I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 132: punishment

Films of "normal" voices one after another came from all posts, and David was full of energy and content.

   Two days ago, David had already set the final day of salvage. David has done a lot of preparations for this day, and now it is finally the harvest season.

   The news about Atlantis, this undersea city most likely to exist, was strictly blocked by David.

   Fortunately, it is on the vast ocean, and this information cannot be transmitted temporarily.

   David knows what this hot news means. In order to guarantee his reputation and to surprise the people of the world, he gave it up.

   At present, records about Atlantis are almost rare. Any suspected discovery of Atlantis’s adventure will be the hottest topic instantly.

   Therefore, while blocking information from the outside, David also kept strictly confidential within the expedition.

   Almost no one except David himself realized that they were engaged in an expedition that would sensationalize the whole world.

  Get into the water!" David decisively ordered.

   Various equipment dived deep into the ocean.


  Boss, we have taken over the entire Atlantis now.

   Chikoka walked to Sunan and said excitedly.

   Sunan stood there without moving, a breath of majesty exuded from his body. The two black wings have been put in.

   The black wings are actually condensed by energy and then materialized.

   Just like Moses used a scepter to condense energy into a blue dragon and a Suzaku-like clone.

   These black wings can increase Sunan’s godhead. This is the first time that Sunan has risen to the position of the main **** of the earth.

  The godheads are divided into three levels: junior, middle, and high. Each level has three godheads.

   Although Sunan is still in a primary state, and there is only one godhead. But he still has super **** potential now, there is no doubt about that.

   Atlantis has been controlled by Sunan. These people in Atlantis, Sunan has not yet figured out how to deal with it.

   To be honest, these people are not people on earth, nor are they people of southern Jiangsu. Sirius is also the hometown that their home planet missed all the time on Sirius.

   Now that Sunan has become the new owner here, this kind of thought and emotion has become even more urgent.

   Moreover, Sunan wants to make Atlantis his pet empire, Sunan wants to put all the pets he keeps here. This is not only safe, but also very hidden.

  Bi Dang, these powerful monsters can't openly appear in front of the public. This will cause huge panic.

  Zuo Xiu also has some headaches, can't I drive these Atlantis people away? In that case, doesn't it seem that I am too unreasonable?

   At this moment, Chekoka leaned into Sunan’s ear again and whispered to the boss. The Princess Atarantes named Claudius said she wanted to see you alone? The boss, do you see you or not?

  Clautis? Sunan really almost forgot this self-righteous woman

   However, Sunan has to admit that she is indeed smart enough. Maybe it was inherited from her father Moses' strong IQ.

   Sunan thought for a moment and nodded.

  Although Moses was defeated by himself, this was just a contest between God and God, and Krauss was not involved.

   Sunan didn't like to kill, so he left Moses' life, but Moses could never let him exist in Atlantis.

   Sunan knows the influence of Moses in Atlantis. It is Sunan now and it can be suppressed temporarily. What if Sunan doesn't have Atlantis someday? Will he really follow that?

   Therefore, Sunan will not only let Moses leave here, but also let him leave the earth he is dominating.

   Sunan and Chikoka come to Clautis’s apartment under house arrest. Claudius is staying with his father Moses. At this moment, Claus is taking care of his weak father.

   Moses’ injury was actually not that serious. As long as Sunan didn’t intend to kill him, he would be able to recover quickly.

   However, the real problem with Moses is that he has been thoroughly combated by Sunan.

   You need to know that when you bet your life, you had to take the blow of Sunan, but it was easily defeated. This feeling is beyond words.

   Moreover, Moses knew that Sunan was left behind in that blow. Otherwise, he would never survive.

   Sunan’s attack controlled the power just right. It completely destroyed Moses' fighting spirit, but it made Moses unable to understand the strength of Sunan.

   After that, Sunan Jingran was able to absorb the energy of the underground Kun from the Tower of the Gods. You know, Moses regarded this Yin energy as a treasure at the beginning, but he never found a way to use it.

   This is the gap between Sunan and Moses. Sunan can transfer the energy inside the Tower of the Gods into his body and become stronger.

