it until night.

"Let's speed up and reach the cave as soon as possible!"

Chen Xuan gave an order, and everyone immediately quickened their pace.

"There's a fork in the road ahead."

"Old Buggy, should we continue walking west?"

Sorel Moran turned around and asked.

Halfway through the journey, there were three forks in the road ahead.

There is also a group of adventurers carrying luggage resting in the open space next to them.

The fork in front of the road leads west to Colo Leon's farm, also known as the due west path.

To the southwest is the Brendan Zeman Farm, and to the north are Three Leaf Valley and Pioneer Slope.

Old Buggy was sweating on his forehead, and the little gray bee was hovering in front of him and not guiding him at all.

The fork in the road in front of him was not only the choice of route, but also the fate of Franco Bage.

His mind was racing.

There are no caves in the direction of Sanye Valley and Xianmin Slope, only ancient ruins.

So it can be ruled out.

The due west path and the southwest branch road both lead to Eya Forest, but the directions are different.

Then this changes from choosing one out of three to choosing one out of two.

At this time, Old Buggy saw the group of adventurers who were resting, and immediately had an idea in his mind.

"Lord Sorel, my little bee is tired from flying."

"I wonder if you and your men brought sugar sand?"

"I need to get the little guy some sugar water."

Franco Budge made an excuse.

"Damn it, how could you bring sugar sand with you when you assemble in a hurry and set off?"

"You greedy rickety devil!"

"May the disaster take you away!"

"If it delays things, I will break off your arm and insert it into your back, so that you can grow wings like your little bee!"

Sorel was not a good-tempered guy, and he immediately cursed.

"Sir, don't worry."

"There is a group of adventurers with camping gear there. They should be a hunting team that has been out for a long time."

"I'll just go find them and order some sugar sand. It won't waste too much time!"

Old Buggy straightened his back slightly and rolled over neatly from behind the horse.

Then, without waiting for Sorel to agree, he trotted over on his own initiative.

The bronze-level adventurer leading the team is a rare troglodyte.

He has the head of a lizard and is covered in light gray scales.

The legs and tail also look like a lizard, but the shape of the upper body is similar to that of a stronger human.

The hand is divided into two parts, three long fingers and two short fingers. They can be slightly separated like pliers, but it does not affect the grasp.

When Old Buggy walked towards him, the guy looked at him with cold vertical pupils.

At the same time, he calmly touched the hilt of the double-edged sword hanging on his waist.

"Is there anything you need?"

The troglodyte's tone was cold.

Because he noticed the dozen riders not far away.

Monsters are the main factor that unites adventurers.

In an environment without monsters, the relationship between adventurers will appear sensitive and suspicious.

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Troglodyte."

"I just have something to ask you."

"Did you see three women and a man passing by on this road just now?"

Old Buggy asked in a low voice.

This made the troglodyte in front of him know something.

He recalled for a moment, and then he remembered the four figures flying past on strange vehicles.

Pretending to think for a while, he stretched out a finger.

"100 crowns."

Gritting his teeth, Old Buggy secretly took out an orichalcum coin and a small handful of black iron coins from his arms, and handed them to the troglodyte.

After collecting the money, he didn't hide anything. He simply told Lao Baji what he had seen before and the direction where Chen Xuan and the four left.

After getting the answer, the guy breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Old Buggy asked the troglodyte for some sugar sand, got some sugar water, and went back.

While pretending to put the companion drone in the lid of a small cup filled with sugar water, he walked towards Sorel Moran with a smile on his face.

"Thank God my little guy is feeling energetic again!"

"Sir, let's continue on our way!"

"Little guy, tell me your prey went due west!"

After getting the accurate answer, Sorel stretched out his hand and pulled Old Buggy to mount his horse.

It took more than half a water hour from Lao Baji to report to him in the city and then to gather for the pursuit.

This made Sorel anxious.

"Boys, stop showing mercy to the horses and move forward at full speed!"

Everyone lightly kicked the horse's belly, causing the horse to continue moving along the west path in a more energy-consuming trot!

