The universe is diverse.

A butterfly in the Amazon jungle inadvertently **** its wings, and perhaps two weeks later it will set off a tornado in Texas. That is, any slight change may have an effect sufficient to change the future trend after an infinite amplification.

In other words, the future we understand is unstable.

Jiang Chen, male, 23 years old, undergraduate graduate. After graduating, I worked as a salesman in a clothing store, but I have been fired. The shrinking wallet made him have to face a dilemma: whether to stay in Shanghai to find a job, or to return the rented house back to his hometown?

To be honest, he didn't want to run back like this. Being able to live in a metropolis like Wanghai is not only his long-cherished wish, but also his parents' expectations of him. Some people who have never seen the world, how many are not eager to go out and marry the world?

Even if you already know, reality may make you look bad.

That night, he was drunk. It was the first time since he graduated that he had been drinking alcohol alone and was unconscious. Just after venting a grievance, he felt awkwardly as if he had been sucked a stick, and the whole person fainted. The unidentified metal object disappeared as if he had become one with his wrist.

Then he got an incredible ability to cross!

Of course, the ability to discover this anomaly has been a matter of months.

The quirky lines encircle his right wrist like a watch, and even if you carefully look around, you can only conclude that it is a strange tattoo.

Then the question is coming, Jiang Chen, he has never had a tattoo?

He didn't know why the chosen person would be himself. He only knew that his chances of going to the peak of his life might come.

Time and space shuttle? Plane transition? ...he does not have enough expertise to explain this extraordinary phenomenon. Just because of an accidental electric shock but not found after the ass, after absorbing about 100 degrees of energy, his wrist will be filled with the same empty space as the tattoo, so that he can meet the conditions required for "crossing". A crossover will consume about half of the energy slot, that is, a full charge of 100 degrees is enough to travel through one back and forth. The cost of crossing is only about 50 yuan, I have to say that this is really too cheap.

In addition, the function of this quirky tattoo is not just crossing. Jiang Chen accidentally discovered that this thing not only enables him to go to a strange world, but also has an independent subspace! Generally speaking, it is a storage space of about 1 cubic meter. However, because it takes a certain amount of energy to access items from space, Jiang Chen still chooses to carry items through backpacks. After all, if you don't save energy in the energy trough, if you can't find a way to replenish energy in the last days, wouldn't you come back?

Jiang Chen has a premonition that this energy trough should be upgradeable, including the storage space, there should be some room for expansion, but he has not figured out how to upgrade now.

As for how to recharge? The method is very simple, just insert the right hand finger into the socket... This method is rude, but it works. As for how Jiang Chen discovered this method, as I said before, it was entirely because of an accidental electric shock.

The first crossing was in an abandoned dwelling. From the dusty bed and the decaying wooden window sill, it has been seen that this room has not been visited for a long time. After carefully confirming the environment, Jiang Chen began to explore this dilapidated dwelling. From the half-destroyed radio with storage function and the old newspaper, Jiang Chen barely learned some intelligence about the world.

Here is a parallel world similar to Earth, but technology is clearly ahead of Jiang Chen. There are many high-rise buildings, but there is no such thing as a civilized atmosphere. There are zombies and xenobiotics everywhere on the street. Even Jiang Chen, who has no reliable weapons, is naturally afraid to go out easily.

The time is 2190, and the location is still the city of Wanghai in the Republic of China. However, the city of Wanghai here is almost the same as the city of Wanghai on the side of Jiangchen.

In 2150, global warming, various resources were extremely tense due to over-exploitation, and the economic crisis was on schedule.

In 2164, the political crisis in Poland ignited the gunpowder barrels of Central Europe, and the red regime began to advance westward. Affected by this, global geopolitics has entered extreme tension. It is worth mentioning that in this parallel world, there was no Soviet disintegration in 1991. Therefore, the world political structure has been divided into a three-pole world - the NATO military body (NATO) composed of the United States and its allies, the Central Red Central Government (CCCP) under the Soviet leadership, and the Pan-Asian cooperation between China and South Asia. Organizations (PCAs), as well as some marginal countries, remain neutral.

