I have a magical world

Chapter 416 The nuclear explosion of the battle fortress, an unforgettable

The chaotic-winged giant Abyss is simply like a puppet without emotions.

It was concentrating on destroying the Prismatic Battle Fortress.

Don't care at all about other things happening around you.

The giant dragon of water and fire created by the fusion of magic roars and rolls.

Continuously spit out a two-color deadly breath.

This high-level elemental dragon is also one to two hundred meters long.

But in front of Yuan, he was no more than a noisy bird.

The breath he sprayed out was as wide as a waterfall, and the impact rippled bright light on Yuan's body covered with demonic patterns.

It looked astonishingly powerful, even the scattered elemental magic was radiant.

But after the breath ended and the light faded away, there were no scratches on the body of the chaotic-winged giant Yuan.

There were only some traces of the elemental impact, not even injuries.

I have to say, this situation can be really frustrating.

There will be a feeling of futility.

Apart from this, all that remains is fear.

Because the gap between the two sides is really too big.

But the attack had to continue.

At this time, various spells continued to appear at Yuan's feet.

Sometimes it's a sunken swamp, sometimes it's like crazy growing and entangled spiked vines.

But no method can have any impact on it.

The sinking mire can only sink Yuan up to his ankles.

And the vines are like insignificant little threads, which will break if you pull them casually.

Scattered vines hung on Yuan's feet, looking like he was wearing a pair of worn-out straw sandals.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, more than two minutes passed.

The chaotic-winged giant Yuan finally stood up straight.

The spear in its hand exudes a cold black-gray light, without much gloomy aura, only the will to kill, cold and ruthless.

The entire huge thorny battle fortress has been completely destroyed by it.

Ruins left by rune bluestones are everywhere.

The remaining traces of rune circuits can still be seen on the surface of those fragments.

The runes engraved on it are the pathways and blood vessels of magic power.

Now that it has become a ruin, it has a strange sense of incomplete beauty.

Like exquisite architectural carvings.

Yuan completely destroyed the main body of the Prismatic War Fortress.

But the secret room hidden underground was not destroyed.

Although there was a partial collapse there, and the nuclear warheads that had been prepared in advance were buried under the ruins, the nuclear bombs were not destroyed.

Nuclear bombs are really powerful.

However, its detonation and maintenance are very particular.

In order to detonate, the reactive material inside must quickly reach a critical value.

At present, detonation is usually carried out with high-energy explosives or neutron generators for directional bombardment.

The former is the mainstream method.

However, there are strict requirements on the amount of explosives, installation location and detonation time.

In the threshold for making mushroom bombs, obtaining enough enriched uranium or other fissile materials produced through reactors is only the first step.

Assembly is the second step and requires strict formula calculations.

Secondly, the nuclear bomb is a very delicate weapon.

Because nuclear bombs require a lot of post-maintenance,

After they are manufactured, most of the expenses are spent on maintenance.

Therefore, those major forces in Blue Star that maintain large arsenals of standing mushroom bombs have chosen to reduce their stocks in recent decades, retaining only normal deterrent reserves.

In addition to the agreement, another very important reason is that subsequent maintenance and upkeep is too expensive.

In that craziest era, Big Brother the Bear and the Bald Eagle each had tens of thousands of weapons in their arsenals.

The annual expenses for normal maintenance and deployment are astronomical.

So if the two mushroom bombs left by Chen Xuan were hit by external forces.

Damage to the detonation device, or even a slight deviation in the deployment position of the explosive, may not allow the reactive substance to trigger the critical value smoothly.

Now it seems that luck is still on his side.

It is also a very wise choice to bury mushroom bombs in a rune-fortified basement in advance.

That was originally the hiding place he used to [cross borders].

After additional reinforcement, Chen Xuan also installed a steel fence.

Now it seems that his preparations have finally paid off.

After the Chaos-Wing Giant Abyss demolished the Prism Battle Fortress.

He immediately glanced at the guys who were attacking it crazily with his eyes that were covered by the helmet.

At this time, Hermes Barber shouted loudly.

"Activate Holy Bonds!"

Immediately, shining hexagrams appeared on the ground under the feet of the chaotic-winged giant Yuan and in the sky above his head.

They are connected up and down to form a six-pointed cage.

