It is still in the evening.

Standing at the door of Xia Shiyu's house, Jiang Chen was ready to raise his hand and press the doorbell, but suddenly he froze for a while.

It seems that every time I come, it’s night...

After licking the hoe, the eccentric thoughts were left behind, and Jiang Chen reached out and pressed the doorbell.

However, after waiting for a while, no one came to open the door.

The light is bright, should it be at home? Is it because I am too annoyed every night?

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, he really did not deliberately like this, but every time is too good. In the afternoon, I stayed with Sun Jiao and Yao Yao for a while. Jiang Chen and the children who had eaten dinner together immediately rushed back to the world and took the U disk to the home of Xia Shiyu.

Because the office is still under renovation, and the employee is currently a general manager of Xia Shiyu, so she is currently working at home.

After a moment at the door, Jiang Chen grabbed his head. Come here, it’s not his character to go empty-handed. After thinking for a moment, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone.

"Hit the summer poem rain."

"Good master." The voice just dialed the phone and dialed out.

It is not long before Jiang Chen has become accustomed to this clever white, just use the mouth to help complete any operation of the phone.

The bell rang for about 20 seconds, and the phone was finally connected.

"Hey?" There was a weak, hoarse voice on the phone.

"Are you okay? How do I feel that your voice is a bit wrong?" Jiang Chen frowned and asked quickly.

"Nothing, coughing - may be a little tired. Well, sorry... I just fell asleep, maybe I didn't see the phone." Xia Shiyu caressed some hot foreheads, some vaguely.

"I am outside, you will open the door for me, I will take you to the hospital." Jiang Chen said unquestionably.

"How come at night?" Xia Shiyu's weak voice brought a little confusion and vigilance.

"Of course there is something... I’m going to put it in front of you. I’m worried about your situation. Open the door for me, don’t ask!” Jiang Chen said anxiously.

If you faint inside, you can be in trouble.

For a moment, the sound of the slowly swaying sound came from behind the door, followed by the rubbing sound of the handle. However, Jiang Chen, who saw Xia Shiyu, was shocked by her. At this moment, her pale face did not have the style of the strong woman. The whole person was like a frosted eggplant.

"What's wrong with you!" Jiang Chen hurriedly helped Xia Shiyu, who was about to fall.

I haven't seen it in a day, how can I get sick like this?

Xia Shiyu bit her lip, and her look was somewhat complicated. She blinked her hand and held her hand. Originally, she didn't want to open the door. Her current state is almost "no defense." If Jiang Chen wants to plot a misconduct, she has no way at all.

What she didn't think about, however, was that if he really wanted to figure out what was wrong, even if she was in good shape, it would be useless.

Perhaps it was impulsive, and the inexplicable emotions overcame the sense of self-protection, prompting her to open the door. When I saw Jiang Chen’s face, I didn’t know why she suddenly felt relieved.

"Where, it's hot!" Jiang Chen reached out and touched her forehead. The high temperature shocked him. "No, you must have a problem in this state! I will take you to the doctor."

"It's too late, I take some medicine, and then I can sleep well..." Although she hates vulgar vocabulary, she has no extra strength to spit.

"No! Listen to me." Jiang Chen refused her proposal. Then, in her strange eyes, he picked her up and took her down in the form of a princess.

Xia Shiyu bit her lower lip and felt the warmth surrounding her side, and some looked at one side unwillingly. She thought she would resist, but it is very strange that the first reaction in her mind turned out to be peace of mind?

Perhaps she did not find herself. In her subconscious, she did not reject this tough move. The mask that refuses to be thousands of miles away is just a layer of protective color. When Jiang Chen took her up hard, not only did she not cause her rejection, but it caused her to have a sense of panic.

Or is it a sense of security?

This strange feeling is coming again...

Xia Shiyu did not reconcile her eyes.



Jiang Chen held Xia Shiyu down the building, ignoring the people around him or curious or doubtful eyes, pulling the door open, holding Xia Shiyu sitting on the co-pilot, and pulling her seat belt for her, then sitting on her own Driving position.

