I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 103: Potential

Yinghuo is one of the twenty-eight stars. The beast of the beast of the beast of the luminous confuses soaring into the sky to feel the call of that powerful astrology power after promotion.

   This also signifies that, among the four great beasts that Sunan envisioned, two of them have begun to take shape.

   Fight against the white tiger beast, in charge of the battle. Yinghuo Suzaku is Si Yinghuo, and Yinghuo is the Mars we often mention.

   Now these two have reached Tier 4, the lava giant python and the double-headed black dragon turtle are still Tier 5, but Sunan thinks it is very likely that these two pets will also be upgraded to Tier 4 today.

  Because these monsters can have such strong energy fluctuations with a simple attack, what they come to the earth to look for must be something more powerful than this energy core.

   Sunan felt that it was time for him to order.

  Since these monsters dare to go to their own territory to grab things, there is no need to worry about anything, just let them go and let these pets practice well.

   Sunan's mouth showed a cold smile.

   Sunan had no plans to raise these alien monsters at all. Now that he has two Tier 4 monsters, it would be meaningless to raise those alien monsters.

  Those who will consider it after they leave the earth in the future!

   Now, what he has to do is to let the three monsters know how powerful they are, and to let them know that Sunan is the main **** of the earth, and it is not yet their turn to go wild here.

   Under Sunan’s order, the first to go out was the White Tiger Beast. Just now seeing the evolution of the Yinghua Suzaku Beast, the White Tiger Beast suddenly burst into a powerful fighting spirit.

   Lava Giant is not to be outdone, it is huge, but its speed in this small mountain area is not necessarily slow to defeat the white tiger beast.

   The two-headed Xuanlong Turtle is obviously behind these two pets. For one thing, it is not a speed type, and the land is not its battlefield. It can only follow behind.

   The first generation Ruo Gula beast and the Invincible King Kong are still far behind in level after all. There is no part of their intervention here, and they simply surround Sunan.

   Sunan read from their eyes the desire for power and the respect for the strong.

   In fact, pets are just like humans, they also pursue great power. Jin didn't want to stand on the peak of strength? Sunan had no choice but to show wide-limbed expressions to them. At present, we can only guarantee the evolution of the four sacred beasts, and all the rare materials are given priority to supply them. As for later, it will be the pets who have contributed to Sunan.

   On the battlefield, the four great beasts have already arrived on the battlefield one after another.

   The four sacred beasts stood in four directions in the southeast, northwest and north, and forced the three monsters to the middle.

   a huge roar came, and the fierce battle officially began!

   The four great beasts raised by Sunan surrounded three alien monsters.

   The three alien monsters discovered something was not quite right when the Suzaku Beast rushed into the sky.

   Two blue energy light **** did not produce the desired effect after they were shot out, and even one of them was directly passed into the stomach by this big red black incense.

   You need to know that this blue energy light wave is powerful enough to produce the earth's nuclear explosion.

When    was surrounded by the Yanguo Bacteria team before, they had never used such a weapon. But now, it failed in front of this big red bird.

   Coincidentally, what the three monsters had been looking for before was found.

   The entrance is in the cave on this hill, and the powerful energy fluctuations caused the instruments in their hands to make a huge noise.

   was surrounded by the four pets commanded by Sunan, and had no time to enter the cave.

   Therefore, whether it is these three monsters or the four big beasts that are eyeing at each other, they all make offensive actions.

   The first attack was the white tiger beast from southern Jiangsu.

  The action of fighting against the white tiger beast was very quick, and he was already ready to attack. One of the alien monsters was very close to it, and the White Tiger Beast flew up.

   The monster obviously didn't react and was thrown to the ground directly.

  The White Tiger Beast was about to bite its neck, and the side of the monster escaped the blow. The body suddenly solidified, and one of the arms quickly turned into a giant knife.

   It turns out that the bodies of these monsters can be changed at will, and every part of the body can be used as a weapon.

   I saw this monster that had already fought with the White Tiger Beast, half squatting, the front arm turned into a giant sword, and the back hand quickly turned into a hard shield.

   This is a standard samurai fighting style.

   Fighting against the white tiger beast, while waving its tail, arching its body, stepping left and right, looking for a breakthrough.

   I didn't expect this monster to pass by in the raid just now. Obviously, the ability of this alien monster is not weak. The two are on par, and they are right in time.

   The lava giant is also facing another alien monster. This monster wanted to take the opportunity to run into the cave where the energy fluctuation was discovered, and was stopped by giant lava scales.

   Rong Ruo python, without saying a word, first came a wave of hot Ruozhi spraying out.

   An object resembling a crystal ball was suddenly thrown out of the monster’s hand, and the object began to solidify as soon as it met the lava jetted by the lava giant python

   The condensed crystal ball in the monster's hand flew towards the lava giant one after another.

   Obviously, this is a weapon for restraining magma, which can instantly reduce the temperature to freezing point. This monster’s attack speed is very fast, can produce a large amount of energy hockey pucks, and firmly suppresses the lava giant ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, the double-headed black dragon turtle, which is not superior in speed, blocks the lava giant. The body of the python. All those energy ice **** hit the double-headed Xuanlong Turtle.

   The double-headed mysterious dragon turtle has been fused with seabed ice crystals before its evolution. The effect of these energy ice **** is not very different from that of the energy ice crystals, and has no effect on the double-headed mysterious dragon turtle.

   At the other end of Xuangui, Xuan Snake's head is spitting out the letter in the air.

   The giant lava giant and the two-headed mysterious dragon turtle approached the alien monster from left to right.

   The lava giant fired magma again, and when the alien monster dodged, the double-headed Xuanlong turtle stood up, and the eternal armor on its abdomen emitted a bright light and directly hit the monster.

   The selected target of the Suzaku Beast is still the alien monster that launched the blue energy light ball before, but this monster obviously knows that its strength is very different, and it has begun to invisible.

   The weapon on its back turned into two double-barreled energy transmitters, and with the help of obstacles, it continuously launched attacks on Yinghuo Zhu Dabe.

   Sunan watched the battle below from the top of the mountain, obviously he did not intend to take action.

   With Sunan’s current strength, these three alien monsters are simply vulnerable. But these pets of their own need to exercise, and need to constantly show their potential.

   Their bones are still the original animal attack mode, and they have not fully utilized their hidden strength. There are many reasons for this.

   As a result, most of their opponents are creatures on the earth, and they can solve the battle with fighting skills.

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