In 2171, the situation in Central Europe escalated, and the Red Regime declared war on the blue regime. Both sides accused each other of being the first shot, which opened the curtain of the Third World War.

In the winter of the same year, the South China Sea incident broke out. China and Japan have engaged in naval battles in the South China Sea. NATO has declared war on pan-Asian cooperation and the Asian battlefield has opened. In the same year, a political crisis broke out in Mongolia, and military friction between the Red Regime and the Huaxia State forced a large number of military forces from both sides to confront the border.

In 2172, the red regime detonated the first nuclear bomb in Paris, announcing the third world war into the nuclear war.

In 2173, this modern war accident was caught in a stalemate. The whole world has been affected by nuclear radiation, and the ecological environment is uncontrollable and has suffered almost devastating damage. Nuclear winter has made 80% of the earth's land covered with snow and ice. No one expected that global warming ended because of such a very ironic reason. War, famine, disease... This modern world war, in just two years, almost exhausted all the vitality of human civilization, resulting in economic losses far exceeding the sum of World War II and World War II. For this reason, peace has naturally arrived without a win or loss. Because everyone knows, and then fight, I am afraid that no one can still live.

In the New Year of 2174, the peace treaty came into force. The “Reconstruction of the Biosphere” program was officially launched, and the Radiation Elimination Program was jointly funded by all countries.

In the fall of 2174, the International Joint Organization announced the abortion of the “Reconstruction of the Biosphere” program. The development of the purified radiation fungi caused uncontrollable variations in radiation. At the same time, due to unidentified armed attacks, the mutant bacteria spread widely in the city. Humans infected with mutant bacteria will show zombie and global biochemical crisis. All the institutions were paralyzed, and all the order collapsed overnight.


In 2176, the World Unesco launched six colonial ships to the Captain B planet in Centaurus. It carries the hope of human civilization and sails into space in the name of a seeding ship to find a new home. However, it has nothing to do with people who are still struggling on the ground.

In the same year, the World Organization announced its dissolution.

The information recorded in the newspaper lasted only until 2176, and the rest of the message was mostly seen in a yellowed diary. From the electronic watch still running in the drawer, it can be concluded that the current time point is the conclusion of June 2190.

Coincidentally, this is also the time of June.

However, in just five years, the human civilization in this world line has personally ruined itself.


After making a short stay, Jiang Chen chose to return to modern times. There are so many unknown dangers here that it is not a wise choice to explore without perfect preparation.

Returning to the modern Jiangchen for two days, then I bought a can of cans from a nearby supermarket, a box of ham, and a box of instant noodles. For the sake of caution, even if he did not plan to spend the night in that dangerous place, he still carried a three-day meal.

The strength of the zombies during the day seems to have been greatly weakened, which also facilitates Jiang Chen to explore this area. Carefully passing through the center of the street, avoiding the area with more zombies, Jiang Chen found this villa...

The tall courtyard walls and iron gates look very secure, and the yellow vegetation in the courtyard looks quite a bit bleak. The relief on the marble column beside the main building of the villa has been blurred by the acid rain. It can be seen that the pollution in this world should be serious.

The stone building structure is nothing but sci-fi color. The former owner of the villa seems to be a rich man who will enjoy life.

As for why you should choose to explore this villa, the answer is naturally obvious. How do the rich people’s homes have to put some valuable things?

However, what Jiang Chen encountered was not a valuable thing, but a beautiful woman who was almost starving to death.

Perhaps it was beautifully paralyzed by the police, perhaps Jiang Chen, who came from a civilized society, did not go to the dangerous side. In short, when he saw the beautiful woman who had no strength in breathing, he looked at him with a pleading look. He took a bottle of mineral water from his backpack and put it in the mouth of the beautiful woman. He was very pampered and fed her.

It’s important to save people... Hey, will she get along with her? Keke.

Then Jiang Chen took out the canned chicken curry. After the smell of canned food, the beautiful woman still looked at Jiang Chen with the big watery eyes. Looking at the beauty with such a gaze, for Jiang Chen, who is still a virgin, it is an indescribable enjoyment both mentally and physically.