The chaotic-winged giant Yuan was thus restrained in the cage.

It still didn't say a word, but turned its head slightly, as if it was looking at something.

Hermes Barber winked quickly when he saw this.

[Flame] and [Surge], the great wizard brothers, chose to run away.

Others quickly boarded the shuttle.

Hermes Barber, who was standing there, was standing in the air with a light golden magic glow all over his body.

At the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

After a few extra minutes of delay, he thought he was worthy of Ataxlog and his duties as guard.

In fact, Hermes Barber knew very well that his so-called procrastination was a joke.

Because the chaotic-winged giant Yuan in front of him did not move his eyes away during the whole process.

They are more like a swarm of annoying flies.

This is a cruel fact.

But no matter what, at least I can explain it when I go back.

Just when he relaxed a little in his heart, he was ready to retreat at full speed when the shuttle started.

The chaotic-winged giant Yuan moved again.

I saw it raising its war spear.

Affected by the six-pointed star cage, the war spear got stuck in the light curtain.

The cage light curtains at the front and back are extremely flexible.

Suddenly, as the war spear was raised, it opened in an elastic arc.

Yuan was unhurried from beginning to end.

It exerted just a little force, and the tip of the spear stabbed towards the front of the cage.

The deformation of the light curtain intensified, like a balloon being torn open.


It was like there was a crisp sound echoing in the surrounding space.

The six-pointed star cage shattered and disintegrated, turning into bright particles of golden light.

It could be seen that Yuan was not using any force at all.

It was still the same understatement as before, and it felt quite effortless.

Hermes Barber frowned, no longer caring about resistance, turned around and ran away.

With his ultimate speed of Mach 5 or above, he could escape from where he was in an instant.

But Yuan has noticed him.

The huge palm covered it like a mountain.

Suddenly, Hermes Barber only felt that it was getting dark.

Moreover, the invisible force field acted around him, causing the magic element in his body to temporarily stagnate.

It was just such a moment's delay that he missed the opportunity to escape.

It was directly held in Yuan's hand, with only one head exposed, looking like a caught bedbug.

It felt like the mountains were crushing me beneath me.

Hermes Barber suddenly changed his mind and planned to use magic skills to save his life.

But at this time, the huge force that was enough to crush his body suddenly stopped.

The shuttle in the distance has just been filled with crew and is ready to escape back to the city.

No one can care about him at all.

We are all little shrimps, and at least Hermes Barber is the stronger one among the shrimps.

Yuan suddenly lowered his head at this juncture.

Immediately afterwards, the war spear clenched in the other hand turned into a black arc of light and plunged fiercely towards the ruins at his feet.

It seemed to sense something!

However, before the war spear turned into an arc of light could get closer,

Bubble-like white light surged under the feet of the chaotic-winged giant Yuan.

That light was extremely bright.

Like...the sun...

The light of the bubble expanded rapidly, swallowing up the abyss and Hermes Barber in its palm in the blink of an eye.

Then there was the shuttle that had just started and flew a kilometer away.

Finally, there were the two brothers [Flame Stream] and [Surge] who had already escaped more than ten kilometers.

They were wearing orange and aqua blue shields respectively.

These two shields were like floating soap bubbles in the sudden white light.

It didn't take long for it to be completely shattered, and the light of magic around the two of them flickered.

Although it was not torn into pieces, it was swept away like two billiard balls.

The world suddenly became quiet.

A sun rose over the Thorned Fortress.

A huge mushroom cloud soared to a height of 10,000 meters.

This scene was noticed by Ataxlog's defenders and monsters at the same time.

In terms of the power of the explosion alone, this time it was much greater than the previous two.

Just by looking at it from a distance, you can feel its devastating power.

The air flow directly hit the city wall of the third circle from the periphery of the Prism Battle Fortress, stirring up dust.

With the Thorny Fortress as the center, almost all the surrounding fortifications were swept away by light radiation.

The scene was like a storm.

Traces of scorching heat and melt were left along the way.

Fortunately, the shields deployed by those fortifications can withstand the sweep of light radiation and shock waves for a while.

In this moment, most of the power of light radiation and shock waves was offset.

They don't last long after all.

The heat wave and radiation that followed were not so deadly to the garrison.

