I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 138: breath

But, why is his old meeting being overturned?

   One after another flare is launched into the air, you need to know this

   Pirates rarely use it. It's not a regular bacteria, it's better to equip it with natural beauty.

   But now, the boss has been killed. The other party is not a big source, and there is not even a germ ship to escort, and they simply don't take them seriously.

   These flare flares were previously looted from a passing merchant ship and exploded in the sky. Even in the daytime, the red powder smoke in the sky is still scarlet and dazzling.

   The entire waters around the Somali Peninsula are boiling, which means that a declaration of war against the pirates has begun.

   Numerous speed boats are coming here, pirates wearing messy berets of various colors, and famous brand T-shirts in Yan Guoshan race.

  The weapons in his hand are also varied, shoulder-carried, hand-held, and the whole big guy fixed on the speedboat.

   You must know that Somalia is now an anarchy, with a lot of artillery fire, and is known as a paradise for pirates. Various forces exchanged here and penetrated.

   The weapons here can be said to be endless, as popular as a kitchen knife in every household.

   It is said that children play games with cartridges thrown around, and older children carry AK47s on the street, and the killing is just like commonplace.

   So, as soon as the signal flares sounded, the anger throughout Somalia exploded like a sparkling explosive barrel.

   Sunan still stood on the deck faintly. At this time David's expedition ship had stopped, David, the captain, and all the crew were standing behind Sunan, staring at all this blankly.

   Escape, it is impossible to escape.

   The pirates destroyed the power system of the expedition ship when they left. Now they can’t escape if they want to escape. David looked at Sunan's back, no one knew what Sunan's face was now. But David knew that as the initiator of the whole thing, Sunan must still have that faint expression on his face.

   That’s right, Sunan didn’t have the slightest worry, even a faint smile on his face.

   Rocked the entire Somali waters, as if being stabbed in a hornet's nest, and Sunan seemed to be okay.

   The speed of the pirates is very fast. In less than ten minutes, this mob has gathered thousands of people! Hundreds of speedboats turned the expedition ship into iron barrels, and Sunan and others are now unable to fly.

   Gang オ who killed us!" Gru said with one foot on the boat, Ak47 in his hand, and a cigarette holder in his mouth.

   As the Somali waters, the boss of all pirates, Gelu must come out to organize justice.

   There were also pirates killed in the past, but those were normal casualties caused by the exchange of fire between the frigate and the pirates.

   Faced with regular bacteria like the frigate, the pirates certainly have no room to fight back, but this does not mean that they can be slaughtered.

   Now even a small expedition ship dares to confront them so blatantly, isn't it going against the sky?

   Gelug must lead the pirates to get this place back. You know, this flare means that all pirates must assemble to the place where the accident happened.

   This is no longer a question of revenge for a small pirate leader, this is a fresh pick for all Somali pirates Chi Guoguo! If you don't take revenge, when the hearts of the people are dispersed, the team will be difficult to bring.

  Grid stood on the speedboat and took the lead. His speedboat is much larger than other pirates, and he welded a Gatling gun to the bow of the ship. The huge Gatling gun is like a monster that devours everything. This is the group of people!" The boss's subordinates drove the speedboat to the left of Gru. Just now, he was the first to throw the hook on the expedition ship.

   However, when he was about to ask his boss for instructions, he saw his boss suddenly driving a speedboat back, and also issued an instruction to retreat. Immediately afterwards, a rocket flew out of the expedition ship to blow up his boss's ship.

   They have tried David’s expedition ship before, and they have determined that there are no anti-fake weapons on board, and the crew on board are not like professionally trained and can be eaten.

   But something went wrong at this last moment, and even his boss folded in.

   Pirates always pay attention to revenge. Of course, the most important thing is that they have eaten the expedition ship where Sunan is located. There is no way to resist.

   Although they said, they didn't know how the rocket came out. Could it be said that the other party's expedition ship is really a kunruo rocket launcher?

   But, it doesn’t matter anymore. Now, the entire expedition ship is surrounded by pirates. Even a regular bacteria can't match it.

   The pirates are like hyenas on the African savannah. Once the smell of blood comes in, they will swarm, and then they will besiege the lone prey in a large number and attack them in groups. Now, in their eyes, Sunan is one of the prey

   Unfortunately, they were wrong.

   Sunan has never been a prey, and it is impossible to be their prey. Sunan is a killer, only if others become his prey.