After nearly half an hour of trekking, Chen Xuan and others were only a few hundred meters away from their destination.

Through the gaps in the trees ahead, you can see the gradually rising terrain.

At the foot of the northern hills, there is an open forest area about one to two hundred meters wide.

Along the roadside, there were many corpses of monsters whose materials had been removed.

Maybe it's because there are groups of adventurers coming and going here, but Chen Xuan and the others didn't encounter the first wave of monsters until now!

Six goblin warriors, two night shadow wolves and a magic armor scorpion blocked the way forward.

The goblins looked at the three women with salivating expressions and drooled unconsciously.

The evil instincts in their bodies are ready to take action.

Goblins and Night Shadow Wolves are both first-level monsters, while the Magic Armor Scorpion is a second-level monster.

Needless to say about the former, they are all the most common monsters in the caves around Magtan City.

The latter is a scary black venomous scorpion that is two meters long and large. The hook on its tail glows with a faint blue light in the shadows of the forest.

The chitinous carapace is extremely thick, and there are spots on the back that resemble ghost faces.

There is also a distinction between high and low monsters.

For example, they are both first-level monsters.

If fighting alone, the fast-moving Night Shadow Wolf can completely crush the Goblin Warrior.

The strength of ordinary goblins is between log level and black iron level.

In a one-on-one situation, even an amateur with no training experience can kill it as long as he has a good weapon.

But there are also more powerful beings among the goblins.

For example, the Goblin Bear, which is comparable in size to a strong human man, is a second-level monster. It is frighteningly powerful, but also extremely slow. The Goblin Shaman is a gloomy spellcaster who can cast strange dark witchcraft.

If you combine a first-level Goblin Warrior with a Night Shadow Wolf of the same level, you can become a Goblin Wolf Cavalry. Their overall strength can crush the peak Black Iron-level adventurers, but it is inferior to the Bronze-level adventurers.

At that time, the four Goblin Wolf Cavalry were chasing Rebecca.

The strength of second-level monsters is roughly between that of black iron-level to bronze-level adventurers.

The strength span of third-level monsters is relatively large, roughly ranging from the mid-bronze level to the early silver level.

The original succubus could press the poisonous vulture of the same level to the ground and rub it.

Of course, as a price, she also suffered the continuous destruction of corruption.

The best among monsters are usually half a level stronger than bronze-level adventurers.

But a real battle is not about the exchange of damage between your punch and my kick.

There are many factors that can affect the results.

Team coordination, attack timing, and even those external objects can play a big role in the battle.

In fact, having good equipment, magic props, scrolls, and potions is also a reflection of an adventurer's strength.

Just like "One-Eyed Bull" Henry's team, everyone has two or three magic shields.

It would take a lot of effort for the monster just to break these layers of "turtle shells".

Another example is when the succubus, who was poisoned and injured, met the bronze-level wild boar Ragnar. She could still crush Ragnar in terms of strength.

But in the end, he was defeated by the three demonic tears. He drank hatred on the spot and suffered endless humiliation.

So external objects are also important.

Of course, it's also expensive.

Chen Xuan has asked Ophelia to purchase a batch of magic props.

Including jewelry, spell scrolls and various potions that can activate magic shields.

Most of the magic items in Magatan City can only be purchased at the second level, but as long as you have enough of them, you can still be invulnerable.

The first batch of items has been delivered at the same time as the Magic Tears.

Ophelia will continue to purchase supplies in this area in the future.

Currently, the two sisters Rebecca and Dora each wear an average of two pieces of magic jewelry.

There are also several first- and second-level magic scrolls and commonly used alchemical potions.

In addition to the [Blue Guardian] necklace, Chen Xuan also prepared an additional bracelet and a magic ring.

Ophelia could have gotten more if she hadn't been short on time.

As for third-level items, it is difficult to buy them in the city.

Especially combat-type props, most of which are supplied to the battle line.

The rest is digested within the giant city.

Only a very small number of high-level magic props will be lost in the city.

It takes a lot of luck and connections to get it.

