I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 134: Retrofit

The construction of the space-time channel must have stable energy to support its operation. In the early stage, huge energy can be used to tear it open. "

   But if there is not enough energy to support it, this space-time channel will collapse.

   Chikoka said, making gestures in his hands.

   "Assuming that what you see now is a space-time passage, the end of the time-space gate is in Atlanta, and the other end is on that planet.

   The one in the middle is the channel that can be used to shuttle between the two stars. If you want to maintain the circulation of this channel, you must inject energy

   At this moment, Moses, who had been listening carefully, joined the discussion

  In other words, if energy can't support this passage, it will squeeze hard to close the opening. "

   Sunan listened and pondered, and seemed to understand the truth.

   At the beginning, whether it was an energy alien beast or a variety of monsters left on the earth to absorb energy, most of them stayed on the earth for this reason.

  Because their energy is not enough to open the door of time and space again, they can only do one-way interstellar crossing.

   And only Sunan and his four great beasts have completed the two-way journey, from the earth to the planet where the tribe people are, and back to the earth from the planet where the tribe people are.

   The fundamental reason is that Sunan itself contains enough energy to support him on two journeys.

   In the current situation, the space battleship has the ability to complete the opening and shuttle of the time-space gate, but it cannot guarantee the construction and maintenance of the time-space channel.

   Chikoka means that only Sunan can possess this terrible energy.

   After all, on the Tower of the Gods, Sunan's strength has already deeply shocked the two people in this room.

   Moses looked at Sunan with a complicated expression on his face.

  Although Moses was a genius, he was skilled in the use of energy, and the construction of time and space channels would give him enough time and sufficient energy to complete it.

   After all, Moses had thought about it, if some Sirius found here, he could leave with his own people.

   But, Moses' strength lies there after all. Without the godhead, compared with Sunan, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

  At the beginning, Moses thought that Sunan was only relying on the monsters around him to do this. After he really fought Sunan, he knew that he was wrong.

   The strength of Sunan has been able to crush him countless times, and Sunan has extended its wings on the Tower of the Gods, which already represents that Sunan has a godhead.

   Now, at such a critical moment, I still have to rely on Sunan.

   Sunan conquered Moses and the Atlanteans. Now Sunan gives them a place to live, and uses their own energy to establish a space-time channel.

   Moses' mood gradually changed.

   Originally, Moses was a bit self-defeating. Sunan defeated him, and it was a matter of time before he quit the stage. It's a pity that I can't let go of these people.

   The news that Sunan brought has rekindled hope for him. However, working under Sunan's hands made him feel a little embarrassed.

   After all, from the master of Atlantis to the **** of Sunan, Moses could not accept this change for a while. However, now Moses had to be convinced by Sunan’s performance.


   Whether it is Sunan's tolerance or his strength at this time. Moses asked himself, it is absolutely impossible for him to complete this space-time passage in a short time.

   Sunan still had that kind of faint expression on his face, and he seemed extra serious when discussing plans with Chikoka.

   Sunan obviously did not treat Moses and Chekoka as outsiders, but as a partner in a total of thousands of important things, and humbly listened to their opinions.

The    plan was finally determined after repeated overhauls.

   Moses is responsible for activating the source of energy under the Tower of the Gods, and with the cooperation of Sunan, tore a gap in space at the top of the Atlantis protection system.

   I saw Sunan's black wings spread again, flew to the top of the protective system, and blasted out in an instant. A huge gap slowly widened.

  The energy of the protection system is opened to support the breach. So above the Cang Palace, a huge black gap appeared

   Chikoka flew the space battleship into the black gap and flew towards the planet where Gila was.

   Gila led the tribesmen in the place where they disappeared in southern Jiangsu. Suddenly a huge gap appeared in the sky, and a powerful energy gushed from the gap.

   Then, the space battleship that made the tribe people fearful again appeared on top of the tribe people, causing a panic.

   But Gila didn't use it.

   It is true that this space battleship is the spaceship opened by the interstellar predators before, but Gila also felt another warm and familiar force.

   Sunan also entered the passage of time and space, and his whole body was shining with golden light. Where Sunan passed by, the golden light covered the passage.

   It is as if the channel is inlaid with a layer of gold foil, and the originally squeezed and contracted space-time channel gradually solidifies and takes shape.

   Sunan followed the flight trajectory of the space battleship and flew towards the planet where Ruojila was with the golden light.

