I Have a Martial Arts World

Vol 2 Chapter 339: seize


Kharkiv, the second largest city in Yukoron, is also the hometown of General Sergei.

Since the appearance of the Star Alliance laboratory 5 years ago, there have been frequent outbreaks of inexplicable infectious diseases, such as anthrax, plague and so on.

Recently, a strange cold has appeared in the military camp, and more than 200 soldiers have been infected. So far, dozens of people have died.

It is no wonder that Sergey is furious. This is his hometown and place of fortune, but it is used as a testing ground.

This kind of biological laboratory is full of danger. Once any virus leaks, it will definitely cause heavy losses.

For example, if the Star Alliance is built abroad, other people will suffer if any accident occurs, and it can occasionally "accidentally leak" and collect a wave of data.

At this moment, Lu Yao is riding a spirit falcon, overlooking the fourth-level biological laboratory of the Star Alliance from a high altitude.

The laboratory covers an area of ​​100 hectares. The outermost area is an electrified metal protective fence, and there is a semi-circular building full of technology in the center.

You need to go through layers of security checks to enter it. The security guards are all full of toughness, loaded with live ammunition, and wearing heavy body armor.

The intelligence provided by Sergey showed that the laboratory was tightly secured, with only one passage in and out, and various strict disinfecting procedures, making it almost impossible to infiltrate.

Everyone is old friends, and Lu Yao is in a hurry, so he didn't do anything fancy--enter directly from the main entrance.


At the security checkpoint at the main entrance, four fully armed security guards saw Lu Yao approaching, and immediately raised their guns and shouted:

"This is a Star Alliance facility, please leave immediately, or we will resort to force..."

Before they finished speaking, Yan Yihua Luyao was already beside them, and each of them was rewarded with a brain collapse.

After four muffled sounds, the four people who were bleeding from seven holes collapsed to the ground.

Picking up two hk416 automatic rifles, Lu Yao continued to move forward, walked through the lobby on the first floor of the building, and came to the "dressing area".

There are rows of metal and wardrobes, where staff will change into work clothes.

At this time, a harsh alarm sounded, countless footsteps came, and there was the sound of pulling the bolt.

But this is just the beginning, and the time that follows is precious.

After about 10 minutes, the "Golden Eagle" SWAT team of Yokolen will come to support;

And the director of the laboratory can completely destroy the data on the "central computer" at any time!

So, there must be a race against time.

Sensing that a large group of enemies was about to appear, Lu Yao exerted force on his legs, stepped on the wall, "running on the wall", and came to the top of the enemy's head!

The quick-responding people raised their heads in amazement and raised their guns at the same time.

But Lu Yao had already pulled the trigger with both hands, the muzzle spewed fire, and bullets fell from the sky.

In an instant, blood mist and screams erupted, Lu Yao didn't even look back, rushed forward quickly, and grabbed a living hole.

Intelligence shows that there is a "disinfection area" in front, blocked by a metal door, and fingerprint verification is required.


The well-armed strong man in his hands struggled constantly, but to Lu Yao he was as powerless as a rabbit.

After dragging this person to the metal door, there was indeed a fingerprint lock. Ask Mr. Hostage to help open it, and throw it away after use.

This man slammed into the wall, let out a groan, and stopped moving. Whether he lives or dies depends on his own luck.

Lu Yao went straight into the "disinfection area", the level 2 area of ​​the laboratory.

There are purple lights all over the place, the eyes are full of purple, and the ultraviolet rays will smash the genetic material of the virus.

There was no one here, Lu Yao passed quickly, passed through a door with resistance when opened, and came to the level 3 area - the negative pressure area.

Negative air pressure can prevent the material in high-risk areas from flowing out, and going further is the "core area" of the laboratory.

There was someone here. A middle-aged white woman with glasses was changing her protective clothing. Just halfway through, she saw Lu Yao with dual rifles, and immediately released her and screamed.

The power of the mind is integrated into the voice, Lu Yao launches "Spring Breeze and Drunk", and the voice becomes extraordinarily magnetic and sexy.

The middle-aged woman immediately calmed down and responded dully: "My name is Jenny Burt..."

There was a trace of struggle on the face of the middle-aged woman: "When entering the core area, you must wear a 'positive pressure suit'..."

The "core area" is the place where biochemical research is carried out. It is necessary to wear "positive pressure protective clothing" that isolates the inside and outside, otherwise it may be infected with some strange virus.

But this doesn't matter to Lu Yao, it doesn't matter if he swallows the virus in the entire laboratory.

"Ordinary things" can no longer harm the innate masters, and any microorganisms that enter the body will become nutrients.

Lu Yao increased the power of his mind and said hypnotically:

The middle-aged woman sluggishly walked to the gate leading to the core area.

A "biohazard" warning sign is attached to the metal door, which requires not only iris verification, but also a password.

She operated, and opened the door with the sound of air inhaling, and a narrow passage came into view.

This is the "gas box room" of the Level 4 biological laboratory, and the top of the head is full of disinfecting nozzles.

With the "internal response" in place, the violent demolition of the province, Lu Yao went straight in.

As soon as he entered, an armed man with live ammunition came, but he hesitated looking at the entrance.

The "gas box room" of the 4th-level biological laboratory, known as the boundary of hell, the intersection of the normal world and the high-risk world.

These people work here, they know more or less the research content, and they don't want to touch the contents at all.


Through the gas box room, Lu Yao finally came to the "core area" of the laboratory.

There are "automatic interlocking devices" between the doors here, and adjacent doors cannot be opened at the same time to prevent leakage.

"High-risk areas" and "biohazard" warning signs were plastered on the walls along the way, and yellow spiral pipes hung down from the ceiling.

This is for ventilating the positive pressure suits on the researchers' bodies, of course Lu Yao doesn't need it, and goes to the "central computer" non-stop.

At this time, three minutes have passed since he broke in.

At this point in time, I believe that the director of the laboratory is already preparing to delete the data.

After passing through countless rooms with password refrigerators, Lu Yao finally found the target of this mission - the "central computer" room.

All research materials in the laboratory are stored here.

At this moment, there are two men operating a computer inside.

This is the director and deputy director of the laboratory, and the two of them will enter the password together to delete all data.

Lu Yao raised his gun and aimed at the two of them through the observation window~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The deputy supervisor immediately raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, but the supervisor sneered and pointed to the refrigerator behind him and said:

"It's full of the most dangerous bacteria and viruses in the world. You lunatic have no protective measures. If you want to die, just shoot!"

After speaking, I pressed the enter key on the keyboard, which is the "confirmation key" for deleting data.

Of course Lu Yao wouldn't get used to him, the two guns fired immediately, and the bullets roared out of the chamber and easily penetrated the glass window.

The gun in the left hand knocked off the man's palm on the keyboard, the gun in the right hand blew his skull, and the blood smeared the deputy director's face.

Lu Yao shouted, "Open the door!"

The deputy director tremblingly entered the password to open the door, and Lu Yao entered in a big way, and directly took down the entire "central computer" host.

This thing is physically disconnected from the Internet, and its structure is different from that of ordinary computers. It is better to take the whole thing away.

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