I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 125: instruction

For example, on the earth where Sunan is located, if the interstellar raiders initially took the earth as their target, the space battleship that suddenly appeared in the early stage would definitely be dominant.

   But the three powers of Yan, Xi, and Su have their own defense systems. At that time, they will certainly abandon their previous misconceptions and work together.

  Missiles, bombs, all kinds of powerful weapons will be used soon

   No matter how good the space battleship defense system of the interstellar predator is, it cannot be intact. And in the long run, it is definitely detrimental to the interstellar predators.

   For another example, the planet where Gila is located is at least a thousand years away from the earth.

   But under the rule of the interstellar predators, they were divided into countless small tribes and survived tenaciously. Alien monsters cannot completely wipe them out.

   Even these small tribes unite and become a larger tribe.

   These tribes even discovered the effect of Azurite, and even used Azurite to deal with these alien monsters.

   Sunan did not order the use of weapon systems, probably because of this consideration.

   Chikoka tried to figure out Sunan's mind, while waiting for Sunan's answer.

   Wait a minute, someone will inform us. ""Sunan said lightly

   Sure enough, Claudius appeared in front of the space battleship, and the display of the space battleship showed the call request from the Atlanteans.

   is connected. "Sunan said coldly.

  Clautis's beauty suddenly appeared on the huge display screen of the space battleship, and Clautis smiled.

   welcome you, distinguished guests. "Clautis said politely.

  Even if the opponent is an interstellar wanderer, Clautis still maintains due restraint and appears humble and polite until he finds out the details of the opponent.

   However, when Tai Xiu's face appeared in front of Claudius, the latter was obviously taken aback.

   Yan Chinese? "Clautis's eyes widened.

   She thought that the opponent was an alien, a monster, a variety of terrifying creatures, but she did not expect that the owner of this space battleship was a Yan Chinese.

   You know, there is a very delicate relationship between the Atlanteans and the Yan nation. Because Atlanta existed on land before

   At the height of Atlantis, the Yan civilization on another continent is flourishing.

   Klaus was born after Moses united with the earthlings. And Claudius' mother, the earthling, came from the ancient country of Yan.

  Clautis’s blond hair and blue eyes are obviously not inherited from her mother, but her blood has the genes of Yan Chinese.

   When she saw Sunan, her first glance was shock, but her second glance was curiosity.

   Yan Chinese will actually appear here, still on top of a space war. And also accurately found the location of Atlantis on the bottom of the sea, which is incredible.

   Actually, this is not the first contact between Claudius and Sunan.

   Before this, Claudius had an opportunity to meet Sunan in person, but he missed it perfectly.

   When Sunan was helping [Glacier Basalt Beasts] on the seabed to find the Armor of Immortality, the sonar had been transmitted here, but it was deceived by the protection system to show that it was normal sea area.

   At that time, Sunan was only Tier 3, and of course he didn't have the strength to distinguish this.

   After the upgrade of Sunan, Claudius originally wanted to lead the guard to check it out when there was a long roar on the seabed. But Sunan left the ocean.

   Of course, Claudius would not know that the strong man she wanted to find was actually the Yan Chinese in front of her!

   Sunan didn't answer Clautis' question, but still looked at her coldly.

   It turned out that when Claudius came here, he brought Wei Bing with him, and Wei Bing from Atlantis was a group of sea monsters.

   When Sunan was looking for ice crystals on the bottom of the sea before, the giant octopus he encountered was actually listed.

   Could it be that these monsters are controlled by the woman in front of you?

   So is this the Atlantis that I guessed?

   Welcome to Atlantis!

   Maybe it was because of the misunderstanding that Sunan’s disregard was because of his impoliteness in front of him, and Claudius quickly changed the subject.

   "If you don't mind, I think we can try to negotiate with each other," Claudius said politely.

   However, on the other end of the video, Sunan shook his head.

   Sorry, I am not here to negotiate. I'm here to borrow something from you.

  Clautis was surprised at what Sunan said.

   Suddenly a white behemoth suddenly crossed between Claudius and the guards she had brought, separating them.

   Another blue dragon held Clautis Li, and the dragon head flared, signaling the guards not to act rashly.

   On the screen, Sunan always kept a faint smile.

   Don't move, I just want to invite you in to discuss it. However, I don't like being beaten up.

   One of the giant squid obviously didn't want to catch it with his hands. The huge figure wanted to rush over, and it was about to collide with the white behemoth.