   This point, they will know immediately. Because the corner of Sunan's mouth was already showing a cold smile. The ocean is not a place outside the law. As the main **** of the earth, Sunan has the right to let these pirates understand this.

   All those who dare to be wild on the territory of Southern Jiangsu must pay a heavy price. So this time, I can only use blood to repent.

   The calm sea suddenly trembled violently, and the waves hit the speedboats of the pirates. Zhou Guo suddenly fogged up and caged them hazily.

  In the thick fog, huge black figures are approaching the pirate step by step.

   When the sea just spread over, the pirates didn't care.

  Somali waters often fog up at this time, but it will dissipate soon. The pirates are close to the coast, so there is no interference by the sea

   It’s just that today’s sea fog is a bit strange. In the past, the sea breeze blew the sea fog forward, but today there is no wind, and there is still a smell of fishy smell in the air.

   is the smell of rotting marine life, which makes people disgusting.

  Gelu was planning to show Sunan a little bit of color. Intuitively, he felt that Sunan had an evil spirit. But what exactly it was, Gelu couldn't understand.

   It may be because of rolling in the pile of dead people all the year round, Gru came back to life again and again, and his ability to perceive danger is much stronger than ordinary people.

   Although Sunan hasn't spoken since the meeting with Gelu, the aura on him can be clearly felt.

   And the little pirate leader who caused the whole dispute was dead again. Someone recognized that he was bounced back and killed by a rocket he launched.

   The debris on the sea surface can be found traces of rockets. Because the facts have proved that the entire expedition ship does not have weapons for self-defense.

   This is purely an expedition ship, and there is not even a kitchen knife on board, let alone rockets, which are amazing weapons.

   All signs indicate that there was a very strange scene in the death of the little pirate boss.

   And now, this mysterious atmosphere suddenly soaked makes this strange atmosphere more real.

  Of course, many pirates don't know what's going on. They just feel that the fog has lasted for a long time, and it is getting thicker and thicker, and they have begun to lose sight of the facial features of those around them.

   The air in Mi Lingli makes people breathe, but what makes people breathe more is the weird noise that comes from the mist from time to time.

   is like a group of creatures passing through the water, making a huge noise. Sometimes it was a low roar, sometimes it was a sharp beacon.

   The pirates held the guns in their hands tightly, as if the only way to calm their nervousness. However, the sweat was still left behind with sticky sweat.

   The pirates are waiting for Gru's order to attack.

   There is also a group of creatures, also waiting for an order. The commander of this order is Sunan.

   Sunan looked around him faintly, and the pirates who were living in the expedition ship were shrouded in mist at this moment, as if swallowed by the sea

  Gelu, the group of pirates, thought that Sunan was in the same situation as they were and was enveloped in a sudden thick fog, and now they are waiting for the fog to dissipate.

   However, David and the crew stood behind Sunan, on the deck of the expedition ship, but saw all of Zhou's affairs truly.

  The people on the expedition ship are not bothered by the fog at all!

   The moment Sunan stretched out his hand, this huge mist had already begun to rise from the sea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like a sweet piece.

   In the middle are Sunan and the expedition ship, they are empty. Surrounded by menacing pirates, they are controlled by the mist.

   The crew looked at each other. No one can explain why this happened. This has violated scientific theory, no one knows the reason.

   Only David seems to have guessed something, because every time he sees Sunan's shot, all strange things will happen. After all, not everyone can tame huge ocean monsters.

   If it weren't for the ocean monster, Sunan and the crew would not appear at the door of the pirate's house. It seems to be doomed in the future.

   Those creatures waiting for Sunan's order have all appeared in the mist of the Somali sea at this moment, because they all behaved very "warm" before Sunan's order.

  They are the monsters from the planet that has been named Atlantis.

   Since Southern Jiangsu has opened up a space-time channel under the Hundred Great Triangles, these monsters from different planets have been able to communicate freely under the drive of Southern Jiangsu.

  The monsters that can pass through the gate of time and space are naturally raised in southern Jiangsu, and they are usually very organized and loyal. Sunan can let them come to the earth.

   These pirates fell, just in time for the first batch of monsters summoned by Sunan to pass through time and space.

   These fogs were created by Sunan, because he doesn't want people to know about the monsters he raised, nor does he want these monsters to be in front of the public.

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