But Moses could only release this energy, and then raise it into an energy protection system, but he couldn’t use it. He realized that the gap between himself and Sunan was getting bigger and bigger. Moses’ heart was filled with waves. Of nowhere. He has no godhead, and he is no longer qualified to fight Sunan.

   Thinking of escaping from Sirius, didn’t he just want to prove his ability to those people?

   As a result, reality is so cruel. A Sunan as powerful as those people appeared on the earth, and Sunan is still so young, and the future strength is immeasurable.

   Maybe one day, Sunan will do what she wants to do but can't do: become even more powerful than those people?

   When Sunan walked to him, Moses' thoughts were slowly pulled back.

   The two people finally officially met face to face, looking at each other. This is a battlefield without gunpowder.

   Sunan has changed his opponent very much. At least Moses made great efforts to build Atlans, and Sunan was amazed.

   Moreover, it is precisely with the existence of the Tower of the Gods that Sunan can absorb the source of energy into his body and complete the promotion.

   If such a genius can be used for himself, it will definitely become his own help.

   Sunan's mouth showed a faint smile.

   Moses obviously did not expect that Sunan would come here.

  Clautis is good at advocating, and wants to invite Sunan to negotiate. She didn’t tell her father about this, so Moses didn’t know.

   However, this was also the first time Moses faced Sunan seriously.

  Before the battle at the Tower of the Gods, Moses could sit on an equal footing with Sunan. Both are gods, and Moses' time as a **** is even longer.

   At that time, the earth still had no main god.

   The gods on the earth are constructed by believers by faith. They belong to spiritual power and are illusory.

   Moses came to Earth from Sirius, originally wanting to establish his own godhead on this planet. However, it has suffered wild hostility from other races.

   There is a tendency for xenophobia in any nation, but it differs in degree.

   The differences in culture, language, region, and belief between the two have caused huge hidden dangers in this so-called integration. It is only a matter of time before disputes break out.

   So, Moses' hopes were quickly shattered. The earthlings did not want to be ruled by an outsider, so the war broke out.

   Even if it was a god, Moses could not stop the torrent of Yin sweeping.

   finally became like this: Atlantis was moved to the bottom of the sea, Moses found the source of the earth's energy, and then designed a complete energy protection system.

   Later, the plot became the earthling of Sunan, taking Atlantis as a whole.

   Even if there is more unwillingness in Moses' heart, he is helpless.

   In the face of powerful strength, any unwillingness will only become a cruel crush. Sunan has crushed Moses once, and Moses doesn’t want to experience it again

   Su Nan looked at Moses coldly, there was no contempt in his eyes, no pity, only coldness.

   The people around Moses all backed out, only Sunan and Moses left in the room and looked at each other.

   The majesty emanating from Sunan's body is as real as it is, pressing heavily on Moses' chest, making him breathless. Moses noticed that Sunan's strength had risen a step higher than before.

   Of course Moses knew the difference between having a godhead and not having a godhead.

   Therefore, he is not willing to resist Sunan. Of course, his inner pride did not allow him to submit to Sunan.

   Sunan seemed to understand the complicated meaning in Moses' eyes, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  You seem to be unconvinced?" Sunan said lightly.

   This sentence seems random, but in fact it is the tone of the superior to the subordinate~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the elder to the younger generation.

   Obviously, Sunan’s current status is far higher than that of Moses. Such a way of speaking is a natural habit, nothing more.

   Moses really didn't care about this tone, because this is indeed the capital owned by the strong.

   "I lost." Moses said, inevitably a little downcast.

   I will leave here, and Atlantis will be yours from now on. I hope you can treat my people well. "

   Even though he knew that he was not qualified to ask for something from Sunan, Moses couldn't help asking Sunan. Bijing Atlantis lived with his people.

   I can accept Atlantis, but I will not leave an Atlantis here. "Sunan said coldly.

  What!" Moses clenched his fist.

   Does Sunan want to kill all the Atlanteans? Is he here today to kill me and Clautis?

   Such a thought flashed in Moses' mind.

  Unexpectedly, Sunan's home knife was always raised. There was a sadness in Moses' heart, and now he could not even control his own destiny in his own hands.

  The lives of those Atlantis, what qualifications does he have to be responsible for them?

   Moses can only swallow his hatred in his heart, yes, why did he come out in the first place? What is it for? Is this result today a punishment for himself?

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