But no matter what, the effect of this explosion is amazing enough.

The area near the explosion point was completely shrouded in mushroom clouds and hot radiation dust.

The number of troops garrisoned outside Ataxlog who died directly or indirectly in the nuclear explosion probably exceeded 50,000!

On the contrary, the monster hiding in the distance was not greatly affected this time.

It was just that his face was covered in hot wind from the aftermath of the shock wave.

Many low-level monsters were burned to pieces by the hot air.

At this time, Marquis Andrea, who was using a magic observation mirror to pay attention to the situation of the Spiral Castle on the watchtower at the highest point of the second circle, let out a scream when the explosion occurred.

He backed away quickly, covering his eyes.

Just now, his eyes were burned by light radiation.

There were burning marks around the eye sockets.

His eyeballs became red and tears were streaming down his face.

Soon a pharmacist and a priest came to give him emergency treatment.

The water caster condenses water balls to massage the eyes.

Ataxlog opened the giant protective light shield guarding the city.

Extremely thick and dignified.

It is much more resistant to roughness than the protective light curtain of the Prism Castle.

This giant protective light curtain was also swaying slightly, and the aftermath of the explosion touched it.

Marquis Andrea, whose eyes had recovered slightly, stared at the mushroom cloud in the distance with eyes that were almost burned out.

There was also the shining orange light in the blast center that was shrouded in smoke and dust.

He knew it was magma.


He swallowed unconsciously.

Marquis Andrea was only shocked.

And this is what everyone who witnessed the nuclear explosion thought.

A nuclear bomb with a yield of one million tons is a strategic-level nuclear weapon.

Specially designed to destroy cities on a large scale.

Its power and momentum are far from comparable to the several tactical nuclear warheads previously released.

Blue Star, on the sea in the southwest of Japan.

Chen Xuan was lying on a folding chair in Futianjian, leisurely basking in the sunshine of the island.

This place was originally an aviation base, with well-built dormitories, and rows of warehouses and hangars, but now they have been vacated by Chen Xuan.

More than 10,000 Magtan City garrison troops will be temporarily accommodated in dormitories and warehouses.

Chen Xuan squinted his eyes, and in his hand was a can of ice Coke stained with water drops.

On his chest lay a mobile phone with the timer on and the screen facing down.

He took his time and chose to take a nap leisurely.

It wasn't until he finished all the cans of Coke that he picked up his phone and looked at it.

Less than six minutes have passed on the timer.


"Not enough time."

"The bomb must have been detonated for a few minutes now, but the center of the explosion must have been hot as hell."

"Just wait a little longer."

After thinking for a moment, Chen Xuan set a countdown of 120 minutes.

Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep soon.

He has recently developed a good habit of falling asleep quickly.

Only sleep is the best way to restore energy expenditure.

And methods such as taking potions are still a bit meaningless after all.

Two hours later, Chen Xuan was woken up on time by the countdown to zero reminder bell.

He took out a bottle of mineral water from the storage compartment and washed his face directly.

Then he stood up slowly and began to use magic scrolls to apply magic shields to himself.

Directly stacked 50 layers, which is the upper limit of the magic shield.

With so many third- and fourth-level magic shields stacked up, no matter how fragile a single-layer shield is.

After all, you can hold on for a while.

Even if he could only hold on for a thousandth of a second, he could take the opportunity to run away.

The Magtan City garrison has also been temporarily settled here in Futenjian.

He can act without any scruples.

He hoped that the two nuclear bombs he left under the Ribbon Battle Castle could give Marquis Andrea an unforgettable little surprise.

Let him understand that not everyone can harvest wool.

Originally, Chen Xuan could not have done things so meticulously.

After all, those two nuclear bombs were just back-up moves, and whether they were activated or not was entirely up to him.

But Hermes Barber's attitude annoyed him.

Since he was unhappy, Marquis Andrea must also be unhappy.

The worst case scenario is that Ataxlog will be destroyed.

It didn't have much of an impact on his strategy.

The Kingdom of Duroa will not sit back and watch the situation in the region worsen.

When the sky falls, the taller ones will be killed first.

He just wanted to take the opportunity to grab some territory.

In troubled times, wolves eat meat and dogs eat shit.

It's time to eat meat! (End of chapter)

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