I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 146: Potential

Sunan disappeared, the members were secretly arranged to enter the laboratory to conduct unknown experiments, and the monster team existed in name only.

   During the experiment, Zhang Meng and the three were under anesthesia throughout the whole process, so they did not know what Dean Jiu Jing did to them.

   After finally coming out, the three of them received the news that Sunan had reappeared, and they were looking forward to it. But immediately if the dean arranged for the three of them to come here to perform the task.

The dean, who has always been like a good old man, suddenly became harsh. The three dared not refute, and hurried to the Kunnan River in the Himalayas. The initial plan was that Zhang Meng went deep into the expedition to meet, and Du Zijian and Liu Fuxin were in the dark. To provide support.

   But when the expedition entered this valley, the three of them all began to notice something strange: there were people behind them

   As the saying goes, the mantis catches the cicadas behind, the people behind are very hidden, it is difficult to find their tracks. If it hadn't been for the roar of the monster to reveal the location, I'm afraid it would still be undetectable.

  Even if they didn't communicate with each other, the three of them quickly made corresponding adjustments by virtue of their promise to perform tasks together.

   It is still Zhang Meng who pays close attention to David's situation to ensure his safety. Liu Fuxin and Du Zijian left behind the expedition.

   Liu Fuxin and Du Zijian escaped from the trail of the expedition and climbed up towards the mountains on both sides, using the jungle to cover their breath. Then wait for the person following to show up.

   It’s just that when Liu Fuxin and Zhang Meng looked at the only way below, they didn’t notice

   A figure is approaching them quietly from behind!

   Monster Academy

   come in with me. "The dean said with both hands behind him, while walking towards this secret secret door, turning back to Sunan.

   Sunan did not shirk, and walked in with strides.

   The laboratories of the Monster Academy are mostly opened by hidden doors. You can enter the laboratory from almost any corner of this building.

   Such as the dean's study, such as Ye's office, and the corner of the toilet, the corridor, you can open a secret door in any unexpected place.

   This adds a bit of mystery to the monster academy body, but it is far less surprising than the interior of the laboratory.

   At the moment, there are three huge cylindrical containers in the laboratory, which are filled with green liquid, and there is something like an oxygen pump inserted in it that is still bubbling outward.

   What is even more surprising is the contents of this cylindrical container.

   The three alien monsters that Sunan killed in the "Cropfield Circle" are now quietly soaking in the container! The scars on the three monsters have all healed.

   Even the alien monster that was only half of its body blown up by the fireball of [Glamorous Suzaku Beast] had already recovered its flesh at this moment.


   Sunan did not expect that the dean would collect these monsters back, and let them regain their lives. What is the dean's idea in his heart? Why do you want to leave these monsters?

   Ye already told you? "The dean asked Sunan thoughtfully when he was standing in front of the three large columns.

   Tell me what? "Sunan turned to face the dean, there was no other expression on the dean's face, as always, cheerful.

   I extracted the monster's genes from these three monsters, and then broke them down and studied them individually. "When the dean said this, his expression was a little arrogant.

   I found the monster genes and also found a way to isolate these genes. It was I who separated the monster gene from Ye Jing's body and restored her to her original appearance.

   Dean looked at Su Nan and said, his eyes were full of pride.

   This is indeed something worthy of Quarro, although it sounds simple. But in order to be able to accomplish this, the dean still spent a lot of money in private.

   But Sunan is not sure what the real purpose of the dean did this.

   If the dean did this only to help Ye Jing restore her previous appearance, Sunan would not believe such nonsense at all.

  The key to the problem is to isolate the monster gene. Could it be said that the real purpose of the dean is to want the genes of these monsters? The possibility of this is very high.

   "Those monster genes are now in my hand. I have found a way to control them and keep them stable.

   Dean's words cleared Sunan's doubts, and it was so. From the beginning, the dean wanted to collect these monster genes.

  Whether it is the Tianchi water monster, Kunlun altar, Shennongjia savage, and even Ye Jing himself, they are all important targets for the dean to collect monster genes.

   But, what is the use of collecting the genes of these monsters?

   Is it possible to raise monsters and evolve monsters like Sunan?

   Soon, Sunan knew the answer.

   Because on the video screen opened by the dean, Sunan saw three familiar figures.

   Sunan saw two people on the satellite video screen opened by the dean.

  There are three familiar figures among them.

