Pepper came to Obadiah's office, took out a USB flash drive and began to record, and quickly searched with both hands.

Pepper temporarily finds blueprints of various missiles, as well as the huge armor that Tony escaped.

"Obi, what exactly are you going to do," Pepper said and looked at the next file.

This is a video, a video of Tony Stark being kidnapped, which shocks Pepper to the extreme.

But she did not forget the task and quickly transferred these files to the USB stick.

"So what are we going to do?" Obadiah suddenly pushed open the door and said.

Pepper was taken aback.

Obadiah said, took the wine glass, went to the table diagonally opposite Pepper, picked up the bottle and poured the wine, and began to speak.

"I also know you're conflicted, Pepper," Obadiah already had a very wrong expression, holding the wine bottle and saying, "Tony usually buys the best goods, right?"

And Pepper was still carefully looking at the computer on the side, for fear of being discovered by Obadiah.

Obadiah poured another glass of wine and slowly walked over to Pepper.

Pepper covered the paper on the side and inserted it into the computer's USB flash drive, and the monitor Pepper slowly switched to the wallpaper by hand.

Obadiah glanced at him and then said: "I'm glad he came back alive, it feels like we snatched him out of the ghost gate, but now I find that Tony hasn't fully returned

" "He lost himself in that cave, I'm sad

" "Actually, he's a very difficult person, he's been through so much, I think he'll be fine" Pepper stiffened and spoke to Obadiah.

Obadiah looked at Pepper and said quietly: "You are a rare woman, Tony is in the blessing and does not know the blessing

" "Thank you I have to go" Pepper stood up after speaking, and took the newspaper and the USB flash drive directly with one hand.

"Is that today's newspaper?" Obadiah said quietly.

Isn't Pepper okay and forced her smile to say, "Yes?"

"It's okay

" "I like to play crossword puzzles

" "Understood"

Pepper looked at the USB flash drive in his hand and quickened his pace and walked out.

Obadiah took the newspaper and threw it on the table, returning the computer to its original condition, Obadiah actually thought of it, but saw it with his own eyes, and was still a little angry.

Obadiah walked out quickly and quietly looked at Pepper downstairs.

Obadiah came to the lab and came over angrily.

"Mr. Steinney, we are currently experiencing a little difficulty, and this difficulty is that the technology of the energy of the steel suit has not yet been developed, so..."

William, this is technology" Obadiah hugged him and pointed to the reactor in the distance and said: "I just asked you to make it a little smaller".

"Yes, we're trying, to be honest, it's impossible

" "Tony Stark can make it in the cave, using junk materials" Obadiah shouted angrily.

"Sorry I'm not Tony Stark"


Tony went to the living room and picked up his phone and called Pepper when he was about to speak.

Obadiah took the infrasound wave and temporarily paralyzed Tony.

"Hey, Tony, when I ordered you to be assassinated, I was worried that I was killing a chicken that laid golden eggs, but you see, if you survive, this is all fate, and you are destined to lay this last golden egg," Obadiah said, and took out the reaction in your chest.

"Do you really think that if he is your idea, it must be yours? My father made the atomic bomb for us, but if he was as selfish as you at that time, what would the world be like," Obadiah said the shameful operation and took Tony's reactor down completely.

After Obadiah takes it down, he drags it in front of you and fiddles with it

"Oh, this is beautiful, ah, Tony, this is your symphony of destiny, a masterpiece, you see, this is your relic, this new generation of weapons will equip

it" "Under our common operation, the world will be back on track, it should not be under my control, I wish you could see my steel suit" Obadiah said as he loaded the reactor into the box.

"It's just that it's not as conservative as you, you shouldn't roll Pepper in, I wanted him to live."


Tianxiaoban in the center of New York

City transforms into a flame man, absorbing the flames of the building.

"What the hell is going on, why are there so many tonight, what robbery, the building collapsed, there was a fire"

Tian Xiaoban had just finished, a group of people in the rear shot a missile, Tian Xiaoban clearly saw that it was marked with Tony Stark Industries.

"Could it be when Obadiah transferred the tiger to leave the mountain, but how did he know that I had a relationship with Tony" For some reason, Tian Xiaoban suddenly remembered Obadiah when he saw this.

"No, I have to go back quickly" After all, there are many possibilities in the world, and Marvel also has countless timelines, after all, Tony in this world may die at this time.

Tian Xiaoban thought of this and quickly transformed into flash stars, tied them with a rope, and quickly ran back to Tony's mansion.


Tian Xiaoban looked at the phone watch in his right hand, then changed back to its original state and connected the phone.

"What's wrong, Sister Potz

" "Tony had an accident" Pepper said nervously

, "I know, I'm rushing over there

" "Okay"

Tian Xiaoban said and transformed into a flash star again.

On the other side of the --------------------------------

, Tony, like the original, stumbled upstairs into the elevator, stumbled back to the lab, and saw the original reactor on the table.

Then he slowly lurked on the ground and came under the table, trying desperately to hold the original reactor, but he had run out of strength, and Tony was about to give up.

The arm robot handed the original reactor to Tony.

"Good boy," Tony said completely out of strength, completely without the strength of the original, smashing the glass house and then loading the original reactor inside.

Tony slowly closed his eyes, and suddenly Tian Xiaoban came to the laboratory and quickly loaded the reactor.

"Do you think it's almost over?"


Rhodey also came in.

"What's wrong with Pepper," Tony said nervously, holding Rodini's arms tightly.

"She's okay, he followed the five agents to get Obadiah

" "Five is not enough"

Tony said and stood up urgently and began to assemble the steel suit.

On the other side, Obadiah also finished the steel suit.

"Any help?"

"Keep the air clear, let's go to small classes

" "I don't have this kid yet?"

"Yes," Tian Xiaoban said with a smile: "Hero debuts

" [Shapeshifter]

"Oh wow, what is this?" Roddy said in surprise.

"I thought you would become a winged bug

" "That's Gliding Kong" "

So what's the use"

Tony just finished Tian Xiaoban quickly wrapped up.

End of this chapter.

There was no Internet at home a few days ago, but now there is an Internet, and it begins to maintain normal updates.

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