I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 160: ocean

   Sunan's eyes were completely attracted by the quaint stone monument beside the white tiger beast.

   The deep pit formed by the impact of the white tiger beasts in the war broke a huge pit from the bottom of the holy mountain, and the secret of the hidden Kun was also exposed in front of Sunan.

   Sunan stepped forward, whispering about the mud on the stele, and the golden light glowing on it was suddenly bright and dazzling.

   This piece of white is obviously not made of earth materials. The surface of the stele is very smooth, but the shape is not at all regular.

   is a bit like the piece of Wu Shi outside the sky when Sunan went to Kunlun Ruins. The surface of this stone stele is carved with primitive hieroglyphs, which Sunan cannot read. The font is radiant, and there are faint energy fluctuations on it.

   At this moment, these writings are being filled with energy, emitting a golden light looming, as if waiting for something.

   Sunan was a little unpredictable about this stone stele, but he knew that the stone he discovered when the white tiger beast hit and collided by mistake must contain a huge secret.

   Because after this stone tablet appeared, the energy fluctuations of the entire holy mountain stopped. The energy fluctuations that originally permeated the entire Himalayas also began to disappear.

   Now, Sunan's consciousness can perceive the details of this area.

   Is everything because of the appearance of this stone tablet?

   This is the holy stele!" Yi Qiuling said seriously, not knowing when he appeared behind Sunan.

   Sunan turned his head and looked at the Bhutanese Sovereign who was covered by red gauze standing beside him, quietly feeling the energy fluctuations on the stone tablet.

  29 "Unexpectedly, you really found the lost monument in the legend.

   Qiu Ling turned his head and looked at Sunan's eyes, there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes, and a trace of shyness.

   Is this the sacred monument of your Bhutanese?" Sunan asked lightly. It turns out that Jie Qiuling came for this too.

   No, this is not our Bhutanese. "Yi Qiuling looked at Sunan and shook his head. "We are just the guardians of the holy monument.

   Just like this holy mountain, we Bhutanese were born to guard this holy monument. It's just that the whereabouts of the holy stele have not been found for a long time. Unexpectedly, the holy stele was finally seen again.

  So, this sacred stele belongs to the country of Yan?" Sunan asked, after all, the location of the sacred mountain is in the country of Yan in the north of the Himalayas.

   The holy monument does not belong to any country, it belongs to the entire Himalayas. "Jie Qiuling answered seriously.

   There is no national boundary for anything. After all, a long time ago, there was no country. The various ethnic groups in the Himalayas live together, forming their own villages, and large villages then form kingdoms.

   Bhutan is one of these countless small kingdoms.

   However, the link between these kingdoms is this sacred monument in the north of the Himalayas.

   The holy mountain is formed where the holy monument is. The spiritual sustenance of these peoples and the formation of their beliefs began when the country went around the holy mountain. It can be said that the holy stele belongs to the entire Himalayan civilization.

   Why does the holy stele appear here?

   Maybe it was a very long-term question. Yi Qiuling thought about it for a long time when answering Sunan’s question.

   I studied this history before becoming the suzerain of Bhutan. It is said that the holy stele existed hundreds of thousands of years ago, when the earth was not what it is now. "Yi Qiuling's words are a bit deep.

   The Himalayas do not exist on land as they are now. They are deep on the seabed and surrounded by sea cover. At that time, the entire earth was almost covered by the ocean.

   This is not wrong, once the vicissitudes of life, the Himalayas were covered by sea. The Kunnan River Valley is just a submarine gully, until the seabed rises under the action of the movement of the submarine crust.

   Once Wangyang, the sea became land, and the rising Himalayas became plateau mountains, even creating the world's highest peak, Mount Everest.

   And the holy stele has existed as early as the change of Canghaitian.

   So, no one knows why it appeared in this place. Because historical records show that the history of the holy stele predates the emergence of humans.

   However, there is an accepted fact that the existence of the holy stele is vital to the entire Himalayas. It even affects the entire planet.

   Of course, the latter statement has not been confirmed. However, it was mentioned vaguely in the Tantric Sect that Jie Qiuling studied.

  Whoever touches the holy monument will change the world.

   As for what this change is, no one knows. Because in the past few hundred years, the holy stele suddenly disappeared.

   People only know that it still exists? A certain corner at the foot of the Malaya Mountains, but they don’t know the exact location. Because if the holy stele leaves the Himalayas, it will be a catastrophe for mankind.

   However, no one knows what happened to the holy monument.