So Jiang Chen was very enthusiastic to take out the spoon and feed the hot long-legged beauty to the canned food bit by bit.

Then... no more then.

Then Jiang Chen regretted that he could not afford to smoke his face.

The beauty of the woman perfectly explains the story of what is called a farmer and a snake.

A canned food and a few hoes, the beautiful woman said that she had pulled out the pistol from her waist and arrived at Jiang Chen’s head. When Jiang Chen was completely dumbfounded and did not respond, she had already skillfully tied him to the stool and took out the original owner of the villa... and it should be a **** toy - a whip. The momentum began to torture the Jiang Chen.

Now, Jiang Chen is probably aware of what it means to walk on the street with a backpack of food.

Fortunately, I met Miss Fang, who is more or less conscience. If I encounter a villain like a cannibal or a slave trader, I am afraid that I have been **** as a food or a commodity. It is.

Of course, Jiang Chen can also choose to start the tattoo on his wrist and send it back to modern times. But in this case, it means that his biggest secret is exposed. Once he is "guarded" by this woman, he will have to face greater danger.

He is not willing to give up this "treasure land".

Moreover, it takes time to start the traversal function. But if the mad woman finds something wrong, it is difficult to guarantee that she will not shoot directly.

Jiang Chen does not want to take this risk, but fortunately, he has reached a cooperative relationship with this woman.


"Hey, I said, how are you going to transport the living materials here?" Sun Jiao, while reinforcing the weak area of ​​the villa's defense, asked inexplicably.

"My companion naturally has a way, you don't have to worry about this." Jiang Chen continued to lie.

There are a lot of banknotes in this villa, but the banknotes of this world are very different from the banknotes of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen had something to look for in the past for some valuable gold, but the owner of the villa apparently did not put those valuable things at home.

The murals hanging on the walls may be worth the money, but the great painters are afraid that they will not exist at the end of the river. It is obviously not feasible to take these artworks for money. Jiang Chen showed great interest in the more advanced home facilities in the villa. However, when discovering what holographic video TV, automatic cooking equipment and the like could not start normally, Sun Jiao gave the reason simply.

"Ah, you said those things... After the nuclear explosion, most of the electronic equipment can't be used. However, the key components above can be removed, and as a part, it can be changed to a small number in the survivor base. Useful things."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen sighed and had to give up the plan to move these equipment to modern times.

But since these things have existed, it means that someone can make these things again. Jiang Chen believes that if food is used as an exchange, there must be many "elites" in the world who are willing to work for him. After all, in this last age, those extravagant civilian technologies are really worthless.

Technicians with weak bodies, if they don't master the talents of high-end technology such as arms, can only face the fate of living in slums.

Sun Jiao did not know where Jiang Chen looked at the villa, but since the employer made a message to let her work, she would naturally not refuse.

"If you want me to say it straight, it doesn't make much sense to reinforce the building. As long as you don't make too much movement, those zombies who have no brains can't touch it. There is no strong mutant creature in this area, you do it purely. Yes..."

"Okay, I am not guarding against zombies. I also know that as long as they don't provoke those disgusting guys, they won't take the initiative to provoke me. I'm preventing uninvited guests from coming in, understand? You certainly don't want to sleep. At that time, I was wiped my neck. We need to stay in the city for a while, and it will be our supply point." At the same time, Jiang Chen glanced at Sun Jiao with a bad look.

"Good boss," Sun Jiao rolled his eyes and nailed the last nail to the board. In fact, she wants to refute: no one will have nothing to touch into this obviously searched building.

As for why she is here... that is her secret.

"Is there a map nearby?" Sitting on the moldy sofa with his legs crossed, Jiang Chen did not feel guilty about letting the girl work hard. This girl just came to him for a ** torture, and the feeling of being pointed at the gun is not good at all.

Sun Jiao is obviously very skilled in this kind of work, and soon the first floor of this villa has been fully reinforced. As for the materials to be transformed, naturally all of them are taken locally...

