I Have a Manor in the Post-apocalyptic Era

Chapter 497: Light energy body

Yang Tian looked at the brocade in front of him. After all, the Dark Elves helped him a lot. He couldn't pat his **** and leave.

"Choose a qualified tribe to follow me! Although I may not be able to get him to the level of the Dark Elf King, but let him be stronger than you, I still have a way"


Tong Jin was overjoyed and made a tribe stronger than him, which meant that the inheritance of the Dark Elves would not be broken because of this, at least there was the ability to carry on.

Xi Jin found not the tribe with good talents, but the tribe who obeyed the ethics and imprinted the race.

Yang Tian and Ying Jin have already left the secret place, and Yang Tian is waiting for Ying Jin in the hall of the Dark Elves.

Not long after, Jin Jin came to the hall with a dark elf.

Fifth grade

Strength belongs to the middle and lower levels in the Dark Elves, but his loyalty to the Dark Elves is beyond doubt.

Otherwise, Jin Jin won't take him to see Yang Tian.

"Jinshi, follow him later!"

"Yes, elder"

"Yang Yuzhu, please."


The dark elf named Jinshi looks ordinary, but in his eyes it slowly grows firm. As if leaving with Yang Tian is a very difficult task.

"How old are you this year?" Yang Tian asked curiously.

"It's been three years since I was born"

The elven city grows much faster than humans. A three-year-old elf usually looks like a human being sixteen or seven.

"Then you have been in the clan?"


Yang Tian probably understood what Jin Jin meant. In order to ensure Yang Tian's commitment, the dark elves of Xuan Jinxuan must not be old fritters.

In Jin Jin's view, sometimes young people often bring great surprises.

However, Yang Tian sensed something extraordinary in Jinshi's body, similar to the light keel.

"Elder Tong Jin, I don't talk too much with you. Since you gave your clan to me, I naturally have a way to complete my commitment, but it won't be so fast."

"I understand that"

"Then I leave first"

The current dynasty is turbulent, and Yang Tian doesn't want to spend too much time with the Dark Elves. He now needs to return to the Tiange Valley to sit in town.

Yang Tian took Jinshi and left the Dark Elves. This is the first time that Jin Shi has left, so it is inevitable that there will be some tension in his mentality.

"Do you really make me stronger?" Jin Shi asked in confusion.

"Of course, but I won't help you so early"


"Because I'm not sure if you can do it or not"

In the dark furnace, Yang Tian did not completely annihilate the elf's shackles. Instead, the elves were shackled into two energy bodies.

One is a light elven energy body, and the other is a dark elven energy body.

Yang Tian can directly load the Dark Spirit's energy body into Jin Shi's body, allowing him to step directly into the epic level, and the dark power in the body instantly rises to half-step extreme darkness.

However, Yang Tian did not plan to hand over the Dark Elf energy body to Jinshi so early. Give him prematurely, he will not remember Yang Tian's kindness. Yang Tian needs a permanent benefit.

As for the light elven energy body, Yang Tian intends to return the elder of the light elves. There is also the Bright King Feather and the Bright Keel in the Light Elf's energy body. Yang Tian can control the Light Elf's energy body to attack.

But at present, Yang Tian has to rely on two energy bodies to find out who is the one who sets himself up?

"So how can I be sure I can?"

"When I think you can, you can"

Yang Tian directly dumped such an answer, which is equivalent to no answer. After all, this requires nodding yourself.

"I will definitely wait for your approval"

Seeing Jin Shi's firm look, Yang Tian couldn't help but be a little funny. This is still young. I haven't been baptized by wind and rain. I don't know the evil of the outside world.


"finally came back"

Jin Shi stared curiously all around. This was the first time he had traveled far away, and it was the first time he saw the sight of heaven.

Yang Tian brought the status of the stone to Sixiang City. At present, Yang Tian does not plan to bring the stone, so Yang Tian must first take care of the price of the stone.

As long as the stone is guaranteed not to die, everything else is executed in accordance with Skatu's intent.

"Master, you are back"

Scattu saw Yang Tian return, and immediately stepped forward to greet him. At the same time, he also noticed the golden stone beside Yang Tian.

Although Yang Tian's appearance has changed tremendously once again, the judgment from the Taming Animal Contract will not be wrong.

"You keep guarding Sixiang City. He follows you. Don't let him die."

Yang Tian pushed Jinshi in front of Scatu, and then left Sixiang City.

Jin Shi didn't expect that he was dumped twice a day, and there was a feeling of being sold.

Scattu glanced at the stone and found that it was only a fifth-level dark elven clan, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

Why did my host let me take such a weak chicken?

However, Scathu still obeyed Yang Tian's meaning and brought Jinshi beside him. In order to reflect his sense of existence, Jin Shi couldn't help but say:

"I want to be strong, I have to wait for his approval"

The nature he was referring to was Yang Tian. After Scattu heard Jin Shi's words, he couldn't help wondering if this Jin Shi was the master's little fan emperor, and then the master took him back in this respect.

Scatu shook his head. He didn't think Yang Tian would be so boring.

"Since you want to prove yourself this way, I will let you take the troops to conquer nearby small forces tomorrow. The best way to improve your strength is to fight."

Of course, Scatu remembered Yang Tian's words ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just let him not die. And in order not to let this towing oil bottle follow him, let him fight with the small forces, is the best solution.

"I will"

Scartu didn't know that today's small move made Jinshi's journey a lot less bumpy on the way to becoming the Dark Elven King.

Yang Tian left Sixiang City. He is now returning to Tiange Basin to confirm his thoughts.

Wang Yu and others saw a strange and familiar face and couldn't help but look at it. This is the first look of Yang Tian, ​​and it is also their most memorable look.

After Yang Tian became an elf, they gradually began to have a gap with Yang Tian. But now seeing familiar faces, they couldn't help thinking of the previous scene.

It was the boss who led himself to survive in the last days. At first, he may have died in the last days and may be buried in a certain battle, but his destiny was changed by the appearance of the boss.


The familiar title sounded behind Yang Tian.

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