I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 155: Holy mountain

The correct trail will go around the jungle along the edge of the sacred mountain and appear at the foot of the northern foothills of the Himalayas.

   The wrong one is just a five-kilometer-long broken road, and it is also a no-return road to the dark forest. As the people on this road get deeper and deeper, there is almost no possibility of going out again.

  Because there are abundant ores buried under this sacred mountain, these ores will emit powerful energy and affect the surrounding magnetic field.

   This is also the reason why David's compass does not work at all here.

   Of course, in addition to the magnetic field resistance, the peculiarity of this holy mountain is definitely more than that. Electronic devices will consume very quickly here, and the energy batteries that supply them will be strangely clean.

   Based on even David’s satellite phone, this high-end product that can be used for more than half a month on a single charge is no exception. The last light is lit, and even the music is turned off.

   The whole sacred mountain reveals a strange atmosphere, this is a death forest.

  Because of its close proximity to the Himalayas, many explorers have come here, but no one has ever gone out from here.

   Although there is an endless stream of people who come to the Himalayas to climb Mount Everest every year, there are probably not as many people who really die on Mount Everest than on the holy mountain.

   Therefore, the holy mountain is also called the forbidden mountain. It is an absolute restricted area at the foot of the Himalayas. Anyone who dares to give it a try will never be able to survive again

   David had this kind of consciousness long ago!

   Since accepting Sunan’s funding to find Bao Kun on the treasure map left by his grandfather, David has regarded this place as his last expedition in his life.

   It's just a pity that he didn't find the entrance to the legendary Bao Kun. This is something he really regrets.

   Grandpa drew a red circle on the Kunbao map that year. The location of the red circle encompasses a large area, and almost the entire Himalaya bei is included in it.

   David didn't know why his grandfather marked such a large piece of Fan Guo, and he didn't mention any clues related to Bao Kun's burial in his expedition notes.

   Sunan had such doubts when he saw this Kunbao map of David.

   Because what Sunan perceives is exactly this band, but the fluctuating energy within this range disappears from time to time, only a very broad impression, not specific.

   Sunan is willing to fund David, hoping that David can find a specific country. After all, the time for the second search of Southern Sunan, after all, this area definitely has a heart of energy, which is the key.

   David’s judgment, Bao Kun’s entrance may be somewhere in the north of the Himalayas, so the goal has always been that place.

   is now in this holy mountain, it is impossible to go out.

   Unless there is a miracle. A person's shadow appeared in David's mind.

   The shadow of this person is Sunan.

   Sunan also lived up to the expectations of David trapped in the holy mountain, and finally set off with his team.

   The Dean was thrown by Sunan to Chekoka. As for the conflicts and grievances between the two people, Sunan decided not to get involved, and they decided to solve it by themselves.

   Sunan knows that the dean is definitely the person who is most familiar with the earth. The dean has been preparing for so many years, he must not only master the monster gene, but he must also have many valuable treasures.

   As for whether Chekoka has the ability to dig it out, it depends on Chekoka's ability. This point Sunan has completely delegated power to Chekoka to deal with it.

   Long and fierce, Du Zijian and Liu Fuxin have recovered very well.

   The bodies of the three people have also adapted to the aquamarine energy balance spring that Sunan put into their bodies. With this, they can have the same abilities as Gila, and there is no need to worry about energy supply.

   And under the guidance of the dean, they quickly mastered the way to change their monster form.

   is actually very simple. After the first form change, you only need to concentrate on releasing the monster genes in the body to change the form, and return to the original form after the battle.

   This can be regarded as the dean's improvement of the monster gene, which is perfectly integrated into the body of the earth.

   However, there is no way to do it in subsequent upgrades. It can only become stronger by injecting the genes of other stronger monsters. This is compared with Sunan’s system.

   It takes a lot.

   Of course, they are Sunan's subordinates, and Sunan will definitely provide them with the most powerful monster gene. This is absolutely no problem.

   Sunan closed his eyes and searched, and found that David's sense of existence was weakening somehow. There are some mold sheds in specific locations. Sunan's perception was actually disturbed!

   But after Sunan gathered his spirit, he managed to find David's specific position.

   Not good, there is a more powerful creature approaching David!


   David didn't feel the danger approaching at all.

   The dark forest did not scare him, but David became more determined. There was a person in his mind, and that was Sunan.

