I Have a Martial Arts World

Chapter 124: Sitting and forgetting

To visit seniors, it is the etiquette to go in the morning.

Early the next morning, the three of Lu Yao and Li Pei went to Baiyun Temple together.

Li Pei got into Lu Yao's car and sat in the back with the two sisters.

The space of the car is very spacious, and the three women are sitting in a dignified and graceful posture, and it looks like they have a good education.

Talking about this Daoist Zhou He on the road, Li Pei talked about the news he knew:

"Zhou Daochang was born in a large family in Jingzhou, and his father was a jinshi. Before reaching the age of 16, he has already reached the realm of 'sitting and forgetting'."

Liao Ya exclaimed: "Sit and forget under the age of 16!? That's really a genius!"

"Indeed." Li Pei nodded and said:

"Later the imperial court sent 120 schoolchildren to study abroad, and Taoist Zhou was one of them to go to Menis to study 'manufacturing'.

It was at that time that he fought with the vampires of Menes in order to save his classmates who had been captured as 'blood slaves'...

The process is unknown, but his eyes, ears, and mouth have been damaged and become a waste. Fortunately, there is no such thing as an absolute path. After returning to China, Daochang Zhou joined the Wudang faction, and the refining **** broke through the 'fetal breath'. "

Lu Yao was driving in the front while listening, feeling that this old Taoist was quite sophisticated.

At this time, the White Cloud View was in sight. I saw that this Taoist temple is large in scale and compact in layout. The stone walls of the mountain gate are carved with patterns such as flowing clouds, cranes and flowers.

Two Taoist priests had already waited at the door to greet them and sent the four to the backyard of the Taoist temple.


I saw Zhou He was closing his eyes, and pointed like Fei to massage the crane.

With an expression of enjoyment on his face, the crane also raised his wings in cooperation and asked the old Taoist priest to help massage the roots. (wing root)

Several people waited patiently for half an hour until the old Taoist was done with his work.

The crane shook the feathers on his body, fluttered his wings proudly, and flew away without looking back.

Lu Yao really wanted to say to the old Taoist priest: This crane looks so arrogant, will it really let you ride it?

Zhou He looked at Xian He and admired it for a long time, and then greeted everyone:

"It seems that you all know each other, that's just right, let's come together."


Everyone came to the pavilion, and the mountain breeze was very refreshing.

Zhou He put on a tea set and a small stove for boiling water. Li Pei took the initiative to take the stove and lit it, and put his hands beside the fire to mobilize his inner breath. He saw that the fire became like the tail flame of an engine, and instantly boiled the mountain spring.

When the water cooled down, Liao Qi meticulously brewed the tea according to the routine.

Several people were enjoying the tea, and Zhou He said to Li Pei, "Is your master okay? I haven't seen her for some days."

Li Pei said respectfully, "Everything is fine with her old man, and she dances the sword every day."

Zhou He nodded, only his white eyes swept across the crowd.

"Everyone is here today to listen to the old Taoist teaching the Fa, but I have to say one thing first - Refining God is extremely difficult, and the difficulty is that there is no way forward.

Everyone's cognition of the world is different, and the cognitive barriers that arise are also very different.

Some people can't solve life and death, some people can't let go of love, and the red dust grinds people's hearts.

So you can only listen to what I say, but don't believe it. You must go your own way, or you will be hard-pressed to make progress for the rest of your life! "

The four Lu Yao quickly nodded in response.


Zhou He took a sip of tea and talked about the obscure truth:

"All of you have entered samadhi, and the next step is to sit and forget. For those of you who are sitting and forgetting, you get what you think about, and you forget about what you think about.

The state of 'forgetting' is to seek the right path with body and mind, not a kind of narcissism or anesthesia.

Walk the way without seeing it. Forgetting is not necessarily a bad thing, remembering is not necessarily a good thing, what suits you is the best. "

After hearing these words, several people fell into contemplation, and each had their own gains.

Zhou He did not continue to speak, but left enough time for these young people to think.

According to the convention of "speaking the Fa", these seemingly incomprehensible remarks are only the opening remarks, and the real dry goods are at the back.

Seeing that the eyes of several young people gradually returned to clarity, Zhou He was about to speak again, but suddenly realized that Lu Yao's state was very wrong!

This young man was clearly sitting there, but he couldn't perceive it. He had to look carefully to see him.

Li Pei's three daughters also noticed that they did not dare to speak out, and their beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

Li Pei, in particular, had an extremely unbelievable speculation in his heart—this little girl is going to sit back and forget! ! ! There is no reason! How could he just sit back and forget!

At this time, Lu Yao felt very strange. He completely forgot his own existence. He only felt that the whole person was constantly rising, as if it was gone with the wind... The perspective of looking at things has also become the third person.

After listening to Zhou He's great truth, he suddenly realized something, as if something was broken in his mind, and he naturally entered this state.

At this moment, he could clearly see the happy and excited expressions of the sisters, as well as Li Pei's **** breathing rapidly.

This state lasted for more than ten seconds before slowly receding~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lu Yao got up excitedly and clasped his fists at Zhou He and said, "Thank you for your advice."

Zhou He is a little speechless, he hasn't told the real dry goods yet...

"Little friend should have made a breakthrough, and I was at the right time."

"The Taoist priest is too modest."

Lu Yao bowed his hands to Liao Qi again to show his gratitude, and the girl's pretty face turned red.

Li Pei's head is full of question marks...


"Congratulations to your little friend for breaking through the realm, and taking a big step in refining God together." Zhou He stood up and bowed, then said, "Pindao stayed overseas in his early years, and he will use a fresh way to talk about Zanwangjing carefully."

Zhou He talked eloquently: "The biggest feature of this realm... or the advantage is that people's reaction speed is greatly increased.

It takes more than 0.2 seconds for an ordinary person's mind to issue an order and a body to respond, and even a martial artist takes 0.1 seconds. On the other hand, sitting and forgetting the realm is different. It only takes 0.03 seconds to integrate the soul into the body, which is three times faster!

Along with it, the five senses are more sensitive and more precise in controlling the circulation of blood and internal breath, and can even accurately perceive the incoming shells and so on. You still need to experience it yourself. "

Lao Dao spoke very carefully, Lu Yao repeatedly clasped his fists and thanked him, and then excitedly and curiously manipulated the inner breath to flow flexibly in his body.

The original inner breath was controlled like a bumper car, and it crashed on its own when it was not careful; now it has become a sports car with super fast reaction speed, as if the arm tells it to go where it wants to go.

The two sisters were extremely overjoyed when they saw their younger brother break through, while Li Pei was full of dissatisfaction, and he was actually overtaken by this little color embryo in the process of refining the gods!

But she quickly restrained her expression, thinking in her heart: This person is already a super-class talent, how can he be included in the bag!


Seeing that the young people had no interest in listening anymore, Zhou He simply said the dry goods of this "father lecture".

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