I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 115: In awe

Anyway, he Guzahai has completely defected to the interstellar predators. With their shelter, what are these small tribesmen?

   A foot of Gu Zhahai has stepped out of the gate of the old Junchang tribe.

   As long as he leaves here, he can immediately go to the place where the interstellar predators are. Guzhahai couldn't help but breathe the fresh air of the rest of his life.

   But soon, he found that his body was still running forward, but his head was caught in his hands.

   Before he died, he heard Gila's cold voice: The master said he wanted you to shut up. No way, you run so fast, I have to take your head back.

   The chiefs who rushed to the tribe where the old chief was in succession happened to see this **** evening.

   Gu Zhahai's headless voice knelt at the gate of the old chief's tribe, and the blood was sprayed outside. It's bright red and dazzling like festive fireworks.

   Most of these tribal chiefs who came to know Guzhahai.

  Some of them are inconsistent with Gu Zhahai, treating him as a traitor and a running dog of interstellar predators.

  Some people privately communicated with Guzhahai in exchange for food and production materials, and even reached some ulterior agreements.

   However, the death of Gu Zhahai all brought them strong visual stimulation. Soon, someone in the crowd recognized Gila.

   Although he is an excellent hunter who has just grown up in the old chieftain's tribe, he is nothing more than that in the eyes of other tribe.

   However, the scene of Ji La Gang killing Gu Zhahai's "57" has stimulated everyone's nerves.

   Some people dodge far away, for fear of provoke this killer god.

  Some people took the opportunity to show good, wanting to befriend Gila.

   However, Gila didn't talk to anyone, but walked towards Sunan with the head of Gu Zhahai.

   Sunan walked out of the hall long ago, and the old chief followed behind him in fear.

   Gila threw Gu Zhahai's head in the open space, respectfully kneeling on one knee in front of Sunan, and said faintly: "Master, he shut up the crowd.

   It turned out that Gu Zhahai's death was arranged by the stranger. Why would Gila of the old chief tribe willing to be his thug? Everyone looked at the old chief.

   The old chief also respected this young man very much.

   Everyone just remembered. When the old chief sent someone to find them, he said that he should jointly discuss the matter of joining forces against interstellar predators.

   and also vaguely revealed that this rebellion is different from the past, and there will be a very powerful helping hand.

   The old chief is shrewd and didn’t reveal anything about Sunan

  The old chief hurried forward and began to tell the chiefs of other tribes what happened before.

   Including how Sunan controlled the beasts, Djibouti's rebellion, and the killing of Guzhahai. The most important thing is of course the aquamarine glow.

   The chiefs who rushed over listened, they were there in a daze.

   Some people secretly looked at the expression on Sunan's face.

   Sunan is dangerously cold, and there is enough to understand here.

   Now he is going to find the legendary interstellar predator, since the monsters are all brought by the interstellar predator. Then it should be easy to find the location of the gate of time and space through them.

The three alien monsters that Sunan encountered on the earth before can emit small hard-core energy light balls. This energy is very similar to aquamarine. Sunan is thinking, maybe the three alien monsters and interstellar There should be some connection between the predators.

   Now that he had made up his mind and was ready to find the answer, Sunan didn't want to stay here anymore. As for the rebellion, he is not interested in dealing with the interstellar predator Sunan.

   To make Sunan become the prophesied **** of this planet, help them rebuild their homeland and this kind of thing.

   Sunan always follows his heart when doing things. No matter good or bad, they are moved from the heart, and he will not do anything to lead them to fight this kind of shit.

   Unless the interstellar predator blocked his way, he would kill them by the way.

   I want to hold this big tree in Sunan, I want to enjoy the cool underneath, don't even think about this kind of thing!

   Sunan sneered at the eloquent and passionate tribes in front of them.

   Gila now regards himself as Sunan's subordinate, and he has completely ignored the discussions among the tribes.

   Actually, since the power of the blue product that Sunan put into Gila's body awakened in Gila's body, Gila's whole person has changed a lot

   is not only power, but thought. He would now stand beside Sunan unconsciously, keeping in line with him.

   Sunan decided to leave, and directed the Zhanfan White Tiger Beast to go out.

   Those tribesmen standing in front of Sunan avoided far away, no one dared to stand in front of the white giant beast.

   God-held Azure Dragon Beast and Yingzhu Suzaku Beast also flew out from the back yard, flying in the air, and patrolling. Wherever the two mythical beasts went, the situation changed.

   The old chief saw that Sunan was about to leave, and he hurried to chase after him: Wait a minute, Lord Tianshen, wait a minute!

   Sunan didn't pay attention to him at all. This old chief wanted to take revenge on Sunan and his tribe of mythical beasts. How could Sunan fail to see this?

   Now that everything that should be understood is clear, I will wait for the interstellar predator to talk about other things.

   Now that Sunan wants to leave, is it possible that your group of people are still blocking it?

   Of course these people dare not stop Sunan, and many people don’t even know what happened.

  The god-headed blue dragon beast soaring into the sky made everyone present know the identity of Sunan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is much more shocking than the babbled recount of the old chieftain just now.

   What they didn't expect was that there was actually a big red bird under Sunan's control.

   Watching the magical Suzaku beast flying in the sky, the tribal chiefs in the same burning flame field cast awe at Sunan.

   The old chief still wants to catch up.

   Sunan, the great god, no matter which tribe he appears in, he will definitely be the object of everyone's eagerness. Fortunately, God made him the first to appear in the tribe of the old chief.

   Although the old chief wanted to drive out the interstellar predators and reappear the glory of the tribe, he was selfish.

   As long as Sunan agrees to lead them to fight against interstellar predators, all tribes will certainly respond.

   However, Sunan is a god, and there will always be a day when he leaves the planet. At that time, he can stand up and enjoy the fruits of victory.

   The day the planet is restored is when his old chief reappears.

  How could the old chief resist such a huge temptation? He must hold him firmly in his hand before everyone wants to understand the value of Sunan.

   Sunan ignored the old chief’s call, and the white tiger beast walked to the wall of the old chief’s tribe, arched, contracted, and leaped into the air.

   The city wall tens of meters high leaped easily and disappeared in front of the old chief in the blink of an eye.

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