   It is precisely because of the appearance of Sunan that David is determined to explore the unfinished journey of his grandfather: to find the last Bao Kun on the Kun Bao map.

   Therefore, when he got closer and closer, David's heart became calmer.

   Maybe life is like this. When you try to chase something, you forget your fear. Even if it is a failure, at least you have taken this step bravely, then you have succeeded.

   The reason why David showed such a resolute thought is because just now, he had eaten the last dry food.

   David is ready to leave this world at any time. Darkness has swallowed everything and will also devour his life. When eating the last piece of dry food, David painted a cross on his chest religiously.

  He is a devout believer and believes in the existence of God. After the last prayer was over, David calmly took the last food and quietly leaned on the trunk of a big tree, waiting for death.

   The hunger and tiredness that have come in the past few days left him with no energy to take a step.

   At this moment, the trees in front of David began to shake gently, and a huge black figure appeared in front of David-.

   This monster is called Qiongqi, and it is as big as three adult bulls. It looks like a tiger, but has spikes like a hedgehog. And there is a pair of huge wings on the back.

   When it approached quietly, David did not notice its appearance. Moreover, David, who is already weak, can no longer have the energy to guard against these.

   Qiongqi's throat made a gurgling sound, two copper bells staring at David with his big bulging eyes.

   From the moment David entered the forest, Qiongqi must have been eyeing David. But it stayed in the darkness and didn't show up, just to wait until David was dying to show up.

   This Qiongqi has spent tens of thousands of years in the Holy Land. As an ancient behemoth, it can be said to have always guarded this holy mountain, or it can be said to have been owned by this holy mountain.

   Most of the missing explorers became the playthings of this Qiongqi, and they ate them without hesitation after getting tired of playing. This is the only fun of Qiongqi in so many years.

   No one knows why an ancient mythical beast that has lived here for tens of thousands of years will keep guarding this place, because people who want to know the answer have become food for its stomach.

   When he appeared in front of David, David had no strength to react.

   But what makes this Qiongqi feel strange is that this person who entered the holy mountain did not show the fear he should have, but looked at the corner of his mouth very calmly and even showed a smile.

   David's expression at the moment was as if he had met a familiar friend, with a smile on his face, and he fell asleep quietly.

   Qiongqi, who originally wanted to scare people and find some boring fun in his boring life, was a bit enlightened at this time. This script seems a bit different

  I have waited for such a long time, isn't it just to make the already desperate people feel deeper despair at the last second? Why does this brother laugh!!

   Is it because you are not scary? Or is the timing of the appearance wrong?

   It has been a long time for Qiongqi, who has not encountered someone to enter the sacred mountain, and felt deeply frustrated. It roared in anger, shaking the forest.

   It is a pity that David would never wake up because of this roar. He was so tired that he had passed out at this time. It was just the smile at the corner of his mouth that made Qiongqi go crazy.

   However, this is indeed a misunderstanding.

David, who was already a little delirious~www.wuxiaspot.com~, saw the emergence of Qiongqi, and suddenly thought of it as the David of those monsters raised by Sunan, Sunan really didn’t have it. Let him down, appeared at the last moment and found himself.

   With this kind of happy satisfaction, David went to sleep with peace of mind, smiling like a flower. Qiongqi began to doubt life in despair.

   Qiongqi stepped forward, shaking his huge head from side to side, and suddenly opened his big mouth to swallow David into his stomach.

   Suddenly Zhou Guo's light was radiant, and a white monster sprang out from its right side and knocked it out very hard. The white monster bowed and assumed a fighting posture.


   A figure appeared in the sky, and this figure was the source of light. At this moment, the surrounding towering ancient woods are stacked, covering the sky and the sun. No wonder Sunan’s previous release of the [Yingzhuo Suzaku] cannot see the situation here.

   Sunan first, the black wings squatted, and then forcefully opened the huge energy from between the wings.

   The entire sacred mountain was split with a "human"-shaped gap, and the lush ancient trees on both sides were all knocked off, and the sunlight that had not entered here for thousands of years finally penetrated in.

   David was lying at the place where the "human" shape crossed, and only the tree with its back was still there. The others flew to both sides and turned into macaroni.

   This is the terrible strength of Sunan

   Du Zijian had already turned into a praying man and flew behind Sunan. The scene in front of him was long enough for him to digest.

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