   Yan Guoguo has changed its dynasties over the centuries, especially in modern times, and has suffered unprecedented insults. These are all related to the disappearance of the holy stele.

   David's grandfather, a Westerner who knows this secret. Once followed the British bacteria invaders into the hinterland of Tubo, they separated from the British bacteria force as an expedition and went to the Kunnan River Valley alone.

   In the Kunnan River Valley, they found traces of the holy stele.

   But no one knows what they did to the holy monument. In the expedition of more than 100 people, only David's grandfather was left.

   Grandpa David’s notebook doesn’t know why, and it doesn’t record everything that happened here. All the expedition members who knew the inside story were dead, or only the bones of the Kunnan River Valley were left.

   Perhaps, David knew about 770 and found the record in his grandfather's notebook. But for a certain purpose, he concealed it.

   Then why did David conceal the record about the sacred monument, and accepted the invitation of the memorial to come here to investigate what is called Baoqun? Could this itself be a game designed by David, in fact, he has another plan?

   These things can only be explained clearly when David is confronted.

   "Zhang Meng, where did David go?" Su Nan suddenly turned back and asked, because he found that David was missing from the crowd around him.

   Gang. I was still here just now!" Zhang murmured, scratching his head. "He has been lying there to rest, why did he disappear suddenly?

   Sure enough, David should have discovered some important clues after seeing the holy stele. In order to prevent Sunan from suspicious of his head, he had already taken the opportunity to slip away.

   However, Sunan was not worried that David could escape from his palm.

   As long as Sunan is there, the secret of the holy monument will be solved sooner or later.

   But now, Sunan has discovered a more important problem. Yi Qiuling also noticed this problem. The two looked at each other and approached the holy monument in unison.

   There is only half of this sacred monument! The sacred monument buried under the ground is a half!

   After all, the other half was taken away?

   David walked through the jungle, and the lush bushes of the Himalayas were left behind by him.

   The blue energy hairspring that Sunan injected into his body quickly restored his ability to move, and even vaguely transformed his body.

   This kind of transformation is from the inside out. In addition to making David's body stronger, it also gives him a sense of attachment to Sunan.

   And this sense of attachment is intertwined with some deliberately concealed emotion deep in David's heart, creating a huge conflict.

   In other words, David's heart is very contradictory at the moment.

   Sunan gave David a trial, and David did it. He successfully found the holy mountain and also the holy monument. He was originally qualified to be a member of the Sunan team.

   However, David finally chose to betray Sunan.

   Of course, this betrayal was not designed from the beginning. It was a decision made after David discovered the half of the holy stele.

   This kind of decision is not a choice for David himself, but comes from a memory hidden deep in David's heart. This memory is related to David's grandfather. As mentioned earlier, David's love for adventure and his final becoming an adventure enthusiast from a university professor are all derived from his grandfather's influence on him.

   David's grandfather used to go to many places. In that era of colonial expansion, he followed the colonists' ships to various continents on the earth, knocking on the locked gates with guns.

   The country of Yan at that time was a paradise that all colonists dreamed of. According to legend, the people there lived a rich life and claimed to be a kingdom of heaven. There are a wealth of products ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as well as exquisite porcelain, tea, spices, silk and all the beautiful things you can imagine.

   However, the kings there refused to communicate with the outside world. They closed the country and refused to do business with the colonists.

   Then, an organized and planned aggression began. Since then, the people on this land no longer have peace, and the smoke and scorched earth have become the last sadness of a backward nation.

   The main battlefield at that time was in the coastal areas, where there were excellent ports and rich commerce, which was the focus of the colonists.

   But in another place, in the deep mountains of the west, another squad of thousands of people also started their aggressive journey.

   The leader of this colonial aggressor bacteria was the colonizer of the country called the "Nation that does not set the sun" at that time. Their purpose was to occupy one of the vast provinces of Yan Guo: Tubo.

   Due to geographical restrictions, the relationship between Tufan and the central government of Yan Guo has not been very close. However, this land has strict religious beliefs and abundant natural resources.

   Among the thousands of invading bacteria, there is a small team following them

   Most of the members of this team are scholars, professors, and explorers. They didn't have guns in their hands, but they caused no less damage than guns.

   These scholars and professors came for a long-standing legend in the Himalayas.

  According to legend, at the foot of the Himalayas, the dragon veins of the Yan nationality are located in a high building, overlooking the entire Shenzhou land.

  From the perspective of geography, the terrain of Yan Country is high in the northwest and low in the southeast. Distributed in steps. The current melts from the snow-capped mountains in the northwest and then flows into the ocean in the southeast.

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