"You bought a new car?" Xia Shiyu leaned weakly on the driver's seat, his chest slightly undulating.

"Maybach S600, buy a house to send." Jiang Chen replied casually, and then launched the car.

"..." What kind of house will you buy for a million yuan? Although Xia Shiyu was somewhat curious, she did not have any energy to ask.

"Really, I didn't mean to call me if something happened? You are all sick like this." Jiang Chen said as he leaned over the steering wheel.

"This is a small illness to take medicine, why bother." Although the tone of the mouth is very indifferent, but at the moment her heart is surrounded by a warm feeling.

"Oh, you are still a little sick, they are all fainted! You live alone, and there is no one to take care of. I think if I have something to do today, I am afraid that you are fainting in the apartment. I found out that someone who is stinking will come to collect the corpse for you." Jiang Chen said wickedly.

[You are not here?] Xia Shiyu whispered a little, but immediately it was a glimpse. She was shocked by her acting like a girl.

It seems that I am really burnt...

Xia Shiyu reached out with a little tiredness and helped her hot forehead.

The scenery outside the window flew, and the two fell into a short silence. Although the new car did not last long, but Jiang Chen was very familiar, perhaps this is also related to his 29 reflex nerve. However, because in the urban area, in terms of the road conditions of Wanghai City, the car can not open too fast.

"I fell ill... Is there any relationship with you?" For a long time, somehow, Xia Shiyu spoke a little.

"Crap, of course, it's related." You are sick, who is going to work?

Jiang Chen has always pursued leadershipism with the core of the shopkeeper. If she is ill, how can he not worry?

Of course, there may be other factors in it, but he did not find it himself.

However, Xia Shiyu, who heard the words, made another general misunderstanding and thus fell silent.

Perhaps because of a high fever, her cheeks are somewhat unnatural.

The car quickly drove to the largest hospital nearby. After Jiang Chen parked the car in the parking space, he immediately opened the door and helped Xia Shiyu unlock the seat belt. But when he was ready to pick up Xia Shiyu in the same position, she was stopped.

"I can go by don't need to help me, that's too shameful." The words behind Xia Shiyu are almost faintly squeezed out of their teeth. The usual iceberg face, which has always been cold and frosty, is full of blood red at this moment, which makes Jiang Chen, who has never seen such a landscape, can't help but be stunned.

Watched by Jiang Chen’s "hot" eyes, Xia Shiyu only felt a "shame" and an inexplicable pride? After a glance at Jiang Chen, Xia Shiyu bit his lip and dragged some dizzy pace to the hospital door.

However, he was relieved of her "floating" pace, I was afraid that she would let her go so far, and she did not see any problems at the hospital door.

With a smile, Jiang Chen went to her side and helped the stubborn chick.

Although there is some embarrassment, Xia Shiyu seems to know her current situation, so she did not prevent Jiang Chen from holding her hand. She just lowered her head and hid the unnatural expression under the hair, and walked with him. In the hospital.

After seeing the status of Xia Shiyu, the nurse on duty in the hospital immediately went to help. After Jiang Chen handed Xia Shiyu to the nurse mm, he went to the front desk to handle the relevant procedures. Next, I will see how the doctor diagnosed. His medical outsider is also powerless.

To be honest, the state of Xia Shiyu is very worrying for him, which is not like the general cold and fever. Is it because she puts all her work on her shoulders, so that she is so overwhelmed? On this point, Jiang Chen is somewhat self-blaming.

Especially when she thinks about buying a house, she seems to be physically unwell. However, she did not immediately take her to the hospital to see it. Instead, she played it...

Is this convergence point in the future?

Putting his arms on his knees, he fell into meditation.

Although worried, it is not a problem to wait. After sitting in the hospital chair for a while, Jiang Chen sighed and pulled out the phone to play.

Open WeChat looked, Liu Yao that chick seems to send him a message again. For this lively and cheerful third-line actress, Jiang Chen is happy to talk to her. If nothing happens, he doesn't mind "covenant", but he is too busy recently. He still refuses the temptation of straightforwardness.