   The white behemoth had a mouth, and a blue-white light enveloped the giant octopus, and then it instantly froze into ice blocks. The whole body was stiff and unable to move.

   This white behemoth is the "Glacier Basalt Beast". At this moment, according to Sunan's instructions, it has joined the group of blue whales and brought them to support.

  Blue dragon needless to say, it is naturally [God holds the blue dragon beast], go into the sky and do whatever you want. The order Sunan gave him was to control Claus.

   Sunan’s initial plan was to control these Atlanteans. He deliberately let the space battleship touch the Atlanteans’ protective system and did not launch an attack. In fact, it is just waiting for it, waiting for the other party to send it to the door.

  Of course, negotiation is not impossible, but the initiative of negotiation must be in the hands of Sunan

   After all, Sunan’s visit this time is not a simple ride, a picture is so simple. He was looking for what Atlantis wanted, but the other party was not so willing to hand it over.

  Clautis can’t be caught obediently, but now I’m a fish. Is there any way?

   Apart from cursing Sunan's despicableness in the bottom of my heart, Claudius really has nothing to do, his face is bulging. It was the first time that she saw such a person who didn't follow the routine.

   However, the appearance of this blue dragon caught Clautis's attention.

   Every nation has its own totem, worshipped creatures, and faithful creatures.

   This blue dragon is undoubtedly an ancient totem of the Yan nationality. Claudius has seen it in ancient books and has done a lot of research on this magical creature.

  Because the Atlanteans also have their own totems.

   Their totem is Sirius, and the object of worship is Sirius. Because the Atlantans came to Earth from Sirius.

  Although for some unspeakable reason, their group of aboriginal people of Sirius had to come to this remote and unfamiliar place on Earth to establish Atlantis.

   But the yearning for the mother star has not stopped for a moment. Therefore, they turned this yearning into a totem and kept it in every corner and every aspect of Atlans.

   Atlantis people will also look up to Sirius and hold certain rituals regularly to express their inner respect.

   This is all because the Atlanteans brought advanced technology and retained this memory after they came to the earth from Sirius.

   Dragon, but not so lucky.

   There were many totems in the Yan nationality in ancient times. Each region and each clan had its own totem. Almost all the four great beasts raised in southern Jiangsu have their own representatives.

   snakes, insects, rats and ants, all animals can find their derived images in the tribes scattered in the mountains.

   However, Qinglong alone stood out from these numerous totems and became a representative of the civilization of the Yan country, becoming a real belief.

   However, dragons are not creatures on earth. This Atlantean knows better than anyone else.

  Because dragons are from another planet just like them. However, why this creature merged with the Yan nationality, and finally the perfect combination, the Atlanteans couldn't understand.

   This is indeed beyond the reach of the Atlanteans, otherwise they will not fall to the point where they are hidden in the Hundred Triangles and cut off from the land.

  Clautis thought to himself, is there any other secret hidden in this Yan countryman?

   Thinking of this, Claudius gave the guards behind him an order not to attack. These guards are made up of various ocean monsters and are very powerful.

  Although Atlanta is only occupying the area of ​​the Hundred Acts Triangle~www.wuxiaspot.com~, in fact, the entire ocean is under their control.

   God holds the Azure Dragon Lu] Take Klaus to meet Sunan, [Glacier Basalt Beast] is still in the middle to prevent the attack of the Atlanticians.

   The ice on the giant octopus shattered, and it regained its freedom. That was just a little jingle from [Glacier Basalt Beast].

   However, after regaining freedom, the giant octopus still tried to stay away from [Glacial Basalt Beast]. It seems that the attack just now made it discover the disparity in the strength of the two sides.

   The door of the space battleship opened and Claudius walked in.

  As the princess of Atlantis, Claudius, who plays the role of value and wisdom, is obviously very elegant and calm.

   Even if I meet with Sunan now, the taste of coercion is a little bit more, but as a proud princess, Claudius still tries to make himself cold and unpredictable.

  Hello, this is Claudius. The princess of the Atlanteans. "Clautis said with his head held up.

   Sunan. ""The man on the other side said coldly. "Yan Guoren

   The last sentence is obviously joking, and Claudius knows that this is a protest against Gang's own surprise.

  What do you want?" Claudius said bluntly.

   Regardless of whether it is Yan Guoren or interstellar predators, the group of people in front of them are clearly here, and Claudius needs to know their purpose.

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