   This is Zhang Meng, and David and his party are beside Zhang Meng. The pedestrian seems to have encountered some problems, and is now lying on the ground to rest.

   The other two are Du Zijian and Liu Fuxin. They are on the top of a hillside, staring intently at the Kunnan River Valley below.

   A figure approached Ruo, and the two of them didn't seem to notice at all.

   Sunan noticed that the figure behind the two of them seemed a little strange, much larger than the normal body. The figure had reached one meter behind them, with his right hand raised high.

   Kunnan River Valley

The figure behind    was gleeful, and I didn't expect that the two people's jing vigilance was so poor. From the touch to the attack, the whole process was surprisingly smooth, without being noticed at all.

   However, what disappointed him was that the moment he launched the attack, Liu Fuxin and Du Zijian suddenly rolled to the side and spread out from side to side.

   After this attack was completely missed, the two counterattack immediately began.

   Du Zijian was very fast, like a clever mantis, his left foot touched the ground, his right foot suddenly exploded, and the whole figure shot at the person who launched the attack like a cannonball.

   The man is not weak, and he steadily caught Du Zijian's huge destructive blow. Two people are fighting each other

   No one noticed that Liu Fuxin, who had also dodged, had no trace at this moment, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

   Just when the man was wondering, Du Zijian kicked him over, he quickly backed away, and distanced himself from Du Zijian. However, his figure hadn't stood still, and an afterimage suddenly appeared before his eyes.

   Liu Fuxin, who disappeared, suddenly appeared in front of the man, and Chaoruo punched him in the temple.

   Liu Fuxin's combat effectiveness is actually inferior to Du Zijian's. However, Liu Fuxin's concealment was beyond Du Zijian's reach. The man couldn't dodge and received a fist.

   The strength of this moment is enough to make his whole person stunned!

  At this moment of stunned surprise, Du Zijian's attack came up again, remembering that he swept the man to the ground very hard. Immediately afterwards, the big sandbag head greeted the man's face.

   These are ordinary fighting skills, but the cooperation between Liu Fuxin and Du Zijian is almost perfect.

   As their former captain, Sunan still saw some clues.

   The movements of these two people don't seem to be as sluggish as before, and there are faintly mixed with other charms.

   Can you see it?" The dean asked with a smile.

   Sunan nodded. Just now, he had seen that Liu Fu and Du Zijian had strengthened each other's strengths to a certain extent on the original basis.

   For example, Du Zijian's speed and Liu Fuxin's stealth effect. There has actually been a big improvement here.

   But these two people obviously didn't notice these changes in their use. They just felt that the opponent's strength was so weak, and the difference between them was obviously not big.

   They don't know, it's not that the opponent is too weak. It's that they have become stronger, but no one told them about becoming stronger. Everything still needs two people to slowly tap their potential.

   Did you do it?" Sunan asked, looking at the dean’s eyes, one word at a time.

   Hey. "The dean didn't say much, just let out two triumphant smiles. It can create an unpredictable feeling.

   Sunan is not in the mood to cooperate with the Dean to continue the performance. So far, Sunan’s secret has only been seen at the tip of the iceberg~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are still many mysteries that have not been revealed.

   However, according to the current information, the dean is not the enemy of Sunan. On the contrary, Sunan has seen from the dean the attitude of deliberately trying to win Sunan.

   For example, to help Ye restore his true colors. Given the relationship between Sunan and Ye Zhu, this love Sunan is afraid to owe.

   If Sunan didn't guess wrong, Zhang Meng, Du Zijian, and Liu Fuxin must have moved their hands and feet. But unlike Ye's gene, they are just the opposite.

   Dean should have fused monster genes in the three of them!

  Because in the video just now, Sunan has felt that these three people have biologically keen intuition, as well as superhuman reaction speed and resilience.

   These things have strong animal attributes. The dean has always been studying monster genes. Recall that Ye Jing once said that these three people also entered the Dean's laboratory like her.

  In other words, these changes happened during this time. And this period of time also happened to be the time when the dean isolated the monster gene.

   Sunan put his own inferences in front of the dean little by little, and the dean who was still there Jiegu's self-happily suddenly looked like a child exposed by others, with a frustrated expression.

   "Sunan ah Sunan, you, the dean points to Sunan with his finger. The index finger is easy to move up and down, but he chokes even more.

   It’s impossible to see the expression I want with you. "The dean paused, shook his head and continued.

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