"What about your Epaid? I can pass it directly to you."

"Epaid?" Jiang Chen stunned.

"It's this stuff," Sun Jiao tapped his finger on the wrist-mounted computer tied to his arm. He snorted like a funny joke. "You shouldn't have it?"

"...I can buy it." Jiang Chen smiled and touched his nose. He felt like a primitive person in front of this girl.

"It's hard to imagine... you can dare to explore the city without EP. You are not afraid of the body's radiation index exceeding the standard?" Sun Jiao sighed and found a large electronic watch from the portable backpack behind him. Something was thrown to Jiang Chen, "Try it on."

"It seems quite appropriate... Where did you get it?" Jiang Chen fiddled, different from the development of this world of technology. This thing called EP is very light in the hand, and there is no feeling of inconvenience. The pale yellow fluorescent screen displays Jiang Chen's physiological indicators, which seems to be a health monitoring device.

"From the body of a bad guy." Sun Jiao's mouth smashed, the smile was very sunny, but it made Jiang Chen involuntarily shuddered.


Username: Jiang Chen

body condition:

Muscle strength: 12

Bone strength: 10

Reflex nerve: 11

Brain cell activity: 14


Radiation value: 11 (safe)

Abnormal state: none


When I saw the radiation value, Jiang Chen slipped a cold sweat before the forehead. He almost forgot, the world can be radiated everywhere, staying here for a long time, and sooner or later. He didn't know what the radiance value 11 meant. He only knew that he couldn't touch the radiation before coming to this ghost place!

"Oh, all the abilities are not more than 20... I said, are you really a man?" Sun Jiao squinted at Jiang Chen's lower body with a good intention.

"Do you want to try?" Jiang Chen said wickedly.

"The old lady is standing here, are you going to try?" Sun Jiao's domineering leather boots on the arm of the sofa, his eyes full of provocative look at Jiang Chen.

Lying in the trough, can this be tolerated? When is it not time to wait?

...or wait for it later.

Jiang Chen decisively recognized him.

Just kidding, and whether you can't beat the "barbarians." Even if you can't play it (impossible), you have to be wary of the girl who bites off his own bird when he is doing it. Jiang Chen believes that this kind of thing Sun Jiao can really do it.

The kind of pleasure is still more safe to go back to modern times. Is there a woman who is afraid of money?

I don't know why, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of a person, the woman who expelled him, the woman who almost lost his financial resources, let him almost live in Wanghai City, the woman who always cold this stinky face ...

"What's wrong, my little boss, why didn't you suddenly talk?" Sun Jiao bite the word very small, looking at Jiang Chen's eyes with a playful look.

"Nothing, I remembered something about the past."

Sun Jiao gave a slight glimpse, and the plain tone made her feel a bit chilly. Although she does not think that this man with a fighting power of 20 can pose a threat to her, the instinct for danger that has been exercised on the edge of life and death for a long time is rarely lie.

Sun Jiao closed his mouth with interest.

There is no need to offend a free meal ticket, and I can eat it every day. This was never thought of by Miss Sun Jiao before. The taste of the chicken curry is simply awesome. For the first time, she discovered that there is such a delicious food in the world. On this piece of waste soil, it is already a very happy thing to have a hoe. Oh no, most people still rely on nutritional supplements to feed their hunger. The kind of stuff that is not full, but also hungry.

In addition, this less mature boss seems to be a good person...

Don't get me wrong, the word good man is definitely a derogatory term on wasteland. I don't know why, though, this is the case, but she is more willing to get along with the "bad guy" than the "normal people" everywhere in the wasteland. At least, you don't have to wake up to find yourself tied into a scorpion.

Thinking of this, Sun Jiao has some dry red lips, can not help but outline a faint smile.

"I said, if you want to laugh, you are so creepy..." I don't know why, the smile on Sun Jiao's face is very beautiful, but it makes Jiang Chen chill.

"Is there? Don't you think your sister is very charming?"

"I should answer, or not?" Looking at the gorgeous face, Jiang Chen swallowed and whispered.

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