   Gila grinned and finally laughed.

  Because of the black gap at this moment, the golden light flickered, and a man with black wings slowly landed in front of the tribe under everyone's gaze.

   welcome the host back. "Jila knelt on the ground, kneeling respectfully at Sunan's feet.

   "What's the matter? Why is the instrument malfunctioning again?" David roared loudly in front of the monitoring equipment.

   Just in Gang オ, a yellow golden light flashed, and all the underwater observation equipment and the electronic equipment on the ship were all malfunctioning.

   The screen became pitch black, and a loud noise came from the monitoring headset. The pointers of the various electrical instruments on the ship rotate rapidly.

  Everything changed back to the way it started.

   David smashed his head on the table in front of him very hard. What is going on here? Why does this happen!

   Just a minute ago, David had seen a lot of things that made him firm his beliefs

   David has become more and more convinced that there is a legendary undersea city: Atlantis.

   However, all of this suddenly interrupted the expedition work again.

   David held the "Nine-Nine-Three" head in both hands and roared loudly.

   Sunan appeared in front of the tribe again. This time, Sunan had two huge black wings on his back, hovering in the air like a god.

   What surprised the tribe people even more was that this time, Sunan was surrounded by interstellar predators, and these interstellar predators showed a very respectful attitude towards Sunan.

   There was a trace of doubt in the eyes of the tribesmen. They didn't know that this meant that Shijla was obviously behaving more than their normal, because in Gila's eyes, Sunan was his own master, and there was no doubt that Sunan did anything.

   The arrival of Sunan caused the monsters on the planet where the tribe people were to boil.

   These monsters have been raised by Sunan, and their loyalty to Sunan is naturally much higher than that of tribesmen. The arrival of Sunan again makes them feel very excited.

   Moses also walked out of the space battleship.

   Looking at this vast expanse of land, as well as the tribal people worshiping Sunan, and the monsters bowing their heads to ears, the expression on Moses's face became unpredictable again.

   Moses' knowledge of Sunan has deepened again.

   This earthling, who is by no means as simple as it seems on the outside, has such a big appeal on the outer planet silently.

   Sunan waved his hand, and the monsters consciously dispersed to both sides.

   Gila felt as if her body was being lifted by a powerful but gentle force, and then a golden beam of light from Sunan's body poured directly into Gila's body.

   This golden thread intersects with the blue thread in Gila's body, and merges into a thicker vein.

   Gila feels that the energy in his body is constantly growing, his body is like a copper wall and iron wall, and his bones are creaking

   That's right, Sunan is transforming Gila's body.

   As a commendation of Gila's loyalty, Sunan gave Gila a stronger body, already stronger.

   The golden light dissipated, and Gila's whole person was like a reborn. Perhaps, he himself was more able to experience that amazing change in his body.

   Sunan nodded in satisfaction and motioned to Gila to enter the space battleship with him.

In    Space Battleship, Chekoka introduced Sunan’s ideas in detail.

   The space-time channel has been opened, and the next step is to move the Tower of the Gods to this planet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now, Sunan has officially named this planet Atlantis.

   Hearing this decision, Moses finally bowed his head to Sunan and expressed his gratitude.

   Maybe the name is just a code name, but it means that the Atlantis people led by Moses finally have their own destination.

   Of course, Moses will not forget. Now the Atlanteans connected to Moses themselves under the protection of Sunan. Moses finally set his position.

   As for the Burong people, according to the plan of Sunan, the tribe people will be centralized and unified management. It is up to Gila to form a tribal alliance and govern.

The    monsters are handed over to Chikoka and his interstellar predators for unified management.

   Sunan will focus on raising the monsters that have not yet been raised, and then select the outstanding ones to upgrade.

   Moses will build a tower of the gods among the tribesmen, the Atlanteans, and the interstellar predators.

  In the middle of the planet, the remaining blue products, some of the uranium materials in the space battleship, and the energy **** condensed on Sunan will be placed in the center of the earth.

   These energies will be used as energy sources, and after being amplified by the Tower of the Gods, a huge energy protection system will be formed over the planet of Atlantis.

   At the other end of the space-time passage, the Atlantis people are moving towards Atlantis under the lead of the space war

   The original site of Atlantis in the Hundred Acts Triangle has now become empty, but soon, it will be filled in by the monsters raised by Sunan.

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