"I didn't expect our mask to cover our face, but inadvertently created a large invisible force."

The silver "color" mask said with a smile. But in the heart of the silver "color" mask man, it is helpless. If there is such a mask man, the power is okay.

The gold "color" mask man and the silver "color" mask man looked at each other and saw the thoughts in their respective hearts.

"That being the case, we can't be passive either. Let's do it, too?"

"Lieyancheng in C?"


At present, two-thirds of the troops in Zhenlonglicheng are from Wanlilongcheng to surrender, and there is the ancient Wuzong gate that depends on Zhenlonglilongcheng.

Fortunately, these ancient Wuzong gates were happy. Before they came to surrender, after learning that they stood behind a powerful mask power, which also made them a lot higher in the eyes of other ancient Wuzong gates.

After the golden "color" masker gave an order, the surviving Guwu Zongmen immediately responded, and they brought the elites inside the Zongmen to Zhen Wanli Dragon City.

They need a ballot paper, and now that ballot paper is here, they cannot afford to act.

Even the man with the golden "color" mask couldn't help looking at the violent ancient Wuzong gate for a few more eyes.

The target this time is Cie Yanyan. After learning that the ancient Wuzongmen attacked Lieyan City, there was a bit of excitement in his heart.

In the eyes of these ancient Wuzong gates, the final result of the attack on Lieyan City must be successful. At that time, there is a shadow of his own sect behind the success, which is a good result.

If these ancient martial arts gates knew that the so-called masked forces were fake, then they would not have such an idea. After all, fighting is about to die, and they may not be spared.

The news of True Miles Army invading C City soon came out.

Although it has not yet resisted city C, the movement of the army abroad is not small, and the influence of the masked forces in the heavenly dynasty, the whole dynasty soon learned all the news.

Now Ji Houtao in city C seems to be an ant on a hot pot. He is stared at by the gold mask and the silver mask. He has no idea how to deal with it.

Just because the golden "color" mask man has the power to defeat the businessmen, it is not something that city C can easily deal with.

"Daughter, what should I do now"

Ji Hou Tao called Ji Tian "Lu" alone into his room and began to discuss.

"The Masked men ’s influence in the heavenly dynasty is very strong. When they heard that they were going to attack us, many forces avoided us like a scorpion. The alliance was almost impossible. And the Masked men ’s strength was very strong. Is their opponent. "

"Then we have no choice but to wait for death?"

"The current solution is to abandon the city of C, and we hide it. Staying in Qingshan is not afraid that there is no firewood and can keep ourselves, which is a very good result."

Listening to Ji Tian's "Lu", Ji Hou Tao hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

As for Luo Zhan, when he learned that city C was about to be attacked by a masked man, he left city C in a long time.

In addition to Ji Tian's "Lu" and Ji Hou Tao being very anxious, the entity Yang Tian became anxious after learning about this situation.

Ontology Yang Tian doesn't care what will happen to City C, he only cares if his son will be in trouble!

Ontology Yang Tian once sent the undead mage and the best hidden mountain beast among the epic tamers to sneak into City C in an attempt to secretly bring his son out, but none succeeded.

Ji Tian's "Lu" took her son's measures very seriously, and would not give the body Yang Tian a chance.

"Master, I have received news from the beast." The undead mage is using communication magic energy to complete the communication with the beast.

"Say it"

"Heidi heard the news, Ji Tian's" Lu "intends to abandon city C and intends to leave city C secretly tonight"

On the body, Yang Tian first fell into a short period of contemplation, and then "Lu" showed a sudden realization.

C city now has the strength that can not compete with True Miles Dragon City, and evasion is the only way. It's just that Yang Tian is thinking about taking his son back from Ji Tian's "Lu".

Now the ontology Yang Tian occupies an epic city, but all in the city are Yang Tian's tamers.

At night, Ji Tian "Lu" and Ji Hou Tao left C City with their two-year-old son.

"Mom, why are we leaving!"

"Xiaotian, haven't you always wanted to find your father? Mom will take you to find your father now, OK?"


Xiaotian is very happy. Although he is only two years old, his intelligence is not lost to adults. His name teaches Ji Tian, ​​and its meaning is only understood by Ji Tian's "Lu".

Ji Tian's "Lu" and his party have left the area of ​​city C, but they have a pair of eyes watching them.

"Who" Ji Tian called "Lu". She had found the shadow of secretly tracking herself.

"it's me"

On the body, Yang Tian's figure came out slowly, Ji Hou Tao's face was cold, and he knew how terrible this corner of the corner was, and he couldn't bear his nervousness.

"Mom, is that father?"

The feeling from the bloodline made Ji Tian know that the relationship between the man in front of him and himself was definitely not simple. The feeling of blood connection made him think that the man in front of him was kind.

Yang Tian's eyes looked at Ji Tian full of warmth.

"He is not"

Ji Tian's "Lu" pulled Ji Tian behind him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to prevent the body Yang Tian from having too much contact with his son.

"What do you want to do here?" Ji Tian 『Lu』 said coldly as he looked at Yang Tian.

"I just want to see if my son is suffering."

Ontology Yang Tian's purpose is also very clear, just to look at his son, there is really no other mind.

But on the side of Ji Houtao, a stormy sea set off in his heart. His grandson was born from Yang Tian and his daughter. He used to think that this was the son of Hu Bing and his daughter. Now it seems that this is not the case at all!

His daughter actually risked falling in love with the first person on the wanted list, and gave birth to a child. If it was the previous dynasty, then city C has long been a target.

Fortunately, the Tianchao has been muddled by various conditions of the masked forces, and there are not so many taboos.

Ji Houtao believes that the reason why Yang Tian found them was to worry about the safety of the two women. Perhaps it is also a good thing to get Yang Tian's blessing than the threat of a masked person.

"He is not your son and does not need you to control"

Ji Tian "Lu" took Ji Tian and planned to leave, but Yang Tian managed to meet his son. How could he let Ji Tian leave like this?


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