There is a way around Jason Ironforge, but it will take some time to get there.

Therefore, the current combat power of Chen Xuan and others has been significantly improved.

In addition, all members have bronze-level magic training levels, so they can deal with it with ease.

Rebecca and Dora Yuclan rushed over first to intercept the Night Shadow Wolf and the goblins.

Sister Beria drew her knife and rushed towards the ferocious-looking poisonous armored scorpion.

The clan sword skills were used, and sharp sword lights were swung out.

They smashed across the thick carapace, and the power of the magic element and the chaotic magic power annihilated each other.

The carapace was split open, and dark green bodily fluids splashed everywhere.

"Chi chi chi chi!"

The big scorpion screamed a few times.

The eight appendages quickly stepped on the ground, and their speed suddenly increased.

It nimbly avoided the sword light swung by Beria, and when it was about to get close, the curved stinger on its tail was about to pierce her.

Beria sheathed her sword and moved sideways for a few steps, using trees to protect herself.

At this time, thorny thorny vines suddenly grew from under the poisonous armored scorpion, directly wrapping around its appendages.

This is the effect of the first-level magic [Twining of Thorns]!

Although the big scorpion broke free quickly, his actions were still delayed.

This was Chen Xuan's handiwork. He stood behind and constructed magic to assist.

To become a powerful spellcaster, both talent and experience are indispensable.

The more experience you have in casting spells, the faster you can build the corresponding spell model.

The so-called "instant magic" is achieved with strong mental power and sufficient proficiency in construction experience.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Xuan happened to practice his skills.

Compared to Kitten Girl and Yucca who are going to deal with goblins and night shadow wolves.

Beria still needs more help.

[Twining of Thorns] interferes with the attack rhythm of the Poisonous Scorpion.

After seizing the rare opportunity to strike, Beria quickly dodged and launched an attack from the side.

The rune in her hand aimed at the swinging scorpion tail with a single sword, and suddenly slashed away!


After the loud collision of slashes, Beria fell behind the poisonous armored scorpion.

The scorpion tail fell in response.

Green thick slurry spurted out from the fractured tail behind the scorpion.

A scorpion without its poisonous tail is like a toothless tiger.

This guy doesn't have many abilities, short-term acceleration is just one ability.

But what I rely on most is the poisonous tail and pincer limbs.

For Beria, the rest of the battle was easy.

On the other side, Chen Xuan was still casting spells.

The exploding fireball the size of a washbasin quickly condensed, and then flew towards the goblins under the control of his mind.

The scorching fireball hit the Goblin warrior standing behind him, and a flower of flame bloomed.

The goblin warrior was immediately knocked away, with his chest torn open and wisps of smoke rising.

The splashing sparks fell on its surrounding companions, making them scream "wow".

Soon Rebecca stabbed her through the heart.

In just two or three minutes, the encounter was over.

The three women are skilled in cutting out the magic core and extracting useful materials.

The carapace, pincer limbs and poison glands of the poisonous scorpion are all good second-level materials.

However, Chen Xuan was not short of money, so he only took away some materials that did not take up space.

Not long after we continued on, we passed through the woods and came to the open area between the foot of the mountain and the forest.

Wherever you look, you can see corpses everywhere.

Some were already half-covered on the ground, while others were piled haphazardly together.

Most of them are the gray bones unique to monsters, mixed with a small amount of white bones from monsters or Naroa natives.

These are the traces left by years of fighting.

Some of the corpses were relatively fresh and had obviously been left not long ago.

But in this open land, no one found any other adventurers and monsters fighting.

"Master, the crypt is right there."

Kitten Girl is quite familiar with this place.

The [Elementary Demon Seed] that caused the destruction of Colo Leon's farm came from this cave.

She pointed to the right and could see a cave entrance with a diameter of seven or eight meters on a rock wall two to three hundred meters away.

From their perspective, the entrance to the cave was pitch black, without any light.

It's like a big mouth of the abyss, ready to bite anyone at any time!

They finally arrived at their destination!

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