The end of the spiritual link is like a long dream.

Jiang Chen opened his eyes and happened to be on a sluggish sight.

As can be seen from her black pupil, her "dream" should also wake up.

Silently removed the lips, Jiang Chen stepped back two steps.

He was hesitating, whether or not Lin Ling had not reacted and slipped away from the room.

However, just as he hesitated for a while, the black jewel-like scorpion gradually became a layer of water mist, and the original corner of the mouth collapsed.

For a moment, two thoughts flashed through her mind.

This is my first kiss!

This animal finally started to me!

Pink ran down her cheeks, climbed to the ear, hangs, and then dyed the white neck.

"Change, change, metamorphosis!"

The sorrowful sorrow, because the emotions were too excited to go.

Jiang Chen touched his nose with a sigh of relief. He didn't know how to comfort him with a look of Lin Ling.

Plainly glanced at Jiang Chen, Sun Jiao rushed forward to help Lin Ling untie the rope and appease her grievances.

"Calm down, Lin Ling. Jiang Chen, he was saving you just now, hey, how should I explain this?"

Halfway through, Sun Jiao followed and squatted, and the amount of help fell into meditation.

"It seems that there is no way to explain it?" Sun Xiaorou smiled at his sister.

"I have been kissed for so long." Yao Yao whispered his mouth, and the smell of vinegar was so strong that it could be smelled.

Just as Jiang Chen explained clearly to Lin Ling, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Jiang Chen overtook, and Han Junhua, who saw a military uniform, was standing at the door, and his face could not see any expression.

"Although I don't want to interrupt you, but now outside"

"Let's go outside and say." Hearing Han Junhua said halfway, Jiang Chen said immediately.

Han Junhua simply swept the women in the lab and nodded to Jiang Chen.

"it is good."

The ponytail passed, and she turned around and walked cleanly.

"What happened?" Sun Jiao looked at Jiang Chen with some concern.

The throat was slightly moved, and Jiang Chen looked at Sun Jiao and smiled softly.


That smile. It is very reassuring and very disturbing.

Sun Jiao went to Jiang Chen's side and took his hand.

"If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know."

Looking at Sun Jiao's expectations with a firm look. Jiang Chen gently squeezed her hand and smiled and promised.

"Most definitely."

If you can help.

Quickly walked in the corridor of the community center, and the horsetail behind Han Junhua’s head swayed left and right. Walking on her side is Jiang Chen, and the look on his face is also unprecedentedly dignified.

"Fish bone base communication is blocked."

"I already know, is there any other way to contact the people on the 27th camp?"

"There is only one communication channel." Han Junhua shook his head.

The command room arrived. She stopped and raised her hand to open the door.

When Jiang Chen walked in, she followed and walked in.

The two stopped at the command table, Han Junhua reached out and pressed on the fingerprint recognition device to activate the holographic command image.

"What is the situation outside?"

"It is known that there are o reptiles four-legged robots, 12oo 蝰 蝰 攻击 attack drones surround us." Han Junhua reached out and clicked on the map, and the dense red dots floated around the base.

Two pop-up windows emerged, recording pictures and parameters of “reptiles” and “pythons”. These gadgets are all of Pa's standard equipment. Colonel Han Junhua, who was once the brigade of the mechanical brigade, is no stranger to the combat effectiveness of these two equipments.

The former is known as the "all-terrain fire platform", the latter with balanced performance and intelligent ai design. It is called "battlefield assistant" by many pa soldiers.

"The combat power in the base?"

"There are only 5oo recruits who have just received training, 327 Stalker Corps, and 8 rockets." Han Junhua said.

What about man and machine? Jiang Chen asked quietly.

"I have been turned off by me."

why? Jiang Chen looked at Han Junhua.

As if knowing Jiang Chen would ask, Han Junhua reached out to the holographic map. "This location has a kn signal hijacking device. Its role is not only to hijack the communication channel, but also to hijack the communication between the drone terminal and the drone. What can be confirmed is that their information technology can suppress us. Even if we release drones to join the battle, being hijacked by them is a high probability event."