Of course, the movie that promised this chick will still be filmed for her. Anyway, he is not bad.

But really, chatting with this chick is quite interesting. The emotions such as self-blame and worry in the heart were quickly diluted. Jiang Chen’s mouth twitched with a smile, his fingers poked on the screen, and time passed without knowing it.

"Hello, Mr., are you Mr. Xia Shiyu's husband?" A doctor pushed the door open and walked to Jiang Chen's side.

"No, I am her... Hey, friend." Jiang Chen put away his mobile phone and got up.

"It is like this. Ms. Xia Shiyu is just a common cold and fever. However, because it is too late, the condition is now very serious. I suggest that you go to the front desk to go through the hospitalization procedure." The doctor said succinctly, and then handed the bill together. Jiang Chen’s arms, then signaled Jiang Chen to pay the fee at the designated window, and then called the nurse to give the patient a drip.

The doctor's very casual attitude made Jiang Chen frown, but he did not say anything, or took the documents on hand and went to the front desk to go through the formalities. The total cost of medical expenses was about one thousand. Jiang Chen smiled bitterly. This disease is really not affordable for most people. If you are sick, you will be hospitalized, and you will be hanged on the most expensive ones. Do you have any opinions? Then you still can't see a doctor? Anyway, there are many people in the sky, and there are always people who want to see you.

It must be said that in fact, medical care and education are more rigid requirements than houses. If you really want to treat this kind of welfare as an industry, you are afraid that it will be more profitable than real estate.

Of course, this money is only a fraction of Jiang Chen’s current assets, so he naturally feels nothing when he swipe the card.

Then, Jiang Chen came to the ward, moved a chair from the side, and sat on the side of Xia Shiyu's bed.

"...It’s really troublesome for you." Xia Shiyu slightly closed his eyes and squeezed such a sentence from his lips.

It can be seen that her body should be very difficult now.

"You're welcome, compassionate subordinates are the responsibility of the chairman." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said with concern, "Hungry? Don't be hungry? Tell me if you want to eat."

"Compassionate subordinates?" However, Xia Shiyu did not answer Jiang Chen, but he whispered himself.

"I was the first time I saw a confused expression from your face." Jiang Chen suddenly smiled and shouted.

After Xia Shiyu was silent for a while, he suddenly said, "Just you haven't seen it."

"Oh? Speaking of it, I am sometimes very curious. Why do you think that you are so beautiful, but you have to have a cold face?" Jiang Chendao.

"...I am sleepy." Xia Shiyu completely closed his eyes, ignoring his question.

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, then gave up and shrugged. Looking at Xia Shiyu's gradually breathing sound, Jiang Chen sighed and sighed, and sighed, covered the quilt for Xia Shiyu, and walked out of the ward.

It seems that today is not going back. This little girl is not as reassuring as a person.

Thinking about it, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and dialed Aisha’s phone. Shortly after returning home, he gave Aisha a mobile phone to facilitate contact.

"I have something tonight, I can't come back. Can you take care of yourself if you are alone?"

"Well, you are busy, I am fine."

The gentle answer from the phone made Jiang Chen’s heart warm.

Although the half-big girl is outside, she always has a colder expression than Xia Shiyu’s chick. But whenever confronted with Jiang Chen, it was always the gentler than the sheep.

Just like a wolf dog... Hey, it seems that it seems that something is wrong with a girl.

"Good night." Jiang Chen replied casually.

"Well. Good night." On the other end of the phone, Jiang Chen couldn't help but scream, and then he showed a smile.

Actually it is Chinese, it seems that this little girl is a bit more advanced in Mandarin. I really look forward to being able to communicate with her in Chinese. It is always strange to talk in English with the Tian Dynasty.

After the phone call, Jiang Chen stretched out. Xia Shiyu has already slept, and I will only notice the nurse to change the medicine later.

In short, let's go to a cup of coffee.

Jiang Chen, who made up his mind, walked to the rest area of ​​the hospital.

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