There is also the style of Han Junhua.

Jiang Chen secretly glanced at her. From her face, he could not see any emotions such as timidity.

But if I want to come, she doesn't have the burden of feelings.

The eyebrows are tight. After pondering for a moment, Jiang Chen looked at Han Junhua.

“Get in touch with people in the sixth block through the sewer?”

"The sewer has been occupied. When the current communication was blocked, I sent the scouts to the first time." Han Junhua reached out to the middle of the fish bone base and the sixth block.

The branch of the sewer is closed by an alloy separator. But that thing is mainly used to block the alien species. If you use a welding torch, it is not difficult to hijack the sewer passage without moving.

"That is, what we can rely on is only 5oo recruits and stalker corps in the base?" Jiang Chen could not help but frown.

Too close, the rocket can't play at all. 5oo recruits may not be able to use too much, at most, to supplement the lack of firepower. The Stalker Corps is the elite force of na. How much can still make people feel at ease.

However, the opposite is a thousand mechanical forces. For these more than 800 flesh-and-blood bodies, whether or not they can defeat the military of the highest camp, Jiang Chen’s heart is inevitably embarrassing.

"How much do you think we have a chance of winning?" Hands held on the table, Jiang Chen turned his eyes to Han Junhua.

"Five percent." Han Junhua said.

"Even with your command?" Jiang Chen asked unexpectedly.

"Yeah." Han Junhua nodded, and her face rarely showed a dampness.

"The emp grenade reserves in the base are very objective, but if it is 'crawler' and 'python', the pulse level of the emp grenade can only cause slight damage to its enemy and the identification system, thus temporarily stagnation. High power The emp weapon, there is no reserve in our base."

"If you can't use emp, use an electromagnetic gun, a poisonous scorpion, a red arrow 42 rocket launcher, and a rifle. You can use the smoldering fire. We can use the wolf smoke without radio. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we can't give up." Jiang Chen Shen Sheng Road.

"It can only be like this. But I am more worried about the sky." Han Junhua looked up at the sky. "If they really control the staff of God, we have no chance of winning."

The tungsten rod that descended from the sky is theoretically undefended.

Perhaps only the Holy Shield system can take down its attacks.

Is there really a chance of winning?

and many more

Jiang Chen slightly frowned.

Closed his eyes, he squinted for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes and said.

"Tungsten rods, there should be only one."

Han Junhua looked at him.

"This probability is small."

"No, it's better to say that there is absolutely only one." Gazing at the holographic map, Jiang Chen's eyes showed a firm color.


Thinking of what the Qin academician had said to him, and the Zerg Queen to talk to him, Jiang Chen looked at Han Junhua.

"Because we are different, this reason is enough."

Holding his arms, Han Junhua closed his eyes and thought for half a minute.

"It turned out to be."

From the beginning, this was a war that was doomed to be without captives.

If they have a second, then there is no need to pinch it in their hands. As long as a tungsten rod can destroy the heart, then the order of the entire city of Wanghai will be tangled again. Only by letting this waste land fall into chaos, electronic talents have the hope of replacing human beings as masters on this wasteland. All the things that Lin Chaoen had done, except for the assassination of the "experimenter" of the No. 27 refuge, seemed to be to bring chaos to this wasteland.

Na and supreme must have one side perish.

Because of the end of this war, it is decided who will be engraved on the tombstone.

The reason why I haven't done it yet is because they don't have the confidence to win.

As long as the fish bone base insists on the reinforcements in the sixth block and the 27th camp, the losers can only be them. (To be continued.)

Ps: Internship in the morning, going up the mountain in the afternoon, taking some time to update, sorry. In addition, I saw some people in the assessment area said that the exhibition on the other side of the world has just changed from the beginning, and I am afraid that I am struggling with the egg. In fact, this worry is completely unnecessary, and the meal is still stuttering. The distance of 2o.5 light years is not 2o.5 kilometers, and it is not right to face it right away? Of course, what will happen specifically, I am not spoiled ◆ I will come to the cloud to get the view. ◆

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